Zimmerman Brother: Obama 'Bullied' My Family

Do you know anything about the case? Should people be allowed to kill others because of suspicion alone and have no consequence for it? If Zimmerman walks I wouldn't think badly about Martin's family if they went after some vigilante justice. Imagine if that was your kid.

Ziimmerman stopped following Trayvon. He was attacked. And Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense.

Martin was no angel.

Zimmerman left his vehicle for better pursuit. He was advised by the police that he had just called not to follow the suspect. I'll repeat again: doesn't the NRA teach "responsible" gun owners not to do that?

Zimmerman was an idiot. But once Trayvon bashed his head in and broke his nose.

Bang. Over.
Do you know anything about the case? Should people be allowed to kill others because of suspicion alone and have no consequence for it? If Zimmerman walks I wouldn't think badly about Martin's family if they went after some vigilante justice. Imagine if that was your kid.

Ziimmerman stopped following Trayvon. He was attacked. And Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense.

Martin was no angel.

Zimmerman left his vehicle for better pursuit. He was advised by the police that he had just called not to follow the suspect. I'll repeat again: doesn't the NRA teach "responsible" gun owners not to do that?

Zimmerman is a responsible gun owner, I have no idea if he is a member of the NRA. I doubt it. But he was legally licensed to carry his legal firearm and he used it legally in self-defense.
Exclusive—Zimmerman Brother: Obama 'Bullied' My Family​

by Ben Shapiro
5 Feb 2013

George Zimmerman was back in court today for a hearing on the start date for his trial on murder charges. Zimmerman, of course, was the Hispanic neighborhood watchman in Sanford, Florida, who trailed a young black man named Trayvon Martin after calling 911, got into an altercation with Martin in which Martin ended up pounding Zimmerman’s head into the pavement, and then ended up shooting Martin in the chest. The media used the Zimmerman case as an opportunity to bully Americans over their supposed racial intolerance. Even the President of the United States weighed in in the midst of an election cycle, suggesting that if he had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin.

Breitbart News had the opportunity to sit down for a one-on-one interview with George’s brother, Robert, in Los Angeles. Excerpts of that interview played tonight on Fox News’ Hannity.

Robert went further: “I don’t think a white president would have been able to get away with the same thing from the Rose Garden in an election season.”


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Exclusive?Zimmerman Brother: Obama 'Bullied' My Family

I couldn't imagine that family's horror of this President interfering in a police case from the Rose Garden.

Much like he did when he spoke out about Professor Gates incendiary charges of racism against that police man.

Yeah, isn't that something! Kind of like the guy with the UTube video being blamed for Benghazi. I wonder when that poor SOB will see the light of day again.
I think he did good myself. A fine shot too.

Do you know anything about the case? Should people be allowed to kill others because of suspicion alone and have no consequence for it? If Zimmerman walks I wouldn't think badly about Martin's family if they went after some vigilante justice. Imagine if that was your kid.
if you attack a neighborhood watch you should be killed !!
Zimmerman was an idiot. But once Trayvon bashed his head in and broke his nose.

Bang. Over.

Someone is dead because he was an idiot. No one ever wonders if Trayvon himself was using self-defense because some creep was following him. A child is dead because of him and many people call him a hero. It's disgusting.

I'll say this again too: If it were my kid I'd be looking for some vigilante justice.
The facts show Zimmerman was attacked by Martin and was getting his head beat into the ground when the shot was fired in self defense.

Yes, I have been following the case and the evidence clearly shows that Martin attacked Zimmerman and was damaging him when he was killed in self-defense.

Specifically what facts would those be that show who attacked who? (Note, being on the losing end of fight does not mean that the other person necessarily started the fight.)

(BTW - I've been following the case since the beginning also and there has been no evidence released by the prosecution or made public by the defense which indicates clearly who started the altercation.)

Zimmerman was an idiot. But once Trayvon bashed his head in and broke his nose.

Bang. Over.

Someone is dead because he was an idiot. No one ever wonders if Trayvon himself was using self-defense because some creep was following him. A child is dead because of him and many people call him a hero. It's disgusting.

I'll say this again too: If it were my kid I'd be looking for some vigilante justice.

