10 Excellent Reasons To Vote Republican In Up-Coming Mid-Term Elections


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Ben Shapiro: Ten reasons why you should go out and vote on November 6 (and vote Republican)

1. The Courts. For generations, the left has stacked the courts with judicial activists determined to read their priorities into the law by twisting the Constitution beyond recognition. President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have successfully remade the federal judiciary by appointing and confirming judges dedicated to the proposition that the Constitution must be read as it was written.

2. The Investigations. Democrats have already pledged investigations into every aspect of President Trump’s life. They’ll subpoena every member of government they can get their hands on. And we know that they don’t care about guilt or innocence – after all, they just tried to railroad a federal judge by claiming, without corroborating evidence, that he was an alleged gang rapist.

The Democrats have promised to Impeach President Trump and Judge Kavanaugh, evidence of criminal activity or not, and vowed to launch investigations of numerous Republicans / political enemies, guaranteeing they will bog down the Federal Government / Trump administration in exacting revenge and successfully carrying out their seditious coup they started over 2 years ago.

3. Impeachment. While Democratic leadership has been lukewarm on the idea of impeaching President Trump, the base won’t settle for anything less if the Democrats take the House of Representatives.

Evidence, guilt or innocence - it does not / won't matter, as proven by the Democrats, who made a mockery of our Justice System in their attempted 'Herman Cain'ing of Judge Kavanaugh by declaring 'the burden of proof is on the ACCUSED, not the accuser' and declaring Kavanaugh was 'GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT'.

4. The Economy. President Trump’s chief selling point in his re-election effort will be the economy. And Democrats are dedicated to stifling economic growth if it means stopping Trump.

To regain power the Democrats will sabotage the economic success we have been experiencing, raising taxes again, driving manufacturing jobs back over seas, driving unemployment rates back up to Obama-Era numbers, and forcing record numbers of Americans back onto Unemployment, Food Stamps, and Welfare - making them DEPENDENT on the US government .. and DEMOCRATS ... again!

5. Foreign Policy. President Trump has done a fantastic job of drawing us closer to our allies and throwing a scare into our enemies. He’s done so because Republicans in Congress are willing to bolster our defense spending as necessary. The same isn’t true of Democrats, who would immediately move to cut defense spending, signaling to the world that President Obama’s weak-kneed foreign policy is back.

6. Polarizing Culture Wars. We’ve already seen the Democrats suggest that mob politics is the new normal.

Just as Obama once declared that manufacturing jobs would never come back to the US - that this was the 'new normal', the Democrats are telling us now that the new Liberal Extremist violent intolerance and abandonment of civility is the 'new norm'. If it becomes so it will be because they have succeeded in making it so. Democrats have been inciting and enabling violence for years now, even during the 2016 election, as Hillary's campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies. Since then they have escalated the violence - chasing down and beating up kids, attacking women, and even inciting an assassination attempt on GOP politicians. Their 2016 Presidential candidate just openly called for more violence...and the Leftist lunatics have responded!

7. Attacks on Religious Liberty. President Trump has been stalwart in his defense of religious liberty. Democrats will be just as stalwart in their attacks on religious liberty. They’ll surely attempt to push so-called anti-discrimination laws directed at religious businesses, churches, and schools – and then they’ll dare President Trump to veto them so that they can claim that he is a bigot.

8. The Twisting Of Social Media. Democrats have made a habit of threatening our biggest social media companies with investigations and regulations should they fail to crack down on conservative perspectives. Democrats, angry at Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss, blamed companies like Facebook for so-called “fake news,” and attributed Clinton’s utter incompetence to the impact of Russian bots. Democrats don’t believe any of that, but they’ve frightened social media companies into cracking down on free speech, as a leaked report from Google to Breitbart News showed this week.

9. Radical Growth of the Democrat-Media Complex. We already know that the mainstream media institutions are dominated by Democratic supporters. And we know that those Democratic supporters will parrot any talking points the Democratic Party pushes. But with Democrats in power pushing every line of attack simultaneously, the media’s never-ending firehouse of anti-Republican propaganda will merely widen the nozzle. If you’re worried about media bias now, wait until Democrats control the Congress and put President Trump in their sights.

