1 Side Stays in DC During Shutdown, the Other Vacations

Dems keep obstructing.
Lol, hilarious!!

Tell us another one please!

No need. Thats what dems do and are completely responsible for the shutdown.

The only people that think the Dems are completely responsible for the shutdown are the Trump sheep.

The dems are obstructing though.

Oh horse shit. Trump came out and said he would sign a bill and then Ann Coulter was mean to him and he changed his mind...this is all on him...he said so himself.

Besides, the bill that was passed last week is now null and void. The day that Congress adjourned, at the end of its two-year cycle, all bills that have not made it through the entire legislative process and signed into law are dead.

They have to start from scratch on the 3rd.

No, he wanted 5 billion and dems obstructed. Its that simple.
Lol, hilarious!!

Tell us another one please!

No need. Thats what dems do and are completely responsible for the shutdown.

The only people that think the Dems are completely responsible for the shutdown are the Trump sheep.

The dems are obstructing though.

Oh horse shit. Trump came out and said he would sign a bill and then Ann Coulter was mean to him and he changed his mind...this is all on him...he said so himself.

Besides, the bill that was passed last week is now null and void. The day that Congress adjourned, at the end of its two-year cycle, all bills that have not made it through the entire legislative process and signed into law are dead.

They have to start from scratch on the 3rd.

No, he wanted 5 billion and dems obstructed. Its that simple.

you are correct, they did not give him everything he wanted so he shut down the government just like he said he would.

it is not the job of congress to give in to every whim of the POTUS.
No need. Thats what dems do and are completely responsible for the shutdown.

The only people that think the Dems are completely responsible for the shutdown are the Trump sheep.

The dems are obstructing though.

Oh horse shit. Trump came out and said he would sign a bill and then Ann Coulter was mean to him and he changed his mind...this is all on him...he said so himself.

Besides, the bill that was passed last week is now null and void. The day that Congress adjourned, at the end of its two-year cycle, all bills that have not made it through the entire legislative process and signed into law are dead.

They have to start from scratch on the 3rd.

No, he wanted 5 billion and dems obstructed. Its that simple.

you are correct, they did not give him everything he wanted so he shut down the government just like he said he would.

it is not the job of congress to give in to every whim of the POTUS.

I agree but the dem congress didn't object one tittle when O wanted a trillion dollar healthcare law. They gave it to him......but now they object to 5 billion? Lol. Yeah............no.
The only people that think the Dems are completely responsible for the shutdown are the Trump sheep.

The dems are obstructing though.

Oh horse shit. Trump came out and said he would sign a bill and then Ann Coulter was mean to him and he changed his mind...this is all on him...he said so himself.

Besides, the bill that was passed last week is now null and void. The day that Congress adjourned, at the end of its two-year cycle, all bills that have not made it through the entire legislative process and signed into law are dead.

They have to start from scratch on the 3rd.

No, he wanted 5 billion and dems obstructed. Its that simple.

you are correct, they did not give him everything he wanted so he shut down the government just like he said he would.

it is not the job of congress to give in to every whim of the POTUS.

I agree but the dem congress didn't object one tittle when O wanted a trillion dollar healthcare law. They gave it to him......but now they object to 5 billion? Lol. Yeah............no.

And look how much that fucked things up. Though the Dem congress did not give Obama half of what he wanted, the Blue Dogs saved us from an even worse bill
The orange clown knew he can fool the hillbillies and ran as a Republican. He lies they beleive him....he just told them 2 weeks ago that he is responsible for the shut down, but here they are blaming everyone else but their clown...

Ladies and gentlemen before I moved, I was warned not to move to red areas because people are dumb, racist and regressives...I honestly didnt imagine it this bad.

Trump “pleased the hillbillies” and was issued the keys to the Oval Office and given the title of Most Powerful Man In The World....some fat old whore pleased the Ragheads and Wetbacks, she sits at home on her fat ass watching the filth get bitchslapped daily...I’m thinking pleasing the hillbillies is the better play...huh?

1 side controls all three branches of government.

They should be in Washington owning their falure.

But don't worry, Pelosi and the Dems will be in town Thursday, nice and rested after a well deserved vacation of kicking Republican ass, to start kicking more Republican ass starting with the most worthless ass in Washington.
I look forward to Trump having Palin to replace Ginsburg on the SCOTUS.
Palin isn't on his pre-election list of judges so nominating her would be a promise broken. Regardless of merits he needs to keep his word.
Palin would be a great pic. She is conservative and pro life. Also the media has already gone through her past with a fine tooth comb and found nothing. It would also trigger liberals again for the thousanth time since Trump got elected.

Congress is in a lame duck session until the democrats take office TOMORROW.

The dems are obstructing though.

Oh horse shit. Trump came out and said he would sign a bill and then Ann Coulter was mean to him and he changed his mind...this is all on him...he said so himself.

