$100K-Plus Earners Pay 72% of Federal Income Taxes

The point - which I should have anticipated would go right over your head - is that equal is not always fair.
Get it?

Probably not - but that's Ok.
So, if everybody paid an equal tax percentage, most liberals would find that unfair. And the result ends up being what they call "fair share", which is both unequal and unfair
No, what Libs find unfair is flatening the progressive income tax without flatening all the other regressive taxes and not counting all income the same.
Get it?

All income should be counted as the same and it should all be taxed at one rate with no exceptions.

You all pay the same tax on a gallon of gas regardless of the marginal utility of that gallon even though surely you can agree that the gallon of gas used to drive to work has more value than the gallon used to drive to a strip club.

Tell me why a dollar earned should be treated any differently?
Wish what you wish, but if the majority want the feds to help care for the hungary and disabled, then it's the feds' job.

NO, it is not the feds JOB, it is society's job. Where in the constitution does it say that the federal government is supposed to provide food, shelter, clothing, cell phones, and flat screen TVs to the poor?

what happened to churches, charities, states, cities, counties, neighborhoods ?

why do you libs want DC controlling every aspect of your lives?

You are defending the Madison interpretation of the "provide for the general welfare clause" the Hamilton interpretation is different. The courts have repeatedly upheld the Hamilton interpretation.

So legally - yes, the Constitution empowers the people of the United States - through their federal elected representatives - to provide assistance.

Don't like it - change the Constitution.

the question is not really whether the fed govt should help the poor and disabled, the real question is how we define poor and disabled.

No one wants to stop helping the truly needy, but a lot of govt assisstance is going to people that are fully capable of caring for themselves.

our disagreement is on the scope and degree of govt help. It is not good for our society to have half of the population on some kind of govt handouts. It is also causing us to go bankrupt
So, if everybody paid an equal tax percentage, most liberals would find that unfair. And the result ends up being what they call "fair share", which is both unequal and unfair
No, what Libs find unfair is flatening the progressive income tax without flatening all the other regressive taxes and not counting all income the same.
Get it?

All income should be counted as the same and it should all be taxed at one rate with no exceptions.

You all pay the same tax on a gallon of gas regardless of the marginal utility of that gallon even though surely you can agree that the gallon of gas used to drive to work has more value than the gallon used to drive to a strip club.

Tell me why a dollar earned should be treated any differently?

You really think that gas analogy is a winning one don't cha?

How about housing. All taxes on houses should be the same. Right? The guy living in the 10 million dollar house should pay the same as the guy living in the 50k house. Right?

I mean they both are putting a roof over someones head.

So the guy with the 10 million dollar house should pay the exact same amount as the 50 thousand dollar house guy.

Or should it be the other way around? You know, the 50k guy paying the same as the 10 million dollar guy?

A house is a house just like a gallon of gas is a gallon of gas. Some people get 45 mpg and some get 10, so all use of gas is not equal. Like houses.

Who pays what in taxes though? Poor pays the rich amount or the other way around?
No, what Libs find unfair is flatening the progressive income tax without flatening all the other regressive taxes and not counting all income the same.
Get it?
All income should be counted as the same and it should all be taxed at one rate with no exceptions.
You all pay the same tax on a gallon of gas regardless of the marginal utility of that gallon even though surely you can agree that the gallon of gas used to drive to work has more value than the gallon used to drive to a strip club.
Tell me why a dollar earned should be treated any differently?
You really think that gas analogy is a winning one don't cha?
How about housing. All taxes on houses should be the same. Right? The guy living in the 10 million dollar house should pay the same as the guy living in the 50k house. Right?
I mean they both are putting a roof over someones head.
So the guy with the 10 million dollar house should pay the exact same amount as the 50 thousand dollar house guy.
Or should it be the other way around? You know, the 50k guy paying the same as the 10 million dollar guy?
A house is a house just like a gallon of gas is a gallon of gas. Some people get 45 mpg and some get 10, so all use of gas is not equal. Like houses.
Who pays what in taxes though? Poor pays the rich amount or the other way around?