10. Mob Rule. Democrats believe that they must lash out in anger in order to win in 2018. If they do win, they’ll double down on that anger, hoping it carries them to victory in 2020. Like the mobs invading the Senate and the steps of the Supreme Court? Enjoying top Democratic officials nodding and smiling at crowds harassing Republicans in restaurants? Get ready for much, much more. The only way to shut down the Democrats’ new mob rule strategy is to stop them cold at the ballot box.

Ben Shapiro: Ten reasons why you should go out and vote on November 6 (and vote Republican)

The top three reasons are to protect Trump? No matter what he’s done? What a bunch of fools Republicans, are I swear.
The top three reasons are to protect Trump? No matter what he’s done? What a bunch of fools Republicans, are I swear.
You should really work on your reading comprehension.

The 1st was about the Judicial system, specifically the USSC and how the balance of 'bias' has been restored by appointing Constitutionalists to the USSC to off-set the Political ACTIVISTS the Left has packed the court with.

The 2nd is pointing out that the Democrats have no desire to actually go about the business of the American people or to do anything to help this nation prosper. On the contrary, they have openly declared their primary focus is to bog the country down in a massive number of investigations and Impeachments to exact their revenge on the GOP for their President beating the Democrat's hand-picked criminal, national security-compromising felon who could not even win her party's nomination let alone the 2016 Presidential election. The Democrats are OBSESSED with hatred, revenge, and exacting their 'pound of flesh', not giving a damn about Citizens.

You seemed to be focused on Trump as well.....
The best one I've heard is Pelosi saying if the Dems get the house back she wants to raise taxes.

The Reps should be screaming that from every add out there.
I am going to vote and call around to see that my conservative friends have transportation. Maybe we'll have a caravan and do lunch! Neat idea, huh?
I don't usually like Ben Shapiro, but he did an excellent job of absolutely OBLITERATING the modern left wing in this country here:
The top three reasons are to protect Trump? No matter what he’s done? What a bunch of fools Republicans, are I swear.
You should really work on your reading comprehension.

The 1st was about the Judicial system, specifically the USSC and how the balance of 'bias' has been restored by appointing Constitutionalists to the USSC to off-set the Political ACTIVISTS the Left has packed the court with.

The 2nd is pointing out that the Democrats have no desire to actually go about the business of the American people or to do anything to help this nation prosper. On the contrary, they have openly declared their primary focus is to bog the country down in a massive number of investigations and Impeachments to exact their revenge on the GOP for their President beating the Democrat's hand-picked criminal, national security-compromising felon who could not even win her party's nomination let alone the 2016 Presidential election. The Democrats are OBSESSED with hatred, revenge, and exacting their 'pound of flesh', not giving a damn about Citizens.

You seemed to be focused on Trump as well.....
It’s idiot dean, what do you expect?
Ben Shapiro: Ten reasons why you should go out and vote on November 6 (and vote Republican)

1. The Courts. For generations, the left has stacked the courts with judicial activists determined to read their priorities into the law by twisting the Constitution beyond recognition. President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have successfully remade the federal judiciary by appointing and confirming judges dedicated to the proposition that the Constitution must be read as it was written.

2. The Investigations. Democrats have already pledged investigations into every aspect of President Trump’s life. They’ll subpoena every member of government they can get their hands on. And we know that they don’t care about guilt or innocence – after all, they just tried to railroad a federal judge by claiming, without corroborating evidence, that he was an alleged gang rapist.

The Democrats have promised to Impeach President Trump and Judge Kavanaugh, evidence of criminal activity or not, and vowed to launch investigations of numerous Republicans / political enemies, guaranteeing they will bog down the Federal Government / Trump administration in exacting revenge and successfully carrying out their seditious coup they started over 2 years ago.

3. Impeachment. While Democratic leadership has been lukewarm on the idea of impeaching President Trump, the base won’t settle for anything less if the Democrats take the House of Representatives.

