1 in 5 US Renters Risk Eviction by 9/30/2020

Test more people - more will test positive.
Tests reveal disease.
Tests do not cause disease.

Tell Trump.

Are you really that stupid?
What am I saying, of course you are.
#243: we'll quote from communist theorists, as we gather fragments and form an image of labor and its extortion. The mystification of surplus labor vs surplus value should eventually become evident as we go along:
Why do you think Marx began his study of capital with the commodity?

Marx’s Capital: Chapter one – The Commodity.

"The question of value, according to Marx, is not about the labour expended by the individual producer.

"Under capitalism, where commodity production and exchange is dominant and universal, commodities are not simply exchanged between individuals, but are bought and sold on the market."

Successful areas of the world fully rejected that nonsense long ago.
White people have built public housing Units after public housing units, after public housing units.
FOR Colored peoples
And Buses to get their fat asses back and forth to their made up Gubmint job.
White people created the problem.
Why are you incapable of seeing that?


The Case for Reparations

"In 1934, Congress created the Federal Housing Administration.

"The FHA insured private mortgages, causing a drop in interest rates and a decline in the size of the down payment required to buy a house..."

"The FHA had adopted a system of maps that rated neighborhoods according to their perceived stability.

"On the maps, green areas, rated 'A,' indicated 'in demand' neighborhoods that, as one appraiser put it, lacked 'a single foreigner or Negro.'

"These neighborhoods were considered excellent prospects for insurance.

"Neighborhoods where black people lived were rated 'D' and were usually considered ineligible for FHA backing.

"They were colored in red.

"Neither the percentage of black people living there nor their social class mattered. Black people were viewed as a contagion."

Do you know anyone who views Black people as a contagion?
#281: Your perspective is biased toward testing whereas there were other things going down in California and New York that would have effects on the stats of a collective genome: the mutations C14408T, A23403G, G25563T, and the triple mutation, A23403G-C14408T-G25563T.
Do you think California's infections stemmed from China and New York's came from Europe?

Tracking a pandemic: Q&A with a COVID-19 detective
White people have built public housing Units after public housing units, after public housing units.
FOR Colored peoples
And Buses to get their fat asses back and forth to their made up Gubmint job.
White people created the problem.
Why are you incapable of seeing that?


The Case for Reparations

"In 1934, Congress created the Federal Housing Administration.

"The FHA insured private mortgages, causing a drop in interest rates and a decline in the size of the down payment required to buy a house..."

"The FHA had adopted a system of maps that rated neighborhoods according to their perceived stability.

"On the maps, green areas, rated 'A,' indicated 'in demand' neighborhoods that, as one appraiser put it, lacked 'a single foreigner or Negro.'

"These neighborhoods were considered excellent prospects for insurance.

"Neighborhoods where black people lived were rated 'D' and were usually considered ineligible for FHA backing.

"They were colored in red.

"Neither the percentage of black people living there nor their social class mattered. Black people were viewed as a contagion."

Do you know anyone who views Black people as a contagion?

Of course
What does this have to do with Trump?

Pretend Biden was in office right now. Aside from asking to use the telegraph, what exactly do you think Biden would do to Florida, to magically make Covid-19 disappear?
Trump has proven again and again to be entirely incapable of responding to the MAGA virus:

Biden is also unqualified to be POTUS imho, but he would have listened to experts in public health and the military much sooner than Trump has.

U.S. federal government response to the COVID-19 pandemic - Wikipedia

"In January 2020, President Trump disregarded warnings from his administration's officials about the threat the virus posed to the United States in favor of the country's economic considerations.[157]

"He publicly downplayed the danger until mid-March, making numerous optimistic statements, including that the outbreak was 'under control' and being overcome, or that the virus would somehow vanish.[158]

"On February 26, speaking of the number of known infected in the country at the time, Trump predicted 'the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero—that's a pretty good job we've done.'[159]

"However, by the end of March, The Washington Post described Trump's pronouncements as having 'evolved from casual dismissal to reluctant acknowledgment to bellicose mobilization'.[160]

"When asked about his initial dismissive comments, Trump explained that he wanted to 'give people hope' as a 'cheerleader for the country', although he 'knew everything.'"
Post #362 says that successful parts of the world have rejected the notions we posted, though offers no citations to reinforce the claim. Buffalo Bob's Peanut Gallery promptly seconds #362's argument.
That doesn't change anything. The number of deaths from Covid-19 are still tiny. You still have a better chance of dying in an accident on the way to having your Covid-19 test, than from Covid-19.

