10 BIG LIES About Donald Trump....Attn. ABNORMALS!

Trump didn't really want the job, (i.e., even he couldn't have imagined Republicans would be so dumb).

I actually agree that the win was as big a surprise to Trump as it was to the rest of us. On the night of the election, and in his post-election interview on 60 minutes, he looked scared shitless.

But here's something else to consider. Trump KNOWS what he's done and the things Mueller has likely found in the Russia Investigation. Flatly stated, Trump has been laundering money for Russian Oligarchs since Putin came to power. It's the source of his mysterious cash flow which he's been using to buy properties and do deals since the turn of the century.

Trump is fuming and raging now, and terrified of what Mueller will do next. Because he KNOWS that the men who are now talking to Mueller (Manafort and Cohen), can bury him, and destroy not only Trump, but his empire and his family. Trump thought he could run for President, and never have to make disclosures or have the public and law enforcement find out all of his dirty secrets. That didn't exactly work out as planned.
#10: He became President to enrich himself and his family!
I don't know. The jury is still out on that one. Every president leaves office richer than before.

Not really. Trump's net worth is dropping like a stone. His hotel properties throughout the world are doing poorly, despite the influx of visitors from Saudi Arabia to several of them. The only US Trump properties which are currently operating at a profit, are his East Coast Golf Clubs which are all doing well because membership buys access to the President. Trump immediately doubled the initiation fees at Mar-a-lago and Bedminster when he was first elected and then made of point of travelling there every weekend on the taxpayers dime.

And no other President has ever signed himself a multi-million dollar tax cut.

#9: He’s not intelligent!
Wharton School of Business at The University of Pennsylvania is the #1 business school in the world. I would think one needs to be pretty bright to get into that school.

Not in Trump's case. His father made a very large donation to the university, despite not have attended that school, and Dumb Donald got in. Yes he did graduate, but he did not win any academic awards, nor did he graduate with honours or otherwise distinguish himself as a student there, other than one of his professors was quoted as saying Trump was "the dumbest student he ever had" right before the election.

#8: …But he didn’t do it on his own—daddy’s $$$. And he’s a lousy businessman!
He didn't do it on his own. He did have daddy's money, but he is far from a lousy business man. Nobody with a brain thinks he sucks at business.

Everyone with half a brain KNOWS he sucks at business. His companies have gone bankrupt SEVEN TIMES. That's a record for an American businessman. So is his record of 3000+ law suits. I remember one of our big time builder clients telling us why he avoids lawsuits. They take up a lot of time, and a lot of money, to collect a few thousand dollars. If he used that time and those resources to build new projects, he could make ten times the amount of money that we were proposing he sue for.

American banks have lost so much money lending to Trump that they will no longer finance his deals. Until he started laundering money for Russian oligarchs, he was pretty much broke. Trump would be worth more money if he had simply taken his inheritance and invested it in the stock market.

#7: He’s not a Christian!
He's not religious.

It''s not that Trump isn't Christian, or that he isn't religious. It's that he has no morality. No simple sense of right and wrong. He said it didn't matter what he said about Dr. Ford because 'We won'". He still doesn't understand why people got all crazy about him separating young children from their parents. For Trump, winning isn't everything, it's the only thing. It doesn't matter how you win. It only matters that you do, and he sees everything as a pissing contest. There is nothing worse in his eyes, than a "loser".

Trump has been a "loser" all of his life. His narciscism, his inferiority complex, his politics of grievance. All of his life, Dumb Donald has lied and faked his way through life, making his way by bullying the little guys in the construction business, and sucking dumb investors into his money losing schemes. Along the way he learned how to run a good bankruptcy scam. He bragged about walking away from Atlantic City with $40 million in his pockets, after his first bankrupcties there. His one success was the construction of Trump Tower, which his father smoothed the way for him to complete. Nothing thereafter has been a success.

#6: He’s not a conservative!
Depends on how you define "conservative."