Besides, the bill that was passed last week is now null and void. The day that Congress adjourned, at the end of its two-year cycle, all bills that have not made it through the entire legislative process and signed into law are dead.

They have to start from scratch on the 3rd.

No, he wanted 5 billion and dems obstructed. Its that simple.

you are correct, they did not give him everything he wanted so he shut down the government just like he said he would.

it is not the job of congress to give in to every whim of the POTUS.

I agree but the dem congress didn't object one tittle when O wanted a trillion dollar healthcare law. They gave it to him......but now they object to 5 billion? Lol. Yeah............no.

And look how much that fucked things up. Though the Dem congress did not give Obama half of what he wanted, the Blue Dogs saved us from an even worse bill

There are no blue dogs. Thats another myth. They sure had no problem when O was spending 8 trillion. They probably had a problem with W spending the other 8 trillion though. They have no credibility.
Oh horse shit. Trump came out and said he would sign a bill and then Ann Coulter was mean to him and he changed his mind...this is all on him...he said so himself.

Besides, the bill that was passed last week is now null and void. The day that Congress adjourned, at the end of its two-year cycle, all bills that have not made it through the entire legislative process and signed into law are dead.

They have to start from scratch on the 3rd.

No, he wanted 5 billion and dems obstructed. Its that simple.

you are correct, they did not give him everything he wanted so he shut down the government just like he said he would.

it is not the job of congress to give in to every whim of the POTUS.

I agree but the dem congress didn't object one tittle when O wanted a trillion dollar healthcare law. They gave it to him......but now they object to 5 billion? Lol. Yeah............no.

And look how much that fucked things up. Though the Dem congress did not give Obama half of what he wanted, the Blue Dogs saved us from an even worse bill

There are no blue dogs. Thats another myth. They sure had no problem when O was spending 8 trillion. They probably had a problem with W spending the other 8 trillion though. They have no credibility.

so do you have a problem with Trump adding 4 trillion to the deficit ?

Trump's proposed $4 trillion budget would sharply raise the deficit

what say ye Mr Credibility ?
No, he wanted 5 billion and dems obstructed. Its that simple.

you are correct, they did not give him everything he wanted so he shut down the government just like he said he would.

it is not the job of congress to give in to every whim of the POTUS.

I agree but the dem congress didn't object one tittle when O wanted a trillion dollar healthcare law. They gave it to him......but now they object to 5 billion? Lol. Yeah............no.

And look how much that fucked things up. Though the Dem congress did not give Obama half of what he wanted, the Blue Dogs saved us from an even worse bill

There are no blue dogs. Thats another myth. They sure had no problem when O was spending 8 trillion. They probably had a problem with W spending the other 8 trillion though. They have no credibility.

so do you have a problem with Trump adding 4 trillion to the deficit ?

I sure do. He's spending just like W and O .
Apparently the Dems feel the Republicans and the President will get the blame from public opinion, so they are not concerned with a resolution. They’re probably right considering the MSM.
Consider truth and the result is the same, repukes and rump own the shutdown.
you are correct, they did not give him everything he wanted so he shut down the government just like he said he would.

it is not the job of congress to give in to every whim of the POTUS.

I agree but the dem congress didn't object one tittle when O wanted a trillion dollar healthcare law. They gave it to him......but now they object to 5 billion? Lol. Yeah............no.

And look how much that fucked things up. Though the Dem congress did not give Obama half of what he wanted, the Blue Dogs saved us from an even worse bill

There are no blue dogs. Thats another myth. They sure had no problem when O was spending 8 trillion. They probably had a problem with W spending the other 8 trillion though. They have no credibility.

so do you have a problem with Trump adding 4 trillion to the deficit ?

I sure do. He's spending just like W and O .

Somehow I have missed all those thread by the Trump faithful about his spending and deficits.
Oh horse shit. Trump came out and said he would sign a bill and then Ann Coulter was mean to him and he changed his mind...this is all on him...he said so himself.

Besides, the bill that was passed last week is now null and void. The day that Congress adjourned, at the end of its two-year cycle, all bills that have not made it through the entire legislative process and signed into law are dead.

They have to start from scratch on the 3rd.

No, he wanted 5 billion and dems obstructed. Its that simple.

you are correct, they did not give him everything he wanted so he shut down the government just like he said he would.

it is not the job of congress to give in to every whim of the POTUS.

I agree but the dem congress didn't object one tittle when O wanted a trillion dollar healthcare law. They gave it to him......but now they object to 5 billion? Lol. Yeah............no.

And look how much that fucked things up. Though the Dem congress did not give Obama half of what he wanted, the Blue Dogs saved us from an even worse bill

There are no blue dogs. Thats another myth. They sure had no problem when O was spending 8 trillion. They probably had a problem with W spending the other 8 trillion though. They have no credibility.

I do not know how old you are so maybe you do not remember, but there was a contingent of Dems that held up OCare and in the end much that Obama wanted was left out to appease this group.

