1000 people show up @ Murietta Town Hall

WATCH: 1,000 Angry Citizens Show Up to Town Hall to Protest Illegal Immigration

Murietta is fast becoming the nation's leader in fighting the Federal Government!

Think the Feds should gun down those people (women, children, etc) just as they cross the American border?

Why do you suggest that the Fed govt gun down women and children as they cross the border?

No one else has suggested it... only you.

Help is available for your problem.
I don't call American Citizens voiceing their opinions about having their town used as a dumpsite for these idiots as jerks.

California is already overrun with illegals who cost that state in the millions every year.

Yeah. If I were a resident of that Town I'd be a "jerk" as well.

Your an idiiot.

The "jerks" are people who support a criminal president who wants to flood this country with illegals. They are far worse than jerks. They're traitors.
Clearly, they are all racists, as the Progs will lecture us all.
Jerks is more like it, but xenophobic jerks. Let the Feds do their job.

"The feds," meaning the Obama administration, obviously have no intention of doing their jobs. Otherwise, we wouldn't have this flood of illegals.

Who do you think you're kidding?

I'm not kidding anyone, they're taking them there so they can process them. That is our law, and their job, which people, who should be in jail, are attempting to keep them from doing.
WATCH: 1,000 Angry Citizens Show Up to Town Hall to Protest Illegal Immigration

Murietta is fast becoming the nation's leader in fighting the Federal Government!

Think the Feds should gun down those people (women, children, etc) just as they cross the American border?

Why do you suggest that the Fed govt gun down women and children as they cross the border?

No one else has suggested it... only you.

Help is available for your problem.

Two days ago he stated I wanted to watch the President be assassinated and would like it.. BIZARRE.. I said the same thing to him THAT ONLY HE THINKS IN THIS MANNER.. He's mentally off. I've known him for several years from another forum..
typical american lib, you'd rather see some of your fellow americans get hauled away than those that break our laws sneaking into our country.

so you would rather see americans break the law and nothing happens to them ... Cause they are rightwingnutjobs andthey can break the law, mean while federal marshal are hauling off illegals to jail and your right wingnutjobs want to stop them ... Thats right i forgot... Two wrongs makes a right in your rightwingnutjob world... My bad

You seriously sound very uneducated.

if any one sound uneducated that would you ... you seem to think your sentance structure is top notch ... why you even believe what you right everybody is supposed to read in what you didn't write... if any one is uneducate here, that would be you:lol::lol::lol:
thats what you usually do when you are outed, you try to save face:D:D:D
Clearly, they are all racists, as the Progs will lecture us all.
Jerks is more like it, but xenophobic jerks. Let the Feds do their job.

We did let them do their job regarding our borders.
And look what happened.

We let them do their job with the VA.
And look what happened.

We let them do their job securing our Embassies and consulates abroad.
And look what happened.

We let them do their job when we gave them 500 million dollars to build a website.
And look what happened.

We let them do their job when we gave them 700 billion dollars to jump start the economy as they promised it would.
And look what happened.

But your answer is "let the feds do their job".

You sure you want that?

Yes, he does want that. Destroying this country is part of his agenda.
so you would rather see americans break the law and nothing happens to them ... Cause they are rightwingnutjobs andthey can break the law, mean while federal marshal are hauling off illegals to jail and your right wingnutjobs want to stop them ... Thats right i forgot... Two wrongs makes a right in your rightwingnutjob world... My bad

You seriously sound very uneducated.

if any one sound uneducated that would you ... you seem to think your sentance structure is top notch ... why you even believe what you right everybody is supposed to read in what you didn't write... if any one is uneducate here, that would be you:lol::lol::lol:
thats what you usually do when you are outed, you try to save face:D:D:D

When one loses control they write....well....like you did in this post.

