Zimmerman charges dropped again

There is a difference between allegations and fact. In all of the Zimmerman instances, we have him admitting to being involved in the domestic incidents. It is a completely different thing that the 30 years later allegations about Cosby where we don't even know if he had anything to do with any of those women. The women who had problems with Zimmerman called the police immediately. Evidence exists. Zimmerman does not deny being involved in these incidents. What he does is say it is the other person who was violent. Every time, he says it was the other person who was violent, whether it is Martin or one of a serious of women he was involved. He always says it was the other person who was violent.

ANYONE can call the police and say whatever garbage they want to say, it does not prove a thing.

Well, there you go then. You've just supported my position regarding Bill Cosby. Anyone can say anything. What makes it more reasonable to believe something has happened is when the complaint comes during or right after the event. It's also more compelling when the person making that call has nothing to gain except their own immediate safey.

If I remember this one correctly, he had broken her cell phone and she was running away from him when the police stopped her.
This most current one, from January 9th I think it was? They were cohabiting. They had an argument over something. She wanted to leave and she said she took a painting of his and he wanted it back. In the course of the argument, she says he threw both a wine bottle and the painting at her. She was fleeing his the house/apartment, because he was being violent, when the cops stopped her, not because of the incident but because her break light or turn signal or something didn't work. It's all in the original post, and is recorded.

I guess it was one of the other times that he broke a cell phone and smashed an iPad.

There have been so many, they run together.
I think the time you are thinking of, the woman's father was also there and witnessed it; I believe Zimmerman pulled a gun on them.
Your post ^^ is exactly right.

He gets accused of the same thing, over and over.
The women always back down.
He slithers off to find another foolish woman who has the need to be abused.

Pity the woman who stands up to him because he's likely to kill her.

I disagree, these women called the police on him and pressed charges, why did he not retaliate after these charges are dropped? The courts are full of he-said, she-said, petty vindictive, crap cases; there is a MUCH lower bar for arrest, than conviction. This is done to give victims EVERY OPPORTUNITY to prove their case against their alleged attackers.

"...why did he not retaliate after these charges are dropped? ..."

Because he had time to cool off.

No matter what else one believes about him, its obvious that he has anger issues and flies off the handle. There is no reason, besides gz's actions, for these woman, before and since he killed Trayvon, to make the very same accusation, over and over.

The accusation that the women are doing it for money is stupid. Not one of them has tried to cash in on this jerk's notoriety or his popularity among the kkk-crowd.

There's nothing "petty" about getting beat up, having your property destroyed, being threatened with more of the same and its not at all unusual for the victim of domestic abuse to be too afraid of her attacker to press charges.

Zimm beat these women up? Are you out of your mind?

"He had a temper and he became a liability," the man said. "One time this woman was acting a little out of control. She was drunk. George lost his cool and totally overreacted," he said. "It was weird, because he was such a cool guy, but he got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage. She twisted her ankle. Everyone was flipping out."

- See more at: ALECexposed George Zimmerman s Criminal History Includes Alleged Violence and Temper Audio and New Documents PR Watch
Well, I'm not sure whether to believe them. First of all, their being convincing: they are all actresses, I believe. So.... Second, they did not report the incidents when they happened, supposedly because they were worried it would negatively affect their careers. In that case, they sold out their dignity and righteousness for their careers and also, Cosby was never so powerful that he could ruin someone's career. Get real. He was popular, not powerful. And, as a black man, the American public would be far more likely to believe he was a sexual predator than they might be of a white man. The 30 year gap from the time these things happened to the present allegations is also very troubling. And, he is a very wealthy man. There are several who are now suing him in civil court--for money, lots of it presumably.

If you call the police right away, that somehow equates to telling the truth. If you don't speak up, it didn't happen. Got it.
If you wait twenty or thirty years to report it, the likelihood it happened is brought into question. You seem to only see things in extremes. It's one extreme or the other with you.
ANYONE can call the police and say whatever garbage they want to say, it does not prove a thing.

