10 Uncomfortable Truths About The Growing Unemployment Crisis In America


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

Did you know that there are more than 102 million working age Americans that do not have a job? Yes, I know that number sounds absolutely crazy, but it is true. Right now, there are more than 11 million Americans that are considered to be "officially unemployed", and there are more than 91 million Americans that are not employed and that are considered to be "not in the labor force". When you add those two numbers together, the total is more than 102 million. Overall, the number of working age Americans that do not have a job has increased by about 27 million since the year 2000.

But aren't things getting better? After all, the mainstream media is full of headlines about how "good" the jobs numbers for October were. Sadly, the truth is that the mainstream media is not being straight with the American people. As you will see below, we are in the midst of a long-term unemployment crisis in America, and things got even worse last month.

In this day and age, it is absolutely imperative that people start thinking for themselves. Just because the media tells you that something is true does not mean that it actually is. If unemployment was actually going down, the percentage of the working age population that has a job should actually be going up. As you are about to see, that is simply not the case. The following are 10 facts about the growing unemployment crisis in America that will blow your mind...

#1 The percentage of working age Americans with a job fell to 58.3 percent in October. The lowest that number has been at any point since the year 2000 is 58.2 percent. In other words, there has been absolutely no "jobs recovery". During the last recession, the civilian employment-population ratio dropped from about 63 percent to below 59 percent and it has stayed there for 50 months in a row. Will the percentage of working age Americans with a job soon drop below the 58 percent mark?...



#2 The U.S. economy lost 623,000 full-time jobs last month. But we are being told to believe that the economy is actually getting "better".

#3 The number of American women with a job fell by 357,000 during the month of October.

#4 The average duration of unemployment in October 2013 was nearly three times as long as it was in October 2000.

#5 The number of Americans "not in the labor force" increased by an astounding 932,000 during October. In other words, the Obama administration would have us believe that nearly a million people "disappeared" from the U.S. labor force in a single month.

#6 The number of Americans "not in the labor force" has grown by more than 11 million since Barack Obama first entered the White House.

Read more here:

10 Uncomfortable Truths About The Growing Unemployment Crisis In America | Zero Hedge
Last edited:
Should be first order of business for new Congress...
Democrats Say Pass Extension of Unemployment Benefits First; Pay Later
December 27, 2013 -- Interrupting their vacation on Thursday, two Democrats -- Sen. Jack Reed of R.I. and Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan -- demanded that Republicans go along with a three-month extension of long-term unemployment benefits without immediately paying for them. The cost of a three-month extension is around $6.5 billion.
Losing jobless benefits is like being hit by an "economic hurricane," said Rep. Levin, who sits on the House Ways and Means Committee. "And so that's the reason why, in the past -- much more often than not -- there has not been a pay-for. They haven't been offset. And I think what we hope to do both in the Senate and the House is to pass this three-month provision on a bipartisan basis -- not offset, and then we can sit down and talk further about where we go from here."

Sen. Reed said Democrats have introduced a bill providing a three-month, unpaid-for extension because "it will us the time to work on changes to the program that's necessary, but also time to look for appropriate pay-fors. And there are a long list of pay-fors, from offshore tax breaks, several (tax) loophole closings." He said any "serious discussion about tax policy" would produce a way to pay for the extension. Reed noted that an extension of unemployment benefits has always been considered emergency spending because it helps people who are "in an economic emergency." "I certainly would be open to discussions," Reed said, "but the first thing we have to do...is make sure that these individuals aren't cut off, they're not just thrown off the cliff starting literally this week. We have to keep the benefits going, and then if we want to sit down and seriously look at the program, look at ways to pay for it, I'd be willing to do that."

Because Congress left town without passing an extension, 1.3 million people will reach the end of their 26 weeks of state unemployment benefits on Dec. 28. And almost 2 million could lose their six months of state benefits in the new year. Democrats, hoping to offset the political damage inflicted on them by Obamacare, are making the extension of unemployment benefits a political issue, casting Republicans as heartless scrooges for insisting that any extension be paid for.

