11 Year Old Girl Is Pregnant, Sparks Abortion Debate

I got 4 kids. 2 are abortion survivors. I know all too well what it's about.

Sure............................anyone can say anything on the internet.........................I've got a feeling that you're one of those who will say anything to try to prove their point, knowing that they can't really be disproven here on a messageboard.

Got anything to prove your point, or do we all have to regard you as some idiot who thinks they're better than everyone else?
Long stories, and I've posted both before. I'd rather not do it again.

Of course you wouldn't want to post another story.

It's kinda hard to remember all the lies.
Doctors say the girl, who is 14 weeks pregnant, is at high risk if the pregnancy continues. In other words, she could die, because her body is not developed enough to carry a fetus to term. But abortions in her home country of Chile are not permitted for medical reasons.

Clearly this is a medical reason. We have a small child, who became pregnant after she was raped by her mothers partner, and the law doesn't allow her to have a termination, despite the fact the risk to both fetus and child/mother are high:

THE case of a pregnant 11-year old girl who was raped in Chile by her mother's partner has set off a national debate about abortion.

State TV reported that the girl known only as "Belen'' is 14 weeks pregnant. Police arrested her mother's partner who confessed to abusing the fifth grader. Doctors say her life and that of the fetus are at high risk. But ending the pregnancy is not an option.

Chile allowed abortions for medical reasons until they were outlawed in 1973 by General Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship. The current government of conservative President Sebastian Pinera has opposed any loosening of the prohibition.

Many Chileans were venting outrage on social media on Friday. Some have started an online campaign to demand legalisation of abortion in cases of rape or health risks for mother.

Chile's Senate rejected three bills last year that would have eased the absolute ban on abortions.

One of the bills would have permitted abortion when two doctors said it was needed because of risks to a mother's life or other medical reasons, such as a fetus with low chances of survival.

Another of the measures rejected would have allowed abortion in the event of rape.

Read more: Pregnant child, 11, sparks abortion debate in Chile | News.com.au

Abortion is not even allowed in cases of rape. Its a total blanket ban, which is completely wrong.

My view - a child should not be having a child. She is 11 years old, she has been raped and abused by someone who should have been caring for her, she should have a termination in order to protect her health, and her life.


Well, a lot of pro-lifers idolize Pinochet (who is of course who they are talking about when they mention Chile's "success" at privatizing social security) so this probably is exactly what they are wanting here. I mean if you look at Todd Akin or Louis Gohmert or any of the like, they certainly aren't people I would trust around my 11 year-old daughter :eek:

The article linked in the OP didn't mention that it was her "boyfriend" who had sex with her. It says it was her mother's partner.

Whoever it was, the article said he was arrested, so what he did was apparently a crime in Chile. However, a link to other details would be appreciated.

I am sickened by 40-year-olds getting away with rape. And I am sickened by people saying that if the 40-year-old impregnated the child that was a gift from God. Are you sickened by only one of those? Do you actually believe that when a child is impregnated by an adult like a parent, stepparent, uncle, teacher, etc. who should have been looking out for her, that's God blessing her?

Stop shoving your religion down my throat. I don 't need to bring up religion you do. You must be fresh out of other arguments.

Abortion is murder. The only question is who is the killer? There is no problem with recognizing an adult as a murderer if that adult threatens one child into killing another. Everyone recognizes the adult as the culpable party. When little girls are forced to get an abortion start prosecuting the men for murder. If an abortion provider refuses to turn over what they know prosecute them too. They are accessories after the fact. They have the same connection to that crime as a pawn shop who fences stolen goods has to the theft.

abortion is only murder when the law says it is murder.

people shove religion, or moral beliefs, down other people's throats (if you choose to refer to it that way) all the time. religion has laid the goundwork for all legal systems that i can think of.

for the record, i am opposed to abortion generally, but not for religious reasons. i am not opposed to an abortion being performed on this little girl.
Killing a human being is aka murder. A human being comes about at conception. Do the math. :rolleyes:
Could an 11 year old survive an abortion?
Why is abortion the first avenue here?

Abortion should be a necessity, not an ambivalent choice of convenience.
Why is abortion the first avenue here?

Because XXXXXX Noomi wants to dictate to the little people's countries what they may and may not legislate.

