100 shot in Chicago in ONE week!!

How about we give the country over to the muslims for a couple of years.
In those two years the muslims will castrate every negro male in the country but keep them alive as slaves.
They'll exterminate every gay in the country. Every American Indian.
'Raze' cities like SF.
They'll force every female to wear that fucking muslim halloween costume to the beach and the swimming pool.
The only group left to survive will be well armed American Patriots!
Then we kick their stinking asses out of the US back to everywhere they want in the ME.
Just think. No more bull dycke Rachel Madcow!
Nearly 100 people shot in Chicago in less than a week

Another kick in the balls for the gun grabbers of America! And one wonders why they've never been more unpopular?:2up::bye1::bye1:
fuck that!
If the negro cow does not have money and the white man does, what happens? that's right she demands the white mans money an the government forces the white man to give it to her.
Whats going to happen when all the negro bucks wake up and their Johnson done left the premise without them? That's right, the negro cows are going to start screaming for the white mans dick, and the government will force the white man to give it to her.
anything the negro buck cant or refuses to provide for his cow, ends up being the job of the white man to provide instead.

If the U.S. was a Muslim country there wouldn't be a single black person here. The Muslim slavers practices full frontal castration on black male slaves, most dies, but they were cheap and plentiful so it wasn't a problem for Muslims. This is why after some 1,300 years of a thriving slave trade from Africa to the ME blacks are hardly a blip in the demographics on the ME population, despite millions of slaves being imported. This is why those 'Nation of Islam' idiots are so hilarious; talk about butt stupid and dim-witted.
stop trying to make me want to convert the country to Muslim. You do make it look very good
Hell, it might already be too late for some of the victims he might have killed.
Ya think?

See, your struggles with math and pearls of articulation like this is how everyone can tell you're (very) black.
Your struggles with English, math and every other academic discipline disqualifies you to judge ANYONE else's acumen in those subjects. Your infectious racism certainly makes it clear just who and what YOU are and it isn't an intelligent person no matter what ethnicity you identify with.
Your struggles with English, math and every other academic discipline disqualifies you to judge ANYONE else's acumen in those subjects. Your infectious racism certainly makes it clear just who and what YOU are and it isn't an intelligent person no matter what ethnicity you identify with.
If you can't step in up from the "I know you are, but what am I?" line, I'm going to quickly get bored of you.

Carrying on a dialogue with someone as vacuous as you is a fool's errand.
You doubt I stated "per student"? ......
You are the text-book example for what is called. "Absurd conclusion". I'm not sure if you'd think of the only other alternatives more flattering, that being "Selective, voluntary ignorance" ... or just simply "playing stupid".

Well look at that, another logical fallacy from a lefty. Honey, it's call an ad hominem attack, which is what pathetic people do when they cannot respond with logic nor reason. We see it a lot around here.

Better luck next time.
Holy shit! You have absolutely no idea of what is going on!

You don't know what an "absurd conclusion" means and how it applies to your previous comment.

This from the genius that doesn't understand per capita. Sorry honey, your ignorance is on full display.
This from the genius that doesn't understand per capita. Sorry honey, your ignorance is on full display.
When you've made an absurd conclusion, the smart thing to do is to get back on track ... not compound your problems by holding the same line. The way you're going about it, you ain't never gonna' see the light at the end of your tunnel.
Your struggles with English, math and every other academic discipline disqualifies you to judge ANYONE else's acumen in those subjects. Your infectious racism certainly makes it clear just who and what YOU are and it isn't an intelligent person no matter what ethnicity you identify with.
If you can't step in up from the "I know you are, but what am I?" line, I'm going to quickly get bored of you.

Carrying on a dialogue with someone as vacuous as you is a fool's errand.
Bye… I didn't want to converse with a hater like you in the first place, fool.
This from the genius that doesn't understand per capita. Sorry honey, your ignorance is on full display.
When you've made an absurd conclusion, the smart thing to do is to get back on track ... not compound your problems by holding the same line. The way you're going about it, you ain't never gonna' see the light at the end of your tunnel.

Thanks for making my point.

Only 200 posts and you're already exposed as an ignorant troll. Sucks to be you I guess.

Bye bye hater...
Remove about 7% of the population, (all within the same race) and reduce violent crimes/murders in the country by 51%.
Pretty good numbers.

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