Zimmerman's brother shoots him in the foot on Martin's death


Oct 4, 2011
Brother: Medical records will prove George Zimmerman's story - CNN.com

I don't know what this guy was thinking. All I know is that we have yet another inconsistent story trying to defend George Zimmerman's actions. According to the brother, George was out of breath. Which can't be true if George was the one screaming at the top of his lungs as heard on the 911 call. He also says that George was nearly unconscious. Again, can't be true if it was George screaming. He then says that Martin tried to pull George's gun out of George's waist holster. That doesn't even make sense. How would Martin have even known it was there? Even if we consider that, maybe, in the midst of the shuffle, it became revealed to Martin's sight (I find this kinda hard to believe anyway, considering George Zimmerman's clothing and the fact the gun would have been hidden under a shirt and a jacket) the brother's story is that Martin tried to take the gun, and the nearly unconscious George has the presence of mind to "act swiftly and decisively" to take the gun away from Martin and fire. Perhaps the most damning thing the brother also says is that the last thing George remembers is moving his head off the pavement and into the grass as Martin was allegedly beating his head on the ground. If that's the case, then how can George even remember Trayvon trying to take his gun? It's clear that Zimmerman's story is full of lies.
Seems you're quite desperate to pick 'holes' in this account. Personally, I'm not gonna accept any explanations until they're confirmed by LEOs.
Seems you're quite desperate to pick 'holes' in this account. Personally, I'm not gonna accept any explanations until they're confirmed by LEOs.

I'm not "desperate." Why you would even make such a claim, other than being your typical bitch self, desperate to argue over nothing. The inconsistencies are painfully obvious.
Seems you're quite desperate to pick 'holes' in this account. Personally, I'm not gonna accept any explanations until they're confirmed by LEOs.

I'm not "desperate." Why you would even make such a claim, other than being your typical bitch self, desperate to argue over nothing. The inconsistencies are painfully obvious.

Corey will make the next decision, all should pray for HER also. Did you expect Zimmerman's brother to say, "HE SHOT HIM IN COLD BLOOD & IS PROUD OF IT"?
Seems you're quite desperate to pick 'holes' in this account. Personally, I'm not gonna accept any explanations until they're confirmed by LEOs.

I'm not "desperate." Why you would even make such a claim, other than being your typical bitch self, desperate to argue over nothing. The inconsistencies are painfully obvious.

There are 'inconsistencies' on both sides. That's kind of why we have professionals who investigate this stuff... so that fucking morons don't lynch people for no reason.
Well thank God we have a new thread every 30 minutes on this story.
Couldn't possibly add anything to an already existing thread...that would be just crazy.
I didn't listen to much of what he said. He wasn't there.

I am vaguely entertained by InTheMiddle's inability to comprehend really basic shit like:

One can be out of breath and still shout if one feels one's life is threatened.

One can be dazed - or 'almost unconscious' and still shout for help.

There is an eye witness who confirms that it was Zimmerman calling for help, that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and that Martin did strike Zimmerman.

Idiots and their desperate need to make shit out of nothing.
Did you expect Zimmerman's brother to say, "HE SHOT HIM IN COLD BLOOD & IS PROUD OF IT"?

His brother should have said nothing at all. All he's done is add claims into the story that create even more inconsistencies.
I didn't listen to much of what he said. He wasn't there.

I am vaguely entertained by InTheMiddle's inability to comprehend really basic shit like:

One can be out of breath and still shout if one feels one's life is threatened.

One can be dazed - or 'almost unconscious' and still shout for help.

There is an eye witness who confirms that it was Zimmerman calling for help, that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and that Martin did strike Zimmerman.

Idiots and their desperate need to make shit out of nothing.
Did you expect Zimmerman's brother to say, "HE SHOT HIM IN COLD BLOOD & IS PROUD OF IT"?

His brother should have said nothing at all. All he's done is add claims into the story that create even more inconsistencies.

You're the one 'creating' inconsistencies... by picking at every point as though it's a court sworn statement. It isn't. It's his brother - who wasn't there - who may have used words that don't quite fit the facts (which we don't know because we don't KNOW the facts - some of us think we know... but that is no more valuable than Zimmerman's brother's explanation).... in short.... you're making a fool of yourself. But... happily.... on this subject... you are not alone.
I didn't listen to much of what he said. He wasn't there.

I am vaguely entertained by InTheMiddle's inability to comprehend really basic shit like:

One can be out of breath and still shout if one feels one's life is threatened.

