1 In 4 Americans 25-54 Not Working" "economy Working?" Ask These People!

When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

Your math is meaningless. The only companies that can pay a CEO 350 times what they pay an average worker employ tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of employees. 300 employees, therefore, represent but a tiny fraction of the workers that company employs.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that the concept is beyond your grasp.

He's also worth far more than the average employee to the company.
When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

Your math is meaningless. The only companies that can pay a CEO 350 times what they pay an average worker employ tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of employees. 300 employees, therefore, represent but a tiny fraction of the workers that company employs.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that the concept is beyond your grasp.

He's also worth far more than the average employee to the company.

Probably, but 350 times more is not credible.
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Oh Blah Blah Blah Stupid Prog Pablum ^^^^

What causes job creation: Economic Growth

What causes economic growth: A Healthy Private Sector (businesses large and small)

What causes a Healthy Private Sector: Free Markets that aren't oppressed by Big Government

We are still suffering the after effects of the 2nd Great Depression caused by the Republican Deregulation of the Wall Street Casino.

At best we will recover around the end of this decade but the damage to the economy was severe. The current imbalance between hardworking Americans and the wealthy has never been greater and there needs to be a reset on that wealth gap.

When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

This won't happen out of the kindness of the hearts of greed obsessed CEO's either therefore this has to be done via We the People using the government OF the People FOR the People.

Yes, I know, your blood pressure is rising and you are calling me a commie and a socialist and all of the other idiotic kneejerk names.

But that doesn't alter the reality of (a) where we are now, and (b) how and why we got here, and (c) what we have to do in order to turn this around.

So use your outrage creatively and find a way to convince a CEO to create more jobs even if it means taking a pay cut. That would do more to help this nation than just venting your feelings at me.

You asked out to "create more jobs".
How about simply not attacking existing companies that employ people as a start?
Obama wants 1,300 companies to go out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes and employ 400,000 people.
Obama wants utility companies to go bankrupt... he's said so.
Obama wants utility rates to skyrocket. He's said so.
Obama wants higher gas prices and he contributes by signing 40% LESS federal oil leases then Bush and thus reducing federal production by 13%.

If Obama didn't want these events to occur then more people would be working! That simple.

Please ask me to prove the above statements that Obama has made are true.

Sure, why not, knock yourself out proving your allegations.

Hmmmm, crickets from the OP. Must be having a hard time finding credible links for those allegations of his.
When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

Your math is meaningless. The only companies that can pay a CEO 350 times what they pay an average worker employ tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of employees. 300 employees, therefore, represent but a tiny fraction of the workers that company employs.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that the concept is beyond your grasp.

He's also worth far more than the average employee to the company.

Probably, but 350 times more is not credible.

Why not? Say the average worker makes 50K. 350 times that is 17.5 million. If, because of the CEO's leadership and decisions, the company profits billions of dollars, yeah, he's worth it.
A new chart from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee shows a startling fact: Almost 1 in 4 Americans between the ages of 25-54 (or prime working years) are not working.

Here's a chart showing those in that age group currently employed (95.6 million)
and those who aren't (28.9 million):

View attachment 32325

1 in 4 Americans 25-54 Not Working The Weekly Standard
I hope the number increases. I hope there comes a day when none of us has to "work". Work is a four letter word, don't you know? the idle hands you should be concerned about are those that are full of cash from other people's work and have no good intentions when they created it or with it.
When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

Your math is meaningless. The only companies that can pay a CEO 350 times what they pay an average worker employ tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of employees. 300 employees, therefore, represent but a tiny fraction of the workers that company employs.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that the concept is beyond your grasp.

He's also worth far more than the average employee to the company.

Probably, but 350 times more is not credible.

Why not? Say the average worker makes 50K. 350 times that is 17.5 million. If, because of the CEO's leadership and decisions, the company profits billions of dollars, yeah, he's worth it.

Are you saying that the board of directors couldn't find someone just as capable for a fraction of that salary? There are plenty of highly competent CEO's running corporations around the world that are not being paid that kind of exorbitant income.

