100,000 people shot in the US per year! Good guy saving lives?

100,000 people are shot in the USA every year!

How many were shot by a good guy with a gun saving lives?

The only good guys / hero's are the the people saving more & more lives of gunshot victims thereby reducing the murder rate. Gee I wonder why medical cost keep rising?

Non fatal doesn't count? Imagine the medical bills. How many cripples created?

You ignorant fools are so fascinating....Suddenly you’re concerned with medical bills/costs and people dying by gun...hahaha...funny shit.
Favor the idea of running out your beloved 12-40 million illegal wetbacks first....then you’ll have a right to whine about medical expense and criminality....until then...shut the fuck up...nobody takes you serious...you have no credibility.
You Republicans invited the wetbacks & gave them Amnesty to punish Unions. Now you Cry, Bitch & Moan about it! Trump is deporting fewer!!!!

NEGATIVE...try again.
Are you ever right about anything?
Arrests of immigrants, especially non-criminals, way up in Trump's first year - CNNPolitics
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama
Yes Trump arrested more so you could pay more! DUH!!! But Trump is not deporting them you stupid Repubtard!!!

You fool...save face and admit you’re terribly misinformed.
It’s okay, most LefTards are twisted, lost, confused and harbor an extreme case of Headinassitus.
Your filthy Democrats have fucked up the deportation process and caused major backlogs in courts...you know this. Don’t worry though...this will be changed and dirty wetbacks will be chucked back to their shithole.
Deportation Backlog: Half a Million Cases Pending

I didn't even read your link because the title is a lie! There is a backlog of 700,000 cases taking average of 711 days. Trump does not have that many detained because it's unconstitutional & against SCOTUS 6 month rule. So Trump is letting them free here in the USA.
Better check your numbers, unless you rely on Facebook for your news.
The first is data for deaths by guns, which is included in an annual report about deaths of all types during calendar year 2009. The numbers for gun deaths is broken down into several categories:

Suicide: 18,735 deaths
Homicide: 11,493 deaths
Unintentional: 554 deaths
Legal interventions: 333 deaths
Undetermined: 232 deaths

Total: 31,347 deaths

The second data set tracks non-fatal injuries by guns. According to the CDC, there were 73,505 non-fatal firearm injuries in 2010. (We will ignore an additional 13,851 non-fatal injuries from BB or pellet guns.)

How accurate is the Facebook post?

If you add together the gun deaths and the non-fatal gun injuries, you get 104,852 people shot in a year. That’s very close to the 1000,000 the Facebook post said.

Suicides don't count because those people wanted to get shot. So then the issue breaks down to why were the rest of the people shot. Most of the murders were the result of gang violence. The same problably goes for the non fatal injuries. Then there are hunting accidents, which probably constitute a big percentage of the total. There are also a lot that are the result of crime. Either the perp was shot by the police or the perp shot one or more victims. I haven't found any statistics on this, so it's dififcult to draw any conclusions.

In 2009 legal interventions (shooting a criminal) = 333 deaths out of the 100,000 good citizens shot. Yea that is so worth it! Why not keep guns away from crazies? Or not sell any more reliable guns with quick change magazines WMD's? That way if a crazy gets a gun he can't endlessly reload shooting 600 people in less than 10 minutes?

I never heard of a quick change magazine. What is that exactly?
it's a normal magazine.

I know that and you know that, but he (she) doesn't know that. These anti-gun leftists come here talking about guns when they have no idea what they are talking about. That's what makes it fun. I asked him what quick change magazines are for the same reason you use a laser pen with your cat. They chase after it even though they are totally confused.
100,000 people are shot in the USA every year!

How many were shot by a good guy with a gun saving lives?

The only good guys / hero's are the the people saving more & more lives of gunshot victims thereby reducing the murder rate. Gee I wonder why medical cost keep rising?
There are good guys in the ghettos of America?
Can you name me one poll that ever polled anywhere near 100,000 people?

If it's not justified, then it's a criminal offense and should be reported. As my earlier post showed, CCW holders are the most law abiding citizens in this country. Why would any law abiding citizen pull a gun on anybody other than self-defense?

There are only two reasons to use a gun: to attack somebody or to defend yourself or others.

A large percent of CCW holders on this message board say they lie to pollsters. Less than 1% ever actually pulled a gun on someone in self defense. So very few could have actually pulled a gun on someone in self defense & said they did not.