Trump is an authoritarian populist. He will say and do whatever he needs to in order to get elected, but his greatest hits to gin his base involve heavy doses of white nationalism, with a side order of paranoia, fear-mongering and undermining the government structures, and checks and balances which constrain the President's power. His demands for loyalty oaths, and absolute obediance regardless of what the Constitution says, what the oath of office says, and his attacks on the press as "fake news" are straight out of the Joseph Stalin playbook. It was Stalin who coined the phrase "enemy of the people" in regards to the Press.

#5: He colluded with Russia!
Nobody with a brain believes that horseshit. It was an excuse for why SHE didn't win.

Nobody with their eyes wide open believes he didn't collude with Russia. First off, there's those 100+ indictments of Trump Campaign workers, Russian government hackers, and apparently, Julian Assange. And the 6 guilty pleas, and 5 cooperation agreements, and the fact that Michael Cohen implicated Trump as an unindicted co-conspirator in regards to the crimes he committed in his dealings with Stormy Daniels.

Why do you think that Trump is shitting himself on Twitter again on a daily basis? Mueller has been a busy little beaver during the election campaign, interviewing Cohen and Manafort, preparing his next round of indictments, which we actually thought might drop today. Trump doesn't openly obstruct justice like this unless he is really fucking scared. Don't forget - Trump knows EXACTLY what he's done and what Mueller might find. We don't. Innocent men don't act like this.

#4: He’s too divisive, and responsible for violence!
He is as divisive as his opposition. The opposition is simply not used to the push back. The GOP is full of pussies who never push back.

Violent crime is up across the nation since Trump's election. Reports of hate crimes are up 500%. Right wing vigilantis, armed to the teeth, are headed for the border to repell the Caravan. What are the odds that this will end well?

#3: He hates Jews!
This is true. His Jewish son-in-law is not a REAL Jew. Jared Kirshner is just a "house Jew." He is an Uncle Chaim. :laughing0301:
He's not down for the struggle.

#2: He hates blacks, and Hispanics, and Muslims
QUOTE="Bootney Lee Farnsworth, post: 21207370, member: 65605"]I can't say for sure. It would be speculation to assume that I know what is in another man's heart. The left does not have a problem making this assumption for political gain, even in cases where there is absolutely zero evidence.

#1: He lies!
He does. All politicians lie. I am surprised this is even a criticism. We cannot trust any of those weasels.

As for the rest of your bullshit apologies for Trump's amoral and illegal behaviour and saying "they're all like this", well no they're not.

Trump is defying immigration law, because he doesn't want to let people who aren't white, Christian and well off, into the US. Trump has decided to bar people from seeking asylum, to bar people from countries he deems "shitholes", and to ban Muslim immigration. He's trying to rescind the citizenship of some immigrants. He's tossed out all of the visa immigrants from Hispanic countries.

Trump is the President of ALL OF THE PEOPLE. That includes blacks, immigrants, hispanics, and women. He is governing for his base. Pandering to the racists. Destroying the country with hate, fear and paranoia.
In College, the Student Lives Like a Child. That's Why He Graduates With the Mind of a Child.

The deeper a reality-based thinker goes into Leftist cults indoctrinated under "the ideologies of the educated," the dumber those warped perspectives become. As a typical example of smug stupidity, Progues glorify the wrong end of the Bell Curve; such a hypocritical contradiction proves that college education has as little to do with making anyone intelligent as reading the sports pages has with making anyone athletic.

Complementing the false conceit of the sheltered and smug pseudo-intellectuals is the fact that the deeper a reality-based mind goes beyond Trump's uninhibited personality presentations, the more The Donald fits the definition of "untutored genius."[/QUOTE]

How American Citizens Finance $18.5 Billion In Health Care For Unauthorized Immigrants

How American Citizens Finance $18.5 Billion In Health Care For Unauthorized Immigrants
Trump didn't really want the job, (i.e., even he couldn't have imagined Republicans would be so dumb).

I actually agree that the win was as big a surprise to Trump as it was to the rest of us. On the night of the election, and in his post-election interview on 60 minutes, he looked scared shitless.

