11% of Republicans in the Iowa Caucus Said They Will Vote For Biden. In Other Words, Trump CANNOT Win The 2024 Election.

There was a little detail called COVID.

AND Biden didn’t create 5 million jobs. Those were people simply going back to work after COVID.

Peddle your propaganda to the leftists who fall for it. We Republicans know better.
And Trump handed Biden a recession.
Covid mismanagement was the problem. People had no idea what to do with president foolish lying his ass off all over the place from recommending shit that made no sense to having the worse death rates of any industrialized country to the worse economic recovery.
Hilarious. We know you’re incompetent. You don’t believe in litterally anything that’s true bozo.
There was a little detail called COVID.

AND Biden didn’t create 5 million jobs. Those were people simply going back to work after COVID.

Peddle your propaganda to the leftists who fall for it. We Republicans know better.
Covid….you know nothing about it. You Humpers make statements that every medical research facility and every hospital in the world disagrees with. You‘re as much imbecilic about covid as you are about AGW climate change, trickle down and woman’s rights. A more stupid political entity has never existed.
There have been a million polls out there stretched out over months and months which show just two running for president, Biden and Trump and Trump is ahead or tied in every single swing state with just the two to choose from.
A million polls ? That’s just the beginning of of your BDS…
Hah, there hasn‘t been a million polls…
2 to 5 points is not enough to overcome democrat ballot box stuffing

Trump needs a landslide just to eek out a narrow victory
You still can’t tell us how they are counted…..more made up shit. Stuffed ballot boxes doesn’t exist….never has for national elections bubba.
Is this the way you pigeon heads try to teach made up shit ? The Fed never closed businesses idiot. That’s so ignorant you have to makebup shit…
I'm not like you. I don't just pull shit out of my ass and hope it's true. Maybe that's a foreign concept to you.

It's a trend we see in pretty much every election.
Remember too, Humpers aren’t encumbered by facts. They pretty much support an entertainer and like the idea of being entertained. So, like a stand up comedian audience, being lied to isn’t a consideration. They just like what he has to say. It doesn’t have to be true, just has to sound good to them.
Obviously, far more Democrats will vote for President Trump. More and more Americans are sick and tired of the "Banana Republic" tactics being employed by the desperate Democrats.

Not obvious at all, gomer. You're in for a rude awakening in November....just like in 2020.
You need a dose of reality. First, are you really expecting Iowa to go blue? Then there are these things called swing states and betting odds.

"Dose of reality"....like the "red wave" in 2022, idiot???

Polls don't mean SHIT anymore...anyone in the polling industry will tell you that, too.

You're going to go fucking crazy when you see what happens in November.

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