Why is it that corporations are praised for outsourcing jobs for cheaper labor costs but that they can't do the same thing when it comes to gold bricking CEO's?
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Oh Blah Blah Blah Stupid Prog Pablum ^^^^

What causes job creation: Economic Growth

What causes economic growth: A Healthy Private Sector (businesses large and small)

What causes a Healthy Private Sector: Free Markets that aren't oppressed by Big Government

We are still suffering the after effects of the 2nd Great Depression caused by the Republican Deregulation of the Wall Street Casino.

At best we will recover around the end of this decade but the damage to the economy was severe. The current imbalance between hardworking Americans and the wealthy has never been greater and there needs to be a reset on that wealth gap.

When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

This won't happen out of the kindness of the hearts of greed obsessed CEO's either therefore this has to be done via We the People using the government OF the People FOR the People.

Yes, I know, your blood pressure is rising and you are calling me a commie and a socialist and all of the other idiotic kneejerk names.

But that doesn't alter the reality of (a) where we are now, and (b) how and why we got here, and (c) what we have to do in order to turn this around.

So use your outrage creatively and find a way to convince a CEO to create more jobs even if it means taking a pay cut. That would do more to help this nation than just venting your feelings at me.

You asked out to "create more jobs".
How about simply not attacking existing companies that employ people as a start?
Obama wants 1,300 companies to go out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes and employ 400,000 people.
Obama wants utility companies to go bankrupt... he's said so.
Obama wants utility rates to skyrocket. He's said so.
Obama wants higher gas prices and he contributes by signing 40% LESS federal oil leases then Bush and thus reducing federal production by 13%.

If Obama didn't want these events to occur then more people would be working! That simple.

Please ask me to prove the above statements that Obama has made are true.

Sure, why not, knock yourself out proving your allegations.
Obama wants 1,300 companies to go out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes and employ 400,000 people.
Obama said:"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?
See people don't about these "unintended consequences"... These companies pay Federal,state,local taxes along with 7.2% SS/Medicare... so what happens if Obama gets his way??? Remember he said he "is a proponent of ONE payer"!!!
Obama wants utility companies to go bankrupt... he's said so.
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Obama's plan is to make business regulations so onerous and costly they won't build them! Good thinking! Instead of figuring out
ways to accomplish the EPA requirements just slap more rules and regulations and let the companies deal with them by going under!
Obama wants utility rates to skyrocket. He's said so.
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Obama I 8217 ll make energy prices 8220 skyrocket 8221 Hot Air
Obama wants higher gas prices and he contributes by signing 40% LESS federal oil leases then Bush and thus reducing federal production by 13%.
Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly.."
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
and backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008...
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

Why are these guys so anxious to raise our costs of living?
Rather then figure out how to work with businesses... being the anti-capitalists, ignorant of business functions he wants to destroy businesses. I mean how else can anyone look at his actions and what he says except he doesn't want businesses to succeed.

So instead of "encouraging" Obama discourages by
In fiscal year 2010, 36 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.
36%!!! 2010 OIL production from Federal lands!

Due to Obama Administration policies, by 2013,
only 23 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.

Production on non-Federal lands, in contrast, is skyrocketing as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have increased production dramatically.
Oil production on non-Federal lands increased by 21 percent in fiscal year 2013 from fiscal year 2012 levels—an increase of almost one million barrels per day.

Likewise, natural gas production on Federal lands has been steadily declining, while natural gas production on non-Federal lands has been steadily increasing. In fiscal year 2013, natural gas production on non-Federal lands increased by 3 percent—654 billion cubic feet—and natural gas production on Federal lands declined by 9 percent—392 billion cubic feet.
Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands Still a Disappointment - IER

And all the while Federal land leases signed by Obama admin. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years
“The slow walking of permits and leases for natural gas and oil production has been a part of this president’s energy policy from the get go,” Chris Warren, spokesman for the free-market Institute for Energy Research told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Under this administration’s watch we have seen production on federal lands and waters plummet due to these policies.”