But here's something else to consider. Trump KNOWS what he's done and the things Mueller has likely found in the Russia Investigation. Flatly stated, Trump has been laundering money for Russian Oligarchs since Putin came to power. It's the source of his mysterious cash flow which he's been using to buy properties and do deals since the turn of the century.

Trump is fuming and raging now, and terrified of what Mueller will do next. Because he KNOWS that the men who are now talking to Mueller (Manafort and Cohen), can bury him, and destroy not only Trump, but his empire and his family. Trump thought he could run for President, and never have to make disclosures or have the public and law enforcement find out all of his dirty secrets. That didn't exactly work out as planned.

You're a logical thinker Dragonlady. Trump didn't want the job, which is supported by he doing a tremendous job despite regressive propaganda, mother nature, filthy Democrat leadership, and a dumbed-down public.
Trump and supporters are demanding the majority of American citizens reject the moral and religious values and beliefs of their parents, grandparents, great grandparents and generations of Americans. They are demanding all of us reject rhe moral and spiritual values and beliefs of the majority of world religions and cultural values in exchange for concepts of Donald Trump.
Trump didn't really want the job, (i.e., even he couldn't have imagined Republicans would be so dumb).

I actually agree that the win was as big a surprise to Trump as it was to the rest of us. On the night of the election, and in his post-election interview on 60 minutes, he looked scared shitless.

But here's something else to consider. Trump KNOWS what he's done and the things Mueller has likely found in the Russia Investigation. Flatly stated, Trump has been laundering money for Russian Oligarchs since Putin came to power. It's the source of his mysterious cash flow which he's been using to buy properties and do deals since the turn of the century.

Trump is fuming and raging now, and terrified of what Mueller will do next. Because he KNOWS that the men who are now talking to Mueller (Manafort and Cohen), can bury him, and destroy not only Trump, but his empire and his family. Trump thought he could run for President, and never have to make disclosures or have the public and law enforcement find out all of his dirty secrets. That didn't exactly work out as planned.

You're a logical thinker Dragonlady. Trump didn't want the job, which is supported by he doing a tremendous job despite regressive propaganda, mother nature, filthy Democrat leadership, and a dumbed-down public.

He's not doing a "tremendous job", as shown by the thorough drubbing Republicans received in the mid-terms. This is now just about the worst mid-terms defeat in history. Over 300 seats nationwide, turned from red to blue.

The trade imbalance is higher than ever. The deficit is at the highest level in history. Job creation is slowing despite the double goosing of tax cuts and increases in government spending. The stock market is stalled and nervous. And then there's the boycotts of American products all around the world in protest to Trump's attacks on NATO and your trading partners.

Prices are rising due to tariffs, but imports are increasing, not decreasing. I thought Dumb Donald said "Trade wars are easy to win.". The tax cuts did nothing for the American workers at all. Increased prices of health insurance and consumer goods have more than wiped out any income gains made during this Administration.

And then there's the level of violence in the country. Public shootings reached record levels since Trump was elected. As have hate crimes which are up 500%. Mass shootings have increased, hate crimes have increased, and shootings of unarmed civilians by police are also up.

There isn't one single indicator that Trump has done ANYTHING right since he was elected, and much which shows that every decision taken by this clown, has been the wrong one.
Trump and supporters are demanding the majority of American citizens reject the moral and religious values and beliefs of their parents, grandparents, great grandparents and generations of Americans. They are demanding all of us reject rhe moral and spiritual values and beliefs of the majority of world religions and cultural values in exchange for concepts of Donald Trump.
That's what Pelosi and the other Progs are doing, moron.
Trump didn't really want the job, (i.e., even he couldn't have imagined Republicans would be so dumb).

I actually agree that the win was as big a surprise to Trump as it was to the rest of us. On the night of the election, and in his post-election interview on 60 minutes, he looked scared shitless.

But here's something else to consider. Trump KNOWS what he's done and the things Mueller has likely found in the Russia Investigation. Flatly stated, Trump has been laundering money for Russian Oligarchs since Putin came to power. It's the source of his mysterious cash flow which he's been using to buy properties and do deals since the turn of the century.