Well, there you go then. You've just supported my position regarding Bill Cosby. Anyone can say anything. What makes it more reasonable to believe something has happened is when the complaint comes during or right after the event. It's also more compelling when the person making that call has nothing to gain except their own immediate safey.

If I remember this one correctly, he had broken her cell phone and she was running away from him when the police stopped her.
This most current one, from January 9th I think it was? They were cohabiting. They had an argument over something. She wanted to leave and she said she took a painting of his and he wanted it back. In the course of the argument, she says he threw both a wine bottle and the painting at her. She was fleeing his the house/apartment, because he was being violent, when the cops stopped her, not because of the incident but because her break light or turn signal or something didn't work. It's all in the original post, and is recorded.

I guess it was one of the other times that he broke a cell phone and smashed an iPad.

There have been so many, they run together.
I think the time you are thinking of, the woman's father was also there and witnessed it; I believe Zimmerman pulled a gun on them.

Its easy to get the many incidents confused. Note that is an old article so doesn't include his most recent "activities".

A list of George Zimmerman's past run-ins with the law.
George Zimmerman won apos t be charged in alleged wine-throwing incident - Orlando Sentinel

According to this and other articles, the charges have been dropped again because the woman does not want to pursue them. Zimmerman seems to repeatedly get involved with women who are natural domestic abuse victims.

In this case, the police stopped the woman's car a few blocks from Z's house, and a few moments after the incident. According to her statement at that time, which is recorded, he did throw a wine bottle at her. That could actually be a deadly weapon. A heavy glass bottle like that could cause a severe injury. But it also shows his rage and his disregard for the safety of others. And it did happen, as the woman spoke of it just a few minutes after it happened. For some reason, like most victims of domestic abuse, these women choose to not prosecute. IMO, no woman in her right mind would have anything to do with this guy.

it must be getting pretty crowded in there ms_hater

ol george is another one who will spend the rest of your life

rent free in your cranium

Well, there you go then. You've just supported my position regarding Bill Cosby. Anyone can say anything. What makes it more reasonable to believe something has happened is when the complaint comes during or right after the event. It's also more compelling when the person making that call has nothing to gain except their own immediate safey.

If I remember this one correctly, he had broken her cell phone and she was running away from him when the police stopped her.
This most current one, from January 9th I think it was? They were cohabiting. They had an argument over something. She wanted to leave and she said she took a painting of his and he wanted it back. In the course of the argument, she says he threw both a wine bottle and the painting at her. She was fleeing his the house/apartment, because he was being violent, when the cops stopped her, not because of the incident but because her break light or turn signal or something didn't work. It's all in the original post, and is recorded.

I guess it was one of the other times that he broke a cell phone and smashed an iPad.

There have been so many, they run together.
I think the time you are thinking of, the woman's father was also there and witnessed it; I believe Zimmerman pulled a gun on them.

Its easy to get the many incidents confused. Note that is an old article so doesn't include his most recent "activities".

A list of George Zimmerman's past run-ins with the law.
Yep. Normal, law abiding people just don't have this many issues with the law.
I've had someone accuse me of throwing bottle at them when I threw it directly on the ground. I got the incident on security camera video and the liar was convicted of perjury.
How many times has this happened to you? Because it happens over and over again to him. Where there is smoke, there is fire.
Oh really? Then why did you continue to doubt Bill Cosby's guilt when nearly 30 women had accused him of sexual assault?

It is a completely different situation. These women have reported the incident as they happened, not 30 years later. As well, Zimmerman is not a wealthy individual who can be sued for a million dollar pay out. And, Zimmerman has never done anything for society whereas Cosby has done a great deal to contribute to society.

Actually, some of the Cosby victims DID report the sexual assaults when they happened - but gutless prosecutors failed to do their jobs.

You hate Zimmerman, you like Cosby. You only apply the presumption of innocence with bias - what a joke.

Isn't gz's father a judge?

The Devil Is in the Details: Zimmerman Charged with Felony Violence

On July 16, 2005, Zimmerman was arrested for felony resisting arrest "with violence" and with "battery" of a law enforcement officer, according to the sworn affidavit filed in the case.

