11 charges! Felony murder. BULLSHIT ! Every cop should strike!

You better hope cops don’t go on strike haha my dogs can track fear ha

I haven't found the statement yet but in the announcement of the charges it's noted that the other officer said what was done was wrong. I'm sure it will be available soon.

He agreed to testify for the prosecution.

What’s he going to say that we didn’t see?

I guess you will have to wait until the trial.
They charged him with FELONY murder? That means he committed murder while committing a felony. Like someone who shoots a store clerk in the middle of a robbery. What felony was the officer committing? Are they saying the shots fired are the felony and that caused the murder? I am seriously confused by the thinking of the Prosecutor. They are probably hoping for a voluntary manslaughter plea.

And yes...every fucking cop in this country should resign. EVERY ONE. We now live in a world where a piece of shit child abuser can resist arrest, punch you in the face, steal your taser, and use it on you and you get charged with murder? The animals are running the zoo.
This is insane... They are using the judicial system to Lynch white people
We have to pay for the sins of 150 yrs ago. This country will be having a reckoning it never seen before.
We don't have to pay for the sins of 150 years ago because we are not responsible for the sins of 150 years ago.
Well we better tell them then loudly. Their not listening.

These people would not even have been born without slavery. Should have picked our own F cotton.
Wrong! The ones today would not have been born without taxpayer money paying for them and their grandma's and their mama's groceries! Isn't welfare and EBT grand? On your dime?
If slavery never happened in our country, how many blacks do you think we'd have?
If colonization never happened, how many Indians would be here? Aren't brain-dead what if's fun?
That is exactly the point I'm making. Without colonization, you and I would not be here. You would be OK with that then. Any black would not be living without slavery. Wonder if they would give up their lives?

Sorry. Retired at 50 self made and totally called every shot in my life. I've seen a million failures slave to a boss.
How did I do it? Asking very thought provocative questions my whole like....Thanks

You work for a boss by chance?
The video I watched showed Brooks running and pointing the weapon back at the officer....his back was exposed....but he had the weapon aimed at the cop....what the cop thought he saw is going to make or break this case....
He was shot well after he briefly pointed an EMPTY taser at the officer.
No, he SHOT the tazer at the officer. It's in the video. And the tazer wasn't Rolfe's, it was Brosnan's. How do we know Rolfe knew there were no shots left in that Tazer? He wasn't the one shooting it! He was supposed to think of that while the guy is shooting a tazer at him? You have to keep track of everyone else's shots too, in the midst of a wrestling match?

I know what the prosecutor said, but what it might mean when he is kicked and his shoulders stood on after he was down is that he was still fighting and still had the damned tazer. Probably that is what Rolfe kicked from his hand. And Brosnan stood on his shoulders to keep Brooks from getting up.
People don't usually die right away when they're shot. Arberry kept fighting after being gut shot and ran even after he'd been hit in the chest a second time. It's not like tv, where the bad guys drop like flies and boom, it's immediately over. Not usually.
Rolfe ran back to the patrol car for 1st aid when he realized Brooks was seriously hit. Until then they thought he'd gotten a minor winging, no doubt.

So that's another view of what may have happened. They might be racists. Or they might not.
Why are we not hearing if the guy was drunk or on drugs

Of course he was drunk,thats why they were arresting him.
I finally just heard that, why did the media hide this for all this time.
The video I watched showed Brooks running and pointing the weapon back at the officer....his back was exposed....but he had the weapon aimed at the cop....what the cop thought he saw is going to make or break this case....
He was shot well after he briefly pointed an EMPTY taser at the officer.
No, he SHOT the tazer at the officer. It's in the video. And the tazer wasn't Rolfe's, it was Brosnan's. How do we know Rolfe knew there were no shots left in that Tazer? He wasn't the one shooting it! He was supposed to think of that while the guy is shooting a tazer at him? You have to keep track of everyone else's shots too, in the midst of a wrestling match?

I know what the prosecutor said, but what it might mean when he is kicked and his shoulders stood on after he was down is that he was still fighting and still had the damned tazer. Probably that is what Rolfe kicked from his hand. And Brosnan stood on his shoulders to keep Brooks from getting up.
People don't usually die right away when they're shot. Arberry kept fighting after being gut shot and ran even after he'd been hit in the chest a second time. It's not like tv, where the bad guys drop like flies and boom, it's immediately over. Not usually.
Rolfe ran back to the patrol car for 1st aid when he realized Brooks was seriously hit. Until then they thought he'd gotten a minor winging, no doubt.