IOW, their laws should stay out of their own doctors' offices, but Noomi should be allowed to come and go with finger-pointing even though she doesn't have to go there and live with her decisions on people whose mores she abhors. :rolleyes:

ADMIN EDIT: Remember folks this is the CDZ, please leave the personal digs out of your posts/responses. Thank you ~CK
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Could an 11 year old survive an abortion?
Why is abortion the first avenue here?

Abortion should be a necessity, not an ambivalent choice of convenience.
Why is abortion the first avenue here?

Because XXXXXX Noomi wants to dictate to the little people's countries what they may and may not legislate.

IOW, their laws should stay out of their own doctors' offices, but Noomi should be allowed to come and go with finger-pointing even though she doesn't have to go there and live with her decisions on people whose mores she abhors. :rolleyes:

Abortion should be the first and only option because this is an 11 year old CHILD!
Reminder folks - this thread is in the CDZ...

Don't want anyone getting into trouble.
Stop shoving your religion down my throat. I don 't need to bring up religion you do. You must be fresh out of other arguments.

Abortion is murder. The only question is who is the killer? There is no problem with recognizing an adult as a murderer if that adult threatens one child into killing another. Everyone recognizes the adult as the culpable party. When little girls are forced to get an abortion start prosecuting the men for murder. If an abortion provider refuses to turn over what they know prosecute them too. They are accessories after the fact. They have the same connection to that crime as a pawn shop who fences stolen goods has to the theft.

abortion is only murder when the law says it is murder.

people shove religion, or moral beliefs, down other people's throats (if you choose to refer to it that way) all the time. religion has laid the goundwork for all legal systems that i can think of.

for the record, i am opposed to abortion generally, but not for religious reasons. i am not opposed to an abortion being performed on this little girl.
Killing a human being is aka murder. A human being comes about at conception. Do the math. :rolleyes:

Really? What about stillborn births? Is it an abortion if you remove a child who is already dead from the mother?

I thought that the "Good Book" that most Christians revere said that Adam and Eve were dust until God breathed the breath of life into them?

Sorry.....................but until that child breathes and says they're alive, they're not really here at all.
Sure............................anyone can say anything on the internet.........................I've got a feeling that you're one of those who will say anything to try to prove their point, knowing that they can't really be disproven here on a messageboard.

Got anything to prove your point, or do we all have to regard you as some idiot who thinks they're better than everyone else?
Long stories, and I've posted both before. I'd rather not do it again.

Of course you wouldn't want to post another story.

It's kinda hard to remember all the lies.

Geez would ya lighten up. Use the search function if you're that intent. Those are rather dark and emotional times for me.

But, you'd probably still call my accounts lies.
The real question is what is the Chilean government going to do about the mother's boyfriend, a real scum bag? And the mother for letting this happen to her daughter?

What the hell's happened to the one time ethos of guiding and protecting one's child?

I wonder what will become of this girl. Her mother doesn't seem like a good choice as a parent. And abortion is illegal in Chile under any circumstances. So at 11, after being raped for 2 years, forced to carry and give birth to a child, if she survives, then what for her?

abortion is only murder when the law says it is murder.

people shove religion, or moral beliefs, down other people's throats (if you choose to refer to it that way) all the time. religion has laid the goundwork for all legal systems that i can think of.

for the record, i am opposed to abortion generally, but not for religious reasons. i am not opposed to an abortion being performed on this little girl.
Killing a human being is aka murder. A human being comes about at conception. Do the math. :rolleyes:

Really? What about stillborn births? Is it an abortion if you remove a child who is already dead from the mother?

I thought that the "Good Book" that most Christians revere said that Adam and Eve were dust until God breathed the breath of life into them?

Sorry.....................but until that child breathes and says they're alive, they're not really here at all.

It depends on the law where the murder occurred. Ariel Castro is charged with fetal homicide, a murder, because of the miscarriage he induced. Scott Peterson was convicted of fetal homicide for the unborn child and the murder of his wife Laci.

If you want the laws changed you have to work harder.
Stop shoving your religion down my throat. I don 't need to bring up religion you do. You must be fresh out of other arguments.