Evidence, guilt or innocence - it does not / won't matter, as proven by the Democrats, who made a mockery of our Justice System in their attempted 'Herman Cain'ing of Judge Kavanaugh by declaring 'the burden of proof is on the ACCUSED, not the accuser' and declaring Kavanaugh was 'GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT'.

4. The Economy. President Trump’s chief selling point in his re-election effort will be the economy. And Democrats are dedicated to stifling economic growth if it means stopping Trump.

To regain power the Democrats will sabotage the economic success we have been experiencing, raising taxes again, driving manufacturing jobs back over seas, driving unemployment rates back up to Obama-Era numbers, and forcing record numbers of Americans back onto Unemployment, Food Stamps, and Welfare - making them DEPENDENT on the US government .. and DEMOCRATS ... again!

5. Foreign Policy. President Trump has done a fantastic job of drawing us closer to our allies and throwing a scare into our enemies. He’s done so because Republicans in Congress are willing to bolster our defense spending as necessary. The same isn’t true of Democrats, who would immediately move to cut defense spending, signaling to the world that President Obama’s weak-kneed foreign policy is back.

6. Polarizing Culture Wars. We’ve already seen the Democrats suggest that mob politics is the new normal.

Just as Obama once declared that manufacturing jobs would never come back to the US - that this was the 'new normal', the Democrats are telling us now that the new Liberal Extremist violent intolerance and abandonment of civility is the 'new norm'. If it becomes so it will be because they have succeeded in making it so. Democrats have been inciting and enabling violence for years now, even during the 2016 election, as Hillary's campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies. Since then they have escalated the violence - chasing down and beating up kids, attacking women, and even inciting an assassination attempt on GOP politicians. Their 2016 Presidential candidate just openly called for more violence...and the Leftist lunatics have responded!

7. Attacks on Religious Liberty. President Trump has been stalwart in his defense of religious liberty. Democrats will be just as stalwart in their attacks on religious liberty. They’ll surely attempt to push so-called anti-discrimination laws directed at religious businesses, churches, and schools – and then they’ll dare President Trump to veto them so that they can claim that he is a bigot.

8. The Twisting Of Social Media. Democrats have made a habit of threatening our biggest social media companies with investigations and regulations should they fail to crack down on conservative perspectives. Democrats, angry at Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss, blamed companies like Facebook for so-called “fake news,” and attributed Clinton’s utter incompetence to the impact of Russian bots. Democrats don’t believe any of that, but they’ve frightened social media companies into cracking down on free speech, as a leaked report from Google to Breitbart News showed this week.

9. Radical Growth of the Democrat-Media Complex. We already know that the mainstream media institutions are dominated by Democratic supporters. And we know that those Democratic supporters will parrot any talking points the Democratic Party pushes. But with Democrats in power pushing every line of attack simultaneously, the media’s never-ending firehouse of anti-Republican propaganda will merely widen the nozzle. If you’re worried about media bias now, wait until Democrats control the Congress and put President Trump in their sights.

10. Mob Rule. Democrats believe that they must lash out in anger in order to win in 2018. If they do win, they’ll double down on that anger, hoping it carries them to victory in 2020. Like the mobs invading the Senate and the steps of the Supreme Court? Enjoying top Democratic officials nodding and smiling at crowds harassing Republicans in restaurants? Get ready for much, much more. The only way to shut down the Democrats’ new mob rule strategy is to stop them cold at the ballot box.

Ben Shapiro: Ten reasons why you should go out and vote on November 6 (and vote Republican)

My top reason to vote republican:
They aren’t ignorant pucalistic democrats.
Maybe if we turn out and support them strongly this midterm, we'll see a continuation of the rather surprising backbone some of them started showing during the Kavanaugh debacle. It would be a nice change of pace.
Ben Shapiro: Ten reasons why you should go out and vote on November 6 (and vote Republican)

1. The Courts. For generations, the left has stacked the courts with judicial activists determined to read their priorities into the law by twisting the Constitution beyond recognition. President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have successfully remade the federal judiciary by appointing and confirming judges dedicated to the proposition that the Constitution must be read as it was written.

