Zimmerman tweets picture of kid he murdered.

Real piece of work, this conservative hero.

George Zimmerman executed an innocent child in 2012 after he began following a “suspicious looking” teenager, against the requests of 911 operators. When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him. A scuffle ensued and Trayvon Martin was fatally shot.

George Zimmerman was somehow acquitted of the murder charges in 2013. Martin’s murder and Zimmerman’s subsequent trial led to a tumultuous social outrage against racial profiling and racism in America and in the justice system.

Since his acquittal, piece of sh*t George Zimmerman has been in trouble with the law multiple times; from domestic abuse to incidents of road rage, Zimmerman has really shown his character, or lack thereof, in the last few years.

You Won’t Believe What George Zimmerman Just Re-Tweeted

When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him.

Thug couldn't outrun tubby? LOL!

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Stand your ground? Oh, that's right. It doesn't apply to black people. My bad.

This wasn't a stand your ground case.
it absolutely was. it's just that martin was dead so whether or not he was standing his ground no longer mattered.

No, it wasn't. The firearm was used while the two were engaged in a struggle, once engaged normal self defense laws apply, not stand your ground.

doesnt it get tiring

posting to a poster who comes from a position of complete ignorance on the laws

and no matter how you try the poster remains intentionally ignorant
When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him.

Thug couldn't outrun tubby? LOL!

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Stand your ground? Oh, that's right. It doesn't apply to black people. My bad.

This wasn't a stand your ground case.
it absolutely was. it's just that martin was dead so whether or not he was standing his ground no longer mattered.

No, it wasn't. The firearm was used while the two were engaged in a struggle, once engaged normal self defense laws apply, not stand your ground.

doesnt it get tiring

posting to a poster who comes from a position of complete ignorance on the laws

and no matter how you try the poster remains intentionally ignorant
enlighten me. what made martin's actions anything other than self defense?
You refuse to understand the answers that are put to you.
Not much I can do about that.
you haven't given any answer.
I did. You simply refuse to understand it.
SYG is a legal defense against a charge of murder.
Martin was not on trial.
This answers your question in toto
so you're saying by virtue of having been killed martin was not acting in self defense?
No, I said exactly what I said.
You refuse to understand what I said.
did martin act legally? was he within his rights to confront zimmerman - if that's what happened - a man that admits to stalking him in the rain at night?
I answered your question about SYG.
You do not like the answer, you refuse to understand it, or both.
Either way, it is the answer.
Wow. Do you ever listen to yourself?
You clearly have an emotional attachment to this event that has reduced you past the point of reason.

Zimmerman: Not Guilty
SYG: Not related to the case.
stand your ground was related to the case, but it wasn't brought up by the prosecution as i believe it should have.
It wasn't part of the case because the DEFENSE never brought it up.
right. so martin wasn't allowed to stand his ground because he was dead. that's what you're telling me.
You clearly have an emotional attachment to this event that has reduced you past the point of reason.
i'm asking you to use reason. explain why martin was not allowed to stand his ground. why`was his right to self defense was secondary to zimmerman's?

the only difference seems to be that martin didn't use deadly force and zimmerman did
You forget the difference that Martin attacked Zimmerman. Again, why would Z attack Martin when the police were going to show up at any moment and catch him doing it? That alone points to Martin being the aggressor. Assailants typically do not call the police, then attack their victim.
When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him.

Thug couldn't outrun tubby? LOL!

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Stand your ground? Oh, that's right. It doesn't apply to black people. My bad.

This wasn't a stand your ground case.
it absolutely was. it's just that martin was dead so whether or not he was standing his ground no longer mattered.

No, it wasn't. The firearm was used while the two were engaged in a struggle, once engaged normal self defense laws apply, not stand your ground.

doesnt it get tiring
posting to a poster who comes from a position of complete ignorance on the laws
and no matter how you try the poster remains intentionally ignorant
There's little you can do against someone who refuses to the understand the answers you put to him.
He's no hero of mine, in fact he's not someone I would hang with, but there simply wasn't enough evidence to convict him of murder.
sadly true. i think the prosecutor way overshot on the charges.
Well then blame the fucking pros. for Christ sake!
Fucking LIBs were dancing in the street when the 'OJ jury' decided to get back at 'Whitey'.
You LIBs NEVER get it right......ever.
How's that 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T wearing?
When was the last time you wore it in public?
Stand your ground? Oh, that's right. It doesn't apply to black people. My bad.

This wasn't a stand your ground case.
it absolutely was. it's just that martin was dead so whether or not he was standing his ground no longer mattered.