In my 52 year life I have personally witnessed ~10 people other than police or suicides, pull a gun on someone and none were justified self defense.

Hmmm, well I'm older than you and never personally seen a person pull a gun on anybody, and hell, I live in the eastern suburbs of Cleveland.

But if you want documented cases of CCW holders defending themselves, Google is loaded with them. These stories are barely locally reported yet alone national, so you don't know about them. Over here, they report the crime, but only one or two sentences within the story of the victim using a gun to stop the attack. After we passed the law, yes, it was big news when it happened. But now it happens so often it's barely worth reporting.

People have this imaginary concept that if we made guns illegal in this country, the criminal would just give his up. Unfortunately, that's fantasy land. The criminal will never give up his illegal firearm.

I live work & play in St. Louis where there are 20 times more shootings than where you live. I have also been a bouncer more exposed to them than you & traveled the city doing tech service for most companies.. I CCW & have over 50 times more real live gun experience than you have. Actually you have zero experience & are clueless.


Yes...St. Louis....where democrats have run the city non stop since 1949...and where they keep letting violent gun criminals out of jail, over and over again...while attacking their own police...that is the problem, not law abiding gun owners...

Mayor of St. Louis - Wikipedia

Rise in Murders Has St. Louis Debating Why

Jennifer M. Joyce, the city’s circuit attorney, or prosecutor, an elected position, complains that in St. Louis, the illegal possession of a gun is too often “a crime without a consequence,” making it difficult to stop confrontation from turning lethal.

At the same time, deeper social roots of violence such as addiction and unemployment continue unchecked. And city officials also cite what they call a “Ferguson effect,” an increase in crime last year as police officers were diverted to control protests after a white officer shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager in the nearby suburb on Aug. 9.


Now, an overstretched department is forced to pick one neighborhood at a time to flood with officers. Last month, Chief Dotson even asked the state highway patrol if it could lend a dozen men to help watch downtown streets; the agency declined.
When the police discover a gun in a car with several passengers, including some with felony records, but no one admits to owning the gun, criminal charges are often impossible, Mr. Rosenfeld said.

In addition, according to a 2014 study by Mr. Rosenfeld and his colleagues, a majority of those who are convicted of illegally possessing a gun but not caught using it in a crime receive probation rather than jail time. Gun laws and enforcement are stiffer in many other cities.
That crap is lies. The St. Louis Area has the Most Police Per Citizen in the USA!!! The DA no longer charges thugs for having guns like Repubtards wanted!

The link says you don't know what you are talking about....but you will blame people who legally own and carry guns for gun crimes they didn't commit....

Americans use their legal guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack.....rapes, robberies and murder...
Which number is bigger?

The benefits of an normal people owning and carrying guns for self defense far outweigh the criminal acts done by criminals that democrats keep letting out of jail....if democrats really cared about lowering gun crime, you would think they would keep gun criminals in jail.....

And here we see lives saved, and lives not destroyed......because normal people in this country can own and carry guns...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Fantasy bullshit the first time you posted it
Fantasy bullshit now

Exactly how is that fantasy? It is the truth about the increase in gun numbers both owning and carrying...we have states that keep track of gun permits......which gives us the 17 million number and it is over that because many states have "Constitutional" Carry, which means you don't need a permit to carry a gun....so they aren't even counted in that number...

then, you have PEW...tell us how PEW is a right wing polling place......right?
You ignorant fools are so fascinating....Suddenly you’re concerned with medical bills/costs and people dying by gun...hahaha...funny shit.
Favor the idea of running out your beloved 12-40 million illegal wetbacks first....then you’ll have a right to whine about medical expense and criminality....until then...shut the fuck up...nobody takes you serious...you have no credibility.
You Republicans invited the wetbacks & gave them Amnesty to punish Unions. Now you Cry, Bitch & Moan about it! Trump is deporting fewer!!!!

NEGATIVE...try again.
Are you ever right about anything?
Arrests of immigrants, especially non-criminals, way up in Trump's first year - CNNPolitics
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama
Yes Trump arrested more so you could pay more! DUH!!! But Trump is not deporting them you stupid Repubtard!!!