The officer, Paul Fleischman, in the summary of his complaint said that Zimmerman interfered with an arrest of an Orlando bar employee who had been handcuffed and sitting on a curb awaiting transport to county jail. The Division of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms officer said Zimmerman was "obstructing justice."

Zimmerman's Response to a Police Request to Walk Away: "Fuck You"

When the undercover officer showed Zimmerman his badge and asked him to step away, Zimmerman reportedly said, "I don't care who you are." When the officer asked him again to leave, Zimmerman reportedly said, "Fuck you."

The officer stated that when he "attempted to escort Zimmerman away from the interview area, he shrugged away from me, and then pushed my arms away with his hands. After a short struggle with Zimmerman he was placed in handcuffs and detained" for transportation to jail.

The officer said several law enforcement officers witnessed the fight, and that Zimmerman "refused medical treatment." (Zimmerman was also identified as a white male in the affidavit.) His bond was set at $1,000.

Zimmerman was initially charged with a felony in county court and in the process of plea negotiations the case was transferred to a lower court and he was then charged with misdemeanor resisting arrest and pleaded not guilty. Later that year he was accepted into a "pre-trial diversion" program that would allow the charges to be dismissed or not prosecuted ("nolle prosequi").

- See more at: ALECexposed George Zimmerman s Criminal History Includes Alleged Violence and Temper Audio and New Documents PR Watch
George Zimmerman won apos t be charged in alleged wine-throwing incident - Orlando Sentinel

According to this and other articles, the charges have been dropped again because the woman does not want to pursue them. Zimmerman seems to repeatedly get involved with women who are natural domestic abuse victims.

In this case, the police stopped the woman's car a few blocks from Z's house, and a few moments after the incident. According to her statement at that time, which is recorded, he did throw a wine bottle at her. That could actually be a deadly weapon. A heavy glass bottle like that could cause a severe injury. But it also shows his rage and his disregard for the safety of others. And it did happen, as the woman spoke of it just a few minutes after it happened. For some reason, like most victims of domestic abuse, these women choose to not prosecute. IMO, no woman in her right mind would have anything to do with this guy.

it must be getting pretty crowded in there ms_hater

ol george is another one who will spend the rest of your life

rent free in your cranium

Oh God. Hyperbole and one lane thinking again. I never think about him at all except when he is in the news. From one incident to another, the last thing on my mind is GZ. I have a life, and a very interesting one; I don't need GZ's soap opera life to put zing in mine. LMAO
I've had someone accuse me of throwing bottle at them when I threw it directly on the ground. I got the incident on security camera video and the liar was convicted of perjury.
How many times has this happened to you? Because it happens over and over again to him. Where there is smoke, there is fire.
Oh really? Then why did you continue to doubt Bill Cosby's guilt when nearly 30 women had accused him of sexual assault?

It is a completely different situation. These women have reported the incident as they happened, not 30 years later. As well, Zimmerman is not a wealthy individual who can be sued for a million dollar pay out. And, Zimmerman has never done anything for society whereas Cosby has done a great deal to contribute to society.

Actually, some of the Cosby victims DID report the sexual assaults when they happened - but gutless prosecutors failed to do their jobs.

You hate Zimmerman, you like Cosby. You only apply the presumption of innocence with bias - what a joke.

No they didn't. One or two did. Most did not. And again, this is off topic. Has nothing to do with the thead topic. As well, you have ignored the reasoning with which I explained my position, and, rather than responding to it, have made a simple minded attack on me.
About 20 years ago, I had someone threaten me with a gun. Twenty years before that, I had someone threaten me with in knife. Based on neither incident did I respond by becoming pro-gun. I don't think the average person needs to own guns, much less carry one around with them.
In the Cosby thread, you told us how you'd also talked your way out of a rape.

You seem to conveniently have a personal anecdote for everything.

I call bullshit.

George Zimmerman won apos t be charged in alleged wine-throwing incident - Orlando Sentinel

According to this and other articles, the charges have been dropped again because the woman does not want to pursue them. Zimmerman seems to repeatedly get involved with women who are natural domestic abuse victims.

