$100K-Plus Earners Pay 72% of Federal Income Taxes

I agree with the elimination or drastic reduction of deductions. But to say all tax rates should be the same doesn't make any sense.
That's like - when your cutting a birthday cake - saying a three year old girl should get the same size piece as an NFL offensive lineman .....

Or when you pay $5 for a gallon of milk that someone else is paying $0.50 for??

You see... you can voluntarily give of yourself... and that is honorable.. forcing the burden upon someone else for your benefit is not honorable...

You are paying $5 a gallon for milk because without government subsidies, you would be paying $7 a gallon


Ya know, if not for those subsidies, most small family dairy farmers would be put out of business.
So I guess it's OK.
What really bugs me is when people capable of working, refuse to do so and game the system, leaving less for those truly in need.
That's the flaw in your beloved social safety net.
Federal taxes
Local taxes...
Payroll taxes.
Water taxes...
Tax on electricity...
Sales tax.
Tax on gasoline.
Tax on booze...
Tax on cigarettes...
Tax on telephones...
Tax on cable bill...
Property tax....
Tax for schools...

But we just don't pat enough...
Always a reason for a new tax, never a reason to control spending.

All are deductible (subsidy) on your Federal form.
Thr rich have never earned a higher percentage of the country's wealth, the nonrich less, and the country is falling apart. Reaganism is a disaster. Memorize my sig, dingbats...

Memorize my sig because you are way too fucking stupid to take seriously and prove as much with every post.

Any actual argument, brainwashed twit? I deal in reality, not Pubcrappe talking points and Pubtroll stupid insults...:eusa_whistle:

OP- Payroll taxes bring in more money than fed income taxes now under voodoo, and those who earn less than 100k pay a lot more than 70%....OP is horse patoot...
$100K-Plus Earners Pay 72% of Federal Income Taxes

That's because 1% of $100k is more than 1% of $20k.
You are paying $5 a gallon for milk because without government subsidies, you would be paying $7 a gallon

I don't drink milk, so why the fuck should I be forced to subsidize it?
If you want to drink cow milk, pay the market price, don't force me to pay part of it for you.
The same goes for anything else you want to purchase.
Why the fuck do you people think the taxpayer should be subsidizing anything at the force of the majority or government?
Federal taxes
Local taxes...
Payroll taxes.
Water taxes...
Tax on electricity...
Sales tax.
Tax on gasoline.
Tax on booze...
Tax on cigarettes...
Tax on telephones...
Tax on cable bill...
Property tax....
Tax for schools...

But we just don't pat enough...
Always a reason for a new tax, never a reason to control spending.

All are deductible (subsidy) on your Federal form.
How about zero deductions? For anything. Everybody pay the exact same X% of their income. Seems fair to me.
Republicans aren't into politics to help the country. They are in politics to move more of the burden of running the country away from the wealthy and on to the backs of the middle class and poor.

Funny... the burden of a flat tax is equalized on every dollar earned by every person.. seems the burden would be on every citizen earning any amount of income


That's not true! The poor are still paying a greater tax burden with all the regressive taxes, like payroll taxes, and unless capital gains are counted as regular income they will not be taxed until realized and then at a lower rate. All a flat tax does is get rid of the one and only progressive tax, making the poor pay more, without providing any relief to the poor from the many regressive taxes.
If you count all taxes, the poorest pay 16%, everyone else 21% on average. The rich have at least tripled their wealth while the rest and the country go to hell, hater dupes.

Libs want the bloated rich to pay more, not you, dumbass.

We got to this point by Pubs cutting taxes on the rich and wrecking the US and world economies...

Then why is it when people on the left raise taxes on "the rich" the upper middle class ends up paying more?

In fact, the working class pays a good deal more now too since the 10% tax bracket was eliminated.

Tax the rich indeed.
When one group, in this case the richest, triple, quadruple their wealth or more while the rest and the country go to hell, THEY ARE NOT PAYING ENOUGH IN TAXES.

AGAIN, count all taxes, and the bottom fifth pay 16%, and everyone else pays 21%. Count fees, and the nonrich do worse than that...

If the wealthiest are paying what the tax code says they should pay....
Then they are paying their "fair share" in taxes.
If they are paying what the tax code requires, they are paying what they legally owe. Fair share? That's an opinion. As we all know, a fair tax is one someone else pays.
If you count all taxes, the poorest pay 16%, everyone else 21% on average. The rich have at least tripled their wealth while the rest and the country go to hell, hater dupes.