I suggest you calm down. You are making an ass of yourself.
WATCH: 1,000 Angry Citizens Show Up to Town Hall to Protest Illegal Immigration

Murietta is fast becoming the nation's leader in fighting the Federal Government!

did you see where they all got hand cuffed and halled off to the prizon right down the street ... couldn't of happen to a nicer bunch...:lol::lol::lol:

If you think that's helping the criminal Obama's cause, you are mistaken

so by obama arresting these law breakers and putting them in jail is a mistake ??? then I guess when you arrest illegals that too is a mistake after all obama has arrested more illegals then any president to date and he has deported more illegals then any presiden...t I guess you think that is a mistake too... or are you just chomping on spour grapes again
RW's pounding their chest on a message board with all their brilliant ideas will fix immigration

THe only thing need to fix immigration is a president who will enforce the laws already on the books.
WATCH: 1,000 Angry Citizens Show Up to Town Hall to Protest Illegal Immigration

Murietta is fast becoming the nation's leader in fighting the Federal Government!

did you see where they all got hand cuffed and halled off to the prizon right down the street ... couldn't of happen to a nicer bunch...:lol::lol::lol:

Umm, no, because they didn't. The video showed nothing of the kind. The only people to get arrested and hauled off, have been your brother leftist agitators who were bussed in to Murrieta from Los Angeles. They attacked the legitimate protestors, attacked the cops, etc.

Nice try.

Looks like the leftists here are getting desperate. They are makig up lies about what's happening at the protests, town meetings, etc., hoping they can fool people into thinking it's the anti-illegal-immigration protestors who are doing bad things, instead of the leftists themselves who actually ARE getting arrested.

Lying about the facts is the liberal stock in trade.
Most of these illegal aliens are taking advantage of the Border Patrol being overwhelmed by their sheer numbers, of course. They know they will simply be arrested, held a few days, given a "Notice to Appear", and released into the U.S. with no further supervsion. Of course they throw away the "notice to Appear", and vanish, free as birds... just as they were counting on.

The leftist fanatics hope that normal people forget about that, of course.... :eusa_liar:
You seriously sound very uneducated.

if any one sound uneducated that would you ... you seem to think your sentance structure is top notch ... why you even believe what you right everybody is supposed to read in what you didn't write... if any one is uneducate here, that would be you:lol::lol::lol:
thats what you usually do when you are outed, you try to save face:D:D:D

When one loses control they write....well....like you did in this post.

I suggest you calm down. You are making an ass of yourself.

you were makeing a ass of yourself well before ladygunslinger made a ass of here self ... you two are a couple fools and you have prove it here ... now clam down ... you can doooooooooooo it ...:lol::lol::lol:

have you notice that when rightwingnutjobs lose it they try and point out their faults and misgivings on you:lol::lol::lol:
WATCH: 1,000 Angry Citizens Show Up to Town Hall to Protest Illegal Immigration

Murietta is fast becoming the nation's leader in fighting the Federal Government!

Think the Feds should gun down those people (women, children, etc) just as they cross the American border?

Why do you suggest that the Fed govt gun down women and children as they cross the border?

No one else has suggested it... only you.

Help is available for your problem.

Did I suggest that? I'm pretty damn sure I didn't since my response was actually in the form of a question, Alex.

I'm trying to find out what that headcase, LGS, would have the Federal gov't do once those people have crossed the border. After all, once they're in the custody of the gov't, they're our responsibility (our collective responsibility). Since my understanding is that most (if not all) of these people who recently crossed our border are from Central America, we can't just send them back into Mexico because they're not Mexican. Repatriating them would require a flight back to their home country, and their physical needs (food, clothing, medicine, shelter) are OUR responsibility until such time as the Federal gov't can make arrangements with the country of origin.

There's also the possibility that these people could be anything from political refugees, to victims of crime, or criminals themselves. All of these possibilities will play a role in what happens and when.

But like I said, I want to find out what that headcase, LGS, would have our gov't do if she doesn't want them/us to take them into custody and care for their most basic needs until such time as they can be returned to their country, assuming that can and will happen.

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