Trump is fuming and raging now, and terrified of what Mueller will do next. Because he KNOWS that the men who are now talking to Mueller (Manafort and Cohen), can bury him, and destroy not only Trump, but his empire and his family. Trump thought he could run for President, and never have to make disclosures or have the public and law enforcement find out all of his dirty secrets. That didn't exactly work out as planned.

You're a logical thinker Dragonlady. Trump didn't want the job, which is supported by he doing a tremendous job despite regressive propaganda, mother nature, filthy Democrat leadership, and a dumbed-down public.

He's not doing a "tremendous job", as shown by the thorough drubbing Republicans received in the mid-terms. This is now just about the worst mid-terms defeat in history. Over 300 seats nationwide, turned from red to blue.

The trade imbalance is higher than ever. The deficit is at the highest level in history. Job creation is slowing despite the double goosing of tax cuts and increases in government spending. The stock market is stalled and nervous. And then there's the boycotts of American products all around the world in protest to Trump's attacks on NATO and your trading partners.

Prices are rising due to tariffs, but imports are increasing, not decreasing. I thought Dumb Donald said "Trade wars are easy to win.". The tax cuts did nothing for the American workers at all. Increased prices of health insurance and consumer goods have more than wiped out any income gains made during this Administration.

And then there's the level of violence in the country. Public shootings reached record levels since Trump was elected. As have hate crimes which are up 500%. Mass shootings have increased, hate crimes have increased, and shootings of unarmed civilians by police are also up.

There isn't one single indicator that Trump has done ANYTHING right since he was elected, and much which shows that every decision taken by this clown, has been the wrong one.

Put down the pipe Dragon Lady. You're too far gone to recognize voters are often simple minds who only know what the media tells them. Nor do you understand history and historical trends. Did you know the public didn't support Abe Lincoln on many issues? Of course not, but according to you, PROGRESSIVES have the mental capacity to distinguish between right and wrong, and between good information and propaganda.

Ah shucks, the stock market is stalled and nervous. That's a lie, but even if you were right, you'd do yourself a favor to educate yourself on the relationship between interest rates and the market. You know, rates that were historically low during Obama's tenure.

And stick your hate crimes where a dragon's butt is displayed. It's the left who features hate speech all day everyday. To deny that is to deny you have a mother. It's also the result of the chaos that comes with mass immigration and a divisive chaotic culture.

You're a fucking fool Dragon Lady. Trump has done nothing right? Again, progressives don't care about the objective, what's important is the shit that spews from their mouths. Here you go dummy, choke on this but educate yourself: Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping
Trump and supporters are demanding the majority of American citizens reject the moral and religious values and beliefs of their parents, grandparents, great grandparents and generations of Americans. They are demanding all of us reject rhe moral and spiritual values and beliefs of the majority of world religions and cultural values in exchange for concepts of Donald Trump.
That's what Pelosi and the other Progs are doing, moron.

Progressive is code for intellectually dishonest and projection.
Trump and supporters are demanding the majority of American citizens reject the moral and religious values and beliefs of their parents, grandparents, great grandparents and generations of Americans. They are demanding all of us reject rhe moral and spiritual values and beliefs of the majority of world religions and cultural values in exchange for concepts of Donald Trump.
That's what Pelosi and the other Progs are doing, moron.
Really? I have challenged your and Trump's demands to believe his lies and take his lies and bearing of false witness as anything less than proof of his and your lack of morality and cultural values. Bearing False Witness is a sin according to Jewish and Christian religion and American cultural standards. So, explain the sins of Pelosi.
Trump and supporters are demanding the majority of American citizens reject the moral and religious values and beliefs of their parents, grandparents, great grandparents and generations of Americans. They are demanding all of us reject rhe moral and spiritual values and beliefs of the majority of world religions and cultural values in exchange for concepts of Donald Trump.
That's what Pelosi and the other Progs are doing, moron.
Really? I have challenged your and Trump's demands to believe his lies and take his lies and bearing of false witness as anything less than proof of his and your lack of morality and cultural values. Bearing False Witness is a sin according to Jewish and Christian religion and American cultural standards. So, explain the sins of Pelosi.