In fact, Guy Molyneux, a researcher and the moderator of Thursday's conference call, told reporters, "This is, I think, a politically very powerful issue potentially next year." He said the polling indicates that "it's something that voters are very focused on and would like to see Congress tackle." Reed and Levin agreed that the issue is becoming "personalized," as more and more hardship stories emerge, putting names and faces to the people who are losing the government checks they depend on. In fact, one of Reed's constituents, a job seeker in her 50s, joined Reed and Levin on the conference call with her sad story. "[T]hose are the stories that penetrate the usual partisan rhetoric about this program and that program," Reed said. He added that Democrats will try to pass an unpaid-for extension on Jan. 6 -- "and if we don't succeed, we'll keep trying until we do."

House Speaker John Boehner says Republicans will go along with the extension of jobless benefits if it is paid for. According to Levin, Boehner has said he "wanted to talk to the president about pay-fors. He also said he wanted to talk to the president about broader economic policy. I don't think, frankly, anything the speaker said does or should prevent Republicans joining Democrats to extend this program for three months without a pay-for. It's such an emergency. I mean, what do people want? Do they want people to essentially become homeless? I mean, what do people really expect here?"

Democrats Say Pass Extension of Unemployment Benefits First; Pay Later | CNS News
Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

Did you know that there are more than 102 million working age Americans that do not have a job? Yes, I know that number sounds absolutely crazy, but it is true. Right now, there are more than 11 million Americans that are considered to be "officially unemployed", and there are more than 91 million Americans that are not employed and that are considered to be "not in the labor force". When you add those two numbers together, the total is more than 102 million. Overall, the number of working age Americans that do not have a job has increased by about 27 million since the year 2000.

But aren't things getting better? After all, the mainstream media is full of headlines about how "good" the jobs numbers for October were. Sadly, the truth is that the mainstream media is not being straight with the American people. As you will see below, we are in the midst of a long-term unemployment crisis in America, and things got even worse last month.

In this day and age, it is absolutely imperative that people start thinking for themselves. Just because the media tells you that something is true does not mean that it actually is. If unemployment was actually going down, the percentage of the working age population that has a job should actually be going up. As you are about to see, that is simply not the case. The following are 10 facts about the growing unemployment crisis in America that will blow your mind...

#1 The percentage of working age Americans with a job fell to 58.3 percent in October. The lowest that number has been at any point since the year 2000 is 58.2 percent. In other words, there has been absolutely no "jobs recovery". During the last recession, the civilian employment-population ratio dropped from about 63 percent to below 59 percent and it has stayed there for 50 months in a row. Will the percentage of working age Americans with a job soon drop below the 58 percent mark?...



#2 The U.S. economy lost 623,000 full-time jobs last month. But we are being told to believe that the economy is actually getting "better".

#3 The number of American women with a job fell by 357,000 during the month of October.

#4 The average duration of unemployment in October 2013 was nearly three times as long as it was in October 2000.

#5 The number of Americans "not in the labor force" increased by an astounding 932,000 during October. In other words, the Obama administration would have us believe that nearly a million people "disappeared" from the U.S. labor force in a single month.

#6 The number of Americans "not in the labor force" has grown by more than 11 million since Barack Obama first entered the White House.

Read more here:

10 Uncomfortable Truths About The Growing Unemployment Crisis In America | Zero Hedge

WOW Dude, you and your kind are just now figuring out that when we allowed a good portion of our manufacturing jobs be shipped out of country that the loss of those jobs caused an employment problem. And this is just now news to you?

And guess what, the ONLY way the government has to cause an increase in hiring anywhere, is by spending money. And what is it that the Republican party has been most opposed to doing? Spending money.

Why are you so surprised that millions don't have a job. What the fuck did you think would be the result of the actions taken? You know, letting or encouraging, all those jobs to go elsewhere.

Oh I know, You believed in "trickle down" and the tooth fairy. Didn't work at all, did it.
Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

Did you know that there are more than 102 million working age Americans that do not have a job? Yes, I know that number sounds absolutely crazy, but it is true. Right now, there are more than 11 million Americans that are considered to be "officially unemployed", and there are more than 91 million Americans that are not employed and that are considered to be "not in the labor force". When you add those two numbers together, the total is more than 102 million. Overall, the number of working age Americans that do not have a job has increased by about 27 million since the year 2000.

But aren't things getting better? After all, the mainstream media is full of headlines about how "good" the jobs numbers for October were. Sadly, the truth is that the mainstream media is not being straight with the American people. As you will see below, we are in the midst of a long-term unemployment crisis in America, and things got even worse last month.

