Zimmerman charges dropped again

About 20 years ago, I had someone threaten me with a gun. Twenty years before that, I had someone threaten me with in knife. Based on neither incident did I respond by becoming pro-gun. I don't think the average person needs to own guns, much less carry one around with them.
In the Cosby thread, you told us how you'd also talked your way out of a rape.

You seem to conveniently have a personal anecdote for everything.

I call bullshit.


more like OCD

I've had a lot of experiences. I've had a full life. And when I was 19, I did talk myself out of a rape attempt, with a knife held at my throat. Yep.


you talked yourself out of the unwanted advances of an overly amorous date, but you didn't talk yourself out of a rape at knife point.

Maybe - but more likely you're lying.

You're a woman-hater. Yep, you. Liberal, but a woman-hater.

No it was a complete stranger. Not a date. I hate women? No, I just don't march in lockstep to any party line.

And I don't lie or have to about the life experiences I have had.

I am not going to respond to any more personal attacks, but I will report them. Also not going to respond to off topic posts, and will report them too.
I think they have a full-time mod just for Esmeralda. She gets insulted more than most, but she is particularly ditsy.
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In the Cosby thread, you told us how you'd also talked your way out of a rape.

You seem to conveniently have a personal anecdote for everything.

I call bullshit.


more like OCD

I've had a lot of experiences. I've had a full life. And when I was 19, I did talk myself out of a rape attempt, with a knife held at my throat. Yep.


you talked yourself out of the unwanted advances of an overly amorous date, but you didn't talk yourself out of a rape at knife point.

Maybe - but more likely you're lying.

You're a woman-hater. Yep, you. Liberal, but a woman-hater.

No it was a complete stranger. Not a date. I hate women? No, I just don't march in lockstep to any party line.

And I don't lie or have to about the life experiences I have had.

I am not going to respond to any more personal attacks, but I will report them. Also not going to respond to off topic posts, and will report them too.

As usual, when RWs are wrong, which is ALWAYS, they attack the messenger and/or the source.

FYI, I'm a bleeding heart liberal thug hugging defense attorney, and I think Zimmerman's an abuser and I think Cosby's a serial sex offender, too - because I've worked with victims for over 20 years and I know that where there is that much smoke, there is FIRE.

I just can't stand Esmeralda's bullshit hypocrisy and how she victim blamed in the Cosby thread. She's a stupid, mean-spirited bitch.

Apparently, she's going to 'report me' for expressing that opinion of her.

I've had someone accuse me of throwing bottle at them when I threw it directly on the ground. I got the incident on security camera video and the liar was convicted of perjury.
How many times has this happened to you? Because it happens over and over again to him. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

Apparently Zimmerman is an attention whore who can't control his anger. This won't be the last of him.
Listen to the recording the cops made when they talked to her just minutes after the event. She was upset and not likely lying. She didn't have time to and she was too distraught to be making up stuff at that point.
whatever makes you feel better

fyi; leftist hate obsession with him may very well push him over the edge, and if he does go over, that blood will be on your hands.

Oh sure, he has no control over himself....no personal accountability. What a dope you are.
Listen to the recording the cops made when they talked to her just minutes after the event. She was upset and not likely lying. She didn't have time to and she was too distraught to be making up stuff at that point.
whatever makes you feel better

fyi; leftist hate obsession with him may very well push him over the edge, and if he does go over, that blood will be on your hands.

You're crazy. You know that, right? :rolleyes:
you're obsessed with an innocent man, hanging on his every move

but I'm crazy

yea, doctors have a name for that; projection.

The OP is not the one who keeps appearing in newspapers. (eye roll)
Made any sweeping accusations lately? You don't know anything about me or my perspective on the world. What I do know, and it's not from the media but from knowledge of sociology and psychology, are the characteristics of men who are domestic abusers. The incident he was most recently engaged in is one of a series of domestic abuse incidents in which he has been involved. How can you question that? Don't you know his history. And, btw, I am not a 'media groupie.' I don't even live in the States and rarely pay attention to US media. As well, a feminist is someone who believes in equal rights for men and women: you are probably a feminist. LOL

I believe in equal rights -- not special rights. I know you through our interactions and I understand that despite me always treating you with respect, you took the first opportunity available to side with gals over me with absolutely no information available.

Sociology? Isn't that a study often pursued by athletes, so they don't have to actually pay attention in class?

Who doesn't have an understanding of these subjects once you reach my age? Especially with the amount of time that I have spent in institutions and the mental health system.

I don't know his (Zimmermans) history? Who doesn't?
Sociology is one of the human sciences. The human sciences are no more for the weak minded than the hard sciences; they are just another of the scientific disciplines. Actually, people who look down their noses at the human sciences, the arts, philosophy, etc., are generally people with very narrow world views and lacking in perspective regarding human history and human behavior.

Before Zimmerman became notorious, he had several domestic violence situations, ones that were also reported to the police. He has a history of domestic violence that goes back to before the encounter with Martin. So, no, I don't think in respect to these more current events the women are taking advantage of his notoriety. I think it is a pattern that has occurred and is re-occurring in his adult life. He has rage, and he goes 'off.' One day it is likely to result in another tragedy, and he will end up in jail, where millions of people believe he belongs.

