1 in 5 US Renters Risk Eviction by 9/30/2020

So when you complain about the cost of housing, I can almost guarantee that unless you are living specifically in a boom town like in North Dakota during the oil boom.... It's because of left-wing socialist regulations and controls.
How about real estate speculators?
What role do they play in high rental prices?

8 Reasons Why The Rent Is Too Damn High

"Market Speculation

"According to a piece in The New York Times back in November, an Australian real estate investment firm basically now owns the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn.

"This is one of the most hidden factors to high housing costs: mega-landlords and investors who can afford to buy up huge swaths of the available housing stock, reducing the natural elasticity of the market.

"Investor-driven developments are catalysts, speeding up the pace at which neighborhoods change.

"Ingrid Gould Ellen, a professor of urban policy at New York University, said in The Wall Street Journal that while 'it can take generations for neighborhoods to change,' big investors have the means 'to purchase lots of homes at once, even in tight credit markets.'":mad:
So when you complain about the cost of housing, I can almost guarantee that unless you are living specifically in a boom town like in North Dakota during the oil boom.... It's because of left-wing socialist regulations and controls.
How about real estate speculators?
What role do they play in high rental prices?

8 Reasons Why The Rent Is Too Damn High

"Market Speculation

"According to a piece in The New York Times back in November, an Australian real estate investment firm basically now owns the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn.

"This is one of the most hidden factors to high housing costs: mega-landlords and investors who can afford to buy up huge swaths of the available housing stock, reducing the natural elasticity of the market.

"Investor-driven developments are catalysts, speeding up the pace at which neighborhoods change.

"Ingrid Gould Ellen, a professor of urban policy at New York University, said in The Wall Street Journal that while 'it can take generations for neighborhoods to change,' big investors have the means 'to purchase lots of homes at once, even in tight credit markets.'":mad:

How about real estate speculators?
What role do they play in high rental prices?

If they charge too much, don't rent from them.
They have carrying costs and investors to satisfy and can't afford to keep units off the
market forever. If they do, they'll lose money.
's more dangerous driving to work...
How contagious are traffic accidents?

Coronavirus Death Rate Is Increasing In The U.S. - These Are The Worst Hit States
Contrary to the claim, Florida hospitals, are not overwhelmed.

I know that the freak-out-forever news media claims they are. They are not.
They are.
Thanks to Trump and his loyal little Turds.

If Florida were a country, it would rank fourth in the world for most new coronavirus cases in a day

What does this have to do with Trump?

Pretend Biden was in office right now. Aside from asking to use the telegraph, what exactly do you think Biden would do to Florida, to magically make Covid-19 disappear?
So you are a resentful bum, blaming others for your lot in life and railing at anyone who has put in the effort to achieve something
I'm blaming an economic system that functions like a cancer cell that's currently being crippled by the MAGA-virus:

Will California see wave of evictions once coronavirus protections for renters are lifted?

"LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- For millions of Californians, making rent is impossible during the coronavirus pandemic.

"There are temporary protections against eviction in place, but what happens when those protections expire?

"Some say it could lead to a wave of evictions like we've never seen before...."

"The next few years are going to be really challenging for tenants," said attorney Cynthia Chagolla with Bet Tzedek Legal Services, a non-profit that offers free weekly eviction prevention clinics.

"Chagolla says Los Angeles renters could face what advocates are calling an "eviction tsunami," several waves of thousands of unlawful detainer filings.

"'We are going to be dealing with the consequences of this for probably years to come,' she said."

Who are you blaming...China?:auiqs.jpg:
Their rent was so high before the virus that they were already screwed............California is run by a bunch of people who actually believe some of the crap you post............

Oh well...............to the rest of the country that is going to get screwed..........it will be just like 2008
Contrary to the claim, Florida hospitals, are not overwhelmed.

I know that the freak-out-forever news media claims they are. They are not.
They are.
Thanks to Trump and his loyal little Turds.

If Florida were a country, it would rank fourth in the world for most new coronavirus cases in a day

What does this have to do with Trump?

Pretend Biden was in office right now. Aside from asking to use the telegraph, what exactly do you think Biden would do to Florida, to magically make Covid-19 disappear?
Biden would shoot antibodies and T cells from his ARSE and kill the virus.........

Translation: "I'm a lazy fucker that won't work, so I want the people that DO work to pay for whatever I want!!!"
Who told you no one works in a communist economy? The biggest difference between that arrangement and the capitalist version is this: in the former there would be no simultaneous shortage of those willing to work and available jobs, something the profit motive guarantees.
aka they will work for you .........and you will get whatever you want from their labor...........then you will decide how they live......or even if they have food...........and YOU would say life is so Great.......as the workers would say under their breath..............I wish we could ........take this asshole out.........

There ya go...........communism has killed more people in history than any other form of Gov't.....
The 8 Reasons is an important foundation for further discourse. Some parts of the text are comparable with Desmond's book, Evicted.
You just accept the fact that they're idiots and deadbeats (meaning that they're undoubtedly Liberals), tell them "to bad", and move on, because there's no cure for stupid...
But they aren't "moving on" anywhere. Come back from wingnut fantasyland.. It would be an economic crisis all its own.
I disagree...

Once the deadbeats find a suitable bridge to park that new big screen TV under, the landlord can find a tenant that will actually pay the rent, instead of trying to RIP HIM OFF!!!
Then you are wrong. 5,10,15 million households getting evicted may well indeed crash the economy.

5, 10, 15 million households deciding not to pay their rent (and having their landlords lose the properties to foreclosure when they can't make the mortgage payments) may very well crash the economy...

