100 MMMillion Americans on Welfare, so Obama by a Landslide

. Potentially, the household of 6 could be counted 80 times!!!! :cuckoo:


Department of Health and Human Services $787.8 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion


Hell hath no fury like a parasite scorned

sheesh....over $550 billion of that figure is Medicare, of which every single working person pays in to it, with the EXCEPTION of the wealthy, such as Romney, who pays ZERO to Medicare....zip, nothing, niente, nada, towards it.

Why are you letting yourself be fooled?

As far as cutting back on those services, and this candidate not winning.... I doubt it....Obama has cut back on future spending Medicare 700 billion over the next 10 years and it is YOUR SIDE of the aisle that are trying to make him out to be the Devil Incarnate for it....

soooo, guess you are off base, once again...just because you refuse to think on your own....?
. Potentially, the household of 6 could be counted 80 times!!!! :cuckoo:


Department of Health and Human Services $787.8 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion


Hell hath no fury like a parasite scorned

sheesh....over $550 billion of that figure is Medicare, of which every single working person pays in to it, with the EXCEPTION of the wealthy, such as Romney, who pays ZERO to Medicare....zip, nothing, niente, nada, towards it.

Why are you letting yourself be fooled?

As far as cutting back on those services, and this candidate not winning.... I doubt it....Obama has cut back on future spending Medicare 700 billion over the next 10 years and it is YOUR SIDE of the aisle that are trying to make him out to be the Devil Incarnate for it....

soooo, guess you are off base, once again...just because you refuse to think on your own....?


Folks actually believe that they have the RIGHT to steal loot and plunder the wealth of their neighbors.

One would assume that with the millions out of work, those unemployed would be voting for whoever is running against the incumbent, and therefore in this case Romney has a large block of voters in his pocket.

However, if you are unemployed and becoming accustomed to drawing unemployment, and welfare who is the candidate most likely to help you remain on the dole ?

Obviously Obama.
What it comes down to, is while it would be nice to think all of these people WANT off the government nipple, that is obviously not the case.
In affect, millions of these people in truth are voters who are actually in the pocket of Obama.

Yea because living off half of one's normal wage is a like receiving a fucking bonanza.

How is voting for a welfare/warfare state politician going to help your "normal wages"?!?!?!?


Warfare state? Obama got us out of Iraq, and he's working on getting us out of Afghanistan. You're thinking of Obama's predecessor. As for welfare, there are more receiving now than before because of the economy. Get people working again, and that number will drop. You guys are not real bright, who believe your own stupid one liners.
Yea because living off half of one's normal wage is a like receiving a fucking bonanza.

How is voting for a welfare/warfare state politician going to help your "normal wages"?!?!?!?


Warfare state? Obama got us out of Iraq, and he's working on getting us out of Afghanistan. You're thinking of Obama's predecessor. As for welfare, there are more receiving now than before because of the economy. Get people working again, and that number will drop. You guys are not real bright, who believe your own stupid one liners.


Federal welfare payments 1968 = 77.4 Billions

Federal welfare payments 2012 $787.8 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion

Holy shit , it has INCREASED by 710.4 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillions

Are you fuckers ever going to become honest taxpayers and producers?!?!?!?!!?!?


Folks actually believe that they have the RIGHT to steal loot and plunder the wealth of their neighbors.


All those damn veteran and seniors, they actually think they're entitled to the stuff we promised them.:eusa_wall:

"The factory closed, I can't feed my kids." Boo-hoo. Who's fault is that? There's always plenty of car windows that need to be washed at stoplights...Give the kids a towel and a squirt bottle. Right? you dumb prick, Cuntumactious.

You extremists assholes run your mouth about freeloaders while defunding planned parenthood. How do you think preventing lower income women from getting abortions is going to work out? Dopes.

Folks actually believe that they have the RIGHT to steal loot and plunder the wealth of their neighbors.


All those damn veteran and seniors, they actually think they're entitled to the stuff we promised them.:eusa_wall:

Easy Vern.

No one is referring to those Americans who were COMPELLED UNDER PENALTY OF LAW OR DEATH to contribute to the Ponzi scheme known as social security.

