1 Side Stays in DC During Shutdown, the Other Vacations

1 side controls all three branches of government.

They should be in Washington owning their falure.

But don't worry, Pelosi and the Dems will be in town Thursday, nice and rested after a well deserved vacation of kicking Republican ass, to start kicking more Republican ass starting with the most worthless ass in Washington.
I look forward to Trump having Palin to replace Ginsburg on the SCOTUS.
Palin isn't on his pre-election list of judges so nominating her would be a promise broken. Regardless of merits he needs to keep his word.
Palin would be a great pic. She is conservative and pro life. Also the media has already gone through her past with a fine tooth comb and found nothing. It would also trigger liberals again for the thousanth time since Trump got elected.

Palin has no legal background at all. She barely has a bachelors degree. Even if she had an IQ higher than a box of rocks (which she does not) she would be a terrible choice. She has no understanding of the law, the legal system or anything that a SCOTUS justice needs.
Palin has no legal background at all. She barely has a bachelors degree. Even if she had an IQ higher than a box of rocks (which she does not) she would be a terrible choice. She has no understanding of the law, the legal system or anything that a SCOTUS justice needs.

Like I said, she’s a step up from Ginsburg.

Oh horseshit. RBG actually has a real degree from a real university and a law degree as well. She had argued cases in court and before the SCOTUS.

Palin is dumber than even you, and that is saying a lot and the only time she has seen the inside of a court room was to bail her kids out of jail.
1 side controls all three branches of government.

They should be in Washington owning their falure.

But don't worry, Pelosi and the Dems will be in town Thursday, nice and rested after a well deserved vacation of kicking Republican ass, to start kicking more Republican ass starting with the most worthless ass in Washington.
I look forward to Trump having Palin to replace Ginsburg on the SCOTUS.
Palin isn't on his pre-election list of judges so nominating her would be a promise broken. Regardless of merits he needs to keep his word.
Palin would be a great pic. She is conservative and pro life. Also the media has already gone through her past with a fine tooth comb and found nothing. It would also trigger liberals again for the thousanth time since Trump got elected.

Palin has no legal background at all. She barely has a bachelors degree. Even if she had an IQ higher than a box of rocks (which she does not) she would be a terrible choice. She has no understanding of the law, the legal system or anything that a SCOTUS justice needs.
Palin has no legal background at all. She barely has a bachelors degree. Even if she had an IQ higher than a box of rocks (which she does not) she would be a terrible choice. She has no understanding of the law, the legal system or anything that a SCOTUS justice needs.

Like I said, she’s a step up from Ginsburg.

Damning with faint praise again?
You guys are trying really hard to make this the Democrat's fault but it's not working.

Dems keep obstructing.

Lol, hilarious!!

Tell us another one please!

No need. Thats what dems do and are completely responsible for the shutdown.


Keep going!!

Again, you're wrong. Keep laughing though so it will soothe your blissful ignorance.

I'm still laughing, and I'm not wrong. Hell kid you believe everything else Cheeto Jessus says, why not this?
I look forward to Trump having Palin to replace Ginsburg on the SCOTUS.
Palin isn't on his pre-election list of judges so nominating her would be a promise broken. Regardless of merits he needs to keep his word.
Palin would be a great pic. She is conservative and pro life. Also the media has already gone through her past with a fine tooth comb and found nothing. It would also trigger liberals again for the thousanth time since Trump got elected.

Palin has no legal background at all. She barely has a bachelors degree. Even if she had an IQ higher than a box of rocks (which she does not) she would be a terrible choice. She has no understanding of the law, the legal system or anything that a SCOTUS justice needs.
Palin has no legal background at all. She barely has a bachelors degree. Even if she had an IQ higher than a box of rocks (which she does not) she would be a terrible choice. She has no understanding of the law, the legal system or anything that a SCOTUS justice needs.

Like I said, she’s a step up from Ginsburg.

Damning with faint praise again?
I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.

William F. Buckley, Jr.
The orange clown knew he can fool the hillbillies and ran as a Republican. He lies they beleive him....he just told them 2 weeks ago that he is responsible for the shut down, but here they are blaming everyone else but their clown...

Ladies and gentlemen before I moved, I was warned not to move to red areas because people are dumb, racist and regressives...I honestly didnt imagine it this bad.