MAYBE WE SHOULD LOOK AT IT LIKE THE FOUNDING GENERATION. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. A recent study shows that those making less than $100,000 have zero impact on policy....they should pay 0 taxes.
All income should be counted as the same and it should all be taxed at one rate with no exceptions.
You all pay the same tax on a gallon of gas regardless of the marginal utility of that gallon even though surely you can agree that the gallon of gas used to drive to work has more value than the gallon used to drive to a strip club.
Tell me why a dollar earned should be treated any differently?
You really think that gas analogy is a winning one don't cha?
How about housing. All taxes on houses should be the same. Right? The guy living in the 10 million dollar house should pay the same as the guy living in the 50k house. Right?
I mean they both are putting a roof over someones head.
So the guy with the 10 million dollar house should pay the exact same amount as the 50 thousand dollar house guy.
Or should it be the other way around? You know, the 50k guy paying the same as the 10 million dollar guy?
A house is a house just like a gallon of gas is a gallon of gas. Some people get 45 mpg and some get 10, so all use of gas is not equal. Like houses.
Who pays what in taxes though? Poor pays the rich amount or the other way around?

MAYBE WE SHOULD LOOK AT IT LIKE THE FOUNDING GENERATION. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. A recent study shows that those making less than $100,000 have zero impact on policy....they should pay 0 taxes.

Maybe we should...................but here in reality land, what chance do you give that what you propose will happen? No taxes without representation?

But what about the houses and the gas taxes and such? All gas and all houses and all income are the same according to Skull and we should all pay the same. Of course we could all pay the same of the richer people. Skull never mentions what level the "same" will be.
While it was never intended to provide a living wage, it no longer even provides the basics for a young worker to start out...

It's amazing what letting millions and millions of low skill workers invade our country will do to the wages of our native low skill workers.

Yes it was intended to provide a living wage, because the greedy have been trying to screw workers since before the Civil war. That's also why unions were created. And because of them we now have a 40 hour work week, week ends, holidays, workers comp, workers health benefits and retirement. All of which cons are still trying to destroy.

The average age of those making minimum wage is 35.
The median age of a minimum wage worker is 24.


More statistics here,
Who Earns the Minimum Wage? Suburban Teenagers, Not Single Parents
Relatively few Americans earn the federal minimum wage.[2] In 2011 and 2012, 3.7 million Americans reported earning $7.25 or less per hour—just 2.9 percent of all workers in the United States.[3] These numbers include workers who also earn tip income. Many of those earning less than the minimum wage work in restaurants and make more than the minimum wage after taking tips into account.

Edit to add,
Last night (like every Thursday night) I had dinner and drinks with my daughter, her fiance and our friends Nancy and Blair (my other daughter couldn't make it). We were at the restaurant for four hours. I left a $20 tip, Nancy and Blair left a $15 tip. The tips alone represent $8.75 an hour and we were just one table. That waitress isn't hurting for money even if she only makes minimum wage as her salary.
Yeah that's cause you can't collect welfare till you get old enough and start having kids. Once they start collecting welfare & disability the libtards pay them better to not work than they were getting with their minimum wage jobs.
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You really think that gas analogy is a winning one don't cha?
How about housing. All taxes on houses should be the same. Right? The guy living in the 10 million dollar house should pay the same as the guy living in the 50k house. Right?
I mean they both are putting a roof over someones head.
So the guy with the 10 million dollar house should pay the exact same amount as the 50 thousand dollar house guy.
Or should it be the other way around? You know, the 50k guy paying the same as the 10 million dollar guy?
A house is a house just like a gallon of gas is a gallon of gas. Some people get 45 mpg and some get 10, so all use of gas is not equal. Like houses.
Who pays what in taxes though? Poor pays the rich amount or the other way around?

MAYBE WE SHOULD LOOK AT IT LIKE THE FOUNDING GENERATION. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. A recent study shows that those making less than $100,000 have zero impact on policy....they should pay 0 taxes.

Maybe we should...................but here in reality land, what chance do you give that what you propose will happen? No taxes without representation?

But what about the houses and the gas taxes and such? All gas and all houses and all income are the same according to Skull and we should all pay the same. Of course we could all pay the same of the richer people. Skull never mentions what level the "same" will be.