American Patriots like Vivien Kellems and Irwin Schiff tried to stop the scam to no avail.

"The factory closed, I can't feed my kids." Boo-hoo. Who's fault is that? There's always plenty of car windows that need to be washed at stoplights...Give the kids a towel and a squirt bottle. Right? you dumb prick, Cuntumactious.

No stupid fuck. What the politicians need to do is create a class of dependents who will enslave taxpayers and producers.

Someday , it will dawn on the taxpayers that they will never out vote you and your ilk.

Then they will realize that the ONLY answer is another bloody revolution. No way they are going to convince the parasites that it is wrong to legalize theft.

You extremists assholes run your mouth about freeloaders while defunding planned parenthood. How do you think preventing lower income women from getting abortions is going to work out? Dopes.

OK Ding dong, think aboout that BEFORE you spread your legs. Let your BFF come in your ass and/or mouth. But don't ask me for a penny.


Folks actually believe that they have the RIGHT to steal loot and plunder the wealth of their neighbors.


All those damn veteran and seniors, they actually think they're entitled to the stuff we promised them.:eusa_wall:

"The factory closed, I can't feed my kids." Boo-hoo. Who's fault is that? There's always plenty of car windows that need to be washed at stoplights...Give the kids a towel and a squirt bottle. Right? you dumb prick, Cuntumactious.

You extremists assholes run your mouth about freeloaders while defunding planned parenthood. How do you think preventing lower income women from getting abortions is going to work out? Dopes.

It sure as shit ain't my fault a factory closed. What gives you the right to take my property and turn it over to anyone?
Why should I be required to provide abortions to anyone?
Tell you what! If you want to provide funding for abortions and feed people who have been out of work for over 26 weeks, do so. I'm having enough problems meeting my own obligations.
Parasities : the term includes welfare queens, war profiteers and "Get Government Out of My Medicare" conservatives.

Parasities : the term includes welfare queens, war profiteers and "Get Government Out of My Medicare" conservatives.


Probably includes Hazelnut too. Now that the Strike is over in Chicago, he can go back to indoctrinating his captive audience. :D Other than the Pension Plan, what is the big difference between Government Workers, and the Mob? Never mind
. Potentially, the household of 6 could be counted 80 times!!!! :cuckoo:


Department of Health and Human Services $787.8 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion


Hell hath no fury like a parasite scorned

sheesh....over $550 billion of that figure is Medicare, of which every single working person pays in to it, with the EXCEPTION of the wealthy, such as Romney, who pays ZERO to Medicare....zip, nothing, niente, nada, towards it.

Why are you letting yourself be fooled?

As far as cutting back on those services, and this candidate not winning.... I doubt it....Obama has cut back on future spending Medicare 700 billion over the next 10 years and it is YOUR SIDE of the aisle that are trying to make him out to be the Devil Incarnate for it....

soooo, guess you are off base, once again...just because you refuse to think on your own....?


The Fallacy of Redistribution

by Thomas Sowell

In theory, confiscating the wealth of the more successful people ought to make the rest of the society more prosperous. But when the Soviet Union confiscated the wealth of successful farmers, food became scarce. As many people died of starvation under Stalin in the 1930s as died in Hitler's Holocaust in the 1940s.

How can that be? It is not complicated. You can only confiscate the wealth that exists at a given moment. You cannot confiscate future wealth – and that future wealth is less likely to be produced when people see that it is going to be confiscated. Farmers in the Soviet Union cut back on how much time and effort they invested in growing their crops, when they realized that the government was going to take a big part of the harvest. They slaughtered and ate young farm animals that they would normally keep tending and feeding while raising them to maturity.
Parasities : the term includes welfare queens, war profiteers and "Get Government Out of My Medicare" conservatives.


