100 MMMillion Americans on Welfare, so Obama by a Landslide

Interesting............we have over 100 million people on welfare (according to the OP), yet there are only 300 million people TOTAL POPULATION in the U.S.

That would mean that 1 out of every 3 people are currently on welfare (according to the OP).

Where did you get that info dude, did you pull it outta your ass?

Yo Vern, are you new to the internets, I believe I provided a link.

Gee, if the GOP had nominated someone who comes off less frigid, it may have a chance.

I see.

So , from your standpoint, only someone willing to totally bankrupt the nation comes across as warm, friendly.

When you hear numbers like 100 million on welfare, it should be an issue that unites Americans, not divides. The talking point should be "how do we grow the middle class and get these struggling Americans into a more financially secure position". Instead all I ever read is name calling and blaming.

Too late.

The solution is not politically correct.

The nation must abandon socialism/fascism as its socioeconomic system. A concept which is not palatable to the zombified masses.

One would assume that with the millions out of work, those unemployed would be voting for whoever is running against the incumbent, and therefore in this case Romney has a large block of voters in his pocket.

However, if you are unemployed and becoming accustomed to drawing unemployment, and welfare who is the candidate most likely to help you remain on the dole ?

Obviously Obama.
What it comes down to, is while it would be nice to think all of these people WANT off the government nipple, that is obviously not the case.
In affect, millions of these people in truth are voters who are actually in the pocket of Obama.

So true. We don't know how many people now on welfare prefer to be on welfare though. After the gulf spill when obama spoke to the men put out of work by the government ban on drilling, obama told the man not to worry because he could now not work and get unemployment. The man said he would rather have his job back. He's not an obama voter. The hundreds of coal miners that are now on welfare because obama closed the mines would rather work.

Only time and an election will tell.
Interesting............we have over 100 million people on welfare (according to the OP), yet there are only 300 million people TOTAL POPULATION in the U.S.

That would mean that 1 out of every 3 people are currently on welfare (according to the OP).

Where did you get that info dude, did you pull it outta your ass?

He got it from the Republican national committee. THEY pulled it out of THEIR ass.
Over 100 Million Now Receiving Federal Welfare



Interesting...the link is a blog...and the blog has no link to actual stats or an actual report.

Yo vern, what is your native language so that I can translate the document for you:

They clearly identified their source as :

US Census Bureau Survey of Income and Program Participation ...

One would assume that with the millions out of work, those unemployed would be voting for whoever is running against the incumbent, and therefore in this case Romney has a large block of voters in his pocket.

It depends on who you blame for the collapse. Since obama has turned around the collapsing economy it is hard for someone who is not a hater to buy that he is at fault for the problem..

And you came to that conclusion how?!?!?


Interesting...the link is a blog...and the blog has no link to actual stats or an actual report.

Yo vern, what is your native language so that I can translate the document for you:

They clearly identified their source as :

US Census Bureau Survey of Income and Program Participation ...

True, but who complied the numbers for the graph? What did they add to get 100 million? It seems clear that they had some serious math errors in their assessment.

This really doesn't need to be a big mystery. The reason Obama is leading in the polls is somewhere in here:

1. They don't blame him for the global economic environment or the length of time it's taking us to recover, or...

2. They don't like Romney for any number of reasons, or...

3. They're not convinced that Romney has the answers, or...

4. Some combination therein.

A conservative doesn't need to agree with any of the above, but there's your answer. It just ain't that complicated.


Darn those repubs on welfare they will be voting for Obama, how about agribusiness and thier welfare checks? Big business and thier big wefare tax writ offs? How about all those police, fire and other welfar recievers, like Social security? I know you will say this is not welfare, but it is budgeted under welfare when funding os approved.
One would assume that with the millions out of work, those unemployed would be voting for whoever is running against the incumbent, and therefore in this case Romney has a large block of voters in his pocket.

However, if you are unemployed and becoming accustomed to drawing unemployment, and welfare who is the candidate most likely to help you remain on the dole ?

Obviously Obama.
What it comes down to, is while it would be nice to think all of these people WANT off the government nipple, that is obviously not the case.
In affect, millions of these people in truth are voters who are actually in the pocket of Obama.

Already inventing your excuses after you lose?
Interesting............we have over 100 million people on welfare (according to the OP), yet there are only 300 million people TOTAL POPULATION in the U.S.

That would mean that 1 out of every 3 people are currently on welfare (according to the OP).

Where did you get that info dude, did you pull it outta your ass?