2. The Investigations. Democrats have already pledged investigations into every aspect of President Trump’s life. They’ll subpoena every member of government they can get their hands on. And we know that they don’t care about guilt or innocence – after all, they just tried to railroad a federal judge by claiming, without corroborating evidence, that he was an alleged gang rapist.

The Democrats have promised to Impeach President Trump and Judge Kavanaugh, evidence of criminal activity or not, and vowed to launch investigations of numerous Republicans / political enemies, guaranteeing they will bog down the Federal Government / Trump administration in exacting revenge and successfully carrying out their seditious coup they started over 2 years ago.

3. Impeachment. While Democratic leadership has been lukewarm on the idea of impeaching President Trump, the base won’t settle for anything less if the Democrats take the House of Representatives.

Evidence, guilt or innocence - it does not / won't matter, as proven by the Democrats, who made a mockery of our Justice System in their attempted 'Herman Cain'ing of Judge Kavanaugh by declaring 'the burden of proof is on the ACCUSED, not the accuser' and declaring Kavanaugh was 'GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT'.

4. The Economy. President Trump’s chief selling point in his re-election effort will be the economy. And Democrats are dedicated to stifling economic growth if it means stopping Trump.

To regain power the Democrats will sabotage the economic success we have been experiencing, raising taxes again, driving manufacturing jobs back over seas, driving unemployment rates back up to Obama-Era numbers, and forcing record numbers of Americans back onto Unemployment, Food Stamps, and Welfare - making them DEPENDENT on the US government .. and DEMOCRATS ... again!

5. Foreign Policy. President Trump has done a fantastic job of drawing us closer to our allies and throwing a scare into our enemies. He’s done so because Republicans in Congress are willing to bolster our defense spending as necessary. The same isn’t true of Democrats, who would immediately move to cut defense spending, signaling to the world that President Obama’s weak-kneed foreign policy is back.

6. Polarizing Culture Wars. We’ve already seen the Democrats suggest that mob politics is the new normal.

Just as Obama once declared that manufacturing jobs would never come back to the US - that this was the 'new normal', the Democrats are telling us now that the new Liberal Extremist violent intolerance and abandonment of civility is the 'new norm'. If it becomes so it will be because they have succeeded in making it so. Democrats have been inciting and enabling violence for years now, even during the 2016 election, as Hillary's campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies. Since then they have escalated the violence - chasing down and beating up kids, attacking women, and even inciting an assassination attempt on GOP politicians. Their 2016 Presidential candidate just openly called for more violence...and the Leftist lunatics have responded!

7. Attacks on Religious Liberty. President Trump has been stalwart in his defense of religious liberty. Democrats will be just as stalwart in their attacks on religious liberty. They’ll surely attempt to push so-called anti-discrimination laws directed at religious businesses, churches, and schools – and then they’ll dare President Trump to veto them so that they can claim that he is a bigot.

8. The Twisting Of Social Media. Democrats have made a habit of threatening our biggest social media companies with investigations and regulations should they fail to crack down on conservative perspectives. Democrats, angry at Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss, blamed companies like Facebook for so-called “fake news,” and attributed Clinton’s utter incompetence to the impact of Russian bots. Democrats don’t believe any of that, but they’ve frightened social media companies into cracking down on free speech, as a leaked report from Google to Breitbart News showed this week.

9. Radical Growth of the Democrat-Media Complex. We already know that the mainstream media institutions are dominated by Democratic supporters. And we know that those Democratic supporters will parrot any talking points the Democratic Party pushes. But with Democrats in power pushing every line of attack simultaneously, the media’s never-ending firehouse of anti-Republican propaganda will merely widen the nozzle. If you’re worried about media bias now, wait until Democrats control the Congress and put President Trump in their sights.

10. Mob Rule. Democrats believe that they must lash out in anger in order to win in 2018. If they do win, they’ll double down on that anger, hoping it carries them to victory in 2020. Like the mobs invading the Senate and the steps of the Supreme Court? Enjoying top Democratic officials nodding and smiling at crowds harassing Republicans in restaurants? Get ready for much, much more. The only way to shut down the Democrats’ new mob rule strategy is to stop them cold at the ballot box.