In this case, the police stopped the woman's car a few blocks from Z's house, and a few moments after the incident. According to her statement at that time, which is recorded, he did throw a wine bottle at her. That could actually be a deadly weapon. A heavy glass bottle like that could cause a severe injury. But it also shows his rage and his disregard for the safety of others. And it did happen, as the woman spoke of it just a few minutes after it happened. For some reason, like most victims of domestic abuse, these women choose to not prosecute. IMO, no woman in her right mind would have anything to do with this guy.

it must be getting pretty crowded in there ms_hater

ol george is another one who will spend the rest of your life

rent free in your cranium

Oh God. Hyperbole and one lane thinking again. I never think about him at all except when he is in the news. From one incident to another, the last thing on my mind is GZ. I have a life, and a very interesting one; I don't need GZ's soap opera life to put zing in mine. LMAO


obviously george weighs strongly in your head

you have been compelled to start another zimmerman thread


your too much
About 20 years ago, I had someone threaten me with a gun. Twenty years before that, I had someone threaten me with in knife. Based on neither incident did I respond by becoming pro-gun. I don't think the average person needs to own guns, much less carry one around with them.
In the Cosby thread, you told us how you'd also talked your way out of a rape.

You seem to conveniently have a personal anecdote for everything.

I call bullshit.


more like OCD

George Zimmerman won apos t be charged in alleged wine-throwing incident - Orlando Sentinel

According to this and other articles, the charges have been dropped again because the woman does not want to pursue them. Zimmerman seems to repeatedly get involved with women who are natural domestic abuse victims.

In this case, the police stopped the woman's car a few blocks from Z's house, and a few moments after the incident. According to her statement at that time, which is recorded, he did throw a wine bottle at her. That could actually be a deadly weapon. A heavy glass bottle like that could cause a severe injury. But it also shows his rage and his disregard for the safety of others. And it did happen, as the woman spoke of it just a few minutes after it happened. For some reason, like most victims of domestic abuse, these women choose to not prosecute. IMO, no woman in her right mind would have anything to do with this guy.

it must be getting pretty crowded in there ms_hater

ol george is another one who will spend the rest of your life

rent free in your cranium

Oh God. Hyperbole and one lane thinking again. I never think about him at all except when he is in the news. From one incident to another, the last thing on my mind is GZ. I have a life, and a very interesting one; I don't need GZ's soap opera life to put zing in mine. LMAO


obviously george weighs strongly in your head

you have been compelled to start another zimmerman thread


your too much
Actually, I didn't know there were other Zimmerman threads. The time shown on the internet page indicated this event had been posted only a few hours before I read it. As I live in a time zone about 10 hours differen than the States, I assumed there wouldn't be another thread about it. I am usually up when you guys are sleeping and vice versa. I should have checked. My mistake.
About 20 years ago, I had someone threaten me with a gun. Twenty years before that, I had someone threaten me with in knife. Based on neither incident did I respond by becoming pro-gun. I don't think the average person needs to own guns, much less carry one around with them.
In the Cosby thread, you told us how you'd also talked your way out of a rape.

You seem to conveniently have a personal anecdote for everything.

I call bullshit.


more like OCD

I've had a lot of experiences. I've had a full life. And when I was 19, I did talk myself out of a rape attempt, with a knife held at my throat. Yep.
About 20 years ago, I had someone threaten me with a gun. Twenty years before that, I had someone threaten me with in knife. Based on neither incident did I respond by becoming pro-gun. I don't think the average person needs to own guns, much less carry one around with them.
In the Cosby thread, you told us how you'd also talked your way out of a rape.

You seem to conveniently have a personal anecdote for everything.

I call bullshit.


more like OCD

I've had a lot of experiences. I've had a full life. And when I was 19, I did talk myself out of a rape attempt, with a knife held at my throat. Yep.

says the keyboard addict

Okay, it's time to ignore you. You're stupid as well as crazy. Your use of hyperbole does not help your position: you are apparently the one obsessed with defending someone who is not defensible. Men who are domestic abusers should not be defended: but only a decent, reasonable man would know that. Anyway, bye. You are not worthy of my attention.
But a sexual predator like Clinton you totally support.

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