Trump “pleased the hillbillies” and was issued the keys to the Oval Office and given the title of Most Powerful Man In The World....some fat old whore pleased the Ragheads and Wetbacks, she sits at home on her fat ass watching the filth get bitchslapped daily...I’m thinking pleasing the hillbillies is the better play...huh?
Fat old whore? You talking about the orange or this is how you see women that you dont like?
You are a prime example of what's wrong with the US: IGNORANT, vulgar, narcissist, prick, paranoid and unhappy.
The assholes who have stayed in D.C. are the ones who are responsible for the problem in the first place. Why should anyone skip a well-deserved vacation to wait on a pile of horseshit? It was monkey-boy in the White House who started this crap. Let him and his minions suffer. trump wanted a shut down and did it. Now he owns it. Oh, poor monkey, everyone else went on with their lives instead of dancing to his tune.

At least he gets to stay home and bed his floosy.
Dems keep obstructing.
Lol, hilarious!!

Tell us another one please!

No need. Thats what dems do and are completely responsible for the shutdown.

Keep going!!

Again, you're wrong. Keep laughing though so it will soothe your blissful ignorance.
I'm still laughing, and I'm not wrong. Hell kid you believe everything else Cheeto Jessus says, why not this?

Yeah, you're wrong.
Please provide evidence that none of the Republicans left for Christmas break
Also, that the other side went to Hawaii. As far as I know, it's just Pelosi and the Hawaiian senators, not the entire caucus as the OP insinuates.
Doesn't matter.
This is becoming a habit. When budgets need to be passed, Democrats leave town.
It may not bother people with TDS, but normal people don't like the optics.
Lol, hilarious!!

Tell us another one please!

No need. Thats what dems do and are completely responsible for the shutdown.

Keep going!!

Again, you're wrong. Keep laughing though so it will soothe your blissful ignorance.
I'm still laughing, and I'm not wrong. Hell kid you believe everything else Cheeto Jessus says, why not this?

Yeah, you're wrong.
I admire a fella who can stick to his beliefs even in the face of convincing evidence to the contrary.

That can't be easy.
No need. Thats what dems do and are completely responsible for the shutdown.

Keep going!!

Again, you're wrong. Keep laughing though so it will soothe your blissful ignorance.
I'm still laughing, and I'm not wrong. Hell kid you believe everything else Cheeto Jessus says, why not this?

Yeah, you're wrong.
I admire a fella who can stick to his beliefs even in the face of convincing evidence to the contrary.

That can't be easy.

Pretty easy when its true and you're still wrong.

Keep going!!

Again, you're wrong. Keep laughing though so it will soothe your blissful ignorance.
I'm still laughing, and I'm not wrong. Hell kid you believe everything else Cheeto Jessus says, why not this?

Yeah, you're wrong.
I admire a fella who can stick to his beliefs even in the face of convincing evidence to the contrary.

That can't be easy.

Pretty easy when its true and you're still wrong.
Good for you!
Please provide evidence that none of the Republicans left for Christmas break
Also, that the other side went to Hawaii. As far as I know, it's just Pelosi and the Hawaiian senators, not the entire caucus as the OP insinuates.
Doesn't matter. This is becoming a habit. When budgets need to be passed, Democrats leave town. It may not bother people with TDS, but normal people don't like the optics.
The habit I see is the Republicans shutting the government down and it blowing up in their faces. If Pelosi needs to be back in DC, she can be there in a day. Shutting down the government can take years for the Republicans to recover from the political damage. When will they learn?
Please provide evidence that none of the Republicans left for Christmas break
Also, that the other side went to Hawaii. As far as I know, it's just Pelosi and the Hawaiian senators, not the entire caucus as the OP insinuates.
Doesn't matter. This is becoming a habit. When budgets need to be passed, Democrats leave town. It may not bother people with TDS, but normal people don't like the optics.
The habit I see is the Republicans shutting the government down and it blowing up in their faces. If Pelosi needs to be back in DC, she can be there in a day. Shutting down the government can take years for the Republicans to recover from the political damage. When will they learn?
:21: Yup. Sure. Uh-huh
Have you ever heard of the phrase "Checks And Balances".
Please provide evidence that none of the Republicans left for Christmas break
Also, that the other side went to Hawaii. As far as I know, it's just Pelosi and the Hawaiian senators, not the entire caucus as the OP insinuates.
Doesn't matter. This is becoming a habit. When budgets need to be passed, Democrats leave town. It may not bother people with TDS, but normal people don't like the optics.
The habit I see is the Republicans shutting the government down and it blowing up in their faces. If Pelosi needs to be back in DC, she can be there in a day. Shutting down the government can take years for the Republicans to recover from the political damage. When will they learn?
Have you ever heard of the phrase "Checks And Balances".
Have you heard the quote, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”? Apparently Trump and the Republicans haven't.

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