100 8th graders refuse to join class photo with Paul Ryan

This is the result of so-called politicians who are nothing but crooks and activists. Members of the "resistance", which really just means "I carry the water for my donors" and accept bribes from foreign government to undermine America. An education system that advises kids that communist virtues are a good thing and better for America than traditional American values.

It's sad indeed. I would hope the teacher would tell these kids they don't have a choice, or, make it so that there are consequences for not being in the photo, but then again it wouldn't surprise me if teachers condone and encourage such behavior, especially since these unions dislike Trump.

Some kid wants to get their 15 minutes of fame like one of their musical pop stars they are listening to in their current phase.
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I thought that this was still the land of the free and you could opt out of doing stuff like that as a demonstration of your right to free speech.

Forcing the kids is indoctrination. Allowing them to have a choice is freedom.
I thought that this was still the land of the free and you could opt out of doing stuff like that as a demonstration of your right to free speech.

Forcing the kids is indoctrination. Allowing them to have a choice is freedom.

they were allowed to have their choice, and they chose to be assholes.
I would have took the picture and flipped the bird. Or worse.
I thought that this was still the land of the free and you could opt out of doing stuff like that as a demonstration of your right to free speech.

Forcing the kids is indoctrination. Allowing them to have a choice is freedom.

they were allowed to have their choice, and they chose to be assholes.

Actually, they chose to not appear in a picture with a politician that they disagree with. Some of the kids while they didn't agree with Ryan, still decided to take a picture with him, and others decided to opt out. Freedom of choice is what makes this country great, but I guess you are too blinded by partisan politics to see that.
I thought that this was still the land of the free and you could opt out of doing stuff like that as a demonstration of your right to free speech.

Forcing the kids is indoctrination. Allowing them to have a choice is freedom.

they were allowed to have their choice, and they chose to be assholes.

Actually, they chose to not appear in a picture with a politician that they disagree with. Some of the kids while they didn't agree with Ryan, still decided to take a picture with him, and others decided to opt out. Freedom of choice is what makes this country great, but I guess you are too blinded by partisan politics to see that.

you don't understand. you're assuming i'm partisan. i just think paul ryan is good looking and when given a chance to take a picture with a good looking person, you should do it regardless of politics.
I thought that this was still the land of the free and you could opt out of doing stuff like that as a demonstration of your right to free speech.

Forcing the kids is indoctrination. Allowing them to have a choice is freedom.

they were allowed to have their choice, and they chose to be assholes.

Actually, they chose to not appear in a picture with a politician that they disagree with. Some of the kids while they didn't agree with Ryan, still decided to take a picture with him, and others decided to opt out. Freedom of choice is what makes this country great, but I guess you are too blinded by partisan politics to see that.

you don't understand. you're assuming i'm partisan. i just think paul ryan is good looking and when given a chance to take a picture with a good looking person, you should do it regardless of politics.

You know, I don't like politicians because of how they look, I like them because of how they vote and run this country. And............to tell you the truth, I don't care how good looking or ugly someone is, I care about how they think and act.

And no, there is no way in hell that I would get my picture taken with someone I strongly disagree with, because in my way of thinking, taking a picture with someone means I either like or agree with them. I don't take pictures with people I don't like.

And if your whole reasoning is just that you think Ryan is good looking, then you are shallower than I thought.
You know, by the time I was in 8th grade, I was actually starting to form my political views, many of which I got from my Grandparents who were conservative and very pro union (this was in the late 70's/early 80's). They got me started in paying attention to what happens in this country, and when I got into my mid 20's, my political views were cemented in place, and I decided I was an independent.

Hate to tell you people, but most 8th graders are more socially and politically aware than people of my generation were, and a lot of it is because of social media.
So? Isn't it up to them if they wish to be in a photograph?
You know, by the time I was in 8th grade, I was actually starting to form my political views, many of which I got from my Grandparents who were conservative and very pro union (this was in the late 70's/early 80's). They got me started in paying attention to what happens in this country, and when I got into my mid 20's, my political views were cemented in place, and I decided I was an independent.

Hate to tell you people, but most 8th graders are more socially and politically aware than people of my generation were, and a lot of it is because of social media.
So you were told what to think by your grand parents. So it's just like I said with these kids. They were just doing what they were told like all good liberals do.

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