So that's another view of what may have happened. They might be racists. Or they might not.
Why are we not hearing if the guy was drunk or on drugs

Of course he was drunk,thats why they were arresting him.
I finally just heard that, why did the media hide this for all this time.

It's on the arresting video.
The second the cops told him he was under arrest he went ape shit.
The video I watched showed Brooks running and pointing the weapon back at the officer....his back was exposed....but he had the weapon aimed at the cop....what the cop thought he saw is going to make or break this case....
He was shot well after he briefly pointed an EMPTY taser at the officer.
No, he SHOT the tazer at the officer. It's in the video. And the tazer wasn't Rolfe's, it was Brosnan's. How do we know Rolfe knew there were no shots left in that Tazer? He wasn't the one shooting it! He was supposed to think of that while the guy is shooting a tazer at him? You have to keep track of everyone else's shots too, in the midst of a wrestling match?

I know what the prosecutor said, but what it might mean when he is kicked and his shoulders stood on after he was down is that he was still fighting and still had the damned tazer. Probably that is what Rolfe kicked from his hand. And Brosnan stood on his shoulders to keep Brooks from getting up.
People don't usually die right away when they're shot. Arberry kept fighting after being gut shot and ran even after he'd been hit in the chest a second time. It's not like tv, where the bad guys drop like flies and boom, it's immediately over. Not usually.
Rolfe ran back to the patrol car for 1st aid when he realized Brooks was seriously hit. Until then they thought he'd gotten a minor winging, no doubt.

So that's another view of what may have happened. They might be racists. Or they might not.
Why are we not hearing if the guy was drunk or on drugs

Of course he was drunk,thats why they were arresting him.
I finally just heard that, why did the media hide this for all this time.

It's on the arresting video.
The second the cops told him he was under arrest he went ape shit.
Yea I saw the breathalizer but the media never once said that he tested positive. I hope every drunk punches the arresting cop in the face at this point
No Jury of his peers will convict.

Shooting someone in the back as they are running away has never been acceptable. It is what Michael Slager was convicted of doing. Shooting a man in the back as he was running away.
Maybe I'm blind or almost blind, but the video I saw showed the guy running, then turning back towards the officer as he was running, and then discharging the taser in the officers direction. Then I see where they are trying to say that the taser was spent, otherwise it had no power or was useless at that point. Ok, then what was it I saw that appeared to be debris in the air around the taser as if it was deployed by the perp regardless of him not knowing that the thing might have been useless ????

What if the cop would have been black, would we be here right now discussing this officers fate, and all because he defended society against a potential threat that decided to battle the cops instead of go peacefully to jail like thousands + more drunk drivers do across America yearly ????

These officer's superiors in government are showing just what kind of politically driven nut jobs that they actually are in all of this. They are setting precedent that will not stand, and that should absolutely not be allowed to happen, and it can't happen.

Time to take back the nurseries around this nation.
No Jury of his peers will convict.

Shooting someone in the back as they are running away has never been acceptable. It is what Michael Slager was convicted of doing. Shooting a man in the back as he was running away.
Maybe I'm blind or almost blind, but the video I saw showed the guy running, then turning back towards the officer as he was running, and then discharging the taser in the officers direction. Then I see where they are trying to say that the taser was spent, otherwise it had no power or was useless at that point. Ok, then what was it I saw that appeared to be debris in the air around the taser as if it was deployed by the perp regardless of him not knowing that the thing might have been useless ????

What if the cop would have been black, would we be here right now discussing this officers fate, and all because he defended society against a potential threat that decided to battle the cops instead of go peacefully to jail like thousands + more drunk drivers do across America yearly ????

These officer's superiors in government are showing just what kind of politically driven nut jobs that they actually are in all of this. They are setting precedent that will not stand, and that should absolutely not be allowed to happen, and it can't happen.

Time to take back the nurseries around this nation.

You are entitled to your opinion.
The video I watched showed Brooks running and pointing the weapon back at the officer....his back was exposed....but he had the weapon aimed at the cop....what the cop thought he saw is going to make or break this case....
He was shot well after he briefly pointed an EMPTY taser at the officer.
No, he SHOT the tazer at the officer. It's in the video. And the tazer wasn't Rolfe's, it was Brosnan's. How do we know Rolfe knew there were no shots left in that Tazer? He wasn't the one shooting it! He was supposed to think of that while the guy is shooting a tazer at him? You have to keep track of everyone else's shots too, in the midst of a wrestling match?

