1 in 5 US Renters Risk Eviction by 9/30/2020

Think it can't get worse regardless of which corporate tool wins in November?

What Lies Ahead - CounterPunch.org

"As of mid-July no fewer than 33 million are receiving unemployment benefits, with another 6 million having dropped out of the labor force altogether and no longer even being counted as unemployed.

"Unemployment therefore remains at what will likely be a chronically high number, at around 40 million—with about 25% of the US labor force unemployed—as renewed service-retail sector layoffs, plus new permanent layoffs, both loom on the horizon..."

"There is an imminent crisis in rents affecting tens of millions.

"At the peak in April, it is estimated that roughly one-third of the 110 million renters in the US economy had stopped making rent payments due to the COVID-related shutdowns of the economy.

"The CARES ACT, passed in March, provided forbearance on rental payments, although perhaps as many as 20 states failed to enforce it.

"That forbearance directive expires at the end of July, with as many as 23 million rent evictions projected in coming months. A major housing crisis is thus brewing, as well as the second wave of job layoffs."
Which is why the establishment and liberal turd politicians are locking down again and destroying the economy.
Trump lost this fight last April when he and his team decided on a "state authority handoff" strategy of insulating the ignorant bigot from any responsibility to control a national pandemic.

That's why state and local governments in parts of the country have no choice but to shut down again.

You can't have a healthy economy without a healthy workforce with functioning medical infrastructure:

Inside Trump’s Failure: The Rush to Abandon Leadership Role on the Virus

"Over a critical period beginning in mid-April, President Trump and his team convinced themselves that the outbreak was fading, that they had given state governments all the resources they needed to contain its remaining 'embers' and that it was time to ease up on the lockdown.

"In doing so, he was ignoring warnings that the numbers would continue to drop only if social distancing was kept in place, rushing instead to restart the economy and tend to his battered re-election hopes.

"Casting the decision in ideological terms, Mr. Meadows would tell people: 'Only in Washington, D.C., do they think that they have the answer for all of America.'"
Because in the greatest economy the world has ever known, people are being evicted from their apartments.
If it was so fucking great there would be no apartments.....or houses on wheels.I show my buddies here trailer parks in ol #1. They say " who the fuck could live there ?"
Who's feeding you this BS................Is your name Mikey...
MAGA yet?

Because in the greatest economy the world has ever known, people are being evicted from their apartments.

Because in the greatest country the world has even known a booming economy was evicted by a democratic hoax. You got an empty bedroom asshole? If you do then you are a rank hypocrite.

Because in the greatest economy the world has ever known, people are being evicted from their apartments.
Obviously putting a real estate speculator in the White House results in running government like a business.

Government isn't business.

A business is a dictatorship. The employees have no say in the day to day operations they have no say in how the labor is treated. They have absolutely no say in anything. There is no voting and no one except the owner and executives has any representation in any part of the operations of the company. The owners, executives don't represent the workers, the workers didn't choose them. The owners, executives and stockholders have no obligation to work for the employees or anyone else but themselves.

Government is democratic republic here. We vote for representation in our government. They are supposed to work for the people hence the reason they're called public servants. If people don't like the way the person is doing their jobs, the people can vote them out of office.

Government and business should work together but never be merged. At least not according to the constitution.

Business doesn't give a damn about people or have any allegiance to our constitution, democracy or our nation. All business cares about is making as much money as possible.

I will never understand why anyone thinks that government and business should merge or that government should work for business.

We get what we got in the bush boy years and what we're getting now.

Total failure.
Think it can't get worse regardless of which corporate tool wins in November?

What Lies Ahead - CounterPunch.org

"As of mid-July no fewer than 33 million are receiving unemployment benefits, with another 6 million having dropped out of the labor force altogether and no longer even being counted as unemployed.

"Unemployment therefore remains at what will likely be a chronically high number, at around 40 million—with about 25% of the US labor force unemployed—as renewed service-retail sector layoffs, plus new permanent layoffs, both loom on the horizon..."

"There is an imminent crisis in rents affecting tens of millions.

"At the peak in April, it is estimated that roughly one-third of the 110 million renters in the US economy had stopped making rent payments due to the COVID-related shutdowns of the economy.

"The CARES ACT, passed in March, provided forbearance on rental payments, although perhaps as many as 20 states failed to enforce it.

"That forbearance directive expires at the end of July, with as many as 23 million rent evictions projected in coming months. A major housing crisis is thus brewing, as well as the second wave of job layoffs."

Twenty five percent unemployment is depression level unemployment.

Great, another republican Great Depression.

When will people learn that conservative economics will only result in economic collapse?
Actually, the GOVERNORS handled everything, so you can blame the imbecile that you elected to that position...
The corrupt IMBECILE you elected POTUS was and is responsible for failing to respond to a NATIONAL health crisis:
View attachment 365652
The federal government’s coronavirus actions and failures

Do you ever stop being full of shit....?
There is no such thing as a response....the virus will infect everyone over the course of the next five years or so and not a soul will be left unexposed. China just contained it's second wave about seven days ago....or so they say......it won't be long before the third wave hits and eventually they will have a full scale pandemic again.

I do notice though that the worst outbreak in the nation has gone untouched by you....New York. If you want to talk about failure in the face of the Pandemic there it is....more than half of the nations numbers are from that state....ALL DEMOCRATS......why so silent on that? Oh that's right....
your a cock sucking little political hack that's why.

Government and business should work together but never be merged. At least not according to the constitution.