If every citizen had to pay 15% of his income to the federal government-----------the lower and middle classes would demand that government stop wasting their money and cut the tax rate-----------they would threaten revolution. When its YOUR money that being taken and wasted, you get pissed really quickly.
You really think that gas analogy is a winning one don't cha?
How about housing. All taxes on houses should be the same. Right? The guy living in the 10 million dollar house should pay the same as the guy living in the 50k house. Right?
I mean they both are putting a roof over someones head.
So the guy with the 10 million dollar house should pay the exact same amount as the 50 thousand dollar house guy.
Or should it be the other way around? You know, the 50k guy paying the same as the 10 million dollar guy?
A house is a house just like a gallon of gas is a gallon of gas. Some people get 45 mpg and some get 10, so all use of gas is not equal. Like houses.
Who pays what in taxes though? Poor pays the rich amount or the other way around?

MAYBE WE SHOULD LOOK AT IT LIKE THE FOUNDING GENERATION. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. A recent study shows that those making less than $100,000 have zero impact on policy....they should pay 0 taxes.

Maybe we should...................but here in reality land, what chance do you give that what you propose will happen? No taxes without representation?

But what about the houses and the gas taxes and such? All gas and all houses and all income are the same according to Skull and we should all pay the same. Of course we could all pay the same of the richer people. Skull never mentions what level the "same" will be.

It is unlikely without a massive revolt. But it does help justify 'progressive' taxation.

Social Security taxes, which are paid in a higher percentage by the less wealthy, now fund a large chunk of federal government.

I think I like the idea of a progressive land tax actually, and elimination of the mortgage deduction. Unrealistic to have varying taxes on gas, but waste of federal highway spending needs to be reigned in.
MAYBE WE SHOULD LOOK AT IT LIKE THE FOUNDING GENERATION. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. A recent study shows that those making less than $100,000 have zero impact on policy....they should pay 0 taxes.

Maybe we should...................but here in reality land, what chance do you give that what you propose will happen? No taxes without representation?

But what about the houses and the gas taxes and such? All gas and all houses and all income are the same according to Skull and we should all pay the same. Of course we could all pay the same of the richer people. Skull never mentions what level the "same" will be.

It is unlikely without a massive revolt. But it does help justify 'progressive' taxation.

Social Security taxes, which are paid in a higher percentage by the less wealthy, now fund a large chunk of federal government.

I think I like the idea of a progressive land tax actually, and elimination of the mortgage deduction. Unrealistic to have varying taxes on gas, but waste of federal highway spending needs to be reigned in.

Bullshit lies. SS does not fund the federal government ya dumb ass. SS funds SS.

What we need to do is have everyone pay 10grand a year to fund the government, in cash, if you are between 25 and 65. You get to keep everything after that. If you can't afford to pay 10k you go to debtors prison to work on a chain gang till your debts are paid. As for SS, yeah end it.
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Maybe we should...................but here in reality land, what chance do you give that what you propose will happen? No taxes without representation?

But what about the houses and the gas taxes and such? All gas and all houses and all income are the same according to Skull and we should all pay the same. Of course we could all pay the same of the richer people. Skull never mentions what level the "same" will be.

It is unlikely without a massive revolt. But it does help justify 'progressive' taxation.

Social Security taxes, which are paid in a higher percentage by the less wealthy, now fund a large chunk of federal government.

I think I like the idea of a progressive land tax actually, and elimination of the mortgage deduction. Unrealistic to have varying taxes on gas, but waste of federal highway spending needs to be reigned in.

Bullshit lies. SS does not fund the federal government ya dumb ass. SS funds SS.

well I should have perhaps said it borrows, massively, from SS, but that borrowing make the shortfall from income taxes look less bad than it is.
MAYBE WE SHOULD LOOK AT IT LIKE THE FOUNDING GENERATION. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. A recent study shows that those making less than $100,000 have zero impact on policy....they should pay 0 taxes.

Maybe we should...................but here in reality land, what chance do you give that what you propose will happen? No taxes without representation?

But what about the houses and the gas taxes and such? All gas and all houses and all income are the same according to Skull and we should all pay the same. Of course we could all pay the same of the richer people. Skull never mentions what level the "same" will be.

If every citizen had to pay 15% of his income to the federal government-----------the lower and middle classes would demand that government stop wasting their money and cut the tax rate-----------they would threaten revolution. When its YOUR money that being taken and wasted, you get pissed really quickly.

The study shows those under ~$100,000 have zero impact on policy....so their paying 15% would have no impact. As I understand the study
MAYBE WE SHOULD LOOK AT IT LIKE THE FOUNDING GENERATION. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. A recent study shows that those making less than $100,000 have zero impact on policy....they should pay 0 taxes.

