Zimmerman Brother: Obama 'Bullied' My Family

Nope, I have McAfee and it warned me. It also said...

"When we visited this site, we found it exhibited one or more risky behaviors."

Yeah, that could be from a banner through their advertising broker. They usually find it pretty quickly. It's not malicious just an error.

Personally, I think everything on Breitbart is "malicious"...

Of course you do. Breitbart has facts to report.
Do you know anything about the case? Should people be allowed to kill others because of suspicion alone and have no consequence for it? If Zimmerman walks I wouldn't think badly about Martin's family if they went after some vigilante justice. Imagine if that was your kid.

Ziimmerman stopped following Trayvon. He was attacked. And Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense.

Martin was no angel.

Zimmerman left his vehicle for better pursuit. He was advised by the police that he had just called not to follow the suspect. I'll repeat again: doesn't the NRA teach "responsible" gun owners not to do that?
Since when is a 911 operator an authority on pursuit?
They wold tell this to a person that had just witnessed a criminal taking stuff from the caller's home.
If the story that Martin was beating on Zimmerman, then the kid was shot in self defense. Therefore this whole case is a liberal railroad job.
IN fact, I believe if martin were not black, this story would have never gained the mileage it has. The PC Main stream media would have ignored it and so would have the president.
Instead we have institutional racism practiced by liberals.
It was posted over and over again often just for you.

No it wasn't.

What's so difficult?

Was it forensic evidence?
Was it something in the autopsy report?
Was there a witness that who provided a statement not released in the public disclosure who now says they saw who attacked who?

Why dodge?


What may be interesting is GPS data that the persecution has unlocked from Martin's phone. O'Mara (Zimmerman's lawyer) indicated the data might show Martin's movements within 10 feet. (http://articles.orlandosentinel.com...n-mark-o-mara-assistant-state-attorney-bernie)

If so...

It could be major break for Zimmerman if it shows that Martin approached Zimmerman at the "T" intersection of the East/West sidewalk.

On the other hand...

It could blow a big whole in Zimmerman's story if it shows that Martin remained down the "T" sidewalk near where the body was located. That would mean that Zimmerman lied to police about not following Martin down the sidewalk.

I don't know. Simple as that. It will depend on what the data shows.

And what evidence is there that shows without a doubt that Martin attacked Zimmerman?

What forensic evidence shows this? Has there been a new witness that has come forward that shows who attacked who?

Honestly, what is the "evidence" and "facts" that exist that show without a doubt that Martin attacked Zimmerman.


It's now common knowledge and if you would take off your self imposed blinders you would admit that you have already read it. We went through all of this before, over and over again. All of the evidence was presented many times and you denied it every single time. I think it turned out if I recall correctly that you are a black guy with your race blinders firmly attached.

I've read the evidence that has been made available to the public, that's how I knew you wouldn't be able to present any independent forensic or witness statement that actually established who attacked who.

And no it (evidence that definitively showed who attacked who) has not been presented, not even once. If it's "common knowledge" and has been presented "many times" then why not bring it out.

Let's take an example that has been presented. To paraphrase "Look at Zimmerman's head, he had cuts on the back and a bloody nose." See that dosen't prove that Martin stated the fight, all it proves is that Zimmerman was loosing the fight, that's simply the application of logic.


Actually I'm a white guy in my 50's. The difference between us might be that I look at evidence and deduce an outcome, if the evidence is indeterminant than I say "I don't know". It appears on the other hand that you decide on an outcome or condition and then either make up evidence and facts or ignore evidence contrary to your preconceived desire.

Of course of course you could prove me wrong. Just layout the independent forensic evidence or witness statement that shows that Martin attacked Zimmerman in those roughly 60 seconds between the end of the girlfriends phone call and Officer (IIRC) Smith arriving on scene. And no, Zimmerman's statement as the shooter does not establish Martins actions as fact. The fact is that Zimmerman is already on tape showing a willingness to lie to the court. No, Zimmerman's head lacerations and bloody nose do not show who attacked whom. No, witness statements that indicate Martin was on top after the fight started show who attacked whom.


Did Martin attack Zimmerman? I don't know.

Did Zimmerman attack Martin? I don't know.

There is no evidence at this point that proves it either way. In my current opinion did Zimmerman commit Murder 2? Not based on the evidence released so far because it lacks an important component in that Zimmerman showed no "depraved disregard for human life".