You fool...save face and admit you’re terribly misinformed.
It’s okay, most LefTards are twisted, lost, confused and harbor an extreme case of Headinassitus.
Your filthy Democrats have fucked up the deportation process and caused major backlogs in courts...you know this. Don’t worry though...this will be changed and dirty wetbacks will be chucked back to their shithole.
Deportation Backlog: Half a Million Cases Pending

I didn't even read your link because the title is a lie! There is a backlog of 700,000 cases taking average of 711 days. Trump does not have that many detained because it's unconstitutional & against SCOTUS 6 month rule. So Trump is letting them free here in the USA.

Wrong again....come on dude...do atleast a little fucking due diligence if you’re going get in here and be a big mouth.
Supreme Court backs Donald Trump on illegal immigrant detention
You Republicans invited the wetbacks & gave them Amnesty to punish Unions. Now you Cry, Bitch & Moan about it! Trump is deporting fewer!!!!

NEGATIVE...try again.
Are you ever right about anything?
Arrests of immigrants, especially non-criminals, way up in Trump's first year - CNNPolitics
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama
Yes Trump arrested more so you could pay more! DUH!!! But Trump is not deporting them you stupid Repubtard!!!

You fool...save face and admit you’re terribly misinformed.
It’s okay, most LefTards are twisted, lost, confused and harbor an extreme case of Headinassitus.
Your filthy Democrats have fucked up the deportation process and caused major backlogs in courts...you know this. Don’t worry though...this will be changed and dirty wetbacks will be chucked back to their shithole.
Deportation Backlog: Half a Million Cases Pending

I didn't even read your link because the title is a lie! There is a backlog of 700,000 cases taking average of 711 days. Trump does not have that many detained because it's unconstitutional & against SCOTUS 6 month rule. So Trump is letting them free here in the USA.

Wrong again....come on dude...do atleast a little fucking due diligence if you’re going get in here and be a big mouth.
Supreme Court backs Donald Trump on illegal immigrant detention
Your link does not work, but I read that crap before. The title is also a LIE. Only a few SCOTUS ruled to send it back down to lower court. Nothing changed yet & Trump is not detaining the 700,000 backlogged for 2 years. You need to pull your head out of your ass!

Again, Reagan Republicans Invited the Illegals & gave them all Amnesty to punish Union Workers!
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And yet...we have this.....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Well done. Still, they never let facts interfere with their ignorance.

Americans use their legal guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack.....rapes, robberies and murder...
Which number is bigger?

The benefits of an normal people owning and carrying guns for self defense far outweigh the criminal acts done by criminals that democrats keep letting out of jail....if democrats really cared about lowering gun crime, you would think they would keep gun criminals in jail.....

And here we see lives saved, and lives not destroyed......because normal people in this country can own and carry guns...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Fantasy bullshit the first time you posted it
Fantasy bullshit now

Exactly how is that fantasy? It is the truth about the increase in gun numbers both owning and carrying...we have states that keep track of gun permits......which gives us the 17 million number and it is over that because many states have "Constitutional" Carry, which means you don't need a permit to carry a gun....so they aren't even counted in that number...

then, you have PEW...tell us how PEW is a right wing polling place......right?

A gun owner claiming he scared off the bad guys and prevented a murder is fantasy
NO ONE is calling for the banning of ALL guns....our country is too invested in the macho image......BUT, sane folks SHOULD call for the banning of military-style, assault weapons with extensive ammo clips whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.....

All that you gun nuts are doing is FACILITATING murderous wackos' jobs for them.
Yes they are. Dem scum want to ban all guns. It's old news.
---------------------------------------- at least its out in the open now , gun owners and Second Amendment people should have realized 40 - 50 years ago though , Still Now is better than Never understanding the intent of the 'dems' and their ilk MikeTX.
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100,000 people are shot in the USA every year!

How many were shot by a good guy with a gun saving lives?

The only good guys / hero's are the the people saving more & more lives of gunshot victims thereby reducing the murder rate. Gee I wonder why medical cost keep rising?

Better check your numbers, unless you rely on Facebook for your news.
The first is data for deaths by guns, which is included in an annual report about deaths of all types during calendar year 2009. The numbers for gun deaths is broken down into several categories:

Suicide: 18,735 deaths
Homicide: 11,493 deaths
Unintentional: 554 deaths
Legal interventions: 333 deaths
Undetermined: 232 deaths

Total: 31,347 deaths

The second data set tracks non-fatal injuries by guns. According to the CDC, there were 73,505 non-fatal firearm injuries in 2010. (We will ignore an additional 13,851 non-fatal injuries from BB or pellet guns.)