There is a pattern of no convictions, alright.
The interest people have in him is that he got away with murder and he is clearly someone who is violent and psychotic. He is another OJ Simpson, and some day it's going to catch up with him, as it did with OJ. We pay attention to him because we are waiting to see that happen: that he gets what he deserves.

Horseshit, the interest in Zimm is the wing-nuts who can't let this go, who will not abide in the courts decisions in this matter and the fact that his skin is light, thereby making him a "white Hispanic," whatever the hell THAT is supposed to mean...

No one is forcing Zimmerman to act violent and get himself in the news. No one brings him up unless he does something to get back in the spotlight.
I've had someone accuse me of throwing bottle at them when I threw it directly on the ground. I got the incident on security camera video and the liar was convicted of perjury.
How many times has this happened to you? Because it happens over and over again to him. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

Bad analogy. We know smoke comes from fire, but we don't know whether 4 accusations or 100 accusations are true unless they are proven true. Could it be that women involved with Zimmerman take advantage of his fame to blame him for things he didn't do when they get mad at him? That's perfectly possible, but you are a liberal, so you have to pretend you know the truth.

I'm curious, do you feel the same about Bill Cosby?
People are most likely to say what happened the closer to the incident. That's not a mistake: that is backed up by psychology. He said she threw the bottle after she accused him of throwing it: as always, he claims the other person did what he actually did (same thing with his encounter with Martin). He has repeatedly shown rage and disregard for the safety of others. And finally, it may be that the woman is not the one to prosecute, but the authorities know without the woman supporting a prosecution, they are unlikely to win.

I haven't made any mistakes. You have misinterpreted the situation.

Testimony from a man who actually witnessed the shooting saw Martin on top of Zimmerman pounding on him. So, you are wrong to claim that Zim did what he accused Martin of. He (Zim) defended his own life.

But Martin didn't have a right to stand his ground? After all, he was being stalked by an armed man, and he was only guilty of walking home.
Trayvon turned on his stalker as he should have. He didn`t know that his stalker was a gun pussy.

No, you CANNOT attack someone for watching you, you call the police yourself, you do not ambush them and take matters into your own hands.

He wasn't "watching" him, he was stalking him, even after the police dispatcher told him there was no need for him to follow.
About 20 years ago, I had someone threaten me with a gun. Twenty years before that, I had someone threaten me with in knife. Based on neither incident did I respond by becoming pro-gun. I don't think the average person needs to own guns, much less carry one around with them.
Exatcly 23 years ago I was threaten by men without guns....my gun saved my children's lives as well as mine.

Do shut up.
You're very ignorant and not following the thread. I was responding to a post that asked me if I thought the women GZ has conflicts with should have guns.
I've had someone accuse me of throwing bottle at them when I threw it directly on the ground. I got the incident on security camera video and the liar was convicted of perjury.
How many times has this happened to you? Because it happens over and over again to him. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

Oh really? Then why did you continue to doubt Bill Cosby's guilt when nearly 30 women had accused him of sexual assault?

I've been ordered by one of the libs that I'm not supposed to disagree, on the open forum, with other libs. You didn't get the memo? It shows a lack of unity. Better get with the program. (this is sarcasm btw--but true I was told not to attack or disagree with other libs on the open forum)

So liberals actually tell each other this? I'm glad I'm not a sheeple.
Women should avoid GZ like the plague. I wonder if the women that shack up with him think they can fix him.
About 20 years ago, I had someone threaten me with a gun. Twenty years before that, I had someone threaten me with in knife. Based on neither incident did I respond by becoming pro-gun. I don't think the average person needs to own guns, much less carry one around with them.
In the Cosby thread, you told us how you'd also talked your way out of a rape.

You seem to conveniently have a personal anecdote for everything.

I call bullshit.


more like OCD

I've had a lot of experiences. I've had a full life. And when I was 19, I did talk myself out of a rape attempt, with a knife held at my throat. Yep.


you talked yourself out of the unwanted advances of an overly amorous date, but you didn't talk yourself out of a rape at knife point.

Maybe - but more likely you're lying.

You're a woman-hater. Yep, you. Liberal, but a woman-hater.


I have no idea where the hell that came from.
But a sexual predator like Clinton you totally support.

yes leftist groupthink mandates that

Actually, its the RWs here who defending gz while condemning Clinton.

Fact is, you dunderheads ALWAYS support RW criminals. ALWAYS.

Now, quit trying so desperately to change the subject. If you wanna yammer about Clinton, go start a thread.
Zimmerman is actually a white Mexican liberal.

Knee jerk nonsense from you, as usual.

You're wrong, as usual, but his race/politics have nothing to do with his crimes.
I guess you didn't get the memo, but Zimmerman is a democrat.

I think we kicked his sorry ass out... :D
yes leftist groupthink mandates that

Actually, its the RWs here who defending gz while condemning Clinton.

Fact is, you dunderheads ALWAYS support RW criminals. ALWAYS.

Now, quit trying so desperately to change the subject. If you wanna yammer about Clinton, go start a thread.
Zimmerman is actually a white Mexican liberal.

Knee jerk nonsense from you, as usual.

You're wrong, as usual, but his race/politics have nothing to do with his crimes.
I guess you didn't get the memo, but Zimmerman is a democrat.

I think we kicked his sorry ass out... :D

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