In this day and age, it is absolutely imperative that people start thinking for themselves. Just because the media tells you that something is true does not mean that it actually is. If unemployment was actually going down, the percentage of the working age population that has a job should actually be going up. As you are about to see, that is simply not the case. The following are 10 facts about the growing unemployment crisis in America that will blow your mind...

#1 The percentage of working age Americans with a job fell to 58.3 percent in October. The lowest that number has been at any point since the year 2000 is 58.2 percent. In other words, there has been absolutely no "jobs recovery". During the last recession, the civilian employment-population ratio dropped from about 63 percent to below 59 percent and it has stayed there for 50 months in a row. Will the percentage of working age Americans with a job soon drop below the 58 percent mark?...



#2 The U.S. economy lost 623,000 full-time jobs last month. But we are being told to believe that the economy is actually getting "better".

#3 The number of American women with a job fell by 357,000 during the month of October.

#4 The average duration of unemployment in October 2013 was nearly three times as long as it was in October 2000.

#5 The number of Americans "not in the labor force" increased by an astounding 932,000 during October. In other words, the Obama administration would have us believe that nearly a million people "disappeared" from the U.S. labor force in a single month.

#6 The number of Americans "not in the labor force" has grown by more than 11 million since Barack Obama first entered the White House.

Read more here:

10 Uncomfortable Truths About The Growing Unemployment Crisis In America | Zero Hedge

WOW Dude, you and your kind are just now figuring out that when we allowed a good portion of our manufacturing jobs be shipped out of country that the loss of those jobs caused an employment problem. And this is just now news to you?

And guess what, the ONLY way the government has to cause an increase in hiring anywhere, is by spending money. And what is it that the Republican party has been most opposed to doing? Spending money.

Why are you so surprised that millions don't have a job. What the fuck did you think would be the result of the actions taken? You know, letting or encouraging, all those jobs to go elsewhere.

Oh I know, You believed in "trickle down" and the tooth fairy. Didn't work at all, did it.

You forgot Booooosh.


The govt. doesn't create jobs. It creates sloth, lathergy and waste.
Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

Did you know that there are more than 102 million working age Americans that do not have a job? Yes, I know that number sounds absolutely crazy, but it is true. Right now, there are more than 11 million Americans that are considered to be "officially unemployed", and there are more than 91 million Americans that are not employed and that are considered to be "not in the labor force". When you add those two numbers together, the total is more than 102 million. Overall, the number of working age Americans that do not have a job has increased by about 27 million since the year 2000.

But aren't things getting better? After all, the mainstream media is full of headlines about how "good" the jobs numbers for October were. Sadly, the truth is that the mainstream media is not being straight with the American people. As you will see below, we are in the midst of a long-term unemployment crisis in America, and things got even worse last month.

In this day and age, it is absolutely imperative that people start thinking for themselves. Just because the media tells you that something is true does not mean that it actually is. If unemployment was actually going down, the percentage of the working age population that has a job should actually be going up. As you are about to see, that is simply not the case. The following are 10 facts about the growing unemployment crisis in America that will blow your mind...

#1 The percentage of working age Americans with a job fell to 58.3 percent in October. The lowest that number has been at any point since the year 2000 is 58.2 percent. In other words, there has been absolutely no "jobs recovery". During the last recession, the civilian employment-population ratio dropped from about 63 percent to below 59 percent and it has stayed there for 50 months in a row. Will the percentage of working age Americans with a job soon drop below the 58 percent mark?...



#2 The U.S. economy lost 623,000 full-time jobs last month. But we are being told to believe that the economy is actually getting "better".

#3 The number of American women with a job fell by 357,000 during the month of October.

#4 The average duration of unemployment in October 2013 was nearly three times as long as it was in October 2000.

#5 The number of Americans "not in the labor force" increased by an astounding 932,000 during October. In other words, the Obama administration would have us believe that nearly a million people "disappeared" from the U.S. labor force in a single month.

#6 The number of Americans "not in the labor force" has grown by more than 11 million since Barack Obama first entered the White House.

