100 million dollar con man AlGore takes aim at 'unsustainable' capitalism.

How did GWB make all his money?

Oh knows it's the BOOOOOSH attack...

Oil and investments (such as baseball)..

Both are legitimate...

AlGore fuck is a Ponzi - he makes his money off ideas...

He doesn't sell a product he sells an idea....

Wanna buy a bridge? Sears Tower??? Soldier Field??
Al gores a fraud piece of shit..claimed he invented the internet.


Oh yeah I forgot to add that tidbit..

AlGore takes narcissism to a new level.

Thank God he didn't win because we would all be making Nike Air Jordans for the Chinese by now - while dipshit played "Kim Jong-Il."
No kidding,a campaign item he also claimed is the GORETEC outerwear material,invented in elkton,md,he claimed he created that,too,and got sued by the real inventors.
Any time you hear the word "sustainable" you are dealing with the moldy Left.
The great flaw in capitalism is that stability, the most sought after goal in society, is stagnation. Capitalism can only be successful when there is growth. What happens to capitalism when there are no more profitable new markets or new source of even cheaper labor?
How did GWB make all his money?

Who cares about Bush. He is retired.

From the article,

"Together with David Blood, senior partner of "green" fund firm Generation Investment Management, the environmental activist has crafted a blueprint for "sustainable capitalism" he wants the financial industry to adopt to support lasting economic growth.

While we believe that capitalism is fundamentally superior to any other system for organizing economic activity,it is also clear that some of the ways in which it is now practiced do n't incorporate sufficient regard for its impact on people, society and the planet," Gore said."
How did GWB make all his money?

Is that the best you people have.

Whenever there is criticism against a Lib
The Libs ALWAYS counter with a Bush comparison.

Al Gore is stuffing both his pockets with cash
arguing against fossil fuel usage as he jets around the country
doing his angry man schtick....

And the Libs can't defend him one bit so they counter with...
What about Bush? bullshit. :lol:
Sounds like the Global Warming gravy train has started running dry.
The man makes a living like Chicken Little. He works very hard to convince the sheeple that the sky is falling and being good sheeple, they want to give him as much of everyone else's money as government can confiscate.
Al Gore takes aim at 'unsustainable' capitalism - chicagotribune.com

Them some strong words for a douche who made his $100,000,000 via Three-card-Monte.

An even better idea than the incredibly boneheaded and unworkable one proposed in the article is to reverse the mistake certain companies made by going public. All the banks and brokerages should be private. It was a huge mistake for them to go public.

You don't take as many stupid risks when you are risking the partners' money. Not if you don't want to be thrown in the river.

And when it is the partners' money, the bonuses will stop rewarding risk-taking, as well.

And the partners would not tolerate bogus mark-to-market accounting and SPV black holes the way the rubes do. Not when it is their money mysteriously missing.
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The great flaw in capitalism is that stability, the most sought after goal in society, is stagnation. Capitalism can only be successful when there is growth. What happens to capitalism when there are no more profitable new markets or new source of even cheaper labor?

You dont know much about capitalism, do you?
Al Gore takes aim at 'unsustainable' capitalism - chicagotribune.com

Them some strong words for a douche who made his $100,000,000 via Three-card-Monte.

An even better idea than the incredibly boneheaded and unworkable one proposed in the article is to reverse the mistake certain companies made by going public. All the banks and brokerages should be private. It was a huge mistake for them to go public.

You don't take as many stupid risks when you are risking the partners' money. Not if you don't want to be thrown in the river.

And when it is the partners' money, the bonuses will stop rewarding risk-taking, as well.

And the partners would not tolerate bogus mark-to-market accounting and SPV black holes the way the rubes do. Not when it is their money mysteriously missing.

You dont know much about business, do you?
Al Gore takes aim at 'unsustainable' capitalism - chicagotribune.com

Them some strong words for a douche who made his $100,000,000 via Three-card-Monte.

An even better idea than the incredibly boneheaded and unworkable one proposed in the article is to reverse the mistake certain companies made by going public. All the banks and brokerages should be private. It was a huge mistake for them to go public.

You don't take as many stupid risks when you are risking the partners' money. Not if you don't want to be thrown in the river.

And when it is the partners' money, the bonuses will stop rewarding risk-taking, as well.

And the partners would not tolerate bogus mark-to-market accounting and SPV black holes the way the rubes do. Not when it is their money mysteriously missing.

You dont know much about business, do you?

The odds are very good that I know more about the financial industry as a whole than this entire board put together.

But if you want to talk out of your ass about it, feel free. We could use the entertainment.
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Germany’s economic success has raised serious questions about the virtues of public companies. A decade ago investors treated the country’s middle-sized companies (the Mittelstand) as mini-dinosaurs. Why stick with family ownership when going public would provide them with more money? Today they are praised as “hidden champions”, the dynamos of the world’s most successful export economy and the companies which provide China with the complicated machines that it requires. They have thrived precisely because they are in the hands of family proprietors who are more interested in building for the long term than in quick wins.

A more subtle challenge to public companies is coming from highly diversified family-dominated conglomerates such as India’s Tata (which operates in everything from steelmaking to consultancy). Family-dominated companies account for 60% of the Indian stockmarket. Western investors continue to apply a conglomerate discount to these companies—and to urge them to focus and be more shareholder-friendly. But they are no longer listening. They argue that conglomerates are well suited to countries with weak institutions. They also argue that family companies are ideal vehicles for long-term investments. Conglomerates are particularly good at building trusted brands and attracting scarce talent.

Leaders: Varied company | The Economist
An even better idea than the incredibly boneheaded and unworkable one proposed in the article is to reverse the mistake certain companies made by going public. All the banks and brokerages should be private. It was a huge mistake for them to go public.

You don't take as many stupid risks when you are risking the partners' money. Not if you don't want to be thrown in the river.

And when it is the partners' money, the bonuses will stop rewarding risk-taking, as well.

And the partners would not tolerate bogus mark-to-market accounting and SPV black holes the way the rubes do. Not when it is their money mysteriously missing.

You dont know much about business, do you?

The odds are very good that I know more about the financial industry as a whole than this entire board put together.

But if you want to talk out of your ass about it, feel free. We could use the entertainment.

That would be true if the whole board consisted of wax fruit. Maybe.
With every post you prove you know very little indeed.

In fact public companies are more responsive than private ones, in part because they have to answer to shareholders, and are subject to far more scrutiny.
But dont let facts enter your tiny mind here.

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