I know what the prosecutor said, but what it might mean when he is kicked and his shoulders stood on after he was down is that he was still fighting and still had the damned tazer. Probably that is what Rolfe kicked from his hand. And Brosnan stood on his shoulders to keep Brooks from getting up.
People don't usually die right away when they're shot. Arberry kept fighting after being gut shot and ran even after he'd been hit in the chest a second time. It's not like tv, where the bad guys drop like flies and boom, it's immediately over. Not usually.
Rolfe ran back to the patrol car for 1st aid when he realized Brooks was seriously hit. Until then they thought he'd gotten a minor winging, no doubt.

So that's another view of what may have happened. They might be racists. Or they might not.
Why are we not hearing if the guy was drunk or on drugs

Of course he was drunk,thats why they were arresting him.
I finally just heard that, why did the media hide this for all this time.

It's on the arresting video.
The second the cops told him he was under arrest he went ape shit.
Yea I saw the breathalizer but the media never once said that he tested positive. I hope every drunk punches the arresting cop in the face at this point

You should go out and have a few drinks tonight and pass out in the Wendy's drive through.
The video I watched showed Brooks running and pointing the weapon back at the officer....his back was exposed....but he had the weapon aimed at the cop....what the cop thought he saw is going to make or break this case....
He was shot well after he briefly pointed an EMPTY taser at the officer.
No, he SHOT the tazer at the officer. It's in the video. And the tazer wasn't Rolfe's, it was Brosnan's. How do we know Rolfe knew there were no shots left in that Tazer? He wasn't the one shooting it! He was supposed to think of that while the guy is shooting a tazer at him? You have to keep track of everyone else's shots too, in the midst of a wrestling match?

I know what the prosecutor said, but what it might mean when he is kicked and his shoulders stood on after he was down is that he was still fighting and still had the damned tazer. Probably that is what Rolfe kicked from his hand. And Brosnan stood on his shoulders to keep Brooks from getting up.
People don't usually die right away when they're shot. Arberry kept fighting after being gut shot and ran even after he'd been hit in the chest a second time. It's not like tv, where the bad guys drop like flies and boom, it's immediately over. Not usually.
Rolfe ran back to the patrol car for 1st aid when he realized Brooks was seriously hit. Until then they thought he'd gotten a minor winging, no doubt.

So that's another view of what may have happened. They might be racists. Or they might not.
Why are we not hearing if the guy was drunk or on drugs

Of course he was drunk,thats why they were arresting him.
I finally just heard that, why did the media hide this for all this time.

It's on the arresting video.
The second the cops told him he was under arrest he went ape shit.
Yea I saw the breathalizer but the media never once said that he tested positive. I hope every drunk punches the arresting cop in the face at this point

He failed every street test and he passed out in the drive through.
Was he just taking a nappy poo?
The video I watched showed Brooks running and pointing the weapon back at the officer....his back was exposed....but he had the weapon aimed at the cop....what the cop thought he saw is going to make or break this case....
He was shot well after he briefly pointed an EMPTY taser at the officer.
No, he SHOT the tazer at the officer. It's in the video. And the tazer wasn't Rolfe's, it was Brosnan's. How do we know Rolfe knew there were no shots left in that Tazer? He wasn't the one shooting it! He was supposed to think of that while the guy is shooting a tazer at him? You have to keep track of everyone else's shots too, in the midst of a wrestling match?

I know what the prosecutor said, but what it might mean when he is kicked and his shoulders stood on after he was down is that he was still fighting and still had the damned tazer. Probably that is what Rolfe kicked from his hand. And Brosnan stood on his shoulders to keep Brooks from getting up.
People don't usually die right away when they're shot. Arberry kept fighting after being gut shot and ran even after he'd been hit in the chest a second time. It's not like tv, where the bad guys drop like flies and boom, it's immediately over. Not usually.
Rolfe ran back to the patrol car for 1st aid when he realized Brooks was seriously hit. Until then they thought he'd gotten a minor winging, no doubt.

So that's another view of what may have happened. They might be racists. Or they might not.
Why are we not hearing if the guy was drunk or on drugs

Of course he was drunk,thats why they were arresting him.
I finally just heard that, why did the media hide this for all this time.