Read more here:

10 Uncomfortable Truths About The Growing Unemployment Crisis In America | Zero Hedge

WOW Dude, you and your kind are just now figuring out that when we allowed a good portion of our manufacturing jobs be shipped out of country that the loss of those jobs caused an employment problem. And this is just now news to you?

And guess what, the ONLY way the government has to cause an increase in hiring anywhere, is by spending money. And what is it that the Republican party has been most opposed to doing? Spending money.

Why are you so surprised that millions don't have a job. What the fuck did you think would be the result of the actions taken? You know, letting or encouraging, all those jobs to go elsewhere.

Oh I know, You believed in "trickle down" and the tooth fairy. Didn't work at all, did it.

Um, ... need to reduce spending and taxes the jobs will return.. Or Obama is out of office, which ever comes first


World's Highest Corporate Tax Rate Hurts U.S. Economically - Economic Intelligence (usnews.com)

World's Highest Corporate Tax Rate Hurts U.S. Economically
April 2, 2012
Joseph Mason is the Moyse/LBA Chair of Banking at the Ourso School of Business at Louisiana State University and a senior fellow at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

United States-based companies and hardworking Americans face a steadily growing problem, one oddly self-imposed by Uncle Sam. Our current tax system puts businesses and workers at a competitive disadvantage in the global market and discourages companies from investing in operations here at home.

On Sunday, April 1, Japan lowered its corporate tax rate, leaving the United States with the highest effective rate among developed countries: 39.2 percent.

Under the "worldwide" tax system the United States employs now, companies' profits generated abroad are subject to taxes both domestically and in the country they were earned. Certain provisions are built into the tax code to alleviate that burden, but even those protections are being challenged by members in Congress who seem ensconced on repealing these important incentives for U.S. industry. According to a 2011 Business Roundtable report:

American companies can face a tax rate on their remitted foreign earnings a full 16 percentage points higher than the rate faced by their foreign competitors.


U.S. Firms Move Abroad to Cut Taxes - WSJ.com

More big U.S. companies are reincorporating abroad despite a 2004 federal law that sought to curb the practice. One big reason: Taxes.

Companies cite various reasons for moving, including expanding their operations and their geographic reach. But tax bills remain a primary concern. A few cite worries that U.S. taxes will rise in the future, especially if Washington revamps the tax code next year to shrink the federal budget deficit.

"We want to be closer to where our clients are," says David Prosperi, a spokesman for risk manager Aon AON +0.77% plc, which relocated to the U.K. in April.

Aon has told analysts it expects to reduce its tax rate, which averaged 28% over the past five years, by five percentage points over time, which could boost profits by about $100 million annually.

Since 2009, at least 10 U.S. public companies have moved their incorporation address abroad or announced plans to do so, including six in the last year or so, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of company filings and statements. That's up from just a handful from 2004 through 2008.
Our infrastructure's status is making America less competitive, addressing that fact would create "shovel ready jobs".
Minnesota's economy is getting very strong with unemployment at is at 4.8%, unfortunately Wisconsin is still hanging at 6.5% and North Dakota is at 2.7% thanks to oil.
I can tell things are humming well and for real in Minneapolis, because the commute time has steadily taken longer. It now takes me 15-20 minutes longer than it did a year ago. If that's not positive proof that the government isn't plating with numbers, nothing is. Fortunately for me, I can work from home as much as I please.
Pinko logic from "zeke': "...when we allowed a good portion of our manufacturing jobs be (sic) shipped out of the country..."

Somehow, in his tiny little brain, the shipment of jobs out of the country was the result of something that Evil, Nasty, Selfish Republicans (sorry for the redundancy) did, or failed to do. And the corollary of course is that if Democrats had been in total control for the past 50 years it wouldn't have happened.

People who are not wearing pink-shaded glasses are able to discern that the Democrat-backed unions that dominated the major American manufacturing corporations caused our labor costs to be so inflated that it became more profitable (in other words, more sensible) to manufacture stuff overseas and ship it back to the U.S., and it STILL cost less than making things here.

Democrat control of the U.S. government could not have prevent the global economy from existing any more than it can force the temperatures up in the U.S. to scare us into parking our SUV's.

This is a great thread and I thank the original poster for bringing it up. It illustrates one of many DASTARDLY LIES propounded by this Administration (the "improvement" in unemployment) in its vain attempt to paint a rosy picture for the 2014 and 2016 elections.