Ha ha haaaa, every time she opens her mouth. Who needs an explanation when there's video?

Pelosi on Caravan: Republicans Have ‘Baseless Fear of Some Families 1,000 Miles Away from the Border’

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He didn't have flat feet. He had bone spurs.
I have bone spurs, and they definitely prevent you from marching or running miles every day. They aren't a joke.

There is no amount of low behaviour and flat out lies that you won't believe so long is it comes out of Trump's mouth. You really are too stupid to be one person.

Considering that you're using one of Trump's biggest lies as your signature meme, I don't think you comprehend the meaning of the word "irony". Schumer never said this, and it isn't true, no matter how many times Trump repeats it.

It's not illegal immigrants who are voting for Democrats. It's the honest and decent people who believe in the Constitution, the rule of law, and respect and dignity for ALL CITIZENS.

Every day, more and more decent Republicans are walking away from Donald Trump and his policies of hate, division, fear and paranoia. The smart ones at least. Soon the Republican Party will only consist of low-information voters who actually believe the shit Trump spouts. People like YOU.

Seriously put down the pipe Dragon lady. How is it so many progressives can wake up in the morning only to spend their entire day consumed by intellectual dishonesty and "racial awareness"? People like you CONSTANTLY say things not for their merit, but because it makes you feel good about yourself and puts a smug look on your face.

The better job Trump objectively performs, the more abstract and desperate progressive narrative becomes. You people cannot criticize Trump for results, so you invent feelings for this, that and the other. TRUMP IS ANGRY.....TRUMP COULD BE, TRUMP MIGHT BE.......blah blah blah code for a trainload of bullshit.

You progressives have been had 24/7 by the internet and media. THEY BUILD HATRED, DIVISION AND ALARM, plain and simple, and the results are clear. They built it, and for the simple & fragile mind, it must be true. First MFing story I see on Yahoo, just another day at the office:
U.S. Conservatives are terrified of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And so they should be
Crazy Socialists should scare anyone.
They're destructive, irrational, and literally insane.
Trump and supporters are demanding the majority of American citizens reject the moral and religious values and beliefs of their parents, grandparents, great grandparents and generations of Americans. They are demanding all of us reject rhe moral and spiritual values and beliefs of the majority of world religions and cultural values in exchange for concepts of Donald Trump.
That's what Pelosi and the other Progs are doing, moron.
Really? I have challenged your and Trump's demands to believe his lies and take his lies and bearing of false witness as anything less than proof of his and your lack of morality and cultural values. Bearing False Witness is a sin according to Jewish and Christian religion and American cultural standards. So, explain the sins of Pelosi.
You must have me confused with someone who swallows your snowflake bullshit.
Trump didn't really want the job, (i.e., even he couldn't have imagined Republicans would be so dumb).

I actually agree that the win was as big a surprise to Trump as it was to the rest of us. On the night of the election, and in his post-election interview on 60 minutes, he looked scared shitless.

But here's something else to consider. Trump KNOWS what he's done and the things Mueller has likely found in the Russia Investigation. Flatly stated, Trump has been laundering money for Russian Oligarchs since Putin came to power. It's the source of his mysterious cash flow which he's been using to buy properties and do deals since the turn of the century.

Trump is fuming and raging now, and terrified of what Mueller will do next. Because he KNOWS that the men who are now talking to Mueller (Manafort and Cohen), can bury him, and destroy not only Trump, but his empire and his family. Trump thought he could run for President, and never have to make disclosures or have the public and law enforcement find out all of his dirty secrets. That didn't exactly work out as planned.

You're a logical thinker Dragonlady. Trump didn't want the job, which is supported by he doing a tremendous job despite regressive propaganda, mother nature, filthy Democrat leadership, and a dumbed-down public.

He's not doing a "tremendous job", as shown by the thorough drubbing Republicans received in the mid-terms. This is now just about the worst mid-terms defeat in history. Over 300 seats nationwide, turned from red to blue.

