Zimmerman charges dropped again

"Outstanding!........No Charges For George Zimmerman In New Domestic Violence Case"

The goal is to not be arrested for domestic violence in the first place.

That avoiding charges of domestic violence is perceived as a 'victory' is both sad and telling.

Note that being arrested does not mean one is guilty of anything, Zimmerman is innocent of any wrongdoing and no one is saying otherwise.
yes leftist groupthink mandates that

Actually, its the RWs here who defending gz while condemning Clinton.

Fact is, you dunderheads ALWAYS support RW criminals. ALWAYS.

Now, quit trying so desperately to change the subject. If you wanna yammer about Clinton, go start a thread.
Zimmerman is actually a white Mexican liberal.

Knee jerk nonsense from you, as usual.

You're wrong, as usual, but his race/politics have nothing to do with his crimes.
I guess you didn't get the memo, but Zimmerman is a democrat.

I think we kicked his sorry ass out... :D
No I think he ditched your sorry asses, after you tried and convicted him before his trial. You do know Martin was a homophobe?
Actually, its the RWs here who defending gz while condemning Clinton.

Fact is, you dunderheads ALWAYS support RW criminals. ALWAYS.

Now, quit trying so desperately to change the subject. If you wanna yammer about Clinton, go start a thread.
Zimmerman is actually a white Mexican liberal.

Knee jerk nonsense from you, as usual.

You're wrong, as usual, but his race/politics have nothing to do with his crimes.
I guess you didn't get the memo, but Zimmerman is a democrat.

I think we kicked his sorry ass out... :D

Zimmerman was supposedly a Democrat. If that's true, I highly doubt he is anymore. I'm surprised Fox doesn't have a slot for the Zimmerman show. LOL!
Actually, its the RWs here who defending gz while condemning Clinton.

Fact is, you dunderheads ALWAYS support RW criminals. ALWAYS.

Now, quit trying so desperately to change the subject. If you wanna yammer about Clinton, go start a thread.
Zimmerman is actually a white Mexican liberal.

Knee jerk nonsense from you, as usual.

You're wrong, as usual, but his race/politics have nothing to do with his crimes.
I guess you didn't get the memo, but Zimmerman is a democrat.

I think we kicked his sorry ass out... :D
No I think he ditched your sorry asses, after you tried and convicted him before his trial. You do know Martin was a homophobe?

I wasn't on the jury, lucky for Zimmerman...true.

All his support came from racist RW gun toting fools, so good riddance.
Here is another hero.
The righties did more than just support Zimmerman. They sent him reward money for killing a black Skittle eating teen. A teen that turned on his stalker not knowing that the fat little goon was a cowardly gun pussy.
The righties did more than just support Zimmerman. They sent him reward money for killing a black Skittle eating teen. A teen that turned on his stalker not knowing that the fat little goon was a cowardly gun pussy.

Their is no such thing as a black Skittle.
Trayvon turned on his stalker as he should have. He didn`t know that his stalker was a gun pussy.

No, you CANNOT attack someone for watching you, you call the police yourself, you do not ambush them and take matters into your own hands.

He wasn't "watching" him, he was stalking him, even after the police dispatcher told him there was no need for him to follow.

Yep. Chased the kid down and started a fight with him. He outweighed Trayvon and he was armed. It was never a fair fight.

Zimmerman is a waste of space thug who will keep on doing this until he finally gets stopped - either by a prosecutor that isn't in daddy's pocket or another killing.
Actually, its the RWs here who defending gz while condemning Clinton.

Fact is, you dunderheads ALWAYS support RW criminals. ALWAYS.

Now, quit trying so desperately to change the subject. If you wanna yammer about Clinton, go start a thread.
Zimmerman is actually a white Mexican liberal.

Knee jerk nonsense from you, as usual.

You're wrong, as usual, but his race/politics have nothing to do with his crimes.
I guess you didn't get the memo, but Zimmerman is a democrat.

I think we kicked his sorry ass out... :D
No I think he ditched your sorry asses, after you tried and convicted him before his trial. You do know Martin was a homophobe?

Are you saying that Zimmerman chased him down and killed him because gz is gay and -- what?

IOW, that's a really dumb comment you made.
Trayvon turned on his stalker as he should have. He didn`t know that his stalker was a gun pussy.

No, you CANNOT attack someone for watching you, you call the police yourself, you do not ambush them and take matters into your own hands.

He wasn't "watching" him, he was stalking him, even after the police dispatcher told him there was no need for him to follow.

Yep. Chased the kid down and started a fight with him. He outweighed Trayvon and he was armed. It was never a fair fight.

Zimmerman is a waste of space thug who will keep on doing this until he finally gets stopped - either by a prosecutor that isn't in daddy's pocket or another killing.

No, Zimmerman is not a fighter, Martin was. Zim was bigger by virtue of his beer belly.
yeah , heard yesterday that Zims woman was setting him free and I was glad to see the news . Zim oughta haunt the public gun ranges where he is likely to get support and maybe find a real girl friend .
About 20 years ago, I had someone threaten me with a gun. Twenty years before that, I had someone threaten me with in knife. Based on neither incident did I respond by becoming pro-gun. I don't think the average person needs to own guns, much less carry one around with them.
Exatcly 23 years ago I was threaten by men without guns....my gun saved my children's lives as well as mine.

Do shut up.
You're very ignorant and not following the thread. I was responding to a post that asked me if I thought the women GZ has conflicts with should have guns.
You're a dishonest twit.
If he's been accused numerous time, but the charges were dropped, then fuck it: he MUST be guilty.

So sayeth the liberals. Fuck the fact that he started with and ended up with the presumption of innocence. The mere fact that he got charged more than once somehow means he just "must" be guilty.

Gotta love these modern day American liberals.
If he's been accused numerous time, but the charges were dropped, then fuck it: he MUST be guilty.

So sayeth the liberals. Fuck the fact that he started with and ended up with the presumption of innocence. The mere fact that he got charged more than once somehow means he just "must" be guilty.

Gotta love these modern day American liberals.
I am not a liberal, and I agree with the verdict in the TM case, however, GZ must be a stupid idiot to keep putting himself in the position of being arrested for domestic violence. Actually, I knew he was an idiot after seeing him interviewed by Sean Hanity. When asked if he would do anything different concerning Travon he said no! Hell! If I were given a chance of having a "Ground Hog Day" do-over after a day like that, I would say that I would spend the day in bed or something. GZ is an idiot.
How exciting another Zimmerman thread.

Zimmerman is a nut, big deal.

Good grief the left is so obsessed with this guy.

How many more threads on this latest nothing story?
I expect a new thread to pop up the next time he`s arrested....and he will be. You think? He`s more than a nut, he`s a nut that took a kids` life and got away with it only because Florida has a "right to shoot an unarmed man" law.
The interest people have in him is that he got away with murder and he is clearly someone who is violent and psychotic. He is another OJ Simpson, and some day it's going to catch up with him, as it did with OJ. We pay attention to him because we are waiting to see that happen: that he gets what he deserves.
And there we have absolute PROOF you are obsessed with an INNOCENT man. To remind you pea brain retard, he was found NOT GUILTY of Murder BY a JURY of his peers. That means since one is innocent till proven guilty he is innocent. Yet here you are claiming otherwise.

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