One can only hope that the majority of voting Americans will not be so stupid as to believe them.
Our infrastructure's status is making America less competitive, addressing that fact would create "shovel ready jobs".

We address it often. There was even a giant stimulus released by Dear Obama and it all lined the pockets of his buddies, or plugged holes in state budgets.

But, if we just try it one more time, right?
Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

Did you know that there are more than 102 million working age Americans that do not have a job? Yes, I know that number sounds absolutely crazy, but it is true. Right now, there are more than 11 million Americans that are considered to be "officially unemployed", and there are more than 91 million Americans that are not employed and that are considered to be "not in the labor force". When you add those two numbers together, the total is more than 102 million. Overall, the number of working age Americans that do not have a job has increased by about 27 million since the year 2000.

But aren't things getting better? After all, the mainstream media is full of headlines about how "good" the jobs numbers for October were. Sadly, the truth is that the mainstream media is not being straight with the American people. As you will see below, we are in the midst of a long-term unemployment crisis in America, and things got even worse last month.

In this day and age, it is absolutely imperative that people start thinking for themselves. Just because the media tells you that something is true does not mean that it actually is. If unemployment was actually going down, the percentage of the working age population that has a job should actually be going up. As you are about to see, that is simply not the case. The following are 10 facts about the growing unemployment crisis in America that will blow your mind...

#1 The percentage of working age Americans with a job fell to 58.3 percent in October. The lowest that number has been at any point since the year 2000 is 58.2 percent. In other words, there has been absolutely no "jobs recovery". During the last recession, the civilian employment-population ratio dropped from about 63 percent to below 59 percent and it has stayed there for 50 months in a row. Will the percentage of working age Americans with a job soon drop below the 58 percent mark?...



#2 The U.S. economy lost 623,000 full-time jobs last month. But we are being told to believe that the economy is actually getting "better".

#3 The number of American women with a job fell by 357,000 during the month of October.

#4 The average duration of unemployment in October 2013 was nearly three times as long as it was in October 2000.

#5 The number of Americans "not in the labor force" increased by an astounding 932,000 during October. In other words, the Obama administration would have us believe that nearly a million people "disappeared" from the U.S. labor force in a single month.

#6 The number of Americans "not in the labor force" has grown by more than 11 million since Barack Obama first entered the White House.

Read more here:

10 Uncomfortable Truths About The Growing Unemployment Crisis In America | Zero Hedge

WOW Dude, you and your kind are just now figuring out that when we allowed a good portion of our manufacturing jobs be shipped out of country that the loss of those jobs caused an employment problem. And this is just now news to you?

And guess what, the ONLY way the government has to cause an increase in hiring anywhere, is by spending money. And what is it that the Republican party has been most opposed to doing? Spending money.

Why are you so surprised that millions don't have a job. What the fuck did you think would be the result of the actions taken? You know, letting or encouraging, all those jobs to go elsewhere.

Oh I know, You believed in "trickle down" and the tooth fairy. Didn't work at all, did it.

You forgot Booooosh.


The govt. doesn't create jobs. It creates sloth, lathergy and waste.

What a nice, little, meaningless comment you made. Par for the course from you. But hey, nice job. Why you bring up Boosh?
Well, I kept mine to two sentenced. Instead of the run on nonsense you laid down that amounted to pure drivel. And you know you were avoiding bringing Bush into it.


LOLberals are nothing if not completely predictable.
Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

Did you know that there are more than 102 million working age Americans that do not have a job? Yes, I know that number sounds absolutely crazy, but it is true. Right now, there are more than 11 million Americans that are considered to be "officially unemployed", and there are more than 91 million Americans that are not employed and that are considered to be "not in the labor force". When you add those two numbers together, the total is more than 102 million. Overall, the number of working age Americans that do not have a job has increased by about 27 million since the year 2000.

But aren't things getting better? After all, the mainstream media is full of headlines about how "good" the jobs numbers for October were. Sadly, the truth is that the mainstream media is not being straight with the American people. As you will see below, we are in the midst of a long-term unemployment crisis in America, and things got even worse last month.

In this day and age, it is absolutely imperative that people start thinking for themselves. Just because the media tells you that something is true does not mean that it actually is. If unemployment was actually going down, the percentage of the working age population that has a job should actually be going up. As you are about to see, that is simply not the case. The following are 10 facts about the growing unemployment crisis in America that will blow your mind...

