11 Year Old Girl Is Pregnant, Sparks Abortion Debate

Her boyfriend that she had consensual sex with was 17. In this country her 40 year old rapist could send her into Walgreens to buy plan b or drop her off at a planned parenthood abortion clinic and leave cab fare for her at the desk.

Doesn't that make you sick? Seriously it should make any decent person vomit.

This country just loves abortion way too much. Raping little girls is okay as long as she can get an abortion.

Actually..............the thing that makes me sick is that you could possibly consider it okay to rape an 11 year old child.

They don't have the emotional, nor the intellectual capacity to understand what is happening.

What do you think "grooming" is all about?

Raping ANYONE is never okay, regardless of whether you can get an abortion or a morning after pill.
I'm sickened by the fact that anyone in this thread has yet to show compassion for the thing that is festering in this child's womb.

Therefor, I am volunteering to step up for that child.

Hi, mom.
If I had a child, he'd look just like Stewey...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNkp4QF3we8]Family Guy - Lois Mom Mum Mommy - YouTube[/ame]
I'm sickened by the fact that anyone in this thread has yet to show compassion for the thing that is festering in this child's womb.

Therefor, I am volunteering to step up for that child.

Hi, mom.

Really? You're gonna step up for that child?

How many kids have you been willing to save via adoption or foster care?

(And yeah................I've been adopted and put into foster care, so I know the statistics, Casey Family Program told me what they were when I was 12).
You are now listening to the voice of the zygote:

"That's one small (unintelligible) for humankind....

one giant (redacted) for (choice-overridden)".

Mommy please...
I'm sickened by the fact that anyone in this thread has yet to show compassion for the thing that is festering in this child's womb.

Therefor, I am volunteering to step up for that child.

Hi, mom.

Really? You're gonna step up for that child?

How many kids have you been willing to save via adoption or foster care?

(And yeah................I've been adopted and put into foster care, so I know the statistics, Casey Family Program told me what they were when I was 12).

I do respect you for sharing that. And for that I have no reply. No words here for that.
Just what I'd thought.................you want everyone else to pay for their "sins" while you condemn them from your ivory tower.
I'm sickened by the fact that anyone in this thread has yet to show compassion for the thing that is festering in this child's womb.

Therefor, I am volunteering to step up for that child.

Hi, mom.

Really? You're gonna step up for that child?

How many kids have you been willing to save via adoption or foster care?

(And yeah................I've been adopted and put into foster care, so I know the statistics, Casey Family Program told me what they were when I was 12).

I got 4 kids. 2 are abortion survivors. I know all too well what it's about.
I'm sickened by the fact that anyone in this thread has yet to show compassion for the thing that is festering in this child's womb.

Therefor, I am volunteering to step up for that child.

Hi, mom.

Really? You're gonna step up for that child?

How many kids have you been willing to save via adoption or foster care?

(And yeah................I've been adopted and put into foster care, so I know the statistics, Casey Family Program told me what they were when I was 12).

I got 4 kids. 2 are abortion survivors. I know all too well what it's about.

Sure............................anyone can say anything on the internet.........................I've got a feeling that you're one of those who will say anything to try to prove their point, knowing that they can't really be disproven here on a messageboard.

Got anything to prove your point, or do we all have to regard you as some idiot who thinks they're better than everyone else?
It's rape because she's 11. Otherwise, it's a consensual sexual relationship with her 17 year old boyfriend. He's under 18. Just a child himself. It's not rape according to those who think that rape shouldn't be rape if both are under aged boyfriend and girlfriend.

Don’t think that anyone within reason would argue that it was not rape. I don’t agree with statutory laws that would charge a 17 year old and a 16 year old but you have left reason when you reach back to 11. It is no longer statutory at that point. Then it becomes molestation if I am not mistaken.

You are assigning love an arbitrary age? Who are you to tell these children that they cannot love whom they choose?

See how that works?