Maybe we should...................but here in reality land, what chance do you give that what you propose will happen? No taxes without representation?

But what about the houses and the gas taxes and such? All gas and all houses and all income are the same according to Skull and we should all pay the same. Of course we could all pay the same of the richer people. Skull never mentions what level the "same" will be.

If every citizen had to pay 15% of his income to the federal government-----------the lower and middle classes would demand that government stop wasting their money and cut the tax rate-----------they would threaten revolution. When its YOUR money that being taken and wasted, you get pissed really quickly.

Minor update, if every citizen had to work for a living and there was no welfare, and every citizen had to pay 15%.. then they would demand the government stop wasting their money.

As it is, most folks on the left just want to make sure someone else is getting screwed more than they are. If they get to collect 50k a year in welfare they won't give a shit if they have to pay 5k for their 50k in subsidies.
It is unlikely without a massive revolt. But it does help justify 'progressive' taxation.

Social Security taxes, which are paid in a higher percentage by the less wealthy, now fund a large chunk of federal government.

I think I like the idea of a progressive land tax actually, and elimination of the mortgage deduction. Unrealistic to have varying taxes on gas, but waste of federal highway spending needs to be reigned in.

Bullshit lies. SS does not fund the federal government ya dumb ass. SS funds SS.

well I should have perhaps said it borrows, massively, from SS, but that borrowing make the shortfall from income taxes look less bad than it is.

Meh... if SS doesn't lend to the US taxpayer they would just lend to someone else. Further the USG can borrow money from anyone they want or can just invent money.
Maybe we should...................but here in reality land, what chance do you give that what you propose will happen? No taxes without representation?

But what about the houses and the gas taxes and such? All gas and all houses and all income are the same according to Skull and we should all pay the same. Of course we could all pay the same of the richer people. Skull never mentions what level the "same" will be.

If every citizen had to pay 15% of his income to the federal government-----------the lower and middle classes would demand that government stop wasting their money and cut the tax rate-----------they would threaten revolution. When its YOUR money that being taken and wasted, you get pissed really quickly.

Minor update, if every citizen had to work for a living and there was no welfare, and every citizen had to pay 15%.. then they would demand the government stop wasting their money.

As it is, most folks on the left just want to make sure someone else is getting screwed more than they are. If they get to collect 50k a year in welfare they won't give a shit if they have to pay 5k for their 50k in subsidies.

Like I said to Redfish.....that isnt a logical conclusion given the study.....It says those less wealthy have zero impact on government.....so what they should do is pay nothing....

quoting RKM "Meh... if SS doesn't lend to the US taxpayer they would just lend to someone else. Further the USG can borrow money from anyone they want or can just invent money."

At least if they borrowed the money openly it would show up better to most americans that we are even more in debt than it shows now.
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Maybe we should...................but here in reality land, what chance do you give that what you propose will happen? No taxes without representation?

But what about the houses and the gas taxes and such? All gas and all houses and all income are the same according to Skull and we should all pay the same. Of course we could all pay the same of the richer people. Skull never mentions what level the "same" will be.

If every citizen had to pay 15% of his income to the federal government-----------the lower and middle classes would demand that government stop wasting their money and cut the tax rate-----------they would threaten revolution. When its YOUR money that being taken and wasted, you get pissed really quickly.

Minor update, if every citizen had to work for a living and there was no welfare, and every citizen had to pay 15%.. then they would demand the government stop wasting their money.

As it is, most folks on the left just want to make sure someone else is getting screwed more than they are. If they get to collect 50k a year in welfare they won't give a shit if they have to pay 5k for their 50k in subsidies.

In the real world, nobody gets $50K in welfare. And when you destroy welfare, it will cost you ten times as much to keep them in prison. That's as smart as a vegetable.
Maybe we should...................but here in reality land, what chance do you give that what you propose will happen? No taxes without representation?

But what about the houses and the gas taxes and such? All gas and all houses and all income are the same according to Skull and we should all pay the same. Of course we could all pay the same of the richer people. Skull never mentions what level the "same" will be.

If every citizen had to pay 15% of his income to the federal government-----------the lower and middle classes would demand that government stop wasting their money and cut the tax rate-----------they would threaten revolution. When its YOUR money that being taken and wasted, you get pissed really quickly.