Jesus dude we went over and over and over this thru a few weeks time. The evidence was presented to you..what 25 times and you denied it every time. I'm not playing this time maybe someone else will come by and play your game with you but I opt out this time. Geez.
That isn't true. WW is absolutely correct and you seem to be wallowing in confirmation bias. There has been no evidence presented as to who started the fight.
Yeah, I read that interview myself. It turns out the Zimmerman is registered as an Hispanic with the Democratic party and voted for Obama. He also works with Black kids trying to help educate those who want some help. What an awful despicable white guy that Obama, the media and Left-wing nutters in general has pounced all over!

Zimmerman is a despicable man. He went after an unarmed person who was minding his own business in a place he had every right to be. Zimmerman created a situation and an altercation, and he, armed, killed an unarmed man who was only minding his own business until Zimmerman interfered with him. And, this person he killed was not even an adult.

Zimmerman has also lied to the court about his assets. He is despicable.
Yeah, I read that interview myself. It turns out the Zimmerman is registered as an Hispanic with the Democratic party and voted for Obama. He also works with Black kids trying to help educate those who want some help. What an awful despicable white guy that Obama, the media and Left-wing nutters in general has pounced all over!

Zimmerman is a despicable man. He went after an unarmed person who was minding his own business in a place he had every right to be. Zimmerman created a situation and an altercation, and he, armed, killed an unarmed man who was only minding his own business until Zimmerman interfered with him. And, this person he killed was not even an adult.

Zimmerman has also lied to the court about his assets. He is despicable.

There isn't a shred of credible evidence to support any part of that scenario.
Now they also know without a doubt that Martin attacked Zimmerman.
No one except Zimmerman knows who attacked whom, and he's a proven liar.

As far as Obama commenting on the death of Martin: I guess it is okay for him to comment on the deaths of the mostly white children killed in the CT school shooting, and to express his sorrow as a father, but it is not okay for him to express similar sorry in the death of a black child.

God, this site has to have the most racists I have ever experienced in any one place. What slimy sewage gutters did you all crawl out of?
Yeah, I read that interview myself. It turns out the Zimmerman is registered as an Hispanic with the Democratic party and voted for Obama. He also works with Black kids trying to help educate those who want some help. What an awful despicable white guy that Obama, the media and Left-wing nutters in general has pounced all over!

Zimmerman is a despicable man. He went after an unarmed person who was minding his own business in a place he had every right to be. Zimmerman created a situation and an altercation, and he, armed, killed an unarmed man who was only minding his own business until Zimmerman interfered with him. And, this person he killed was not even an adult.

Zimmerman has also lied to the court about his assets. He is despicable.

There isn't a shred of credible evidence to support any part of that scenario.
LMAO Are you a fucking idiot? This is all fucking documented. We KNOW he lied to the court about his assets, and the judge revoked his bond. Zimmerman admitted he lied to the court. We know from the phone recordings that Zimmerman trailed Martin and ignored the 911 operator telling him not to pursue but Zimmerman continued to do so. It's on the recording. We know Martin was unarmed and was simply walking home from the mini mart. All of that is clearly documented. We know Zimmerman was armed and Martin was unarmed. How can you possibly say "There isn't a shred of credible evidence to support any part of that scenario."? You are ridiculous.
Zimmerman is a despicable man. He went after an unarmed person who was minding his own business in a place he had every right to be. Zimmerman created a situation and an altercation, and he, armed, killed an unarmed man who was only minding his own business until Zimmerman interfered with him. And, this person he killed was not even an adult.

Zimmerman has also lied to the court about his assets. He is despicable.

There isn't a shred of credible evidence to support any part of that scenario.
LMAO Are you a fucking idiot? This is all fucking documented. We KNOW he lied to the court about his assets, and the judge revoked his bond. Zimmerman admitted he lied to the court. We know from the phone recordings that Zimmerman trailed Martin and ignored the 911 operator telling him not to pursue but Zimmerman continued to do so. It's on the recording. We know Martin was unarmed and was simply walking home from the mini mart. All of that is clearly documented. We know Zimmerman was armed and Martin was unarmed. How can you possibly say "There isn't a shred of credible evidence to support any part of that scenario."? You are ridiculous.

ya...we know Zimmerman was armed and Martin wasn't....that's all we really know! Were you there? You should know by now you can't believe everything that was reported...but again you probably believe everything you hear!

And...the 911 operator never told him NOT to persue Martin, they said "you don't have to do that". It was not an ORDER! I love how the left just suck in everything they WANT to hear and condemn a person when they don't know the whole truth. But that's expected of you.
There isn't a shred of credible evidence to support any part of that scenario.
LMAO Are you a fucking idiot? This is all fucking documented. We KNOW he lied to the court about his assets, and the judge revoked his bond. Zimmerman admitted he lied to the court. We know from the phone recordings that Zimmerman trailed Martin and ignored the 911 operator telling him not to pursue but Zimmerman continued to do so. It's on the recording. We know Martin was unarmed and was simply walking home from the mini mart. All of that is clearly documented. We know Zimmerman was armed and Martin was unarmed. How can you possibly say "There isn't a shred of credible evidence to support any part of that scenario."? You are ridiculous.

ya...we know Zimmerman was armed and Martin wasn't....that's all we really know! Were you there? You should know by now you can't believe everything that was reported...but again you probably believe everything you hear!