No, it wasn't. The firearm was used while the two were engaged in a struggle, once engaged normal self defense laws apply, not stand your ground.
He refuses to understand that SYG is not part of the issue here.
you refuse to understand that martin had just as much a right to self defense as zimmerman.
That assumes that Zimmerman attacked him. Again, not in evidence.
you haven't given any answer.
I did. You simply refuse to understand it.
SYG is a legal defense against a charge of murder.
Martin was not on trial.
This answers your question in toto
so you're saying by virtue of having been killed martin was not acting in self defense?
No, I said exactly what I said.
You refuse to understand what I said.
did martin act legally? was he within his rights to confront zimmerman - if that's what happened - a man that admits to stalking him in the rain at night?
I answered your question about SYG.
You do not like the answer, you refuse to understand it, or both.
Either way, it is the answer.
you said it's a defense. so people have the ability to assert their right to stand their ground only in the court room. if they lose the fight and die you would seem to think that they did not have the right to stand their ground.
No doubt about it Zimmerman is a world class jackasses retard.

He didn't commit murder.....but he's guilty of being a retarded scumbag who is literally begging for.bad shit to happen to him.
If you can legally start a fight you can't finish and then murder the person that's beating your ass, I guess he's not a murderer.
Where's the evidence that Zimmerman attacked Martin? Typically, you don't call the police, then attack someone when they could show up at any moment and catch you doing it.
You refuse to understand the answers that are put to you.
Not much I can do about that.
you haven't given any answer.
I did. You simply refuse to understand it.
SYG is a legal defense against a charge of murder.
Martin was not on trial.
This answers your question in toto
so you're saying by virtue of having been killed martin was not acting in self defense?
No, I said exactly what I said.
You refuse to understand what I said.
did martin act legally? was he within his rights to confront zimmerman - if that's what happened - a man that admits to stalking him in the rain at night?
Confront =/= jumping him from behind a bush.
I did. You simply refuse to understand it.
SYG is a legal defense against a charge of murder.
Martin was not on trial.
This answers your question in toto
so you're saying by virtue of having been killed martin was not acting in self defense?
No, I said exactly what I said.
You refuse to understand what I said.
did martin act legally? was he within his rights to confront zimmerman - if that's what happened - a man that admits to stalking him in the rain at night?
I answered your question about SYG.
You do not like the answer, you refuse to understand it, or both.
Either way, it is the answer.
you said it's a defense. so people have the ability to assert their right to stand their ground only in the court room.
The only time you can claim a legal defense is when you are on trial.
Zimmerman was on trial. This explains why martin was unable to claim a SYG defense of his actions.
Why do you refuse to understand this?
This wasn't a stand your ground case.
it absolutely was. it's just that martin was dead so whether or not he was standing his ground no longer mattered.

No, it wasn't. The firearm was used while the two were engaged in a struggle, once engaged normal self defense laws apply, not stand your ground.
He refuses to understand that SYG is not part of the issue here.
you refuse to understand that martin had just as much a right to self defense as zimmerman.
That assumes that Zimmerman attacked him. Again, not in evidence.
zimmerman stalked him. he followed him. and then something happened.
now if zimmerman attacted martin, martin was acting in self defense. if martin attacked zimmerman, martin was acting in self defense. either way, what scenario do you see where a man being stalked by another man doesn't have the right to self defense?
you haven't given any answer.
I did. You simply refuse to understand it.
SYG is a legal defense against a charge of murder.
Martin was not on trial.
This answers your question in toto
so you're saying by virtue of having been killed martin was not acting in self defense?
No, I said exactly what I said.
You refuse to understand what I said.
did martin act legally? was he within his rights to confront zimmerman - if that's what happened - a man that admits to stalking him in the rain at night?
Confront =/= jumping him from behind a bush.
why not? why shouldn't someone in fear for their safety look to get the upper hand? he'd be standing his ground, wouldn't he?
TM went inside the condo, then came out again to confront GZ.

One piece of trash confroned another piece of trash. We are just waiting for the end of the story when the second piece of trash gets thrown away for good.


A scared kid couldn't get away from a conservative gun nut playing cop. He fought for his life and lost.

Lol, you liberals are cute when you are badly butthurt.
so you're saying by virtue of having been killed martin was not acting in self defense?
No, I said exactly what I said.
You refuse to understand what I said.
did martin act legally? was he within his rights to confront zimmerman - if that's what happened - a man that admits to stalking him in the rain at night?
I answered your question about SYG.
You do not like the answer, you refuse to understand it, or both.
Either way, it is the answer.
you said it's a defense. so people have the ability to assert their right to stand their ground only in the court room.
The only time you can claim a legal defense is when you are on trial.
Zimmerman was on trial. This explains why martin was unable to claim a SYG defense of his actions.
Why do you refuse to understand this?
so again, what you're saying is martin could have been acting in self defense, but through virtue of being killed he loses that right to self defense?

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