Zimmerman tweets picture of kid he murdered.

That testimony was quite clear and common knowledge. I don't have to prove it here. TM went inside, and when he came out he shed the right of self defense.
you don't have to or you can't? i'm guessing the latter.
It's common knowledge as you admitted elsewhere. You lose this point.
common knowledge you can't provide any evidence for
I don't have to, you do, and you can't.
i can't prove a negative. you know that.
It's common knowledge he went home first, then came out. You don't like it, I understand that. TM had no right at that point to assault GZ.
it wasn't part of the case only because martin was dead. that's why it matters.
Wow. Do you ever listen to yourself?
You clearly have an emotional attachment to this event that has reduced you past the point of reason.

Zimmerman: Not Guilty
SYG: Not related to the case.
stand your ground was related to the case, but it wasn't brought up by the prosecution as i believe it should have.
It wasn't part of the case because the DEFENSE never brought it up.
right. so martin wasn't allowed to stand his ground because he was dead. that's what you're telling me.
You clearly have an emotional attachment to this event that has reduced you past the point of reason.
And you to viciously unChristian comments.
anyone notice all the shit stirring, race hustling, and stirring up hate has INCREASED since a couple returned after be AWOL for quite a while actually. I forgot how peaceful it was then
it wasn't part of the case only because martin was dead. that's why it matters.
Wow. Do you ever listen to yourself?
You clearly have an emotional attachment to this event that has reduced you past the point of reason.

Zimmerman: Not Guilty
SYG: Not related to the case.
stand your ground was related to the case, but it wasn't brought up by the prosecution as i believe it should have.
It wasn't part of the case because the DEFENSE never brought it up.
right. so martin wasn't allowed to stand his ground because he was dead. that's what you're telling me.
You clearly have an emotional attachment to this event that has reduced you past the point of reason.

what petty things aren't they emotional about. what a life sheesh
Wow. Do you ever listen to yourself?
You clearly have an emotional attachment to this event that has reduced you past the point of reason.

Zimmerman: Not Guilty
SYG: Not related to the case.
stand your ground was related to the case, but it wasn't brought up by the prosecution as i believe it should have.
It wasn't part of the case because the DEFENSE never brought it up.
right. so martin wasn't allowed to stand his ground because he was dead. that's what you're telling me.
You clearly have an emotional attachment to this event that has reduced you past the point of reason.
what petty things aren't they emotional about. what a life sheesh
No doubt.
you don't have to or you can't? i'm guessing the latter.
It's common knowledge as you admitted elsewhere. You lose this point.
common knowledge you can't provide any evidence for
I don't have to, you do, and you can't.
i can't prove a negative. you know that.
It's common knowledge he went home first, then came out. You don't like it, I understand that. TM had no right at that point to assault GZ.

It never came up in the trial.

And no timeline shows that Martin went home first.

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's common knowledge as you admitted elsewhere. You lose this point.
common knowledge you can't provide any evidence for
I don't have to, you do, and you can't.
i can't prove a negative. you know that.
It's common knowledge he went home first, then came out. You don't like it, I understand that. TM had no right at that point to assault GZ.

It never came up in the trial.

And no timeline shows that Martin went home first.

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia? In the two minute or so break in their contact, TM walked around the corner to the home and came back out. Stupid stupid thug.
The "Z" man is the shizzle ....... :thup:
you need one of these


Why does the left care so much about a guy who was found not guilty for killing someone in self defense? It beats talking about real issues?
common knowledge you can't provide any evidence for
I don't have to, you do, and you can't.
i can't prove a negative. you know that.
It's common knowledge he went home first, then came out. You don't like it, I understand that. TM had no right at that point to assault GZ.

It never came up in the trial.

And no timeline shows that Martin went home first.

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia? In the two minute or so break in their contact, TM walked around the corner to the home and came back out. Stupid stupid thug.

It didn't come up at the trial and isn't on any time line from a reputable news outlet.
Why does the left care so much about a guy who was found not guilty for killing someone in self defense? It beats talking about real issues?

that. and they didn't get all the hate stirred up with it as they wanted. so then they moved onto OUR POLICE OFFICERS and they come up the THUGS BLM. they are so transparent and PHONY, people when are you going to wake up to it and them?
you don't have to or you can't? i'm guessing the latter.
It's common knowledge as you admitted elsewhere. You lose this point.
common knowledge you can't provide any evidence for
I don't have to, you do, and you can't.
i can't prove a negative. you know that.
It's common knowledge he went home first, then came out. You don't like it, I understand that. TM had no right at that point to assault GZ.
common knowledge you say again but you aren't able to show where that idea comes from.
i would suggest that you've fallen for an oft repeated lie.
Why does the left care so much about a guy who was found not guilty for killing someone in self defense? It beats talking about real issues?
Something about a murderer tweeting a picture as a trophy prize sorta irks some people.

Obviously not the RWers that post here.
it wasn't part of the case only because martin was dead. that's why it matters.
Wow. Do you ever listen to yourself?
You clearly have an emotional attachment to this event that has reduced you past the point of reason.

Zimmerman: Not Guilty
SYG: Not related to the case.
stand your ground was related to the case, but it wasn't brought up by the prosecution as i believe it should have.
It wasn't part of the case because the DEFENSE never brought it up.
right. so martin wasn't allowed to stand his ground because he was dead. that's what you're telling me.
You clearly have an emotional attachment to this event that has reduced you past the point of reason.
i'm asking you to use reason. explain why martin was not allowed to stand his ground. why`was his right to self defense was secondary to zimmerman's?

the only difference seems to be that martin didn't use deadly force and zimmerman did
As far as I'm concerned what Zimmerman showed was the left hates Hispanic/Latinos just as much as they do everyone else. they only Luv them when they can use them as a weapon against people. I hope with Zimmerman they woke up to this fact.
Whether he is guilty or not, tweeting the picture of the dead body shows he has absolutely no regret for the shooting.

It speaks to intent.

Zimmerman wasn't in fear of his life. He was looking to kill a kid.

Part of my job with the Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers is to set up neighborhood watch programs. If it ever comes to our attention that anyone under our sponsorship is doing neighborhood watch duties while armed, our sponsorship and the Neighborhood Watch sign in their neighborhood are immediately removed.
Whether he is guilty or not, tweeting the picture of the dead body shows he has absolutely no regret for the shooting.
It speaks to intent.
Zimmerman wasn't in fear of his life. He was looking to kill a kid.
Who disagrees? The jury.
Not guilty.
you're reading a lot into an acquittal
You refuse to admit to yourself that there was an acquittal.
absolutely there was. but again, an acquittal does not make zimmerman innocent.

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