It's on the arresting video.
The second the cops told him he was under arrest he went ape shit.
Yea I saw the breathalizer but the media never once said that he tested positive. I hope every drunk punches the arresting cop in the face at this point

You should go out and have a few drinks tonight and pass out in the Wendy's drive through.
I had a cop pull his gun on me once because I got out of my car to get my licence in the hatch of my camaro. He must have known that Barney Fife was no match for the guy who deads 400lbs. Then there was the time I told the detective banging on my door at 1 in the morning that I had my gun on the door and that if he came in he would have been shot. He babbled for several minutes then I told him to leave and he followed my instructions because he was a fuckup without a warrant.

So I have been there
The video I watched showed Brooks running and pointing the weapon back at the officer....his back was exposed....but he had the weapon aimed at the cop....what the cop thought he saw is going to make or break this case....
He was shot well after he briefly pointed an EMPTY taser at the officer.
No, he SHOT the tazer at the officer. It's in the video. And the tazer wasn't Rolfe's, it was Brosnan's. How do we know Rolfe knew there were no shots left in that Tazer? He wasn't the one shooting it! He was supposed to think of that while the guy is shooting a tazer at him? You have to keep track of everyone else's shots too, in the midst of a wrestling match?

I know what the prosecutor said, but what it might mean when he is kicked and his shoulders stood on after he was down is that he was still fighting and still had the damned tazer. Probably that is what Rolfe kicked from his hand. And Brosnan stood on his shoulders to keep Brooks from getting up.
People don't usually die right away when they're shot. Arberry kept fighting after being gut shot and ran even after he'd been hit in the chest a second time. It's not like tv, where the bad guys drop like flies and boom, it's immediately over. Not usually.
Rolfe ran back to the patrol car for 1st aid when he realized Brooks was seriously hit. Until then they thought he'd gotten a minor winging, no doubt.

So that's another view of what may have happened. They might be racists. Or they might not.
Why are we not hearing if the guy was drunk or on drugs

Of course he was drunk,thats why they were arresting him.
I finally just heard that, why did the media hide this for all this time.

It's on the arresting video.
The second the cops told him he was under arrest he went ape shit.
Yea I saw the breathalizer but the media never once said that he tested positive. I hope every drunk punches the arresting cop in the face at this point

He failed every street test and he passed out in the drive through.
Was he just taking a nappy poo?
I hope drunk driving deaths go up 8000 percent
11 charges! Felony murder? Are you serious?
link to come,, but Trump should demand the release, and send in the best Militia we have..

If the DA doesn’t have the backs of cops, than you won’t have cops.. STRIKE NOW!

The DA mistaken said the arresting officer did not advise the drunk driver he was under rest for driving while intoxicated
FYI if you are in the driver's seat with the key in the ignition even if the car is not moving you are driving while intoxicated
The video I watched showed Brooks running and pointing the weapon back at the officer....his back was exposed....but he had the weapon aimed at the cop....what the cop thought he saw is going to make or break this case....
He was shot well after he briefly pointed an EMPTY taser at the officer.
No, he SHOT the tazer at the officer. It's in the video. And the tazer wasn't Rolfe's, it was Brosnan's. How do we know Rolfe knew there were no shots left in that Tazer? He wasn't the one shooting it! He was supposed to think of that while the guy is shooting a tazer at him? You have to keep track of everyone else's shots too, in the midst of a wrestling match?

I know what the prosecutor said, but what it might mean when he is kicked and his shoulders stood on after he was down is that he was still fighting and still had the damned tazer. Probably that is what Rolfe kicked from his hand. And Brosnan stood on his shoulders to keep Brooks from getting up.
People don't usually die right away when they're shot. Arberry kept fighting after being gut shot and ran even after he'd been hit in the chest a second time. It's not like tv, where the bad guys drop like flies and boom, it's immediately over. Not usually.
Rolfe ran back to the patrol car for 1st aid when he realized Brooks was seriously hit. Until then they thought he'd gotten a minor winging, no doubt.

So that's another view of what may have happened. They might be racists. Or they might not.
Why are we not hearing if the guy was drunk or on drugs

Of course he was drunk,thats why they were arresting him.
I finally just heard that, why did the media hide this for all this time.

It's on the arresting video.
The second the cops told him he was under arrest he went ape shit.
Yea I saw the breathalizer but the media never once said that he tested positive. I hope every drunk punches the arresting cop in the face at this point

You should go out and have a few drinks tonight and pass out in the Wendy's drive through.
I had a cop pull his gun on me once because I got out of my car to get my licence in the hatch of my camaro. He must have known that Barney Fife was no match for the guy who deads 400lbs. Then there was the time I told the detective banging on my door at 1 in the morning that I had my gun on the door and that if he came in he would have been shot. He babbled for several minutes then I told him to leave and he followed my instructions because he was a fuckup without a warrant.