Ben Shapiro: Ten reasons why you should go out and vote on November 6 (and vote Republican)


Those are the 10 reasons we should not vote Republicans.

1. The Courts - The Republicans are putting up far right wing judges. The only winners are big business. These far right wing judges are legislating from the bench but they are working the other side of the street.

2. The investigations - There do need to be investigations of the Trump Administration including a further investigation of Kavanaugh. Trump and Republicans need to be held accountable for their actions. If there is nothing there then they cannot find anything.

3. Impeachment - Support for impeachment is anywhere from the mid 40s to the low 50s. There is sufficient grounds for impeachment. It was Dr Ford who was viciously attacked by Republicans and Kavanaugh is a blot on the Supreme Court. Another institution Trump has degraded.

4. The economy - The economy started growing again under Obama. Manufacturing jobs started coming back again under Obama. The fact is that a large number of Americans are struggling. All Republicans are doing is kicking people off of things like food stamps. The need is still there but Republicans are ignoring them.

5. Foreign policy - You must be kidding. Trump has no clue what he is doing in foreign policy. We can see why Putin wanted Trump to win. He is alienating our allies.

6. Polarizing culture wars - The Republicans are engaged in culture wars. They are using the flag and anthem to divide people. In Texas, the AG is supporting a requirement that students MUST recite the Pledge. That is un-American. Trump urged his supporters to attack protestors and they have done that in several rallies. Then we have the Proud Boys attacking protestors and white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville. Then we have the shooting in a newsroom in Baltimore.

7. Attacks on Religious Liberty - Then we have extremists who want to make this a Christian-centric country. Extremists in Alabama want to restore the Ten Commandments which was declared unconstitutional. They could put up other symbols in accordance with previous Supreme Court rulings. The Supreme Court does have a representation of the 10 Commandments but they have other symbols as well. Also will religious freedom extend to saying a Christian baker does not have to sell a regular cake to a gay person.

8. The Twisting Of Social Media - Actually leaving Republicans in charge would lead to a takeover of social media by Republicans. Trump is already supporting the ridiculous notion of anti-trust laws.

9. Radical Growth of the Democrat-Media Complex - The fact is that the right-wing media is crooked. They have been corrupted by Trump.

10. Mob Rule - The Republicans are getting what they deserve. They put someone who sexually assaulted a woman on the Supreme Court, corrupting that institution. The Proud Boys are a example of the new GOP. White Supremacists.

The best reason for voting Democrat is to provide balance so Republicans can no longer push things through with JUST Republican support.

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If you want your freedom, rights, prosperity, protection, economic stability and our high world standing back, it's imperative to get rid of Biden and his congressional majorities asap.
Ben Shapiro: Ten reasons why you should go out and vote on November 6 (and vote Republican)

1. The Courts. For generations, the left has stacked the courts with judicial activists determined to read their priorities into the law by twisting the Constitution beyond recognition. President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have successfully remade the federal judiciary by appointing and confirming judges dedicated to the proposition that the Constitution must be read as it was written.

2. The Investigations. Democrats have already pledged investigations into every aspect of President Trump’s life. They’ll subpoena every member of government they can get their hands on. And we know that they don’t care about guilt or innocence – after all, they just tried to railroad a federal judge by claiming, without corroborating evidence, that he was an alleged gang rapist.

The Democrats have promised to Impeach President Trump and Judge Kavanaugh, evidence of criminal activity or not, and vowed to launch investigations of numerous Republicans / political enemies, guaranteeing they will bog down the Federal Government / Trump administration in exacting revenge and successfully carrying out their seditious coup they started over 2 years ago.

3. Impeachment. While Democratic leadership has been lukewarm on the idea of impeaching President Trump, the base won’t settle for anything less if the Democrats take the House of Representatives.