In 2013, it took 194 days on average for the BLM to approve oil and gas drilling permits — 99 days on average for companies to fix any problems with their application and 95 days for the BLM to approve the permits after problems have been fixed.

“Compare this to five days in Texas and 25 in North Dakota and it’s no wonder why production on federal lands has gone down,” Warren added.
Obama. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years The Daily Caller

So given ALL the documentation and substantiation my conclusion as anyone else honest enough is Obama hasn't done ANYTHING
to encourage businesses. On the contrary Over the past decade, the federal government has issued almost 38,000 new final rules, according to the draft of the 2011 annual report to Congress on federal regulations by the Office of Management and Budget. That brought the total at the end of 2011 to 169,301 pages.

Seventy percent of the regulations were economic, accounting for $1.236 trillion of the annual cost. The other regulations were, in order of cost, environment regulations ($281 billion), tax compliance ($160 billion) and occupational safety and health and homeland security ($75 billion).

“I think these kinds of figures, if you put yourself in the place of a business person you’ll find them fairly mindboggling,”Johnson said.

Economists with the Chamber also analyzed the OBM’s report on the study, calculating that if every U.S. household paid an equal share of the federal regulatory burden, it would mean a $15,586 tab for each household in 2008.
Under Obama 11 327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added CNS News
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Oh Blah Blah Blah Stupid Prog Pablum ^^^^

What causes job creation: Economic Growth

What causes economic growth: A Healthy Private Sector (businesses large and small)

What causes a Healthy Private Sector: Free Markets that aren't oppressed by Big Government

We are still suffering the after effects of the 2nd Great Depression caused by the Republican Deregulation of the Wall Street Casino.

At best we will recover around the end of this decade but the damage to the economy was severe. The current imbalance between hardworking Americans and the wealthy has never been greater and there needs to be a reset on that wealth gap.

When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

This won't happen out of the kindness of the hearts of greed obsessed CEO's either therefore this has to be done via We the People using the government OF the People FOR the People.

Yes, I know, your blood pressure is rising and you are calling me a commie and a socialist and all of the other idiotic kneejerk names.

But that doesn't alter the reality of (a) where we are now, and (b) how and why we got here, and (c) what we have to do in order to turn this around.

So use your outrage creatively and find a way to convince a CEO to create more jobs even if it means taking a pay cut. That would do more to help this nation than just venting your feelings at me.

You asked out to "create more jobs".
How about simply not attacking existing companies that employ people as a start?
Obama wants 1,300 companies to go out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes and employ 400,000 people.
Obama wants utility companies to go bankrupt... he's said so.
Obama wants utility rates to skyrocket. He's said so.
Obama wants higher gas prices and he contributes by signing 40% LESS federal oil leases then Bush and thus reducing federal production by 13%.

If Obama didn't want these events to occur then more people would be working! That simple.

Please ask me to prove the above statements that Obama has made are true.

Sure, why not, knock yourself out proving your allegations.
Obama wants 1,300 companies to go out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes and employ 400,000 people.
Obama said:"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?
See people don't about these "unintended consequences"... These companies pay Federal,state,local taxes along with 7.2% SS/Medicare... so what happens if Obama gets his way??? Remember he said he "is a proponent of ONE payer"!!!
Obama wants utility companies to go bankrupt... he's said so.
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Obama's plan is to make business regulations so onerous and costly they won't build them! Good thinking! Instead of figuring out
ways to accomplish the EPA requirements just slap more rules and regulations and let the companies deal with them by going under!
Obama wants utility rates to skyrocket. He's said so.
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Obama I 8217 ll make energy prices 8220 skyrocket 8221 Hot Air
Obama wants higher gas prices and he contributes by signing 40% LESS federal oil leases then Bush and thus reducing federal production by 13%.
Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly.."
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
and backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008...
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

Why are these guys so anxious to raise our costs of living?
Rather then figure out how to work with businesses... being the anti-capitalists, ignorant of business functions he wants to destroy businesses. I mean how else can anyone look at his actions and what he says except he doesn't want businesses to succeed.