WTF are you ranting about. Nothing in my post said anything about love. I don’t care about what she thought she felt. You do understand that an 11 year old cannot consent to sex, right? She is not mature enough to consent to it. What the 17 year old did was a crime here; one of the worst crimes that I can think of. Molestation is a horrible crime.

So, no, I don’t see ‘how that works.’
Really? You're gonna step up for that child?

How many kids have you been willing to save via adoption or foster care?

(And yeah................I've been adopted and put into foster care, so I know the statistics, Casey Family Program told me what they were when I was 12).

I got 4 kids. 2 are abortion survivors. I know all too well what it's about.

Sure............................anyone can say anything on the internet.........................I've got a feeling that you're one of those who will say anything to try to prove their point, knowing that they can't really be disproven here on a messageboard.

Got anything to prove your point, or do we all have to regard you as some idiot who thinks they're better than everyone else?
So can you so your admission to being an adopted child is rather worthless. You can make any claim.

Mr H had the common decency to not call you a liar when you claimed to be adopted; you should have the decency to return the favor. Of course, BOTH statements are meaningless because they have no connection with what happened here. The demand that people who are against killing the unborn to adopt is a misnomer and a personal attack that makes no sense whatsoever. Are you against parents having the right to kill their 2 year olds? Why haven’t you adopted any then?

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Just because the girl is 11 years old she is automatically judged to be 'high risk'.

Yet in many African countries, and some Asian countries, girls that age get married and have children with no problems.

And the health care system in those countries is basically non existent.

Go figure. .. :cool:
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The problem is that ‘high risk’ here is poorly defined. It would be better for this discussion if we agreed to treat it as either dangerous or not. If it is really dangerous to her life, are the people here still going to oppose an abortion?
Really? You're gonna step up for that child?

How many kids have you been willing to save via adoption or foster care?

(And yeah................I've been adopted and put into foster care, so I know the statistics, Casey Family Program told me what they were when I was 12).

I got 4 kids. 2 are abortion survivors. I know all too well what it's about.

Sure............................anyone can say anything on the internet.........................I've got a feeling that you're one of those who will say anything to try to prove their point, knowing that they can't really be disproven here on a messageboard.

Got anything to prove your point, or do we all have to regard you as some idiot who thinks they're better than everyone else?
Long stories, and I've posted both before. I'd rather not do it again.
The needs of the already born child should trump the needs of the not-yet-born child. I'm glad they still technically do in America. I hope this child in Chile gets the help she needs before it is too late.
Her boyfriend that she had consensual sex with was 17. In this country her 40 year old rapist could send her into Walgreens to buy plan b or drop her off at a planned parenthood abortion clinic and leave cab fare for her at the desk.

Doesn't that make you sick? Seriously it should make any decent person vomit.

This country just loves abortion way too much. Raping little girls is okay as long as she can get an abortion.

The article linked in the OP didn't mention that it was her "boyfriend" who had sex with her. It says it was her mother's partner.

Whoever it was, the article said he was arrested, so what he did was apparently a crime in Chile. However, a link to other details would be appreciated.

I am sickened by 40-year-olds getting away with rape. And I am sickened by people saying that if the 40-year-old impregnated the child that was a gift from God. Are you sickened by only one of those? Do you actually believe that when a child is impregnated by an adult like a parent, stepparent, uncle, teacher, etc. who should have been looking out for her, that's God blessing her?

Stop shoving your religion down my throat. I don 't need to bring up religion you do. You must be fresh out of other arguments.

Abortion is murder. The only question is who is the killer? There is no problem with recognizing an adult as a murderer if that adult threatens one child into killing another. Everyone recognizes the adult as the culpable party. When little girls are forced to get an abortion start prosecuting the men for murder. If an abortion provider refuses to turn over what they know prosecute them too. They are accessories after the fact. They have the same connection to that crime as a pawn shop who fences stolen goods has to the theft.
Her boyfriend that she had consensual sex with was 17. In this country her 40 year old rapist could send her into Walgreens to buy plan b or drop her off at a planned parenthood abortion clinic and leave cab fare for her at the desk.