The study shows those under ~$100,000 have zero impact on policy....so their paying 15% would have no impact. As I understand the study

those people do vote, so the study conclusion is bogus at best.

my point is if everyone had to pay, then the anger would be much more evident and the people would demand change.
Congress would never allow a flat tax. Taxes are the way Congress can control government programs and the behavior of the American people. That's not all bad, one of the first tax programs was to help "our infant industries."
If every citizen had to pay 15% of his income to the federal government-----------the lower and middle classes would demand that government stop wasting their money and cut the tax rate-----------they would threaten revolution. When its YOUR money that being taken and wasted, you get pissed really quickly.

Minor update, if every citizen had to work for a living and there was no welfare, and every citizen had to pay 15%.. then they would demand the government stop wasting their money.

As it is, most folks on the left just want to make sure someone else is getting screwed more than they are. If they get to collect 50k a year in welfare they won't give a shit if they have to pay 5k for their 50k in subsidies.

In the real world, nobody gets $50K in welfare. And when you destroy welfare, it will cost you ten times as much to keep them in prison. That's as smart as a vegetable.

thats what you libs don't get, its not either welfare or prison----how about a government whose primary goal was to set up an economic system that would create enough new jobs every year to provide employment for every citizen who is able to work?

Instead what we have today is a govt that wants to punish job creators because they have enough money to create jobs---its stupidity.
Minor update, if every citizen had to work for a living and there was no welfare, and every citizen had to pay 15%.. then they would demand the government stop wasting their money.

As it is, most folks on the left just want to make sure someone else is getting screwed more than they are. If they get to collect 50k a year in welfare they won't give a shit if they have to pay 5k for their 50k in subsidies.

In the real world, nobody gets $50K in welfare. And when you destroy welfare, it will cost you ten times as much to keep them in prison. That's as smart as a vegetable.

thats what you libs don't get, its not either welfare or prison----how about a government whose primary goal was to set up an economic system that would create enough new jobs every year to provide employment for every citizen who is able to work?

Instead what we have today is a govt that wants to punish job creators because they have enough money to create jobs---its stupidity.
It's tax deductible for them to create jobs....they won't pay more in federal income taxes if they hire people for their company?

I think we all agree that we should have a government that promotes the general welfare of ALL citizens and having a government that sets up an economic system that would promote job creation for every citizen....

Where Cons and libs differ is we believe our government has failed because they have favored the corporations OVER the individual with their regulations and tax deductions and tax credits and protections that give them monopolies like the Pharma industry and deregulation and bailouts that only end up hurting the every day citizen in the USA, and have made it very easy and lucrative for our American companies to just ship their factories and corporate headquarters some times too, overseas...leaving the nation with a jobless recovery while they vote down Obamacare for the thousandth time or have another Benghazi or IRS dog and pony show....while we pay them.....

Corporations HAVE ENOUGH money to hire people, record profits for them....yet they don't..they spend their time figuring out how to go overseas and get cheap labor or cheap goods....

they could be rehauling the corporate tax structure that would not only benefit corps but benefit the American people with getting rid of certain loopholes and keeping jobs here....

As far as the top 10% paying for 72% of the federal income taxes....the Supreme court says we can only be income taxed on our GAIN...if 47% of the families in this nation filing federal income tax owe no tax, it is because they have not made a GAIN, to be taxed....THIS IS NOT their fault that those in the top 10% did make huge GAINS and are taxed on it.

Simple as that....

Most Americans are losing ground with cost of living going up and fuel prices, EXCEPT the top 10%...they still had a GAIN to be taxed.....it is a sad state of affairs for 47% of the tax payers to not be getting ahead....THAT'S what those figures say imo.

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If every citizen had to pay 15% of his income to the federal government-----------the lower and middle classes would demand that government stop wasting their money and cut the tax rate-----------they would threaten revolution. When its YOUR money that being taken and wasted, you get pissed really quickly.

The study shows those under ~$100,000 have zero impact on policy....so their paying 15% would have no impact. As I understand the study

those people do vote, so the study conclusion is bogus at best.

my point is if everyone had to pay, then the anger would be much more evident and the people would demand change.

If you somehow got a bill through that would require every income earner to pay 15% in taxes (which you never would)

yes, definitely many people would demand change. They would demand that their taxes be put back below 15%,

and would overwhelming support the politicians who ran on the promise to do so.

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