Evidence, guilt or innocence - it does not / won't matter, as proven by the Democrats, who made a mockery of our Justice System in their attempted 'Herman Cain'ing of Judge Kavanaugh by declaring 'the burden of proof is on the ACCUSED, not the accuser' and declaring Kavanaugh was 'GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT'.

4. The Economy. President Trump’s chief selling point in his re-election effort will be the economy. And Democrats are dedicated to stifling economic growth if it means stopping Trump.

To regain power the Democrats will sabotage the economic success we have been experiencing, raising taxes again, driving manufacturing jobs back over seas, driving unemployment rates back up to Obama-Era numbers, and forcing record numbers of Americans back onto Unemployment, Food Stamps, and Welfare - making them DEPENDENT on the US government .. and DEMOCRATS ... again!

5. Foreign Policy. President Trump has done a fantastic job of drawing us closer to our allies and throwing a scare into our enemies. He’s done so because Republicans in Congress are willing to bolster our defense spending as necessary. The same isn’t true of Democrats, who would immediately move to cut defense spending, signaling to the world that President Obama’s weak-kneed foreign policy is back.

6. Polarizing Culture Wars. We’ve already seen the Democrats suggest that mob politics is the new normal.

Just as Obama once declared that manufacturing jobs would never come back to the US - that this was the 'new normal', the Democrats are telling us now that the new Liberal Extremist violent intolerance and abandonment of civility is the 'new norm'. If it becomes so it will be because they have succeeded in making it so. Democrats have been inciting and enabling violence for years now, even during the 2016 election, as Hillary's campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies. Since then they have escalated the violence - chasing down and beating up kids, attacking women, and even inciting an assassination attempt on GOP politicians. Their 2016 Presidential candidate just openly called for more violence...and the Leftist lunatics have responded!

7. Attacks on Religious Liberty. President Trump has been stalwart in his defense of religious liberty. Democrats will be just as stalwart in their attacks on religious liberty. They’ll surely attempt to push so-called anti-discrimination laws directed at religious businesses, churches, and schools – and then they’ll dare President Trump to veto them so that they can claim that he is a bigot.

8. The Twisting Of Social Media. Democrats have made a habit of threatening our biggest social media companies with investigations and regulations should they fail to crack down on conservative perspectives. Democrats, angry at Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss, blamed companies like Facebook for so-called “fake news,” and attributed Clinton’s utter incompetence to the impact of Russian bots. Democrats don’t believe any of that, but they’ve frightened social media companies into cracking down on free speech, as a leaked report from Google to Breitbart News showed this week.

9. Radical Growth of the Democrat-Media Complex. We already know that the mainstream media institutions are dominated by Democratic supporters. And we know that those Democratic supporters will parrot any talking points the Democratic Party pushes. But with Democrats in power pushing every line of attack simultaneously, the media’s never-ending firehouse of anti-Republican propaganda will merely widen the nozzle. If you’re worried about media bias now, wait until Democrats control the Congress and put President Trump in their sights.

10. Mob Rule. Democrats believe that they must lash out in anger in order to win in 2018. If they do win, they’ll double down on that anger, hoping it carries them to victory in 2020. Like the mobs invading the Senate and the steps of the Supreme Court? Enjoying top Democratic officials nodding and smiling at crowds harassing Republicans in restaurants? Get ready for much, much more. The only way to shut down the Democrats’ new mob rule strategy is to stop them cold at the ballot box.

Ben Shapiro: Ten reasons why you should go out and vote on November 6 (and vote Republican)


Those are the 10 reasons we should not vote Republicans.

1. The Courts - The Republicans are putting up far right wing judges. The only winners are big business. These far right wing judges are legislating from the bench but they are working the other side of the street.

2. The investigations - There do need to be investigations of the Trump Administration including a further investigation of Kavanaugh. Trump and Republicans need to be held accountable for their actions. If there is nothing there then they cannot find anything.

3. Impeachment - Support for impeachment is anywhere from the mid 40s to the low 50s. There is sufficient grounds for impeachment. It was Dr Ford who was viciously attacked by Republicans and Kavanaugh is a blot on the Supreme Court. Another institution Trump has degraded.