The evidence shows that Zimmerman was attacked by Martin. How do you feel about that attack?
Do you know anything about the case? Should people be allowed to kill others because of suspicion alone and have no consequence for it? If Zimmerman walks I wouldn't think badly about Martin's family if they went after some vigilante justice. Imagine if that was your kid.

Ziimmerman stopped following Trayvon. He was attacked. And Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense.

Martin was no angel.

Zimmerman left his vehicle for better pursuit. He was advised by the police that he had just called not to follow the suspect. I'll repeat again: doesn't the NRA teach "responsible" gun owners not to do that?

You should take the time and read the transcript of the 911 call. When the operator told him "we don't need you to do that" Zimmerman went back to his car to meet the police that 911 was going to send.

He got attacked by Martin and shot in self defense.

And what the hell does the NRA have to do with the OP?

Let's get back on track here and not derail the thread which is against the rules.

The OP is about the betrayal the family felt when Mr. High and Mighty I know everything had to spout off in the Rose Garden about an ongoing police investigation.

Comment on the OP.
Zimmerman is a responsible gun owner

You know this because you're such good friends? I'm pretty sure "if you're a civilian and see suspicious activity, ready your firearm and purse the suspect" is not one of the tenets of responsible gun ownership.

I already explained how I know this, it's posted to this thread. Edit to ad: Wow, you cut the explanation of of the quote heh

Ziimmerman stopped following Trayvon. He was attacked. And Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense.

Martin was no angel.

Zimmerman left his vehicle for better pursuit. He was advised by the police that he had just called not to follow the suspect. I'll repeat again: doesn't the NRA teach "responsible" gun owners not to do that?

Zimmerman is a responsible gun owner, I have no idea if he is a member of the NRA. I doubt it. But he was legally licensed to carry his legal firearm and he used it legally in self-defense.
Last edited:
The OP is about the betrayal the family felt when Mr. High and Mighty I know everything had to spout off in the Rose Garden about an ongoing police investigation.

Comment on the OP.

Fine. Poor Zimmerman family getting harassed by the government. That's as bad as losing a child in the family. Obama shouldn't comment on any public news stories ever again.
You should take the time and read the transcript of the 911 call. When the operator told him "we don't need you to do that" Zimmerman went back to his car to meet the police that 911 was going to send.

Time distance analysis based on distances from where the truck was parked and what Zimmerman in his own statements made that night and in the video reenactment the next day show that is not true.

Seconds after getting out of the truck he was told by the dispatcher that he did not need to pursue the individual, Zimmerman did not stop, he continued to move away from the truck and behind the houses. He says to proceed to Retreat View Circle on the other side of the houses to find an address.

He got attacked by Martin and shot in self defense.

What forensic evidence or witness saw who started the fight?

Zimmerman could have diffused the situation before it became volatile - so why didn't he?

He did. He was heading back to his truck and was waiting for the police when Martin attacked him. Look at the evidence, they know what happened.
You should take the time and read the transcript of the 911 call. When the operator told him "we don't need you to do that" Zimmerman went back to his car to meet the police that 911 was going to send.

Time distance analysis based on distances from where the truck was parked and what Zimmerman in his own statements made that night and in the video reenactment the next day show that is not true.

Seconds after getting out of the truck he was told by the dispatcher that he did not need to pursue the individual, Zimmerman did not stop, he continued to move away from the truck and behind the houses. He says to proceed to Retreat View Circle on the other side of the houses to find an address.

He got attacked by Martin and shot in self defense.

What forensic evidence or witness saw who started the fight?


Oh gawd, this again. :clap2:

Heh, this guy mapped it out with Google maps and did some measurements at home and thinks that he knows more then the police investigators on the scene know.
I already explained how I know this, it's posted to this thread.

I'm pretty sure "if you're a civilian and see suspicious activity, ready your firearm and purse the suspect" is not one of the tenets of responsible gun ownership.


Zimmerman is a responsible gun owner, I have no idea if he is a member of the NRA. I doubt it. But he was legally licensed to carry his legal firearm and he used it legally in self-defense.

That's the third and last time I post it for you. Try reading the thread maybe..

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