How accurate is the Facebook post?

If you add together the gun deaths and the non-fatal gun injuries, you get 104,852 people shot in a year. That’s very close to the 1000,000 the Facebook post said.
------------------------------------------------------------ so 18 thousand suiciders , they don't count as they'll just kill themselves in a different fashion . Legal interventions are also cool and don't count and non fatal doesn't count either . All in ALL thats pretty good for a country of 330 million of all sorts in the USA . How many die yearly traveling Americas highways and byways Kiss .

Non fatal doesn't count? Imagine the medical bills. How many cripples created?

You ignorant fools are so fascinating....Suddenly you’re concerned with medical bills/costs and people dying by gun...hahaha...funny shit.
Favor the idea of running out your beloved 12-40 million illegal wetbacks first....then you’ll have a right to whine about medical expense and criminality....until then...shut the fuck up...nobody takes you serious...you have no credibility.
STFU! - You Republicans invited the wetbacks & gave them Amnesty creating an unstopple migration to punish US Worker Unions. Now you Cry, Bitch & Moan about it! Trump is deporting fewer!!!!
------------------------------------------------- RESPONSE TO COMMENTS 'KISS' made about 'repubs' inviting the Wetbacks into the USA . ----------------------------------- yep , kinda agree , see Ronald Reagan and the 'bush' family , Chambers of Commerce , Farmers and lettuce eating people that want cheap lettuce and tomaters and yada , yada :afro: Kiss .
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Americans use their legal guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack.....rapes, robberies and murder...
Which number is bigger?

The benefits of an normal people owning and carrying guns for self defense far outweigh the criminal acts done by criminals that democrats keep letting out of jail....if democrats really cared about lowering gun crime, you would think they would keep gun criminals in jail.....

And here we see lives saved, and lives not destroyed......because normal people in this country can own and carry guns...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Fantasy bullshit the first time you posted it
Fantasy bullshit now

Exactly how is that fantasy? It is the truth about the increase in gun numbers both owning and carrying...we have states that keep track of gun permits......which gives us the 17 million number and it is over that because many states have "Constitutional" Carry, which means you don't need a permit to carry a gun....so they aren't even counted in that number...

then, you have PEW...tell us how PEW is a right wing polling place......right?

A gun owner claiming he scared off the bad guys and prevented a murder is fantasy

Dumb shit...here just a few of the stories.....

Attacker with knife flees after woman reveals her concealed carry gun, police say

A woman in Illinois was reportedly able to protect herself with her concealed carry firearm after a stranger with a knife jumped into her car.

Police said a woman who was parked near a shopping mall in Moline on Sunday was attacked by a man who fought his way into her car, according to WQAD 8.

During the fight, the man reportedly slashed the woman’s arm with a knife. He then ordered the woman to drive to Rock Island County, a rural area, according to police.


Once the woman stopped the car, she was able to reach her gun, which she had a concealed carry firearm permit for, WQAD 8 reported.

After the attacker saw the weapon, he reportedly ran off and she was able to drive herself to the hospital.

Police subsequently opened an investigation and arrested Floyd R. May, 61.

May was charged with aggravated kidnapping, aggravated battery with a weapon, unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and aggravated assault.

'I had to take care of things': Gun-wielding Texas mother scares off intruder
The family does not want to be identified, but wanted to share the story in hope that awareness can help in similar situations.

The mother was at home with the family's 3-month-old daughter Thursday night. Her husband was out of town working, but was coming home Friday to celebrate the first Christmas with their daughter.

After tossing and turning in bed for a while, the mother was not able to fall asleep and went to the living room around 11:30 p.m.

About an hour later, she heard the home alarm beep and her back door open.

Her instinct kicked in.

"I froze for a second and then I realized I needed to spring into action, I mean, I had my baby in the house. I was alone. My husband was away on business, so I had to take care of things," she said.

She grabbed a gun and went towards the back door, where she found a man standing in her kitchen.

She yelled at the man while pointing the gun at him, and her dog ran towards him, scaring him out of the back door.