Business doesn't give a damn about people or have any allegiance to our constitution, democracy or our nation. All business cares about is making as much money as possible.
Government can function as a fourth factor of production, committed to lowering the cost of living and doing business. Public roads, K-12 schools, and courts are a few current examples. If that model was extended to health care and higher education, current consumer debt levels would be greatly reduced.

U.S. consumer debt is now above levels hit during the 2008 financial crisis
Government and business should work together but never be merged. At least not according to the constitution.

Business doesn't give a damn about people or have any allegiance to our constitution, democracy or our nation. All business cares about is making as much money as possible.
Government can function as a fourth factor of production, committed to lowering the cost of living and doing business. Public roads, K-12 schools, and courts are a few current examples. If that model was extended to health care and higher education, current consumer debt levels would be greatly reduced.

U.S. consumer debt is now above levels hit during the 2008 financial crisis

Government can function as a fourth factor of production, committed to lowering the cost of living and doing business.

When has government ever lowered costs? Give your best 5 examples.
Government and business should work together but never be merged. At least not according to the constitution.

Business doesn't give a damn about people or have any allegiance to our constitution, democracy or our nation. All business cares about is making as much money as possible.
Government can function as a fourth factor of production, committed to lowering the cost of living and doing business. Public roads, K-12 schools, and courts are a few current examples. If that model was extended to health care and higher education, current consumer debt levels would be greatly reduced.

U.S. consumer debt is now above levels hit during the 2008 financial crisis

Government can function as a fourth factor of production, committed to lowering the cost of living and doing business.

When has government ever lowered costs? Give your best 5 examples.
Well, Obama care "lowered" my insurance deductible all the way up to around $10K (along with raising the premiums)...

But it sure saved my insurance company a ton of money on my medical care!!!!
That has to do with freedom
What has to do with "freedom"?

When the richest country on the planets has less than 5% of global population and accounts for 25% of global COVID-19 deaths, and its government is in the process of hiding current data, "freedom" is an afterthought.


Trump AWOL on Coronavirus - CounterPunch.org

"There are other ways of subverting democracy. Another example is the Trump administration’s order to hospitals to give patient information about the coronavirus to the Department of Health and Human Services instead of to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, thus handing control of the numbers of the ill and the dead from COVID-19 to the chaotic White House.

"The HHS website that would collect the data is closed to the public. Therefore, information is hidden. COVID-19 data already has disappeared from the CDC website."
Trickle up poor
Which seems to be happening in the US more than elsewhere:

One chart that shows how much worse income inequality is in America than Europe

"From 1980 to 2016, the poorest half of the US population has seen its share of income steadily decline, and the top 1 percent have grabbed more.

"In Europe, the same trend can’t be observed.

"In 1980, the top 1 percent’s share of income was about 10 percent in both Western Europe and the US, but since then, the two have severely diverged.

"In 2016, the top 1 percent in Western Europe had about a 12-percent share of income, compared to 20 percent in the United States.

"And in the US, the bottom 50 percent’s income share fell from more than 20 percent in 1980 to 13 percent in 2016."

View attachment 364685
Would you pay income tax rates ranging from 30%-50% in exchange for free health care and higher education? How much money would you save over a lifetime?
This is why we need to get the economy moving in a hurry. Landladies don't want to evict people, but they have expenses to meet
There's another pandemic building as we speak, and Trump will be just as inept at dealing with evictions as he was with the coronavirus.

What Lies Ahead - CounterPunch.org

"There is an imminent crisis in rents affecting tens of millions.

"At the peak in April, it is estimated that roughly one-third of the 110 million renters in the US economy had stopped making rent payments due to the COVID-related shutdowns of the economy.

"The CARES ACT, passed in March, provided forbearance on rental payments, although perhaps as many as 20 states failed to enforce it.

"That forbearance directive expires at the end of July, with as many as 23 million rent evictions projected in coming months.

"A major housing crisis is thus brewing, as well as the second wave of job layoffs."
We already know how bad this is going to be for hard working Americans who don't really deserve this shit. Sorry, but I don't see any cause for any celebration. What is your point for this OP?
I didn't mean to suggest any cause for celebration; we are looking at an epidemic of evictions coming this fall, and Trump has shown little capability or interest in solving the current crises.

20 Million Renters Are at Risk of Eviction; Policymakers Must Act Now to Mitigate Widespread Hardship - The Aspen Institute

"Mass evictions are a looming threat to 19-23 million American renters

"Across the country, renters and tenants advocates are sounding the alarm about the coming eviction crisis, referring to it as an avalanche or tsunami.

"Over the past five months, more than 44 million Americans have filed for unemployment amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"As the recession continues, economic stimulus payments are spent, and expanded Unemployment Insurance expires, many of these displaced workers will be unable to make housing payments."
We already know how bad this is going to be for hard working Americans who don't really deserve this shit. Sorry, but I don't see any cause for any celebration. What is your point for this OP?
I didn't mean to suggest any cause for celebration; we are looking at an epidemic of evictions coming this fall, and Trump has shown little capability or interest in solving the current crises.

20 Million Renters Are at Risk of Eviction; Policymakers Must Act Now to Mitigate Widespread Hardship - The Aspen Institute

"Mass evictions are a looming threat to 19-23 million American renters

"Across the country, renters and tenants advocates are sounding the alarm about the coming eviction crisis, referring to it as an avalanche or tsunami.

"Over the past five months, more than 44 million Americans have filed for unemployment amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"As the recession continues, economic stimulus payments are spent, and expanded Unemployment Insurance expires, many of these displaced workers will be unable to make housing payments."

If I was facing eviction, and I didn't have enough money to pay my rent, I'd go out and pound the pavement, and find a job. I wouldn't whine to my president about it.

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