So I have been there

Sure ya do.
And who keeps their license in the back of their car?
The video I watched showed Brooks running and pointing the weapon back at the officer....his back was exposed....but he had the weapon aimed at the cop....what the cop thought he saw is going to make or break this case....
He was shot well after he briefly pointed an EMPTY taser at the officer.
No, he SHOT the tazer at the officer. It's in the video. And the tazer wasn't Rolfe's, it was Brosnan's. How do we know Rolfe knew there were no shots left in that Tazer? He wasn't the one shooting it! He was supposed to think of that while the guy is shooting a tazer at him? You have to keep track of everyone else's shots too, in the midst of a wrestling match?

I know what the prosecutor said, but what it might mean when he is kicked and his shoulders stood on after he was down is that he was still fighting and still had the damned tazer. Probably that is what Rolfe kicked from his hand. And Brosnan stood on his shoulders to keep Brooks from getting up.
People don't usually die right away when they're shot. Arberry kept fighting after being gut shot and ran even after he'd been hit in the chest a second time. It's not like tv, where the bad guys drop like flies and boom, it's immediately over. Not usually.
Rolfe ran back to the patrol car for 1st aid when he realized Brooks was seriously hit. Until then they thought he'd gotten a minor winging, no doubt.

So that's another view of what may have happened. They might be racists. Or they might not.
Why are we not hearing if the guy was drunk or on drugs

Of course he was drunk,thats why they were arresting him.
I finally just heard that, why did the media hide this for all this time.

It's on the arresting video.
The second the cops told him he was under arrest he went ape shit.
Yea I saw the breathalizer but the media never once said that he tested positive. I hope every drunk punches the arresting cop in the face at this point

He failed every street test and he passed out in the drive through.
Was he just taking a nappy poo?
I hope drunk driving deaths go up 8000 percent

Your boy Rashad was working diligently at it.
But what about the innocents that are sure to die in your 8'000%?
You sound like a 15 year old.
The video I watched showed Brooks running and pointing the weapon back at the officer....his back was exposed....but he had the weapon aimed at the cop....what the cop thought he saw is going to make or break this case....
He was shot well after he briefly pointed an EMPTY taser at the officer.
No, he SHOT the tazer at the officer. It's in the video. And the tazer wasn't Rolfe's, it was Brosnan's. How do we know Rolfe knew there were no shots left in that Tazer? He wasn't the one shooting it! He was supposed to think of that while the guy is shooting a tazer at him? You have to keep track of everyone else's shots too, in the midst of a wrestling match?

I know what the prosecutor said, but what it might mean when he is kicked and his shoulders stood on after he was down is that he was still fighting and still had the damned tazer. Probably that is what Rolfe kicked from his hand. And Brosnan stood on his shoulders to keep Brooks from getting up.
People don't usually die right away when they're shot. Arberry kept fighting after being gut shot and ran even after he'd been hit in the chest a second time. It's not like tv, where the bad guys drop like flies and boom, it's immediately over. Not usually.
Rolfe ran back to the patrol car for 1st aid when he realized Brooks was seriously hit. Until then they thought he'd gotten a minor winging, no doubt.

So that's another view of what may have happened. They might be racists. Or they might not.
Why are we not hearing if the guy was drunk or on drugs

Of course he was drunk,thats why they were arresting him.
I finally just heard that, why did the media hide this for all this time.

It's on the arresting video.
The second the cops told him he was under arrest he went ape shit.
Yea I saw the breathalizer but the media never once said that he tested positive. I hope every drunk punches the arresting cop in the face at this point

You should go out and have a few drinks tonight and pass out in the Wendy's drive through.
I had a cop pull his gun on me once because I got out of my car to get my licence in the hatch of my camaro. He must have known that Barney Fife was no match for the guy who deads 400lbs. Then there was the time I told the detective banging on my door at 1 in the morning that I had my gun on the door and that if he came in he would have been shot. He babbled for several minutes then I told him to leave and he followed my instructions because he was a fuckup without a warrant.