#1 The percentage of working age Americans with a job fell to 58.3 percent in October. The lowest that number has been at any point since the year 2000 is 58.2 percent. In other words, there has been absolutely no "jobs recovery". During the last recession, the civilian employment-population ratio dropped from about 63 percent to below 59 percent and it has stayed there for 50 months in a row. Will the percentage of working age Americans with a job soon drop below the 58 percent mark?...



#2 The U.S. economy lost 623,000 full-time jobs last month. But we are being told to believe that the economy is actually getting "better".

#3 The number of American women with a job fell by 357,000 during the month of October.

#4 The average duration of unemployment in October 2013 was nearly three times as long as it was in October 2000.

#5 The number of Americans "not in the labor force" increased by an astounding 932,000 during October. In other words, the Obama administration would have us believe that nearly a million people "disappeared" from the U.S. labor force in a single month.

#6 The number of Americans "not in the labor force" has grown by more than 11 million since Barack Obama first entered the White House.

Read more here:

10 Uncomfortable Truths About The Growing Unemployment Crisis In America | Zero Hedge

WOW Dude, you and your kind are just now figuring out that when we allowed a good portion of our manufacturing jobs be shipped out of country that the loss of those jobs caused an employment problem. And this is just now news to you?

And guess what, the ONLY way the government has to cause an increase in hiring anywhere, is by spending money. And what is it that the Republican party has been most opposed to doing? Spending money.

Why are you so surprised that millions don't have a job. What the fuck did you think would be the result of the actions taken? You know, letting or encouraging, all those jobs to go elsewhere.

Oh I know, You believed in "trickle down" and the tooth fairy. Didn't work at all, did it.

Um, ... need to reduce spending and taxes the jobs will return.. Or Obama is out of office, which ever comes first


World's Highest Corporate Tax Rate Hurts U.S. Economically - Economic Intelligence (usnews.com)

World's Highest Corporate Tax Rate Hurts U.S. Economically
April 2, 2012
Joseph Mason is the Moyse/LBA Chair of Banking at the Ourso School of Business at Louisiana State University and a senior fellow at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

United States-based companies and hardworking Americans face a steadily growing problem, one oddly self-imposed by Uncle Sam. Our current tax system puts businesses and workers at a competitive disadvantage in the global market and discourages companies from investing in operations here at home.

On Sunday, April 1, Japan lowered its corporate tax rate, leaving the United States with the highest effective rate among developed countries: 39.2 percent.

Under the "worldwide" tax system the United States employs now, companies' profits generated abroad are subject to taxes both domestically and in the country they were earned. Certain provisions are built into the tax code to alleviate that burden, but even those protections are being challenged by members in Congress who seem ensconced on repealing these important incentives for U.S. industry. According to a 2011 Business Roundtable report:

American companies can face a tax rate on their remitted foreign earnings a full 16 percentage points higher than the rate faced by their foreign competitors.


U.S. Firms Move Abroad to Cut Taxes - WSJ.com

More big U.S. companies are reincorporating abroad despite a 2004 federal law that sought to curb the practice. One big reason: Taxes.

Companies cite various reasons for moving, including expanding their operations and their geographic reach. But tax bills remain a primary concern. A few cite worries that U.S. taxes will rise in the future, especially if Washington revamps the tax code next year to shrink the federal budget deficit.

"We want to be closer to where our clients are," says David Prosperi, a spokesman for risk manager Aon AON +0.77% plc, which relocated to the U.K. in April.

Aon has told analysts it expects to reduce its tax rate, which averaged 28% over the past five years, by five percentage points over time, which could boost profits by about $100 million annually.

Since 2009, at least 10 U.S. public companies have moved their incorporation address abroad or announced plans to do so, including six in the last year or so, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of company filings and statements. That's up from just a handful from 2004 through 2008.

You do know that no country has as many corporate tax loopholes than America and the effect tax rate is actually in the middle of the pack.
Nearly 60 top corporations used loophole to avoid paying billions in US taxes
Nearly 60 top corporations used loophole to avoid paying billions in US taxes ? RT USA

The price isn’t right
Corporate tax avoidance: The price isn?t right | The Economist

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