1 side controls all three branches of government.

They should be in Washington owning their falure.

But don't worry, Pelosi and the Dems will be in town Thursday, nice and rested after a well deserved vacation of kicking Republican ass, to start kicking more Republican ass starting with the most worthless ass in Washington.
I look forward to Trump having Palin to replace Ginsburg on the SCOTUS.
Palin isn't on his pre-election list of judges so nominating her would be a promise broken. Regardless of merits he needs to keep his word.
Palin would be a great pic. She is conservative and pro life. Also the media has already gone through her past with a fine tooth comb and found nothing. It would also trigger liberals again for the thousanth time since Trump got elected.

Palin has no legal background at all. She barely has a bachelors degree. Even if she had an IQ higher than a box of rocks (which she does not) she would be a terrible choice. She has no understanding of the law, the legal system or anything that a SCOTUS justice needs.

1 side controls all three branches of government.

They should be in Washington owning their falure.

But don't worry, Pelosi and the Dems will be in town Thursday, nice and rested after a well deserved vacation of kicking Republican ass, to start kicking more Republican ass starting with the most worthless ass in Washington.
I look forward to Trump having Palin to replace Ginsburg on the SCOTUS.
Palin isn't on his pre-election list of judges so nominating her would be a promise broken. Regardless of merits he needs to keep his word.
Palin would be a great pic. She is conservative and pro life. Also the media has already gone through her past with a fine tooth comb and found nothing. It would also trigger liberals again for the thousanth time since Trump got elected.

Palin has no legal background at all. She barely has a bachelors degree. Even if she had an IQ higher than a box of rocks (which she does not) she would be a terrible choice. She has no understanding of the law, the legal system or anything that a SCOTUS justice needs.
Lol, liberals do? Lol, the only thing they will do is push their agenda. Not look out for the consitution or americans.
Lol, liberals do? Lol, the only thing they will do is push their agenda. Not look out for the consitution or americans.

Which is the same thing you are wanting Palin to do. you are no different than that which you rail against.
Oh horse shit. Trump came out and said he would sign a bill and then Ann Coulter was mean to him and he changed his mind...this is all on him...he said so himself.

Besides, the bill that was passed last week is now null and void. The day that Congress adjourned, at the end of its two-year cycle, all bills that have not made it through the entire legislative process and signed into law are dead.

They have to start from scratch on the 3rd.

No, he wanted 5 billion and dems obstructed. Its that simple.

you are correct, they did not give him everything he wanted so he shut down the government just like he said he would.

it is not the job of congress to give in to every whim of the POTUS.

I agree but the dem congress didn't object one tittle when O wanted a trillion dollar healthcare law. They gave it to him......but now they object to 5 billion? Lol. Yeah............no.

And look how much that fucked things up. Though the Dem congress did not give Obama half of what he wanted, the Blue Dogs saved us from an even worse bill

There are no blue dogs. Thats another myth. They sure had no problem when O was spending 8 trillion. They probably had a problem with W spending the other 8 trillion though. They have no credibility.

Obama didn't spend anything. The President can't spend money.

One post your crying because Trump can't spend any, and the next post you're lying about how Obama did.

When you magamites aren't saying something stupid, you're lying.
Lol, liberals do? Lol, the only thing they will do is push their agenda. Not look out for the consitution or americans.

Which is the same thing you are wanting Palin to do. you are no different than that which you rail against.
Not really Palin would at least look at all sides. Kavanuagh was proof that liberals should never be in power.
Not really Palin would at least look at all sides. Kavanuagh was proof that liberals should never be in power.

Palin is not equipped mentally or educated enough to look at both sides.

Plus, do you really want her to or do you want her to rule with the "Right" side all of the time.

Hell, Kavanuagh was basically been written off already for siding with PP in a totally non-abortion related case.

1 side controls all three branches of government.

They should be in Washington owning their falure.

But don't worry, Pelosi and the Dems will be in town Thursday, nice and rested after a well deserved vacation of kicking Republican ass, to start kicking more Republican ass starting with the most worthless ass in Washington.
I look forward to Trump having Palin to replace Ginsburg on the SCOTUS.
Palin isn't on his pre-election list of judges so nominating her would be a promise broken. Regardless of merits he needs to keep his word.
Palin would be a great pic. She is conservative and pro life. Also the media has already gone through her past with a fine tooth comb and found nothing. It would also trigger liberals again for the thousanth time since Trump got elected.

Palin has no legal background at all. She barely has a bachelors degree. Even if she had an IQ higher than a box of rocks (which she does not) she would be a terrible choice. She has no understanding of the law, the legal system or anything that a SCOTUS justice needs.
Palin has no legal background at all. She barely has a bachelors degree. Even if she had an IQ higher than a box of rocks (which she does not) she would be a terrible choice. She has no understanding of the law, the legal system or anything that a SCOTUS justice needs.

Like I said, she’s a step up from Ginsburg.

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