And...the 911 operator never told him NOT to persue Martin, they said "you don't have to do that". It was not an ORDER! I love how the left just suck in everything they WANT to hear and condemn a person when they don't know the whole truth. But that's expected of you.

if Martin was white this would be a non-story
Exclusive—Zimmerman Brother: Obama 'Bullied' My Family​

by Ben Shapiro
5 Feb 2013

George Zimmerman was back in court today for a hearing on the start date for his trial on murder charges. Zimmerman, of course, was the Hispanic neighborhood watchman in Sanford, Florida, who trailed a young black man named Trayvon Martin after calling 911, got into an altercation with Martin in which Martin ended up pounding Zimmerman’s head into the pavement, and then ended up shooting Martin in the chest. The media used the Zimmerman case as an opportunity to bully Americans over their supposed racial intolerance. Even the President of the United States weighed in in the midst of an election cycle, suggesting that if he had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin.

Breitbart News had the opportunity to sit down for a one-on-one interview with George’s brother, Robert, in Los Angeles. Excerpts of that interview played tonight on Fox News’ Hannity.

Robert went further: “I don’t think a white president would have been able to get away with the same thing from the Rose Garden in an election season.”


Read more:
Exclusive?Zimmerman Brother: Obama 'Bullied' My Family

Who cares what that psychotic little murderer has to say?
Exclusive—Zimmerman Brother: Obama 'Bullied' My Family​

by Ben Shapiro
5 Feb 2013

George Zimmerman was back in court today for a hearing on the start date for his trial on murder charges. Zimmerman, of course, was the Hispanic neighborhood watchman in Sanford, Florida, who trailed a young black man named Trayvon Martin after calling 911, got into an altercation with Martin in which Martin ended up pounding Zimmerman’s head into the pavement, and then ended up shooting Martin in the chest. The media used the Zimmerman case as an opportunity to bully Americans over their supposed racial intolerance. Even the President of the United States weighed in in the midst of an election cycle, suggesting that if he had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin.

Breitbart News had the opportunity to sit down for a one-on-one interview with George’s brother, Robert, in Los Angeles. Excerpts of that interview played tonight on Fox News’ Hannity.

Robert went further: “I don’t think a white president would have been able to get away with the same thing from the Rose Garden in an election season.”


Read more:
Exclusive?Zimmerman Brother: Obama 'Bullied' My Family

Why is this news?

Liberals using murdered children to spread hate and tyranny is nothing new.
"Now that the State has released the majority of their discovery, the defense asserts that there is clear support for a strong claim of self-defense. Consistent with this claim of self-defense, there will be a 'Stand Your Ground' hearing," said O'Mara in a statement.

From the above link.
"Now that the State has released the majority of their discovery, the defense asserts that there is clear support for a strong claim of self-defense. Consistent with this claim of self-defense, there will be a 'Stand Your Ground' hearing," said O'Mara in a statement.

From the above link.
Well, of course the defense would say that there is 'clear support for a strong claim of self defense.' Duh.
Exclusive—Zimmerman Brother: Obama 'Bullied' My Family​

by Ben Shapiro
5 Feb 2013

George Zimmerman was back in court today for a hearing on the start date for his trial on murder charges. Zimmerman, of course, was the Hispanic neighborhood watchman in Sanford, Florida, who trailed a young black man named Trayvon Martin after calling 911, got into an altercation with Martin in which Martin ended up pounding Zimmerman’s head into the pavement, and then ended up shooting Martin in the chest. The media used the Zimmerman case as an opportunity to bully Americans over their supposed racial intolerance. Even the President of the United States weighed in in the midst of an election cycle, suggesting that if he had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin.

Breitbart News had the opportunity to sit down for a one-on-one interview with George’s brother, Robert, in Los Angeles. Excerpts of that interview played tonight on Fox News’ Hannity.

Robert went further: “I don’t think a white president would have been able to get away with the same thing from the Rose Garden in an election season.”


Read more:
Exclusive?Zimmerman Brother: Obama 'Bullied' My Family

Why is this news?

Liberals using murdered children to spread hate and tyranny is nothing new.

Zimmerman murdered a kid.

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