The trade imbalance is higher than ever. The deficit is at the highest level in history. Job creation is slowing despite the double goosing of tax cuts and increases in government spending. The stock market is stalled and nervous. And then there's the boycotts of American products all around the world in protest to Trump's attacks on NATO and your trading partners.

Prices are rising due to tariffs, but imports are increasing, not decreasing. I thought Dumb Donald said "Trade wars are easy to win.". The tax cuts did nothing for the American workers at all. Increased prices of health insurance and consumer goods have more than wiped out any income gains made during this Administration.

And then there's the level of violence in the country. Public shootings reached record levels since Trump was elected. As have hate crimes which are up 500%. Mass shootings have increased, hate crimes have increased, and shootings of unarmed civilians by police are also up.

There isn't one single indicator that Trump has done ANYTHING right since he was elected, and much which shows that every decision taken by this clown, has been the wrong one.

Put down the pipe Dragon Lady. You're too far gone to recognize voters are often simple minds who only know what the media tells them. Nor do you understand history and historical trends. Did you know the public didn't support Abe Lincoln on many issues? Of course not, but according to you, PROGRESSIVES have the mental capacity to distinguish between right and wrong, and between good information and propaganda.

Ah shucks, the stock market is stalled and nervous. That's a lie, but even if you were right, you'd do yourself a favor to educate yourself on the relationship between interest rates and the market. You know, rates that were historically low during Obama's tenure.

And stick your hate crimes where a dragon's butt is displayed. It's the left who features hate speech all day everyday. To deny that is to deny you have a mother. It's also the result of the chaos that comes with mass immigration and a divisive chaotic culture.

You're a fucking fool Dragon Lady. Trump has done nothing right? Again, progressives don't care about the objective, what's important is the shit that spews from their mouths. Here you go dummy, choke on this but educate yourself: Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

The Washington Examiner??? You must be joking.

“Trump’s successes in reducing the cost of taxes and regulations, rebuilding our military, avoiding wars of choice and changing the courts rival those of all previous Republican presidents,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform."

Those regulations Trump got rid of will cost thousands of lives due to a degradation of the quality of the air we breathe and the water that is essential to life on earth. And despite the tax cuts, the de-regulation, and massive injections of governement spending, job creation is declining. It was lower in 2017 than in was in 2016, and it shows every indication of being still lower this year.

The NAFTA tweaking contained nothing that wasn't previously agreed to the TPP negotiations. Otherwise Trump got NOTHING in NAFTA 2.0. The dispute resolution Tribunal that the US desperately wanted scrapped is still there. The softwood lumber dispute was settled in favour of Canada - again. So while this is listed as a HUGE accomplishment by an Administration desperate for wins, it's not much of one.

As for the all of the claims of lowered unemployment and lowered unemployment claims, those are Obama's accomplisments more than Trumps'. Trump piggybacked on top of Obama's unprecedented record of job creation, which is the greatest job creation record since the end of WWII. To claim these are solely Trump's accomplishments is a total joke. The same with his claims of increasing wages.

There are 5 accomplishments listed under increasing optimism. What bullshit! Whether people feel more optimistic than in the past isn't an "accomplishment". America feels better about the future. That an $2 will by you a large coffee. Talk about making a big to-do about absolutely nothing.

His "accomplishments" under health care have seen millions cut off from coverage and premiums skyrocket. In fact, his destruction of Obamacare is the single biggest factor leading to the loss of the House in the mid-terms.

His accomplishment under "opiods" are non-existent. More and more people are dying from opiod abuse than when he became President, and Trump has done little except make announcements of programs. He has done NOTHING to curb the production and dispensing of opiod-based pain killers by the medical industrial complex, or to restrict their use. In fact, Trump hasn't even mentioned the pharmaceutical industry's role in the opiod crisis. He keeps blaming the problem on drugs coming from Mexico.

