10 days ago Democrats Filibustered Sanctions against Russia...

In an official statement of administration policy issued as the chamber began voting, the White House said it "strongly opposes" the Nord Stream 2 bill.

"The administration does not believe this bill is a genuine effort to counter Russian aggression or protect Ukraine," the statement said. "In fact, if passed, the legislation would only serve to undermine unity amongst our European allies at a crucial moment when we need to present a unified front in response to Russian threats against Ukraine.”

“The administration strongly believes any new sanctions authority should allow us to impose maximal costs on Russia if it further invades Ukraine, in a manner that would preserve Transatlantic unity, which this legislation does not do," the White House added.

“filibuster bad except when we resort to it and then filibuster good!”
In an official statement of administration policy issued as the chamber began voting, the White House said it "strongly opposes" the Nord Stream 2 bill.

"The administration does not believe this bill is a genuine effort to counter Russian aggression or protect Ukraine," the statement said. "In fact, if passed, the legislation would only serve to undermine unity amongst our European allies at a crucial moment when we need to present a unified front in response to Russian threats against Ukraine.”

“The administration strongly believes any new sanctions authority should allow us to impose maximal costs on Russia if it further invades Ukraine, in a manner that would preserve Transatlantic unity, which this legislation does not do," the White House added.
And he's probably right, today's republicans don't seem to think things through thoroughly.
I'm sure there are a raft of sanctions primed to be triggered the moment a Russian soldier puts a toe over the Ukrainian border. Why do republicans want to signal Putin in advance exactly how we will fuck up his economy if he attacks? Maybe give him a chance to move his loot?
It’s to stop the attack before it happens you moronic fuck.
Since Republicans are against being mean to Russia this thing was an obvious stunt. Something they can point to when they are accused of being collaborators in the future.
You’re in favor of surrendering to Russia right now and somehow it’s someone else’s fault? Fucking idiot.
Who's in Putin's pocket?

Good question actually....

Wonder what was in the bill that was so disagreeable to the Democrats. Any details?

What's more puzzling is why the Democrats--the literal majority--are filibustering a bill.
You think you're going to sneak up on Putin with sanctions that YOU know are coming?

That's funny.

Surely this didn't actually make sense to you...
There are two types of diplomacy, soft- which we are currently in, and hard- which hopefully we won't get into because the soft diplomacy will be effective. Diplomacy involves offering a carrot first, then using a stick if necessary.
You’re in favor of surrendering to Russia right now and somehow it’s someone else’s fault? Fucking idiot.
No you're in you're crazy and an idiot. Your suggestions at this time aren't valid and would end up in war for sure. Putin likes to provoke people, even he doesn't want war. Russia has too much to lose.
You’re in favor of surrendering to Russia right now and somehow it’s someone else’s fault? Fucking idiot.
Oh no I am in favor of using every means at our disposal, including war, to keep Putin from forming another Soviet Union.
China is smart smarter than us and smarter than Russia they will end up dominating the world through hard work and entrepreneurship. Economics is the war of the future actually is the war right now.

Yes, as I note, they are smart enough to stay out of these stupid useless wars.

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