So I have been there
Try and put yourself in the shoes of a cop....just once....its dark and you are pulling a car over and you jump out and reach for the trunk....unreal....we don't have a police problem...we have an education problem.....
There was a case like this in Afghanistan...the shooter was shot in the back like 20 times....but the evidence showed he was running and pointing a gun back at the two Marines so they lit him up....they were charged but then acquitted....if this cop gets off all hell will bust loose so the media has to be very careful here....
POLITICS will ensure that he is convicted.
They charged him with FELONY murder? That means he committed murder while committing a felony. Like someone who shoots a store clerk in the middle of a robbery. What felony was the officer committing? Are they saying the shots fired are the felony and that caused the murder? I am seriously confused by the thinking of the Prosecutor. They are probably hoping for a voluntary manslaughter plea.

And yes...every fucking cop in this country should resign. EVERY ONE. We now live in a world where a piece of shit child abuser can resist arrest, punch you in the face, steal your taser, and use it on you and you get charged with murder? The animals are running the zoo.
This is insane... They are using the judicial system to Lynch white people
We have to pay for the sins of 150 yrs ago. This country will be having a reckoning it never seen before.
We don't have to pay for the sins of 150 years ago because we are not responsible for the sins of 150 years ago.
You damn right we aren't responsible. Look I went to public school, and it was during a volital time in America. From 1st grade to 5th grade everything went well. We were all in complete harmony, we had prayer before lunch, we had various clubs promoted that were very helpful to those who participated or joined them. We had about 40 black kids who loved this school, and they were in harmony with white culture along with their black culture, and we were all in harmony with each other's chosen culture during this time period in life.

Then it happened. We moved to a new residence.

We went to middle school, and all hell broke out. We were forced to go to a majority black school in response to desegregation.

1. The bus came, and we were told this was the new way we had to go to school. The bus was loaded down with a majority of black kids that were taught to hate white kids or white people it seemed. They would not let us sit down with them, even though the bus driver was yelling back at us SIT DOWN !!!!!! Finally the driver stopped the bus, and forced the black kids to let us sit down. They hated it, but complied.

2. Walked into the hallway of the school where a majority of black students were bustling and hustling to get to home room. I was bumped into while in the hallway, and the next thing I know my wallet was missing. I went to the guidence counsler, and she said did you see who took it ??? Nope.

3. Missed the bus home, so I went to a group of kids playing basketball who were all black. I asked them what to do about trying to catch another bus if I missed this one ?? They immediately started pushing me between each of them until I fell down. I quickly got away from them, and left the area.

4. I was out in the yard at lunch, where a group of black kids surrounded me, and one tried to beat me with a stick that he had. I got away from them again.

5. Was wrestling with a friend while waiting on the bus, when all of a sudden my head got hit with something hard. I felt my head and blood was flowing down my head afterwards. I looked, and it was a black girl who had taken her purse with a few books in it, and had swung it at my head busting it wide open.

Now one would think that this would have made me a racist from hell all of my life, but nope it didn't. I was to smart to be a racist, and therefore I knew what was going on in all of this mess that was forced upon us like we were these test dummy's in life.

It wasn't right that I had to go through this as a child, otherwise because I didn't slave nobody, and I sure as heck didn't have the ability as a child to discriminate against another human being even if I wanted too.

So I get tired of all this damn blame game going on, and as an innocent who got forced into this bullcrap, I'm still not a racist, because I'm to smart for it. Reparations ??? Ok where is mine ?????????????

If this country or any black people think that many white kids didn't suffer and sacrifice in this struggle already, and had done so voluntarily or by force (and all in order to right the wrongs or the problems of the past through desegregation), then you got another thought coming America. I was discriminated against big time by black people in my youth, and all in order to satisfy the government orders on desegregation, but it never made me a racist, and thank God I was smart enough not to fall into that trap.

If a man of any color treats me good in life, then I will treat him good in life, otherwise do onto others right ???

Not racist here, because I'm to smart for that bullcrap. Love your neighbor's folks, just like you love yourself. Anyone falling into the racist trap is really a sad unwise person in life. It's ok not to like someone, but to do so on their skin color ??? That is as stupid as it gets folks. Only on character or their actions should you judge your neighbor, and if they are being bad people, then get the heck away from them or attempt maybe to help them if you can. If can't, then you've done your part. No guilt.
There was a case like this in Afghanistan...the shooter was shot in the back like 20 times....but the evidence showed he was running and pointing a gun back at the two Marines so they lit him up....they were charged but then acquitted....if this cop gets off all hell will bust loose so the media has to be very careful here....
POLITICS will ensure that he is convicted.
Especially these race baiting politics being used by the race baiting politicians who are immediately known when they do it.

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