4. The economy - The economy started growing again under Obama. Manufacturing jobs started coming back again under Obama. The fact is that a large number of Americans are struggling. All Republicans are doing is kicking people off of things like food stamps. The need is still there but Republicans are ignoring them.

5. Foreign policy - You must be kidding. Trump has no clue what he is doing in foreign policy. We can see why Putin wanted Trump to win. He is alienating our allies.

6. Polarizing culture wars - The Republicans are engaged in culture wars. They are using the flag and anthem to divide people. In Texas, the AG is supporting a requirement that students MUST recite the Pledge. That is un-American. Trump urged his supporters to attack protestors and they have done that in several rallies. Then we have the Proud Boys attacking protestors and white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville. Then we have the shooting in a newsroom in Baltimore.

7. Attacks on Religious Liberty - Then we have extremists who want to make this a Christian-centric country. Extremists in Alabama want to restore the Ten Commandments which was declared unconstitutional. They could put up other symbols in accordance with previous Supreme Court rulings. The Supreme Court does have a representation of the 10 Commandments but they have other symbols as well. Also will religious freedom extend to saying a Christian baker does not have to sell a regular cake to a gay person.

8. The Twisting Of Social Media - Actually leaving Republicans in charge would lead to a takeover of social media by Republicans. Trump is already supporting the ridiculous notion of anti-trust laws.

9. Radical Growth of the Democrat-Media Complex - The fact is that the right-wing media is crooked. They have been corrupted by Trump.

10. Mob Rule - The Republicans are getting what they deserve. They put someone who sexually assaulted a woman on the Supreme Court, corrupting that institution. The Proud Boys are a example of the new GOP. White Supremacists.

The best reason for voting Democrat is to provide balance so Republicans can no longer push things through with JUST Republican support.

1. Put up examples of your right wing USSC. The democrats now get more dark money from US oligarchs than the GOP.

2. Investigate Kavanaugh? For what? How about Hunter's laptop and whistleblower Bobulinksi? Or, Hillary's secret illegal server? Or, Hillary's Russian connections for the Steele Dossier? Or, the Xiden's cash connections in Ukraine and China? Or, the FBI's FISA abuses and tampering with evidence? The list is long on both sides of the ledger.

3. Biden will be impeached for failing to enforce US immigration laws. The USSC is just fine thank you. It will be even better when Breyer's seat gets filled by a Republican president in 2025.

4. Trump's economy was the best ever until China unleashed Covid-19. A disease that the US paid China to develop. Joe's energy policy is hurting the US economy, not helping it.

5. Trump had peace in the ME. Xiden has war. Putin's Bitch stopped the sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military. Gates is still correct that Xiden has never been right about anything in foreign policy.

6. The democrat's pushing the Critical Race Theory is dividing America. They are even using CRT and outright racism in the US military. The GOP and US voters will stop the Marxists from destroying America.

7. Democrats are anti-Religion Marxists. "Religion is the opium of the people".

8. Social media needs to be broken up and made less partisan. Look who is banned and who is not, QED.

9. The MSM was 95% negative to Trump and is 95% positive to democrats. That bias is nothing short of propaganda. FXN is the only fair and balanced news network, as proven by the Harvard Study.

10. Mob rule? Who wants to defund the police?
Ben Shapiro: Ten reasons why you should go out and vote on November 6 (and vote Republican)

"I will never vote for Donald Trump because I stand with certain principles. I stand with small government and free markets and religious freedom and personal responsibility.

"Donald Trump stands against all of these things.

"He stands for Planned Parenthood and trade restrictions and targeting of political enemies and an anti-morality foreign policy and government domination of religion and nastiness toward women and tacit appeals to racism and unbounded personal power.

"I stand with the Constitution of the United States, and its embedded protection of my God-given rights through governmental checks and balances. Donald Trump does not. I stand with conservatism. Donald Trump stands against it.

"I stand with #NeverTrump."

Ben Shapiro should make up his mind, instead of coming across like a windsock…
Because Dems are lying election stealing lowlife scum who sellout Americans to line their own pockets that's why.

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