1 in 5 US Renters Risk Eviction by 9/30/2020

The italics are historical and tell-tale for revealing the strive for pure form, circa 1933, and note in comparison how blm's destruction introduces the sad effects of spectrality (it "apparitions" or "ghosts"). And then the grafitti appears: "Together we will make a better...."
where blm begins to speak and think for the onlookers.

'Derrida takes great interest in Schmitt because he "offers a (pure and rigorous [italics]) conceptual theory of the political, of the specific region of that which is properly and without polemical rhetoric called the 'political,' the politicity of the political. Derrida reads this pure concept of the political against itself in order to formalize what he calls " a principle of ruin or spectrality" at the core of Schmitt's discourse on the political....the logic of decision that informs this deconstruction leads to a new logic of the political, which can be described in terms of essential corruptibility.
For example, Schmitt argues that the political identification of friend and enemy is no de jure tied to moral, aesthetic, or economic values, even though the political de facto is bound up with these domains. For example, proper identification of the enemy should not rely on the idea that the enemy is evil or worthy of hatred. Neither should it rely on racial, ethnic, or religious criteria. Such sentiments and valuations belong to the "private" sphere, which should not contaminate the "public" sphere of the political....As Derrida writes, Schmitt's essential distinctions between friend and enemy are "a priori doomed to failure" (Politics of Friendship 116/135) since "every time, a concept bears the phantom of the other."'
(Haegglund, Radical Atheism, op cit)
We write the post # so that the prisoner-reader can go back to the concept in it.
Post #13 mentions 30%, but offers no citation for the source of the claim, adding a (time-frame [italics]) as well. We have already mentioned "one week's wages for one month's rent" in this thread.
So if we cite a source for the November/30% claim of post #13, where is it, which article? 1 in 5 US Renters? COVID-19 Eviction Defense Project?
Oh well...............to the rest of the country that is going to get screwed..........it will be just like 2008
What's coming could be even worse than 2008:

Citigroup Has Been Paying Out More than It Earned for Years; Now It Has $102.5 Billion in Debt Maturing within Three Years

"From the start of 2017 through March, the four banks cumulatively returned about $1.26 to shareholders for every $1 they reported in net income, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

"Citigroup returned almost twice as much money to its stockholders as it earned, according to the data, which includes dividends on preferred shares. The banks declined to comment.”

"Sitting on their hands while Citigroup turned itself into a basket case is exactly what the New York Fed’s bank examiners did in the leadup to the last financial crisis of 2008."
So, your November claim so that the rest of us can catch up with you? You should have at least cited the article for the 30% November claim for the prisoners.
The 8 Reasons is an important foundation for further discourse. Some parts of the text are comparable with Desmond's book, Evicted.

Evicted by Matthew Desmond - Teacher's Guide: 9780553447453 - PenguinRandomHouse.com: Books

"In this groundbreaking book, Harvard sociologist and 2015 MacArthur 'Genius' Award winner Matthew Desmond takes readers into the poorest neighborhoods of Milwaukee, where families spend most of their income on housing and where eviction has become routine—a vicious cycle that deepens our country’s vast inequality.

"Based on years of embedded fieldwork and painstakingly gathered data, Evicted transforms our understanding of extreme poverty and economic exploitation while providing fresh ideas for solving a devastating, uniquely American problem."
georgephillip said: "Anyone paying more than 30% of their monthly income risks eviction before November 3rd."

Which article are you referring to that actually states that?
Do you really think that a guy like Joe Biden who never did sh*t for you in 40 years as a politician, he suddenly will do something for the black community? Do you?... ha ha ha ha , what an idiot! ha ha ha ha
I'm old enough to remember how Biden AND Trump were political jokes before Obama and the Apprentice. Biden, for all his limitations, will listen to experts on issues like Covid-19 while Trump believes he knows better than anyone who holds opposing positions on any issue. Neither geezer is qualified to be POTUS, but Trump has had his turn, and America can't afford any more of his abject ignorance.

Why would you support any moron who advocates ingesting bleach to fight the current pandemic?
Evict them all. Hand them a card that say "greetings from Democratic party".
Taking Down Trump Is Not Enough. Corporate Owned Neoliberal Democrats Need To Be Booted As Well – The Commoner Call
Evicted by Matthew Desmond - Teacher's Guide: 9780553447453 - PenguinRandomHouse.com: Books

"Arleen paid 88% of her $628 per month welfare check in rent.

"The majority of poor renting families spend over half of their income on housing.

"One in four pays over 70% in rent and utilities.

"Landlords evict roughly 16,000 adults and children every year in Milwaukee—or roughly 40 people every day.

"Desmond writes, 'We have failed to fully appreciate how deeply housing is implicated in the creation of poverty.'"
Badger read all about Arleen and the 70% last winter. What about the 30% georgephillip has mentioned. Has anyone found the true source of post #13 yet? What beda readinin tadis?
A business is a dictatorship. The employees have no say in the day to day operations they have no say in how the labor is treated. They have absolutely no say in anything. There is no voting and no one except the owner and executives has any representation in any part of the operations of the company
One of the current models of socialism argues most US workers are required to check their democratic rights at their work-place doors. Worker-Self-Directed Enterprises are one remedy to that problem.

Democratizing the Workplace through “Worker Self-Directed Enterprises”

"Contemporary capitalism no longer 'delivers the goods' (which is understood as a rising standard of real wages) to the majority of people.

"That classic defense of its instability (e.g. recurrent bouts of unemployment), its deepening economic, political, and cultural inequalities, and its attendant injustices is no longer plausible.

"In the U.S. since the 1970s, and especially since 2007, those who control the dominant capitalist enterprises have made decisions that undermined the delivery of rising standards of living to the mass of people."
The Desert Troll has appeared in the thread............George..........the I HATE AMERICA PUPPET supposedly from the UK......but really resides in a cave in the sandy regions of the world.
Twenty five percent unemployment is depression level unemployment.

Great, another republican Great Depression.

When will people learn that conservative economics will only result in economic collapse?
Across the last fifty years, and especially since 2008, corporate Democrats have joined their Republican brothers and sisters in pursuing neoliberal economics. The result has produced an economy that works for the richest five percent of Americans:

Yes, let's wipe out Trump. But take neoliberal Democrats with him, too | David Sirota

"Instead, though, liberal America has often produced something much different and less appealing: Democratic politicians who constantly echo courageous populist themes in speeches, news releases and election ads, and then often uses the party’s governmental power to protect the status quo and serve corporate donors in their interminable class war."
Oh well...............to the rest of the country that is going to get screwed..........it will be just like 2008
What's coming could be even worse than 2008:

Citigroup Has Been Paying Out More than It Earned for Years; Now It Has $102.5 Billion in Debt Maturing within Three Years

"From the start of 2017 through March, the four banks cumulatively returned about $1.26 to shareholders for every $1 they reported in net income, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

"Citigroup returned almost twice as much money to its stockholders as it earned, according to the data, which includes dividends on preferred shares. The banks declined to comment.”

"Sitting on their hands while Citigroup turned itself into a basket case is exactly what the New York Fed’s bank examiners did in the leadup to the last financial crisis of 2008."

This year, Citigroup has $37.3 billion of long-term debt maturing. In 2021 it has $38.1 billion in long-term debt maturing. And in 2022, it has another $27.1 billion maturing. That’s a total of $102.5 billion that Citigroup will have to cough up to deal with maturing debt

So what?

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