Abortion is murder. The only question is who is the killer? There is no problem with recognizing an adult as a murderer if that adult threatens one child into killing another. Everyone recognizes the adult as the culpable party. When little girls are forced to get an abortion start prosecuting the men for murder. If an abortion provider refuses to turn over what they know prosecute them too. They are accessories after the fact. They have the same connection to that crime as a pawn shop who fences stolen goods has to the theft.

abortion is only murder when the law says it is murder.

people shove religion, or moral beliefs, down other people's throats (if you choose to refer to it that way) all the time. religion has laid the goundwork for all legal systems that i can think of.

for the record, i am opposed to abortion generally, but not for religious reasons. i am not opposed to an abortion being performed on this little girl.
Killing a human being is aka murder. A human being comes about at conception. Do the math. :rolleyes:

no, murder is murder and a legal definition.

also, as a vet who has walked through an airport and has had piss tossed at me and been called a "murderer" and "baby killer", FREEDOMbecki, i resent your implication.

also, exactly what part exactly of "i am opposed to abortion generally, but not for religious reasons" are you having difficulty understanding. i am against abortion because i believe life begins at conception and i am unwilling to sit in judgement as to one life somehow being worth more than another.

stop rolling your eyes and do your own freaking math!!!
Just because the girl is 11 years old she is automatically judged to be 'high risk'.

Yet in many African countries, and some Asian countries, girls that age get married and have children with no problems.

And the health care system in those countries is basically non existent.

Go figure. .. :cool:
The World Health Organization estimates that the risk of death following pregnancy is twice as great for women between 15 and 19 years than for those between the ages of 20 and 24. The mortality rate is five times higher for girls aged between 10 and 14. Yes, she at high risk at age of 11.

Just the suggestion that a 11 year old who has been raped will be force to go through a high risk child birth is unspeakable cruel.
Doctors say the girl, who is 14 weeks pregnant, is at high risk if the pregnancy continues. In other words, she could die, because her body is not developed enough to carry a fetus to term. But abortions in her home country of Chile are not permitted for medical reasons.

Clearly this is a medical reason. We have a small child, who became pregnant after she was raped by her mothers partner, and the law doesn't allow her to have a termination, despite the fact the risk to both fetus and child/mother are high:

THE case of a pregnant 11-year old girl who was raped in Chile by her mother's partner has set off a national debate about abortion.

State TV reported that the girl known only as "Belen'' is 14 weeks pregnant. Police arrested her mother's partner who confessed to abusing the fifth grader. Doctors say her life and that of the fetus are at high risk. But ending the pregnancy is not an option.

Chile allowed abortions for medical reasons until they were outlawed in 1973 by General Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship. The current government of conservative President Sebastian Pinera has opposed any loosening of the prohibition.

Many Chileans were venting outrage on social media on Friday. Some have started an online campaign to demand legalisation of abortion in cases of rape or health risks for mother.

Chile's Senate rejected three bills last year that would have eased the absolute ban on abortions.

One of the bills would have permitted abortion when two doctors said it was needed because of risks to a mother's life or other medical reasons, such as a fetus with low chances of survival.

Another of the measures rejected would have allowed abortion in the event of rape.

Read more: Pregnant child, 11, sparks abortion debate in Chile | News.com.au

Abortion is not even allowed in cases of rape. Its a total blanket ban, which is completely wrong.

My view - a child should not be having a child. She is 11 years old, she has been raped and abused by someone who should have been caring for her, she should have a termination in order to protect her health, and her life.


I'm with you on this, 11 is much too young.
i like how the left is more focused on turning this into a pro abortion issue, rather then focusing on the real issue he which is some slob raping an underage kid. lets allow abortions so we can continue to avoid the real issues .
i like how the left is more focused on turning this into a pro abortion issue, rather then focusing on the real issue he which is some slob raping an underage kid. lets allow abortions so we can continue to avoid the real issues .

That is not the only issue.

The slob needs to go to prison. The courts have time to judge him and hopefully put him away for a long time.

The 11-year-old victim faces a very real issue right now, a very real threat to her life. How is that not an "issue"?