She locked the door and called 911.

Good Guy with Gun Stops Sex Assault on Hiking Trail

According to The Blaze, Josh Williams, 39, nearly left his handgun at home when heading out to the hiking trail on a dark morning back in September, but he felt the nagging sensation that he should take it anyway. That turned out to be the right call because while on the trail at 5:30 a.m., Williams heard a woman scream loud enough to get past his music-blaring earbuds.

In the darkness, Williams shined his flashlight and discovered a woman being sexually assaulted and approached the perpetrator.

“I came up, pulled my gun and told him to get off of her,” Williams recalled. He then asked the man to get on his knees and asked to see his hands: “That way I knew he didn’t have a weapon. And at that point he was no threat, so I didn’t feel the need to shoot him.”

The perp ran away but thanks to a good description from both the victim and Williams, police were able to later apprehend 22-year-old Richard McEachern and charge him with sexual assault.

The victim was very glad Williams decided to carry that day and used a gun to save her from a dangerous situation. That was the first time Williams ever pointed his weapon at another person, but it confirmed for him the importance of the Second Amendment:

“It’s dark, and I don’t know what’s out there, so I have it to protect myself and other people. That’s what it’s all about anyway — to help other people with it, not just myself.

“I didn’t think I’d ever have to pull it. Did I want to? No, not at all. But just … right place, right time.”

Deputies: Mass Stabbing Suspect Stopped When Fourth Target Pulled a Gun - Breitbart

Deputies say a suspect who allegedly stabbed three people in Seminole, Florida, stopped when a fourth individual pulled a gun on him.
The incident occurred Sunday afternoon in broad daylight.
According to The Patch, the incident began when witnesses alleged they saw 49-year-old Bobby Martin Watson trying to rob a woman in a Publix parking lot. Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office deputies indicate that the woman–44-year-old Rosanna Lynn–struggled with Watson and he stabbed her.
Watson then ran and a witness–44-year-old Christopher McMann–approached, only to get stabbed as well.
Deputies said a second good Samaritan–31-year-old Travis Jones–then chased and tackled Watson, only to be “stabbed in the abdomen during the struggle that ensued.” Forty-year-old Donald Rush saw what was happening, grabbed his gun from his vehicle and ran at Watson. He was able to take away the knife “and held [Watson] at gunpoint until deputies arrived.”
Rush did not have to fire his gun. The sight of the brandished firearm was enough to stop the attack.
Watson was booked into the Pinellas County jail. He faces charges of “armed robbery and three counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.”

17-Year-Old Spokane Girl Grabs Dad's Gun, Scares Off Home Intruder

On Monday morning, a 17-year-old Spokane girl gave a suspected car thief a rude reception when he invaded her house; brandishing her father’s gun in his face before he fled like a scared rabbit.

The entire sequence of events started at roughly 5:00 a.m. when deputies spotted a stolen car in the Wandermere area. Once they started pursuing the suspect, he fled on foot.

The police provided updates on the The Wake Up Show on KHQ. Meanwhile, 17-year-old Kimber Wood's boyfriend and parents saw the updates, before they left for work. Her boyfriend met some deputies on his way, then called Kimber to inform him of what was happening.

Kimber called her father to ask if she could grab one of his guns. He assented, whereupon she placed it under her pillow and went back to sleep.

She awakened and heard an intruder, prompting her to grab the gun. Hiding behind her makeup vanity, she suddenly came face to face with the car thief.

Brandishing her gun, she pointed it at the suspect and said, "Who are you?" and "Get the (expletive) out of my house!"

The thief beat a hasty retreat after stealing her boyfriend’s ATV; but Kimber wanted to make sure he got the message, firing one shot into the ground as he fled.

Four People, Dog Stabbed During Buffalo Grove Home Invasion

CHICAGO (CBS) — Four people and their family dog were stabbed early Wednesday, when two masked men broke into their home in north suburban Buffalo Grove.

Police said the homeowner grabbed a handgun during the home invasion, and opened fire, chasing off the suspects.

Just after midnight, police responded to a home invasion in the 400 block of St. Marys Parkway, and found several windows had been broken, and the front door had been forced open. Officers discovered a bloody scene inside.

Witnesses told police that two masked attackers had broken in, and a man armed with a large hunting knife repeatedly stabbed the 49-year-old homeowner. Three other people and the family’s German Shepherd also were stabbed.