His border protections and immigration work are all a disaster. Illegal border crossings are at an all-time low, but you'd never know it listening to Trump. His policy of separating families is not only illegal and wrong. It's not working. And now these children are being cared for by the State at what cost to the taxpayers? $200 million for tax payer dollars are going to the for-profit prison companies for the "tent cities" to hold migrants. What a useless waste of taxpayer dollars.

This list of "accomplisments" is just the Moony Times pretending that everything Trump has done is wonderful and achieved its stated goals, instead of being honest and saying that we\re going to put a LOT of lipstick on the pig that is the Trump administration, and tell people this is the greatest president who ever lived, instead of the worst, and the one that has done the least of any president in my memory.

That wouldn't be so terrible, if the things Trump has done had not be so destructive and for the nation, and its standing in the world. It will take a generation or more just to undo the damage caused in your trading relationships and military alliances.
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Trump and supporters are demanding the majority of American citizens reject the moral and religious values and beliefs of their parents, grandparents, great grandparents and generations of Americans. They are demanding all of us reject rhe moral and spiritual values and beliefs of the majority of world religions and cultural values in exchange for concepts of Donald Trump.
That's what Pelosi and the other Progs are doing, moron.
Really? I have challenged your and Trump's demands to believe his lies and take his lies and bearing of false witness as anything less than proof of his and your lack of morality and cultural values. Bearing False Witness is a sin according to Jewish and Christian religion and American cultural standards. So, explain the sins of Pelosi.

Ha ha haaaa, every time she opens her mouth. Who needs an explanation when there's video?

Figures, your response is to post a stream of edited subjective video's open to interpretation distortion and debate.
Trump lies are so much easier to list. No distortion needed. His lies are clear and obvious.
he didnt have bone spurs he had money....that is what got him out of the draft...simple as that

Those without money let it happen, especially their self-described "Greatest Generation" fathers. So much for your upper-class Constitution and its defective Bill of Rights. Democracy requires abolishing all birth privileges, since they inevitably brought us to this matter of who dies and who freeloads off their sacrifice.

Even more treasonous was the college "deferment." We should have forced the rulers to get rid of that. Third was the plutocratic government's refusal to activate the Guard and Reserves, which should have a draft quota instead of enlisting only those with connections.

Pro-war draftdodgers like Bush and Romney were far worse than Trump and Clinton, both of whom had inside information about what a flag-waving fraud that war was, or at least in the intentionally losing way it was fought And you deluded self-righteous Liberals have no right to believe that the protesters were anti-war; they were spoiled brats who resented working-class soldiers having anything to be proud of. Such an ilk had the power to change the narrative about that war and about all other events in our time.
Trump and supporters are demanding the majority of American citizens reject the moral and religious values and beliefs of their parents, grandparents, great grandparents and generations of Americans. They are demanding all of us reject rhe moral and spiritual values and beliefs of the majority of world religions and cultural values in exchange for concepts of Donald Trump.
That's what Pelosi and the other Progs are doing, moron.
Really? I have challenged your and Trump's demands to believe his lies and take his lies and bearing of false witness as anything less than proof of his and your lack of morality and cultural values. Bearing False Witness is a sin according to Jewish and Christian religion and American cultural standards. So, explain the sins of Pelosi.
You must have me confused with someone who swallows your snowflake bullshit.

No he confused you with someone who has a brain and is capable of independent thought. He won't make that mistake again.
Which one of those do you think is a lie?
I'll answer.

Complete lies:
3, 5, 9

Partial lies:
4 - He is not responsible for violence
6 - if by "conservative" they mean he supports free markets, then it is a lie. He does.
7 - he is not religious.
8 - he is a good business man. No one would seriously question that. - He did have his daddy's money to start with.

No way to really tell:
2, 10

The only completely true allegation is #1. He does lie. Glass houses.

Trump isn't responsible for the violence in the same way that Charlie Manson isn't responsible for his followers killing Sharon Tate and her friends or the LaBianca's. And for the same reason.
Standoffish Standard-Bearers

The Left is willing to equate Trump with Manson, but the weak and compromised Right is unwilling to tie GreenHeads in with the Unabomber. They always disingenuously claim that they don't want to sink to your level, but that only proves such pampered brats never had to learn how to fight. Populists will get nowhere until they reject the whole specious spectrum equally.
Which one of those do you think is a lie?
I'll answer.