Libs want the bloated rich to pay more, not you, dumbass.

We got to this point by Pubs cutting taxes on the rich and wrecking the US and world economies...

Then why is it when people on the left raise taxes on "the rich" the upper middle class ends up paying more?

In fact, the working class pays a good deal more now too since the 10% tax bracket was eliminated.

Tax the rich indeed.
That depends on how you define upper middle class and rich.

The last tax rate increase took effect in 2013. Rates for all brackets remain the same except for adjustments due to inflation and the top income bracket, over $450,00. I would consider an income of over $450,000 as wealthy, not super rich but not upper middle class.
The Rich Are Afraid of a single across the board flat 19% tax rate with no loopholes. The current tax system subsidizes the rich & penalizes the working class.

Most of the federal income tax is paid through payroll taxes on people making under $110k. These taxes are not paid by those making over $110k or investment income. Keep on shilling for your rich tax avoiding masters. Wallstreeters like Romney pay NO income tax & only 13% tax rate on carried interest & no payroll taxes.


Effective Tax Rate by income group.

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But the Marxists keep saying the rich aren't paying their "fair share."

Taxpayers earning $100,000 or more a year pay 71.6% of the nation’s share in individual federal income taxes, according to the latest data from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from 2011.

These data do not include corporate income taxes, or taxes on capital gains or dividends, or payroll taxes for Social Security and other programs.

In 2011, according to the IRS, there were 145,370,240 individual income tax returns filed. Among those returns, 125,914,418 or 86.6%, belonged to taxpayers earning a salary less than $100,000. The remaining 19,455,822 returns belonged to those taxpayers earning more than $100,000, or 13.4% of the total.

While those top earners, earning six figures or more, represented only 13.4% of the total number of individual income tax returns reported to the IRS, they contributed nearly three-fourths of the total amount of federal tax revenue from individual filers reported for that year.

$100K-Plus Earners Pay 72% of Federal Income Taxes | CNS News

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM]Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube[/ame]

They should be paying more
It that it?

They could easily afford to pay more. And they would still be able to afford the cushy lifestyles that conservatives seem to find so important for some reason.
Thr rich have never earned a higher percentage of the country's wealth, the nonrich less, and the country is falling apart. Reaganism is a disaster. Memorize my sig, dingbats...

Memorize my sig because you are way too fucking stupid to take seriously and prove as much with every post.

Any actual argument, brainwashed twit? I deal in reality, not Pubcrappe talking points and Pubtroll stupid insults...:eusa_whistle:

OP- Payroll taxes bring in more money than fed income taxes now under voodoo, and those who earn less than 100k pay a lot more than 70%....OP is horse patoot...

My sig stands. You're a fucking retard. How do the people making less than 100k pay more than 70% of anything?

Wealth and income are two entirely different things.
Last I looked, there is an annual income tax, not an annual wealth tax.
Fools tend to confuse the difference between wealth and income.
Although, at the point somebody dies, their wealth is taxed prior to said wealth being passed on to their heirs.

actually, thanks to insideous GOP propaganda, the inheritance tax in this country is ridiculously low.

Because they call it a "Death Tax" and say just how unfair it is that they tax you after you are dead.

No, they are taxing your heirs. Not you. You're dead.
If you count all taxes, the poorest pay 16%, everyone else 21% on average. The rich have at least tripled their wealth while the rest and the country go to hell, hater dupes.

Libs want the bloated rich to pay more, not you, dumbass.

We got to this point by Pubs cutting taxes on the rich and wrecking the US and world economies...

Then why is it when people on the left raise taxes on "the rich" the upper middle class ends up paying more?

In fact, the working class pays a good deal more now too since the 10% tax bracket was eliminated.

Tax the rich indeed.
the 10% tax bracket was NOT eliminated Asterism?
You are paying $5 a gallon for milk because without government subsidies, you would be paying $7 a gallon

I don't drink milk, so why the fuck should I be forced to subsidize it?
If you want to drink cow milk, pay the market price, don't force me to pay part of it for you.
The same goes for anything else you want to purchase.
Why the fuck do you people think the taxpayer should be subsidizing anything at the force of the majority or government?

Cheese? Butter?

Milk products go into much of what we eat

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