During the struggle, the homeowner retrieved a handgun, and opened fire, causing the attackers to run away.

“It’s pretty shocking,” neighbor Bob Meyer said. “This neighborhood is very, very quiet. We’ve lived here for 30-plus years, and this stuff just doesn’t happen here; just doesn’t happen.”

Man Armed With a Handgun Saves Cop Who Was Pinned to the Ground By Suspect - Inside Edition

Wheeler said he was being attacked by a homeless man who later acknowledged to officers that he was high on crystal meth. Knocked to the ground and fighting to subdue the “very irritated and out of sorts” attacker, Wheeler ended up on his back with the man straddling him.

“I’ve never been in that situation before,” the 14-year department veteran told InsideEdition.com Wednesday. “I’ve always been able to take control of a situation.”

Earlier this week, Wheeler was able to reward Dylan DeBoard, the man who saved him, with the city’s Citizen’s Award of Valor. Every day, he remembers that day last year when things could have turned out far, far worse.

He often stops by DeBoard’s home, Wheeler said, just to say thanks. “Every time I see him I let him know how much I appreciate what he did.”

On that day last year, Wheeler’s shoulder microphone had been ripped off in the tussle, so he couldn’t call for back-up. And then the man started going for Wheeler’s gun. And that’s when Wheeler began to think he was running out of options.

“I pulled him in close to me to try to restrict his range of motion,” Wheeler said. But the suspect just kept “trying to reach my belt.”

And right about then, the man sat back and put his hands up. Wheeler wondered ‘What the …?’

He lifted his head and looked in the direction the man was staring. There stood another man, with a gun.

“I didn’t know if he was pointing at me or him,” Wheeler said, meaning the man sitting on him. That’s when DeBoard announced he had a concealed weapon permit.

While the suspect was distracted, Wheeler managed to flip him over and handcuff him.

Rifle-Wielding North Carolina Teen Scares Off Home Invaders: Defensive Gun Use of the Day - The Truth About Guns

Kirk Puckett, a spokesperson for the Alamance County Sheriff’s Office, said two sisters, 12 and 13, were inside the home when they heard knocking on the front door.

Puckett said when they looked outside, they saw three unfamiliar men. He said the older sister grabbed her dad’s rifle.

The suspects then broke in through the back door. Puckett said the 13-year-old pointed the rifle at them, causing them to run away without taking anything.

Neighbors praise the teen for her quick thinking.

“I am in awe of that young lady,” Jackie Garrison said. “To have had that kind of thoughtfulness going on in a time of crisis in her head to where that’s what she did, instead of running and hiding. She probably stopped something major from going on.”

At the risk of losing my PC credentials, Ms. Garrison ain’t whistlin’ Dixie. Three men breaking into a home with two teenage girls is a recipe for unthinkable atrocity. Only it isthinkable — by anyone who understands the value of hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. Including teaching their children how to react in an emergency.

Armed Citizen Saves Security Officer from 'Tire Iron' Beating

An armed citizen intervened in a parking lot attack, saving a loss prevention officer from an impending “tire iron” assault at the hands of robbery suspects.

According to KVII, Amarillo police say that around 12:45 p.m. on April 3, 35-year-old Ricky Solis was in a Home Depot parking lot in Amarillo, Texas, when he “[took] power tools from the store and left without paying.”

A loss prevention officer reportedly cornered Solis in the parking lot, and a struggle ensued. Police say that during the struggle a second suspect began attacking the loss prevention officer and kicked him in the face.

The second suspect went to his vehicle, grabbed a “tire iron,” and returned, apparently planning to use the iron on the officer.

At that point, a citizen with a concealed carry permit intervened, stopping the attack and reportedly forcing Solis to comply long enough to allow the loss prevention officer to handcuff him and hold him until police arrived.

Solis was arrested for robbery, and the second suspect was able to flee the scene.

St. Paul Woman Stops Violent Attack on Husband by Drawing Her Gun

A St. Paul, Minnesota man was brutally assaulted by a gang of 15 to 30 young men who were gambling in his driveway as he returned from work.

32-year-old Bruce Chang says when he tried to clear the group to gain access to his driveway, they began to assault him, even throwing rocks and jabbing sticks at his face and torso.