I heard your question addressed on a local radio program yesterday... Children are included in the figure, which makes it entirely plausible. So it obviously is not 100 million voters.
Gee, if the GOP had nominated someone who comes off less frigid, it may have a chance.

I see.

So , from your standpoint, only someone willing to totally bankrupt the nation comes across as warm, friendly.


Te only thing missing in the OP is the numbers ofpeople working that are getting welfare, and welfare is divided into groups, SNAP is food only, TANF and AFDC is cash paymenst, then sec 8 housing and then medicaid..
TANF and AFDC is limited by the states to 60 months total and that's it.You must have no to very little income to get it, same with medicaid.
food stamps s based on income.
All these welfare benefits are tied to job placement or training under the states. Oblama is going to allow the states more control over job placement and the able bodied will soon be required to work whatever job given.
Interesting............we have over 100 million people on welfare (according to the OP), yet there are only 300 million people TOTAL POPULATION in the U.S.

That would mean that 1 out of every 3 people are currently on welfare (according to the OP).

Where did you get that info dude, did you pull it outta your ass?

I heard your question addressed on a local radio program yesterday... Children are included in the figure, which makes it entirely plausible. So it obviously is not 100 million voters.

I agree with the other poster, even knowing the are incorrectly adding everyone in the household doesn't give you the number they have.
Still wouldn't come up to 1/3 of the population of the U.S.

For all we know they are including any and all veterans programs and skewing the numbers by not factoring for people on more than 1 assistance program.

How many assistance programs are you on?


You're right, I'm clearly on all 80+ programs they are talking about. Clearly that explains why they don't mention what those programs are or how they came to that figure.
Interesting............we have over 100 million people on welfare (according to the OP), yet there are only 300 million people TOTAL POPULATION in the U.S.

That would mean that 1 out of every 3 people are currently on welfare (according to the OP).

Where did you get that info dude, did you pull it outta your ass?

I heard your question addressed on a local radio program yesterday... Children are included in the figure, which makes it entirely plausible. So it obviously is not 100 million voters.

I agree with the other poster, even knowing the are incorrectly adding everyone in the household doesn't give you the number they have.

What's incorrect about factoring in the Children of Welfare recipients? If their parents are on the dole, then so are they. Children also make up a part of the American population total as well. It is not Inconceivable to think that 100 million could be reached when the children of Welfare recipients are counted.
One would assume that with the millions out of work, those unemployed would be voting for whoever is running against the incumbent, and therefore in this case Romney has a large block of voters in his pocket.

However, if you are unemployed and becoming accustomed to drawing unemployment, and welfare who is the candidate most likely to help you remain on the dole ?

Obviously Obama.
What it comes down to, is while it would be nice to think all of these people WANT off the government nipple, that is obviously not the case.
In affect, millions of these people in truth are voters who are actually in the pocket of Obama.

So true. We don't know how many people now on welfare prefer to be on welfare though. After the gulf spill when obama spoke to the men put out of work by the government ban on drilling, obama told the man not to worry because he could now not work and get unemployment. The man said he would rather have his job back. He's not an obama voter. The hundreds of coal miners that are now on welfare because obama closed the mines would rather work.

Only time and an election will tell.

Welfare state politicians are like drug dealers ...the drug pushers startegy is to give you the first hit for free once you are addicted then.....

I heard your question addressed on a local radio program yesterday... Children are included in the figure, which makes it entirely plausible. So it obviously is not 100 million voters.

I agree with the other poster, even knowing the are incorrectly adding everyone in the household doesn't give you the number they have.

What's incorrect about factoring in the Children of Welfare recipients? If their parents are on the dole, then so are they. Children also make up a part of the American population total as well. It is not Inconceivable to think that 100 million could be reached when the children of Welfare recipients are counted.

It's not just children, it's anyone in the household. There are a total, men women, children of 314 million(roughly) people in the US. Suggesting that 1 in 3 is on government assistance is very unlikely. If someone could find the source of the chart, or what programs they are including that give them that figure, I would be honestly interested. I could make a chart and post it on a blog and say I got my numbers from a legitimate source too, that doesn't make my chart anything but bullshit if other people can't take those same numbers and get what I got.
Interesting...the link is a blog...and the blog has no link to actual stats or an actual report.

Yo vern, what is your native language so that I can translate the document for you:

They clearly identified their source as :

US Census Bureau Survey of Income and Program Participation ...

True, but who complied the numbers for the graph? What did they add to get 100 million? It seems clear that they had some serious math errors in their assessment.

It says that the graph was prepared by Jeff Sessions Republican committee. No wonder it has math errors.

GOP men can only count up to 21, and that's only when they're in the shower.

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