Having a bunch of deadbeats living under bridges won't hurt anything, since the leeches don't contribute anything anyway...
Actually, they contributed rent until recently, which contributed to mortgages, property taxes, and the economy overall. I find it hard to believe you are as retarded as you pretend to be. Not buying it, asshole.
Then, how the hell those Public Housing units were populated mainly by black people? My guess is because they didn't have good income, enough to pay the rent asked by landlords. Very simple.
As simple as redlining, race codes, and white supremacists in high places:

"From the 1930s through the 1960s, black people across the country were largely cut out of the legitimate home-mortgage market."

The Case for Reparations

Initially, black people were denied public housing. Integrated neighborhoods were destroyed for public developments that only accepted white applicants.

Hopefully that isn't too complex for brainless white bigots to grasp?:stir:
My reply to your crappy message was about your sh*t against president Trump.

Look, not only in public housing but also with taxes. Up to the 60s white people used dog food, veterinarian's bill, and all care of their pets as tax deductibles. Then, black people started to do the same and such deductions were taken out for everybody. In the 80s I knew a guy who using a certain flaw in the IRS forms, he and a bunch of dudes didn't pay income taxes for years.

You are not here to defend any black race but just to attack president Trump.

You use past slavery, social injustice, even the Corona virus to attack the president. Your messages cause pity, your blind and obstinate cause is nonsense.

It is true that white people committed abuses against black people, but such is the past. You are living your own nightmare, wasting your life denouncing injustice from a man who has gave you the greatest opportunity to become economically successful. It is not our fault that you ignored the opportunity and you used all your energy to attack the president instead.

And you still doing it.

Do you really think that a guy like Joe Biden who never did sh*t for you in 40 years as a politician, he suddenly will do something for the black community? Do you?... ha ha ha ha , what an idiot! ha ha ha ha
How does this work for an October Surprise?

20 Million Renters Are at Risk of Eviction; Policymakers Must Act Now to Mitigate Widespread Hardship - The Aspen Institute

"Mass evictions would be a disaster.

"For both individuals and families, evictions result in severe harm; when they become widespread, there are also significant consequences for entire communities and even the speed of economic recovery.

"Policymakers are actively seeking solutions, but it is difficult to prepare without knowing the size of the problem.

"The COVID-19 Eviction Defense Project (CEDP) was formed to solve that problem.

"It is a coalition of economic researchers and legal experts who developed a model to estimate eviction risk nationally and at the state level.

"The disturbing result: 19 to 23 million, or one in five of the 110 million Americans who live in renter households, are at risk of eviction by September 30, 2020."

I've noticed an uptick in the number of tents on the sidewalks around my neighborhood for years, but so far, only single adults live in them; what happens when children, and their middle-class (white:eek:) parents who have never experienced homelessness before, begin living on the streets?

Evict them all. Hand them a card that say "greetings from Democratic party".
I paid my house mortgage in 13 years and live free of that kind of debt since decades ago. I recently went to a lake which main entrance was closed because parking spaces were full already. I took a trail from a different area, and when I reached the lake, I noticed the people over there where 99% Latino, with just two or three groups of white and black people.

I never imagined to see such many Latino people in that area, which was predominantly white and black populations before. It appears Latinos skept filling the census form or they have arrived in great quantities in this last decade.

Point is that they don't look much affected by the rental situation, when they can enjoy having fun on weekends as if they are in good economical situation.

My guess is that construction and janitorial jobs weren't affected much by the pandemic regulations, and mostly those jobs allow them to skip showing a valid ID. Caring of older people also is filled with lots of illegal immigrants.

The reason why illegal immigrants have been able to keep their jobs is not only the low pay they accept but also because they do work. This is to say, when they clean a house, they really clean it, and are not claiming "breaks" and other things like "that is not my job description".

Their way to progress also requires a kind of sacrifice. Five families (parents and children) rent and live in a two bedroom house. This way they can save money to buy cars -and brand new cars and trucks in several cases -and have a plan for having a good down payment and buy a house themselves, After buying their house, they are going to rent rooms and spaces to others who will also accept living a few families under the same roof.

When they lose their job, they help one to another until their situation catch up again. This is also observed in their churches, where they help one to another finding jobs and even getting married between themselves increasing the number of members and growing economically as one sole big family. They become so organized, that I saw many of their churches with huge patio sun shades and chairs to keep having their services using masks but together in person... while the rest of churches continue having their services thru Zoom, Instagram or Skype.

Their capacity for survival is enormous. They save money going two or three members of the same family to collect one box of free food each, at the food centers, police stations, churches, etc. and have enough food for the week.

The rent crisis will only affect a low percent of the illegal immigrant population, this is for sure. The places they will have trouble are the ones when Latino population is the majority, because the legal immigrants will defend their jobs under the same conditions, low salary and hard work. The illegal ones have more progress in places where Americans are the majority so they can offer same services at cheaper prices against professional workers following the work laws.

I still think that a kind of Section 8 program must be given to the rest of people who live one family in a single house or apartment with two bedrooms, and so forth. And this current emergency step is needed to protect low income people. My point is that some local and State governments are not doing enough to stop illegal immigration and the result is the punishment of many Americans who are having big problems by the current economic crisis... and this situation should not be happening when most illegal immigrants are not coming because poverty in their lands but because they just want to live the American dream... illegally.
But ask a democrat what Biden would have done differently to magically make this pandemic disappear and you hear crickets.
But ask a democrat what Biden would have done differently to magically make this pandemic disappear and you hear crickets.
Biden put a plan forward six months ago documenting how he would (will) combat the pandemic; did you miss it?

The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats

"Ensure that public health decisions are made by public health professionals and not politicians, and officials engaged in the response do not fear retribution or public disparagement for performing their jobs.

"Immediately restore the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, which was established by the Obama-Biden Administration and eliminated by the Trump Administration in 2018."

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