“I didn’t know I was stabbed but I felt the pressure and fell to one knee,” he said. “I immediately pushed off, because you got to survive.”

Although Chang had obtained his firearms permit for personal protection years ago, he is not allowed to carry at his workplace and says that’s why he did not have his weapon on him when he returned home that day.

Fortunately for him, his wife also has a permit. She was able to run outside and draw her gun – scaring off the gang and ending her husband’s violent attack.

“With one of my older neighbors, who knows what would have happened,” Chang said.

Woman Scares off Assailant With Stick. Just Kidding, it was a gun.

Just before 7pm on Wednesday night, a 29 year-old woman had gathered up her dog and headed outside to… well, to let her dog do what dogs do.

Upon her first step outside her Minot, North Dakota home, she was hit solidly in the face with a blunt object, knocking her backward down the stairs and into her home.

Her assailant followed her into her home and started to approach her, but the woman had made it to a cabinet where she retrieved a handgun to protect herself and her home.

When confronted with the firearm, the violent intruder and would-be robber/rapist/murderer fled the scene.

The smart, independent, gun-owning woman did not require medical attention, most likely due to the fact that she was able to pull a weapon on her assailant to end the attack.

Police: Concealed Permit Holder Saves Officer Surrounded By Mob - Breitbart

On February 5, an armed citizen saved an Upper Darby police officer who was under assault and encircled by a mob of onlookers.
Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said “there is no doubt they would have attacked” the officer without the armed citizen’s intervention.

According to Philly.com, the officer was breaking up a fight between two Upper Darby High School students–after school had let out for the day–and one of the students jumped the officer. Superintendent Chitwood said, “As he breaks up the fight, he takes one kid and then the other jumps [on] him. Now he’s fighting two of them and he’s calling for an assist officer at the same time. There’s a crowd of 40 or 50 kids watching the fight, and they all move in towards the officer.”

An area resident with a concealed carry permit saw the officer struggling and the crowd closing in, so he grabbed his gun and ran to the officer’s defense. The resident ordered the kids to get away from the officer and kept them away until sufficient backup arrived. Chitwood said, “He had the gun in his hand, but he didn’t point it at the kids, he just told them to back off. If this guy didn’t come out and come to the aid of the officer, this officer would have had significant problems.”

The officer who was under attack suffered “significant hand injuries” and the first officer to respond to calls for backup “suffered a major injury to a leg when he was kicked by one of the teens in the fight.”

Employee Stabbed At GM Warren Tech Center, Suspect In Custody

The women got into some kind of verbal dispute, Fouts said, during which the visitor pulled out a steak knife and violently stabbed the employee several times in the neck, abdomen and back.

A nearby valet driver, who also has a concealed pistol license, saw what was happening and rushed to the employee’s aid.

“He pulled the weapon out and stopped the attack from taking place,” said Fouts. “By then, this woman had been stabbed multiple times.”

The driver held the attacker on the ground at gunpoint as other GM workers called 911. Police quickly arrived on the scene and took the suspect into custody as the employee was rushed to the hospital.

She underwent surgery and was last reported in stable condition.

Homeowner Stays Armed In The House — Finds Knife-Wielding Man Inside And It Turns Out Great!

WILLMAR, MINNESOTA — A Willmar homeowner returned home to find a man wielding a knife in the middle of his living room. Using his pistol, which he was licensed to carry, he held the suspect at gunpoint and called 911. During the encounter, he allowed the suspect to leave after putting his buck knife down. Police caught up to the suspect, 37-year-old by the name of Shane Fellers. He was found inside a vehicle being operated by an unknown woman. Both were taken into custody and, according to the West Central Tribune, Fellers was held on a $70,000 unconditional bail for first degree burglary and burglary with a dangerous weapon. He also allegedly supplied the police officer with an incorrect name when he was initially apprehended — tacking on an additional misdemeanor.**********************

This is one of my Favorites.....

Lancaster Woman Scares Off Bat-Wielding Attackers By Pulling Gun On Them

LANCASTER, Ohio - It happened along a walking path in Lancaster.

Dinah Burns is licensed to carry a concealed gun, but she'd only recently started taking her weapon while walking her dog.

Based on what happened, it looks like she'll make a point of carrying from now on.

"I think if they'd gotten any closer, I probably would have fired,” said Burns.