Complete lies:
3, 5, 9

Partial lies:
4 - He is not responsible for violence
6 - if by "conservative" they mean he supports free markets, then it is a lie. He does.
7 - he is not religious.
8 - he is a good business man. No one would seriously question that. - He did have his daddy's money to start with.

No way to really tell:
2, 10

The only completely true allegation is #1. He does lie. Glass houses.

Trump isn't responsible for the violence in the same way that Charlie Manson isn't responsible for his followers killing Sharon Tate and her friends or the LaBianca's. And for the same reason.
Standoffish Standard-Bearers

The Left is willing to equate Trump with Manson, but the weak and compromised Right is unwilling to tie GreenHeads in with the Unabomber. They always disingenuously claim that they don't want to sink to your level, but that only proves such pampered brats never had to learn how to fight. Populists will get nowhere until they reject the whole specious spectrum equally.

Well, for starters, I equated Trump to Manson because of the claim that Trump's words didn't cause the synagogue shooting, and for those who say that Trump shouldn't be held responsible for what crazy people who are incited by his speeches do. Manson didn't kill those people. He just talked to his followers. That's was his defense at trial, and that's Trump's defense now, even as he carefully chooses his words to incite white supremacists, and others to carry out attacks on other races and religions.

Right wingers don't disavow the crazies or their actions. When the radical right was blowing up abortion clinics and shooting abortion providers, the anti-abortion crowd said things like "While I don't condone violence, I am grateful no more babies will be killed by that monster", or "at least babies won't be dying there". So the end justified the means in their eyes. They didn't even condemn the nazi march in Charlottesville.

Right wingers act like nobody is seeing what they're doing, or the contempt for the Consitution which is behind so many of their actions. A wise man once said that when the devil comes to America, he will be wrapped in the American flag, with a gun in one hand and a Bible in the other. And right wing idiots will claim him as one of their own, and they'll be absolutely correct in that assessment.
10: He became President to enrich himself and his family!
We can't know what his real motive for becoming President was. But, there are plenty of examples of how, once in that position, took full advantage of it for financial gain:


Donald Trump is using taxpayer dollars to enrich himself while asking Congress to fund his government.

Multiple State Department websites were found promoting President Trump’s private club at Mar-a-Lago Monday, and not in particularly subtle ways.

There Is A Trump Doctrine And It's Mostly About Enriching Himself | HuffPost

So under what might be called the First Principle of the Trump Doctrine, people living in a predominantly Muslim country have a chance of entering the United States only if their country contains an edifice with Trump’s name on it.

The Second Principle follows logically from the first. Countries that are potential markets for Trump’s business ― nominally run by his two sons, but still filling his pockets ― may be eligible for special favors if they allow Trump to make money there.

For example, Trump’s business currently has 157 trademark applications pending in 36 nations, according to the New York Times.

Registered trademarks are giant financial assets for a business like Trump’s, which in recent years has made big money by selling his name rather than by building or making anything.

Donald Trump Is Already Using the Presidency to Enrich His Businesses

Despite the fact that he is now president-elect, Donald Trump seems to be having trouble remembering to act like one. And it’s not just his ranting on Twitter about the casts of Hamilton and Saturday Night Live. Everything Trump has done over the past week suggests that he remains fully committed to his business empire—and that he intends to use the presidency to see it flourish.

Donald Trump has promised that he will hand over control of the Trump Organization to his three eldest adult children—Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, and Donald Jr.—an arrangement he has likened to a “blind trust,” despite the fact that a true blind trust would require the president-elect to liquidate his financial interests in the business or sell it to an independent third party. But his recent meeting with the Indian businessmen who hope to profit from their relationship with the 45th president is only the latest in a series of incidents that suggest Trump’s presidency will be riddled with significant conflicts of interest.

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