South Korea and the US reported their first case on the same day. What's the one word that explains the two vastly different outcomes?

In its dupage attempt, blm has made the mistake toying with the verb of a sentence in place of the subject. Is anyone really surprised that Goya was boycotted? Boycott himself was a Homo sapiens, just as the naked chic jonesing for recognition in Portland and doing verb-apparition imitations is a Homo sapiens. blm is racist marxism, and it attempts to reify a certain race at the expense of all others, which is antipode to democracy. As an islamic might say, "Farouk Y'all just the same."
We cite Hardt and Negri, adding another piece to the puzzle.

'The Renaissance discovered the freedom of labor, the (vis viva [italics]): materialism interpreted it an capitalist modernity subjugated it. Today the refusal of waged labor and the development of intellectual productive forces repropose intact that alternative that at the dawn of modernity was crushed and expelled. The vis viva of the materialist alternative to the domination of capitalist idealism and spiritualism was never completely extinguished.'
(Labor of Dionysus: A Critique of the State Form)
We cite Hardt and Negri, adding another piece to the puzzle.

'The Renaissance discovered the freedom of labor, the (vis viva [italics]): materialism interpreted it an capitalist modernity subjugated it. Today the refusal of waged labor and the development of intellectual productive forces repropose intact that alternative that at the dawn of modernity was crushed and expelled. The vis viva of the materialist alternative to the domination of capitalist idealism and spiritualism was never completely extinguished.'
(Labor of Dionysus: A Critique of the State Form)

I laugh.
'It has even less chance of being extinguished today when the postmodern ideologies of the dominant bourgeoisie -- worn-out ideologies at their very first appearance -- try to weave new networks of domination around the emergence of new antagonistic subjectivities, around the mass intellectuality of productive labor.

Living labor, that indomitable Dionysus of freedom and communism, does not play this game. If the form of labor is tending toward being completely immaterial, if the world of production is now describable in terms of what Marx called "General Intellect," then living labor points toward the space on this terrain for the political recomposition of antagonism.

Why not reappropriate the immaterial nature of living labor? Why not call the private property of the means of production theft -- a thousand times over because exercised also on our immaterial labor, on the most profound and indomitable nature of humanity? Why not, in any case, operate scientifically on this plane, reconstructing the dynamics of domination, the functioning of the State and law, as functions of the absurd and wretched machinations of that which is dead? Vampires and zombies seem more than ever the appropriate metaphors for the rule of capital.'
(LoD, op cit)
It's interesting that H&N combine capitalist idealism with spiritualism, when the overspiritualization of the socius continues and is reinforced by blm rioting and destruction.
That doesn't change anything. The number of deaths from Covid-19 are still tiny. You still have a better chance of dying in an accident on the way to having your Covid-19 test, than from Covid-19.

South Korea and the US reported their first case on the same day. What's the one word that explains the two vastly different outcomes?


It's not leadership. Trump does not have the authority to force everyone to close their businesses, or wear masks, or lock down the country.

The irony here is that you morons screamed and cried about Trump being a dictator, and then spin right around decrying the fact he didn't act like a dictator.

Further, we know that hospitals and clinics were paid more money by the government, if the death was from covid. Hundreds, possibly thousands were labeled as Covid deaths, when they were not even tested to see if they had Covid before they died.

That's not opinion. That's fact.

Again, what you think a different president would have done differently? What would they have done?

Nothing, and you know it.

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