1 in 5 US Renters Risk Eviction by 9/30/2020

Please explain what does this have to do with Trump?
Trump (unfortunately) is still POTUS.
The Covid buck stops with him.

The Graphic Truth: Two different pandemics - EU vs US

"The United States and the European Union have comparable population sizes, but the trajectories of their COVID-19 outbreaks have been vastly different.

"New data released by the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that while there are around 4,000 new COVID cases in the EU each day, the United States is now recording more than 30,000 new cases of the virus each day eight times higher than Europe.

"At least 23 US states have reported significant upticks in new daily COVID-19 cases in recent days, raising fears of an approaching 'second wave' of infection.

"And while some politicians in the US have ascribed the difference to discrepancies in testing, a close analysis shows that the United States and the EU are conducting roughly the same number of tests per million people."

Europe implemented nation wide lock downs last spring, and the US did not; who gets the blame for that?
Please explain what does this have to do with Trump?
Trump (unfortunately) is still POTUS.
The Covid buck stops with him.

The Graphic Truth: Two different pandemics - EU vs US

"The United States and the European Union have comparable population sizes, but the trajectories of their COVID-19 outbreaks have been vastly different.

"New data released by the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that while there are around 4,000 new COVID cases in the EU each day, the United States is now recording more than 30,000 new cases of the virus each day eight times higher than Europe.

"At least 23 US states have reported significant upticks in new daily COVID-19 cases in recent days, raising fears of an approaching 'second wave' of infection.

"And while some politicians in the US have ascribed the difference to discrepancies in testing, a close analysis shows that the United States and the EU are conducting roughly the same number of tests per million people."

Europe implemented nation wide lock downs last spring, and the US did not; who gets the blame for that?

There is nothing in the US Constitution that permits the President alone, or even Congress , to implement a "nationwide lockdown".

So how is that President Trump's fault? Different states however did issue lockdowns, and some did less as far as mitigation. Ironically, the states that did more- like New York- tended to get schlonged a lot worse with the Kung Flu than other states like South Dakota.
Chodorov furthers the investigation of surplus labor, which is synonymous with surplus value when considering the concept of extortion:

'The idealistic pretentions of socialism did capture a few hearts, while its vibrant and challenging slogans fed the nascent revolutionary flame of youth. Their intellectual vanity was flattered by the "scientific" claims of socialism; they knew all about surplus value, which others did not understand, and that made them an elite. The "science" was aided and abetted by such fighting words as "workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains," and the knight-errant of the fuzzy chin was aroused to the full. Truth to tell, those who espoused socialism were among the most imaginative, volatile, and articulate students; the fact that they were ignored or derided by their classmates simply added to their ardor, for it fed the sense of superiority that makes for martyrdom. They made some headway with a few who could not break into the fraternities or could not make the athletic teams.'
(Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, Why We Have Socialism)
Please explain what does this have to do with Trump?
Trump (unfortunately) is still POTUS.
The Covid buck stops with him.

The Graphic Truth: Two different pandemics - EU vs US

"The United States and the European Union have comparable population sizes, but the trajectories of their COVID-19 outbreaks have been vastly different.

"New data released by the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that while there are around 4,000 new COVID cases in the EU each day, the United States is now recording more than 30,000 new cases of the virus each day eight times higher than Europe.

"At least 23 US states have reported significant upticks in new daily COVID-19 cases in recent days, raising fears of an approaching 'second wave' of infection.

"And while some politicians in the US have ascribed the difference to discrepancies in testing, a close analysis shows that the United States and the EU are conducting roughly the same number of tests per million people."

Europe implemented nation wide lock downs last spring, and the US did not; who gets the blame for that?
You can't compare Europe with the USA, how retarded are you? In the United States you have people suing over mask and winning.
From your own link, what else was Trump supposed to do?

Be specific..
Trump failed to provide adequate testing, and he is still deficient in that regard.

April was another lost month for Trump’s coronavirus response

"Consider testing. Experts widely agree that the US needs at least 500,000 Covid-19 tests a day, on the low end, or even tens of millions, on the high end, to safely end extreme social distancing measures.

"Throughout March, the US made some progress toward that: It went from a few dozen tests a day to a few hundred to more than 100,000.

"In April, that progress seemed to stall out.

"In the last week of April, the US averaged around 220,000 tests a day — not much of an improvement from the roughly 150,000 a day that it reported during the first few weeks of the month, and far from what experts say is needed to control the outbreak (as South Korea and Germany have)"

Trump should have turned over control of this national epidemic to the CDC and the Pentagon in March, but his rare blend of arrogance and ignorance made that impossible.
Wait you think Trump is a doctor? Come on in your own words tell us Mr. Arm chair QB what was Trump supposed to do?
Get out of the way and let experts deal with the pandemic; why do you suppose he wouldn't do that?
From your own link, what else was Trump supposed to do?

