$100K-Plus Earners Pay 72% of Federal Income Taxes

Those making under $100k have taxes taken out of their pay checks. The Right wants to do away with the IRS to protect the rich, who take advantage of deductions. That's not an option for those making under $100k.

Only the rich get to take deductions.....
Maybe you need to see an accountant!
Those who are not very rich can't have tax attorneys on retainer to find every deduction, but you know that.
It is an "income" tax

Those who have the most "income" pay the most tax


But That was not the point of the OP.

The silliness of "pay their fair share" was the point.

Still having trouble engaging in an honest debate I see.

OK, then lets look at the "fair share"


What is the "fair share" of taxes that those 40% of Americans who control 2 TENTHS of a percent of the wealth should pay?

Wealth and income are two entirely different things.
Last I looked, there is an annual income tax, not an annual wealth tax.
Fools tend to confuse the difference between wealth and income.
Although, at the point somebody dies, their wealth is taxed prior to said wealth being passed on to their heirs.
There's a discussion on TV now about letting the govenment prepare your taxes and giving you the option of altering it, or not.
Thr rich have never earned a higher percentage of the country's wealth, the nonrich less, and the country is falling apart. Reaganism is a disaster. Memorize my sig, dingbats...

Memorize my sig because you are way too fucking stupid to take seriously and prove as much with every post.
Federal taxes
Local taxes...
Payroll taxes.
Water taxes...
Tax on electricity...
Sales tax.
Tax on gasoline.
Tax on booze...
Tax on cigarettes...
Tax on telephones...
Tax on cable bill...
Property tax....
Tax for schools...

But we just don't pat enough...
Always a reason for a new tax, never a reason to control spending.
We are at the point where between federal and local taxes we are getting killed....
And the Libs feel we don't pay enough....
They never seem to feel that government spends too much....

We are over $17 trillion an debt...

How did we get to this point?

By not spending?

Didn't you know Clinton left a surplus? Republicans, under Bush, used reconciliation three times. Do you remember for what? Using reconciliation meant Democrats were powerless to stop them.

Clinton left a surplus when the republican house and senate left him no other option. When the dems take over the spending it goes out of control.
Federal taxes
Local taxes...
Payroll taxes.
Water taxes...
Tax on electricity...
Sales tax.
Tax on gasoline.
Tax on booze...
Tax on cigarettes...
Tax on telephones...
Tax on cable bill...
Property tax....
Tax for schools...

But we just don't pat enough...
Always a reason for a new tax, never a reason to control spending.

Reducing taxes are called not paying the government what they are owed. Like the government is the first person in line for any money you make.

But That was not the point of the OP.

The silliness of "pay their fair share" was the point.

Still having trouble engaging in an honest debate I see.

OK, then lets look at the "fair share"


What is the "fair share" of taxes that those 40% of Americans who control 2 TENTHS of a percent of the wealth should pay?

Wealth and income are two entirely different things.
Last I looked, there is an annual income tax, not an annual wealth tax.
Fools tend to confuse the difference between wealth and income.
Although, at the point somebody dies, their wealth is taxed prior to said wealth being passed on to their heirs.

Very true

You can't touch wealth. You can only tax income. So what do the wealthy do? Minimize what gets reported as income and protect wealth

Meanwhile, the middle class sees their wealth diminish as they are fully taxed on their income

Guess who writes the tax code?
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We are at the point where between federal and local taxes we are getting killed....
And the Libs feel we don't pay enough....
They never seem to feel that government spends too much....

We are over $17 trillion an debt...

How did we get to this point?

By not spending?

Didn't you know Clinton left a surplus? Republicans, under Bush, used reconciliation three times. Do you remember for what? Using reconciliation meant Democrats were powerless to stop them.

Clinton left a surplus when the republican house and senate left him no other option. When the dems take over the spending it goes out of control.

Well.. a paper surplus in the budget.. but not a surplus in reality... no reduction in debt since 1957
OK, then lets look at the "fair share"


What is the "fair share" of taxes that those 40% of Americans who control 2 TENTHS of a percent of the wealth should pay?

Wealth and income are two entirely different things.
Last I looked, there is an annual income tax, not an annual wealth tax.
Fools tend to confuse the difference between wealth and income.
Although, at the point somebody dies, their wealth is taxed prior to said wealth being passed on to their heirs.

Very true

You can't touch wealth. You can only tax income. So what do th wealthy do? Minimize what gets reported as income and protect wealth

Meanwhile, the middle class sees their wealth diminish as they are fully taxed on their income

Guess who writes the tax code?