Doesn't that make you sick? Seriously it should make any decent person vomit.

This country just loves abortion way too much. Raping little girls is okay as long as she can get an abortion.

The article linked in the OP didn't mention that it was her "boyfriend" who had sex with her. It says it was her mother's partner.

Whoever it was, the article said he was arrested, so what he did was apparently a crime in Chile. However, a link to other details would be appreciated.

I am sickened by 40-year-olds getting away with rape. And I am sickened by people saying that if the 40-year-old impregnated the child that was a gift from God. Are you sickened by only one of those? Do you actually believe that when a child is impregnated by an adult like a parent, stepparent, uncle, teacher, etc. who should have been looking out for her, that's God blessing her?

Stop shoving your religion down my throat. I don 't need to bring up religion you do. You must be fresh out of other arguments.

Abortion is murder. The only question is who is the killer? There is no problem with recognizing an adult as a murderer if that adult threatens one child into killing another. Everyone recognizes the adult as the culpable party. When little girls are forced to get an abortion start prosecuting the men for murder. If an abortion provider refuses to turn over what they know prosecute them too. They are accessories after the fact. They have the same connection to that crime as a pawn shop who fences stolen goods has to the theft.

Shoving my religion down your throat? Where the heck did that come from?

By American law, abortion is not murder. It seems to me that most of the people who define abortion as murder are doing it from a religious perspective. One clear fact here is that I did not bring up my religion, much less try to shove it down your throat, so I have to wonder why you accuse me of that.

It is religious people such as Rick Santorum who say that when a man rapes a little girl and she is made pregnant, God gave her a gift.

It appears to be religious people who say it would be better for that little girl to die than to deny the "gift" God gave her when he let the adult in her life rape her.
Her boyfriend that she had consensual sex with was 17. In this country her 40 year old rapist could send her into Walgreens to buy plan b or drop her off at a planned parenthood abortion clinic and leave cab fare for her at the desk.

Doesn't that make you sick? Seriously it should make any decent person vomit.

This country just loves abortion way too much. Raping little girls is okay as long as she can get an abortion.

The article linked in the OP didn't mention that it was her "boyfriend" who had sex with her. It says it was her mother's partner.

Whoever it was, the article said he was arrested, so what he did was apparently a crime in Chile. However, a link to other details would be appreciated.

I am sickened by 40-year-olds getting away with rape. And I am sickened by people saying that if the 40-year-old impregnated the child that was a gift from God. Are you sickened by only one of those? Do you actually believe that when a child is impregnated by an adult like a parent, stepparent, uncle, teacher, etc. who should have been looking out for her, that's God blessing her?

Stop shoving your religion down my throat. I don 't need to bring up religion you do. You must be fresh out of other arguments.

Abortion is murder. The only question is who is the killer? There is no problem with recognizing an adult as a murderer if that adult threatens one child into killing another. Everyone recognizes the adult as the culpable party. When little girls are forced to get an abortion start prosecuting the men for murder. If an abortion provider refuses to turn over what they know prosecute them too. They are accessories after the fact. They have the same connection to that crime as a pawn shop who fences stolen goods has to the theft.

abortion is only murder when the law says it is murder.

people shove religion, or moral beliefs, down other people's throats (if you choose to refer to it that way) all the time. religion has laid the goundwork for all legal systems that i can think of.

for the record, i am opposed to abortion generally, but not for religious reasons. i am not opposed to an abortion being performed on this little girl.
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The needs of the already born child should trump the needs of the not-yet-born child. I'm glad they still technically do in America. I hope this child in Chile gets the help she needs before it is too late.

I agree. How people can put the life of a fetus ahead of a little girl who was raped is beyond me.

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