Be specific..
Trump failed to provide adequate testing, and he is still deficient in that regard.

April was another lost month for Trump’s coronavirus response

"Consider testing. Experts widely agree that the US needs at least 500,000 Covid-19 tests a day, on the low end, or even tens of millions, on the high end, to safely end extreme social distancing measures.

"Throughout March, the US made some progress toward that: It went from a few dozen tests a day to a few hundred to more than 100,000.

"In April, that progress seemed to stall out.

"In the last week of April, the US averaged around 220,000 tests a day — not much of an improvement from the roughly 150,000 a day that it reported during the first few weeks of the month, and far from what experts say is needed to control the outbreak (as South Korea and Germany have)"

Trump should have turned over control of this national epidemic to the CDC and the Pentagon in March, but his rare blend of arrogance and ignorance made that impossible.
So Trump was personally going to make millions of test kits in a few weeks?
Where is this at? Red states have blue regions. Florida has several counties deep blue with a good size population. We have nationally, a lot of uncivil people. Europeans can be more reserved then us at a higher percentage. Even with their leadership selling them out on immigration policies.
Last April the US and EU had around 30,000 Covid cases each. Since then the EU has declined to about 4000 while the US has increased to 31,000. European states had a national plan to respond to this crisis while the US did not. Possibly, because the POTUS is completely incompetent and indifferent to a pandemic that has already killed 140,000 Americans.
#243: we'll quote from communist theorists, as we gather fragments and form an image of labor and its extortion. The mystification of surplus labor vs surplus value should eventually become evident as we go along:
Why do you think Marx began his study of capital with the commodity?

Marx’s Capital: Chapter one – The Commodity.

"The question of value, according to Marx, is not about the labour expended by the individual producer.

"Under capitalism, where commodity production and exchange is dominant and universal, commodities are not simply exchanged between individuals, but are bought and sold on the market."
It is a polemical concept, then, both in the face of privileged social positions and in the face of capitalist exploitation aimed at private accumulation.....In short, labor-value contains the "fundamental element of the informative political ideology of the entire State arrangement, and thus it is the constitutive element of the regime".

Marx’s Capital: Chapter one – The Commodity

"The role of political economy, however, is to approach the capitalist system in a scientific manner – to make sense of capitalism by studying its historical development and thus outlining its general motion, tendencies, and dynamics.

"This task of providing a materialist explanation to the inner workings of capitalism was started by the classical economists Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and others; and it is upon the work of these giants that Marx built his own analysis.

"There is no great barrier that separates Marxist economics from the economic analysis of those preceding Marx; instead Marx, using the method of dialectical materialism, simply pointed out the limitations of the theories of the classical economists whilst providing a revolutionary explanation for the source of profit – the driving force behind capitalism.":)
It is a polemical concept, then, both in the face of privileged social positions and in the face of capitalist exploitation aimed at private accumulation.....In short, labor-value contains the "fundamental element of the informative political ideology of the entire State arrangement, and thus it is the constitutive element of the regime".

Marx’s Capital: Chapter one – The Commodity

"The role of political economy, however, is to approach the capitalist system in a scientific manner – to make sense of capitalism by studying its historical development and thus outlining its general motion, tendencies, and dynamics.

"This task of providing a materialist explanation to the inner workings of capitalism was started by the classical economists Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and others; and it is upon the work of these giants that Marx built his own analysis.

"There is no great barrier that separates Marxist economics from the economic analysis of those preceding Marx; instead Marx, using the method of dialectical materialism, simply pointed out the limitations of the theories of the classical economists whilst providing a revolutionary explanation for the source of profit – the driving force behind capitalism.":)

Profit only exists if wages are less than the value workers created......

'Marx termed the twofold movement of the tendency to a falling rate of profit, and the increase in the absolute quantity of surplus value, the law of the counteracted tendency. As a corollary of this law, there is the twofold movement of decoding or deterritorializing flows on the one hand, and their violent and artificial reterritorialization on the other. The more the capitalist machine deterritorializes, decoding and axiomatizing flows in order to extract surplus value from them, the more its ancillary apparatuses, such as government bureaucracies and the forces of law and order, do their utmost to reterritorialize, absorbing in the process a larger and larger share of surplus value.'
(Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, pp. 34-5, The Desiring Machines)
As we said, a pop quiz, or gestures such as post #356 will expose the pathology.

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