Politicians who pander to both sides to pt them against each other in order to maintain and expand power by the increased taxation, increased loopholes, and increased spending

You want it fixed, support the flat tax where this does not happen... simple enough
Those making under $100k have taxes taken out of their pay checks. The Right wants to do away with the IRS to protect the rich, who take advantage of deductions. That's not an option for those making under $100k.

Only the rich get to take deductions.....
Maybe you need to see an accountant!
Those who are not very rich can't have tax attorneys on retainer to find every deduction, but you know that.

Which is exactly why the tax code has become so damn large and unmanageable it needs redone. Flat tax will take care of all that shit in one big swoop.
Those making under $100k have taxes taken out of their pay checks. The Right wants to do away with the IRS to protect the rich, who take advantage of deductions. That's not an option for those making under $100k.

Eliminate the deductions.. all for it.. eliminate ALL the deductions.. including that floor where there is no taxation of the first X amount of income...

Flat tax.. favors nobody.. every dollar treated exactly the same no matter how much, no matter who earns it, no matter where it comes from

Seems with your complaints, you lefties would flock to the flat tax...

But we know why you don't.. you only want the pandering in your favor
Republicans aren't into politics to help the country. They are in politics to move more of the burden of running the country away from the wealthy and on to the backs of the middle class and poor.

Funny... the burden of a flat tax is equalized on every dollar earned by every person.. seems the burden would be on every citizen earning any amount of income

There is no way that a flat tax does not cut taxes on the wealthy and increase taxes on the poor

That is what you call "Fair"

Funny how you were not worried about 'FAIR' when a growing number were excluded from income taxes to begin with

The example shown every time, for the likes of you.. is at the grocery store, you have no charge for your milk while the guy behind you gets charged for both you and him... and when the CORRECTION is finally made, you complain about it being unfair that you get a raise in price for the good, and that the other guy is getting a cut

When have you ever paid for someone elses milk at the grocery store?

Part of out income goes to do exactly THAT.
And even if the OP told you he did, you'd not believe him anyway.
Federal taxes
Local taxes...
Payroll taxes.
Water taxes...
Tax on electricity...
Sales tax.
Tax on gasoline.
Tax on booze...
Tax on cigarettes...
Tax on telephones...
Tax on cable bill...
Property tax....
Tax for schools...

But we just don't pat enough...
Always a reason for a new tax, never a reason to control spending.

Reducing taxes are called not paying the government what they are owed. Like the government is the first person in line for any money you make.
They certainly think they are, and in actuality they are. The proof is in my paystub. The government has already taken money from my earnings before I ever see it.
I suspect that if people were allowed to collect their entire salary, then forced to write a check to the government every payday, they would see things differently about the taxes they pay.
If the wealthiest are paying what the tax code says they should pay....
Then they are paying their "fair share" in taxes.
And by that same token, if the bottom 40+% paying $0.00 are paying what the income tax code says they should pay....
Then they too are paying their "fair share" in income taxes.

Clearly the people who are not paying their fair share of income taxes and payroll taxes are the Capital Gains Tycoons, not the wage earners at any income level over or under $100,000.00

Then those that aren't paying any taxes should shut the fuck up that those that
are paying all the taxes don't pay enough !!!!

The Capital Gains Tycoons pay no payroll taxes, and their capital gains taxes are deferred until they are realized and then they are taxed at a reduced rate. Cap Gains are like an unlimited IRS with none of the restrictions, but those tax advantages are not enough for the habitual whining Cap Gains Tycoons, they want the cap gains tax reduced to ZERO like their payroll taxes.

If Cap Gains Tycoons won't STFU why should anyone else????
OK, then lets look at the "fair share"


What is the "fair share" of taxes that those 40% of Americans who control 2 TENTHS of a percent of the wealth should pay?

Wealth and income are two entirely different things.
Last I looked, there is an annual income tax, not an annual wealth tax.
Fools tend to confuse the difference between wealth and income.
Although, at the point somebody dies, their wealth is taxed prior to said wealth being passed on to their heirs.

Very true

You can't touch wealth. You can only tax income. So what do th wealthy do? Minimize what gets reported as income and protect wealth

Meanwhile, the middle class sees their wealth diminish as they are fully taxed on their income

Guess who writes the tax code?
Rich democrat politicians.
Wealthiest Members of Congress - List of the 10 Wealthiest Members of Congress
Seven of the top 10 are democrats.
You can start spinning now.

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