It was Monday when Burns was on a footpath near Sanderson Elementary School.

"Two gentlemen came out of the woods, one holding a baseball bat, and said 'You're coming with us'."

The men weren't deterred by Dinah's dog Gracie.

"I said, 'Well, what do you want?,' and as I was saying that I reached in to my pocket and slipped my gun out, slipped the safety off as I pulled it out. As I was doing that the other gentleman came toward me and raised the baseball bat. And, I pointed the gun at them and said, 'I have this and I'm not afraid to use it.'"

The men took off and so far have eluded police. Dinah posted about the incident on Facebook to alert friends and neighbors, to criticism by some.

"Most of the males' opinion was, 'Why didn't you shoot them?'"

Easy to second-guess a decision made under pressure, based on her concealed carry training, and police agree.

"To get out of a situation, back out, get out of it as much as you can without having to discharge your firearm."

"I will say it's a good thing to go from a place of danger to a place of safety, however you get that done,” said Sgt. Matt Chambers, Lancaster Police.

"Very thankful that it turned out the way it did, and hope it doesn't happen again, but I will be prepared."

Funny how St Louis allows CCW without permit & crime is soaring! Gun's don't reduce crime!

Where is your crime occurring? St. Louis, a Liberal run island in a Republican state. Who has been running St. Louis for the past few decades? Democrats or Republicans?


That the law has vastly more serious implications in the urban setting of St. Louis—and that state lawmakers have not allowed the city to carve out gun-law exceptions for itself—is just an extreme example of the plight faced by this heavily Democratic, half-black Rust Belt city in a state that has been tilting increasingly red. (After Barack Obama lost Missouri by fewer than 4,000 votes in 2008, he lost it by a whopping 258,000 votes four years later.) At one point in time, St. Louis and its urban counterpart at the other end of the state, Kansas City, held enormous sway in state government through their sheer size. But St. Louis, in particular, has shrunk dramatically (it was the country’s eighth-largest city in the country in 1950 with more than 850,000 people), making it ever more subject to the whims of an increasingly conservative rural and exurban state electorate.


Why St. Louis Should Leave Missouri and Move to Illinois
100,000 people are shot in the USA every year!

How many were shot by a good guy with a gun saving lives?

The only good guys / hero's are the the people saving more & more lives of gunshot victims thereby reducing the murder rate. Gee I wonder why medical cost keep rising?
Guns don't kill people. Liberals and crazy people with guns kill people. Guns can do nothing by themselves. They cannot jump up and shoot someone by themselves.
100,000 people are shot in the USA every year!

How many were shot by a good guy with a gun saving lives?

The only good guys / hero's are the the people saving more & more lives of gunshot victims thereby reducing the murder rate. Gee I wonder why medical cost keep rising?
Guns don't kill people. Liberals and crazy people with guns kill people. Guns can do nothing by themselves. They cannot jump up and shoot someone by themselves.
So why arm crazy people with guns?
The whole entire world agrees that america has a gun problem. Till you meet the gun nuts in the US and their idiotic explanations:

"Guns don't kill people"....Yes they do, other countries don't have them...hence they have less murders per capita.
"We need them to fight tyrannical government"....You telling me that you have a chance vs Tanks, Tomahawks and F35s ? LOL
"Is in our constitution" that piece of paper that was written 300 years ago? wake up we live in the 21st century, and your forefathers ain't god or Jesus.

The dumbest people ever assembled in one country are the gun lovers.
100,000 people are shot in the USA every year!

How many were shot by a good guy with a gun saving lives?

The only good guys / hero's are the the people saving more & more lives of gunshot victims thereby reducing the murder rate. Gee I wonder why medical cost keep rising?

Um... that is the most mathematically illiterate statement on this issue, I have ever seen.

You are really suggesting that in a nation of 310,000,000 people..... that 100,000 people shot by guns, is the reason medical rates keep going up?

According to the Stanford University School of Medicine, it cost the US $765 Million a year to treat gun shot injuries.

Costs of Care | The Costs of Breast Cancer in the U.S. - Costs of Care

We spent $16.5 Billion on breast cancer treatment..... ALONE.

Are you some kind of moron?

You think gun shot wounds are the cause of increasing health care costs? Ridiculous. You must have gotten this from another brainless CNN article or something.

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