1/2 Of ALL Babies?

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MissileMan said:
mom4 said:
But how do YOU know that the Creator doesn't tell someone to end their life? What I find convoluted is the notion that we lowly humans could defy the will of a deity. If an omniscient, omnipotent being wanted something, it could not be denied.

I talk to God and read His word. This is how I know. He says you shall not murder.

God wanted us to want Him. He wants children, not puppets. His will could not be denied if WE had no free will. But He chose to give us that.
Mr. P said:
mom4 said:
I don't follow..what are you saying?

Sounds kind of like what they said in the beginning when abortion was being legalized. Making it legal would clean up some of the mess of back alley abortions. But we still hear horror stories about abortions gone wrong. The abortion rate increased year after year after Roe. Just when human life is devalued, its value keeps sinking.
mom4 said:
Mr. P said:
Sounds kind of like what they said in the beginning when abortion was being legalized. Making it legal would clean up some of the mess of back alley abortions. But we still hear horror stories about abortions gone wrong. The abortion rate increased year after year after Roe. Just when human life is devalued, its value keeps sinking.
I don't hear horror stories about abortions gone wrong. As far as rate increasing, I'd guess it's just because they are all reported now, not that there has been an increase.
MissileMan said:
mom4 said:
And all this time, all I've heard is that man is given free will. Is this not so?

What a fallacious argument. Simply because there is truth does not negate Free will. In fact without rules there cannot be free will. If there isn't a right choice, and a wrong choice. no free agency could exist.
MissileMan said:
mom4 said:
But how do YOU know that the Creator doesn't tell someone to end their life? What I find convoluted is the notion that we lowly humans could defy the will of a deity. If an omniscient, omnipotent being wanted something, it could not be denied.

Because God does not entice us to do evil. If God wanted us to die, He wouldnt have to tell us. We would be dead. With that said than logically if we are still alive, God does not want us to die. I don't think He would have sent His Son to suffer die and rise again, allowing us to live agian, if he wanted us to die and not live.
Avatar4321 said:
MissileMan said:
Because God does not entice us to do evil. If God wanted us to die, He wouldnt have to tell us. We would be dead. With that said than logically if we are still alive, God does not want us to die. I don't think He would have sent His Son to suffer die and rise again, allowing us to live agian, if he wanted us to die and not live.

Kinda the same point I was trying to make...except I'm arguing that if He didn't want us to die, we wouldn't. Unless you believe that a man's will can overcome that of God.
Avatar4321 said:
MissileMan said:
What a fallacious argument. Simply because there is truth does not negate Free will. In fact without rules there cannot be free will. If there isn't a right choice, and a wrong choice. no free agency could exist.

So exactly which rule am I breaking or upholding when I choose chocolate over vanilla? Or how about when I choose to work as opposed to collecting welfare? Or how about if I choose to decline chemotherapy and go home to die? Or, I choose to accept chemotherapy and hang around for a few more months and subject my family to the added pain of watching me die really slowly and painfully? Choices aren't always about right or wrong.

For you and others to assume the right to judge someone's ultimately personal decision to leave this planet sooner, rather than later, is egomaniacal at best. Frankly, it's none of your business.
MissileMan said:
Avatar4321 said:
So exactly which rule am I breaking or upholding when I choose chocolate over vanilla? Or how about when I choose to work as opposed to collecting welfare? Or how about if I choose to decline chemotherapy and go home to die? Or, I choose to accept chemotherapy and hang around for a few more months and subject my family to the added pain of watching me die really slowly and painfully? Choices aren't always about right or wrong.

For you and others to assume the right to judge someone's ultimately personal decision to leave this planet sooner, rather than later, is egomaniacal at best. Frankly, it's none of your business.
Which brings me back to my "BUTT OUT" statements in the Terri case..It applies everywhere in these "personal" matters.
Mr. P said:
MissileMan said:
Which brings me back to my "BUTT OUT" statements in the Terri case..It applies everywhere in these "personal" matters.

In case you haven't noticed the government has already made thousands of decisions for you. What kind of fairy tale world do you live in??
dilloduck said:
Mr. P said:
wow Mr.P--getting pretty evil with them comebacks---obviously you can't answer a simple question---you have to make the messanger appear stupid
Well Dillo, we were not talkin Gov. here..so If the messanger appears stupid, so be it..
Mr. P said:
dilloduck said:
Well Dillo, we were not talkin Gov. here..so If the messanger appears stupid, so be it..

yes we are---the gov has taken away thousands of what you claim to be "personal" rights. You don't even miss em
dilloduck said:
Mr. P said:
the thread is regarding having the GOVT legalizing euthanasia-----try to keep up with it
Gee I see..no I don't..guess ya should splan that to me there ole wise one..Guess I missed the USA part somewhere...or was that "any" government?
Mr. P said:
dilloduck said:
Gee I see..no I don't..guess ya should splan that to me there ole wise one..Guess I missed the USA part somewhere...or was that "any" government?

no point--have fun with your obstructionism :trolls:
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