So instead of "encouraging" Obama discourages by
In fiscal year 2010, 36 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.
36%!!! 2010 OIL production from Federal lands!

Due to Obama Administration policies, by 2013,
only 23 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.

Production on non-Federal lands, in contrast, is skyrocketing as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have increased production dramatically.
Oil production on non-Federal lands increased by 21 percent in fiscal year 2013 from fiscal year 2012 levels—an increase of almost one million barrels per day.

Likewise, natural gas production on Federal lands has been steadily declining, while natural gas production on non-Federal lands has been steadily increasing. In fiscal year 2013, natural gas production on non-Federal lands increased by 3 percent—654 billion cubic feet—and natural gas production on Federal lands declined by 9 percent—392 billion cubic feet.
Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands Still a Disappointment - IER

And all the while Federal land leases signed by Obama admin. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years
“The slow walking of permits and leases for natural gas and oil production has been a part of this president’s energy policy from the get go,” Chris Warren, spokesman for the free-market Institute for Energy Research told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Under this administration’s watch we have seen production on federal lands and waters plummet due to these policies.”

In 2013, it took 194 days on average for the BLM to approve oil and gas drilling permits — 99 days on average for companies to fix any problems with their application and 95 days for the BLM to approve the permits after problems have been fixed.

“Compare this to five days in Texas and 25 in North Dakota and it’s no wonder why production on federal lands has gone down,” Warren added.
Obama. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years The Daily Caller

So given ALL the documentation and substantiation my conclusion as anyone else honest enough is Obama hasn't done ANYTHING
to encourage businesses. On the contrary Over the past decade, the federal government has issued almost 38,000 new final rules, according to the draft of the 2011 annual report to Congress on federal regulations by the Office of Management and Budget. That brought the total at the end of 2011 to 169,301 pages.

Seventy percent of the regulations were economic, accounting for $1.236 trillion of the annual cost. The other regulations were, in order of cost, environment regulations ($281 billion), tax compliance ($160 billion) and occupational safety and health and homeland security ($75 billion).

“I think these kinds of figures, if you put yourself in the place of a business person you’ll find them fairly mindboggling,”Johnson said.

Economists with the Chamber also analyzed the OBM’s report on the study, calculating that if every U.S. household paid an equal share of the federal regulatory burden, it would mean a $15,586 tab for each household in 2008.
Under Obama 11 327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added CNS News

Debunked by FactCheck.Org.

Obama Wanted Higher Gasoline Prices

What are the odds that 100% of your allegations are out of context canards just like that one?

Congratulations, you just blew away your own credibility. FauxNews must be so proud to have you as one of their most gullible viewers!

29% compared to 27%. OK, Congress, get together and pass a good jobs reform initiative. Both dems and pubs are guilty.
A new chart from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee shows a startling fact: Almost 1 in 4 Americans between the ages of 25-54 (or prime working years) are not working.

Here's a chart showing those in that age group currently employed (95.6 million)
and those who aren't (28.9 million):

View attachment 32325

1 in 4 Americans 25-54 Not Working The Weekly Standard
How about you ask the job creators, who are wealthier than ever before, for more jobs?
A new chart from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee shows a startling fact: Almost 1 in 4 Americans between the ages of 25-54 (or prime working years) are not working.

Here's a chart showing those in that age group currently employed (95.6 million)
and those who aren't (28.9 million):

View attachment 32325

1 in 4 Americans 25-54 Not Working The Weekly Standard
How about you ask the job creators, who are wealthier than ever before, for more jobs?

ask them for more jobs? How stupid! So they provide even more make work jobs that are not needed and we all pay higher prices and get poorer? Its the same as giving everyone a job as a street sweeper!

Why not eliminate the corporate tax so they have a real reason to come back and bring the real jobs and real money with them.
OP- Total BS.

The solution is to shoot the GOP house. Won't pass ANYTHING. Living wage for DEMAND.
Training for 3 million tech jobs going begging, jobs/infrastructure act, immigration bill. All the party first hater dupes have is total bs.
Our effective corporate tax is as low as anywhere- Giant corps paying nothing while mom and pop get screwed. Hater dupes...
Living wage for DEMAND.