Probably includes Hazelnut too. Now that the Strike is over in Chicago, he can go back to indoctrinating his captive audience. :D Other than the Pension Plan, what is the big difference between Government Workers, and the Mob? Never mind

How to Break the Chicago Teachers Strike in 7 Days

Gary North

Reality Check (Sept. 11, 2012)

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. Things that we had postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before." -- Rahm Emanuel (Nov. 2008).
He said that when he was President Obama's Chief of staff. Today, he is Mayor of Chicago. The teachers union is on strike. 350,000 students have no schools to go to. They are being looked after in churches and other private facilities.

If he were not a screaming liberal, he could solve this in 7 days. It requires a 30-day program to make it stick. Permanently.

Here is Dr. North's sure-fire 30-day remedy for any teachers' strike.

First, the Mayor cites the statement sent by Governor Calvin Coolidge to Samuel Gompers, head of the American Federation of Labor, in 1919 during the strike of the Boston police. "There is no right to strike against the public safety by anyone, anywhere, any time." That phrase made him famous nationally. The next year, he was nominated as Vice President by the Republican Party. He was elected in 1920. He became President when Harding died in 1923. He then oversaw the boom of the 1920s. His career rested on that telegram."

Five Mainstream Economists Sound a Warning

by Gary North

Recently by Gary North: Digital Technologies vs. Truth Suppression

The Wall Street Journal ran an article the likes of which I have never seen. "The Magnitude of the Mess We're In." It was written by five well-known economists. It warns readers about a series of highly destructive outcomes of the federal government's present fiscal policies. The article says that these problems are close to being unmanageable.

The first economist involved is George Schulze. He taught at the University of Chicago and MIT. He served as the Secretary of the Treasury under Nixon and Secretary of State under Reagan. He served as the Head of the Office of Management and Budget under Nixon, and also Secretary of Labor under Nixon. I can think of no other economist with comparable experience at the highest level. He is an insider's insider. He is 92 years old – a true elder statesman

The second economist is Michael Boskin. He teaches at the Hoover Institution. He used to teach at Stanford. He was the head of the Council of Economic Advisers under the first Bush. Then there was John F. Cogan of Hoover and Stanford. Then there was Allan Meltzer, who is the most respected historian of the Federal Reserve System. Finally, there was Stanford's John Taylor, of "Taylor rule" fame, one of the most respected academic economists in the USA.

Hey, what is the matter with the states ya'll live in?

Here in the Great State of Ohio, our welfare numbers have DROPPED by 20 to as much as 30%. And the work requirments have not been relaxed even a little bit. And UE is at least 1% lower than the national average.

And it is all because Obama saved the auto industry and Kasich did a couple of worthwhile things as well. (it was hard for me to write that).

Many wefare recipients decided that if they were gonna have to work for welfare, they might as well get a job. OR when they couldn't find work and the welfare ended, they found a bridge to live under. Nothing wrong with that. We have some nice bridges. Just a little crowded at the moment.

Either way, after three years, you are either working or off the welfare rolls.
last count, there were 4.4 million people on TANF welfare, receiving on average around 30% of the federal poverty level as payment....83% of those on TANF welfare also receive food stamps....which still brings them below 50% of the federal poverty level of about 10k a year.....about 20k a year for a family of 4.

the 100 million mentioned in the op is an outright LIE, unless you include the elderly receiving Medicare/SS....and Medicare and SS retirement is not welfare, no matter how you try to spin it....
last count, there were 4.4 million people on TANF welfare, receiving on average around 30% of the federal poverty level as payment....83% of those on TANF welfare also receive food stamps....which still brings them below 50% of the federal poverty level of about 10k a year.....about 20k a year for a family of 4.

"Governor Romney Is Correct

by Andrew P. Napolitano

Now comes Romney to say that this has gotten out of hand. The feds have deliberately created a class of persons – 47 percent of people living in America today – dependent upon them. The governor is right. Anyone lulled into a false sense of security is a victim, and any government that has deceived members of the public to get them there is dangerous. Thus, the revelation that the big-government types who have dominated the federal government for 100 years, who want voters dependent upon them so that they can count on their votes, and who have made those voters victims have stung the Obama campaign and its media supporters. Romney was correct to call the 47 percent who are dependent upon the government victims of the government’s deceptions and lust for power, and he is courageous to stick to his guns."


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