One can be dazed - or 'almost unconscious' and still shout for help.

There is an eye witness who confirms that it was Zimmerman calling for help, that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and that Martin did strike Zimmerman.

Idiots and their desperate need to make shit out of nothing.

I don't do repetitive linking Ravster. The links are already all over the fucking forum... go find one and read it.
Did you expect Zimmerman's brother to say, "HE SHOT HIM IN COLD BLOOD & IS PROUD OF IT"?

His brother should have said nothing at all. All he's done is add claims into the story that create even more inconsistencies.
See, as he wasn't there, nothing he says confirms or denies ANYTHING as it relates to the case.

Our Founding Fathers were wise, wiser than you, apparently.

(Hearsay means nothing. :eusa_shhh:)
I am vaguely entertained by InTheMiddle's inability to comprehend really basic shit like:

One can be out of breath and still shout if one feels one's life is threatened.

One can be dazed - or 'almost unconscious' and still shout for help.

There is an eye witness who confirms that it was Zimmerman calling for help, that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and that Martin did strike Zimmerman.

Idiots and their desperate need to make shit out of nothing.

I don't do repetitive linking Ravster. The links are already all over the fucking forum... go find one and read it.

I have seen nothing indicating that a witness saw Martin strike Zimmerman. And I have read that witnesses have seen both Martin and Zimmerman on top....so far none of them is credible. Ditto who was calling for help.
I didn't listen to much of what he said. He wasn't there.

I am vaguely entertained by InTheMiddle's inability to comprehend really basic shit like:

One can be out of breath and still shout if one feels one's life is threatened.

One can be dazed - or 'almost unconscious' and still shout for help.

There is an eye witness who confirms that it was Zimmerman calling for help, that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and that Martin did strike Zimmerman.

Idiots and their desperate need to make shit out of nothing.

Don't bother. She apparently can't understand really basic shit like:

If one is out of breath, they aren't going to be able to scream at the top of their lunks.

If one is dazed and "almost unconscious" they aren't going to have the presence of mind to be able to call for help.

What makes you think she's going to be able to comprehend the need, much less ability, to provide veracity to her pre-ordained conclusions?
Did you expect Zimmerman's brother to say, "HE SHOT HIM IN COLD BLOOD & IS PROUD OF IT"?

His brother should have said nothing at all. All he's done is add claims into the story that create even more inconsistencies.

And yet you are ok with Martin's Mom, Dad, girlfriend, and a plethora of bandwagoners like Sharpton et al giving you chapter and verse about what happened that night... and none of them were there either.

You're making yourself look ridiculous.
I am vaguely entertained by InTheMiddle's inability to comprehend really basic shit like:

One can be out of breath and still shout if one feels one's life is threatened.

One can be dazed - or 'almost unconscious' and still shout for help.

There is an eye witness who confirms that it was Zimmerman calling for help, that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and that Martin did strike Zimmerman.

Idiots and their desperate need to make shit out of nothing.

Don't bother. She apparently can't understand really basic shit like:

If one is out of breath, they aren't going to be able to scream at the top of their lunks.

If one is dazed and "almost unconscious" they aren't going to have the presence of mind to be able to call for help.

What makes you think she's going to be able to comprehend the need, much less ability, to provide veracity to her pre-ordained conclusions?

Having been 'out of breath' and still able to call out for help, I do know. Having been actually knocked unconscious and still been able to get up, I do know. It appears I know considerably more than you.

Your 'pre-ordained' (and, I have no fucking idea what that means in this context).... conclusion is that an innocent black kid was murdered by a white guy.

My conclusion is that I don't have enough information to reasonably draw a solid conclusion.

Which one of us sounds rational?
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Don't bother. She apparently can't understand really basic shit like:

If one is out of breath, they aren't going to be able to scream at the top of their lunks.

If one is dazed and "almost unconscious" they aren't going to have the presence of mind to be able to call for help.

What makes you think she's going to be able to comprehend the need, much less ability, to provide veracity to her pre-ordained conclusions?

Having been 'out of breath' and still able to call out for help, I do know. Having been actually knocked unconscious and still been able to get up, I do know. It appears I know considerably more than you.

Your 'pre-ordained' (and, I have no fucking idea what that means in this context).... conclusion is that an innocent black kid was murdered by a white guy.

My conclusion is that I don't have enough information to reasonably draw a solid conclusion.

Which one of us sounds rational?
:lol: I missed that. You must have some really, really good connections to the Pope to get that to happen for you.

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