Franco has not been to college yet!! As a child liberal he thinks all we have to do to eliminate poverty is pass a law that corps pay a living wage and to eliminate unemployment hire more! Who knew children liberals had the answers to age old problems!!
There is a lie in that chart...that ALL those not in the labor force are so discouraged they left the labor force.
As of August the breakdown of those age 25-54 Not in the Labor Force was:
Total: 23,624,000
Did Not Want a Job: 20,899,000
Wanted to work, did not look for work in over a year: 1,461,000
Wanted to work, looked in last year but not last 4 weeks, not available to start now: 301,000
Wanted to work, looked in last year but not last 4 weeks, available to work, stopped looking for personal reasons (family issues, school, transportation etc) 639,000
Wanted to work, looked in last year but not last 4 weeks, available to work, stopped looking due to discouragement: 324,000

Source: A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work age and sex

Did Not Want a Job: 20,899,000 Hello?!?

Maybe a few month out on the streets will cure some of them.
Our effective corporate tax is as low as anywhere- Giant corps paying nothing while mom and pop get screwed. Hater dupes...

dear, the actual rate is highest in world, to get effective rate they have to leave the country! So as it works our in reality our corporations are leaving, taking their jobs and manufacturing base with them, while paying virtually no taxes.

Will liberals eliminate the corporate tax? No, they, like Franco, simply lack the IQ for it.
Our effective corporate tax is as low as anywhere- Giant corps paying nothing while mom and pop get screwed. Hater dupes...

dear, the actual rate is highest in world, to get effective rate they have to leave the country! So as it works our in reality our corporations are leaving, taking their jobs and manufacturing base with them, while paying virtually no taxes.

Will liberals eliminate the corporate tax? No, they, like Franco, simply lack the IQ to understand what is happening.
A new chart from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee shows a startling fact: Almost 1 in 4 Americans between the ages of 25-54 (or prime working years) are not working.

Here's a chart showing those in that age group currently employed (95.6 million)
and those who aren't (28.9 million):

View attachment 32325

1 in 4 Americans 25-54 Not Working The Weekly Standard
How about you ask the job creators, who are wealthier than ever before, for more jobs?

ask them for more jobs? How stupid! So they provide even more make work jobs that are not needed and we all pay higher prices and get poorer? Its the same as giving everyone a job as a street sweeper!

Why not eliminate the corporate tax so they have a real reason to come back and bring the real jobs and real money with them.
Umm what?
A new chart from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee shows a startling fact: Almost 1 in 4 Americans between the ages of 25-54 (or prime working years) are not working.

Here's a chart showing those in that age group currently employed (95.6 million)
and those who aren't (28.9 million):

View attachment 32325

1 in 4 Americans 25-54 Not Working The Weekly Standard
How about you ask the job creators, who are wealthier than ever before, for more jobs?

ask them for more jobs? How stupid! So they provide even more make work jobs that are not needed and we all pay higher prices and get poorer? Its the same as giving everyone a job as a street sweeper!

Why not eliminate the corporate tax so they have a real reason to come back and bring the real jobs and real money with them.
Umm what?

dear, you said you wanted to ask for more jobs because as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand how real jobs are created.
There is a lie in that chart...that ALL those not in the labor force are so discouraged they left the labor force.
As of August the breakdown of those age 25-54 Not in the Labor Force was:
Total: 23,624,000
Did Not Want a Job: 20,899,000
Wanted to work, did not look for work in over a year: 1,461,000
Wanted to work, looked in last year but not last 4 weeks, not available to start now: 301,000
Wanted to work, looked in last year but not last 4 weeks, available to work, stopped looking for personal reasons (family issues, school, transportation etc) 639,000
Wanted to work, looked in last year but not last 4 weeks, available to work, stopped looking due to discouragement: 324,000

Source: A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work age and sex

Did Not Want a Job: 20,899,000 Hello?!?

Maybe a few month out on the streets will cure some of them.
Why would they be out on the streets? Not everybody needs a job.

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