How can people be so cavalier about her insides being pulverized by this pregnancy and her life possibly being ended? The 11-year-old child's needs should trump the needs of the unborn child. She's there. She needs help. Whatever happens to the perp, this child deserves to live. Unless you subscribe to the Rick Santorum/Sharron Angle school of thought. I'm a rightwinger, but I don't subscribe to that school of thought and as long as there are noisy rightwingers out there who do, then it's a good thing there are people who will stop them from having too much impact on our laws.
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i like how the left is more focused on turning this into a pro abortion issue, rather then focusing on the real issue he which is some slob raping an underage kid. lets allow abortions so we can continue to avoid the real issues .

That is not the only issue.

The slob needs to go to prison. The courts have time to judge him and hopefully put him away for a long time.

The 11-year-old victim faces a very real issue right now, a very real threat to her life. How is that not an "issue"?

How can people be so cavalier about her insides being pulverized by this pregnancy and her life possibly being ended? The 11-year-old child's needs should trump the needs of the unborn child. She's there. She needs help. Whatever happens to the perp, this child deserves to live. Unless you subscribe to the Rick Santorum/Sharron Angle school of thought. I'm a rightwinger, but I don't subscribe to that school of thought and as long as there are noisy rightwingers out there who do, then it's a good thing there are people who will stop them from having too much impact on our laws.

Well unless we plan on invading and taking over the country, not a lot of what we think really matters. We have no say what goes on in Chile

if it was up to me, he wouldn't be going to jail. he would be shot on the spot.
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i like how the left is more focused on turning this into a pro abortion issue, rather then focusing on the real issue he which is some slob raping an underage kid. lets allow abortions so we can continue to avoid the real issues .

That is not the only issue.

The slob needs to go to prison. The courts have time to judge him and hopefully put him away for a long time.

The 11-year-old victim faces a very real issue right now, a very real threat to her life. How is that not an "issue"?

How can people be so cavalier about her insides being pulverized by this pregnancy and her life possibly being ended? The 11-year-old child's needs should trump the needs of the unborn child. She's there. She needs help. Whatever happens to the perp, this child deserves to live. Unless you subscribe to the Rick Santorum/Sharron Angle school of thought. I'm a rightwinger, but I don't subscribe to that school of thought and as long as there are noisy rightwingers out there who do, then it's a good thing there are people who will stop them from having too much impact on our laws.

Well unless we plan on invading and taking over the country, not a lot of what we think really matters. We have no say what goes on in Chile

if it was up to me, he wouldn't be going to jail. he would be shot on the spot.

True, we have no say about what goes on in Chile. Unless somehow the sheer volume of worldwide revulsion might make Chile decide they could relax the law for medical cases, or at least in the case of this individual child might help mobilize resources to get this child to the help she needs.

Regardless of what happens in Chile, we can use it as a lesson of possible consequences of extremism here. From the individual consequences on the lives of children who could be deprived of lifesaving medical procedures, to the political consequences of rallying behind extremists like Santorum. I don't believe that we'll ever go back to a time where an 11-year-old rape victim here would be forced to carry the child to term, but I can totally understand why people on the left and in the middle would hear the words of people like Santorum, Akin, Mourdock, Perry, etc. and would think "better safe than sorry" and vote straight ticket Democrat. Anti-abortion extremists are working against their own interests on the abortion issue and sacrificing ground on a lot of other important issues in the process.
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Doctors say the girl, who is 14 weeks pregnant, is at high risk if the pregnancy continues. In other words, she could die, because her body is not developed enough to carry a fetus to term. But abortions in her home country of Chile are not permitted for medical reasons.

Clearly this is a medical reason. We have a small child, who became pregnant after she was raped by her mothers partner, and the law doesn't allow her to have a termination, despite the fact the risk to both fetus and child/mother are high:

THE case of a pregnant 11-year old girl who was raped in Chile by her mother's partner has set off a national debate about abortion.

State TV reported that the girl known only as "Belen'' is 14 weeks pregnant. Police arrested her mother's partner who confessed to abusing the fifth grader. Doctors say her life and that of the fetus are at high risk. But ending the pregnancy is not an option.

Chile allowed abortions for medical reasons until they were outlawed in 1973 by General Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship. The current government of conservative President Sebastian Pinera has opposed any loosening of the prohibition.

Many Chileans were venting outrage on social media on Friday. Some have started an online campaign to demand legalisation of abortion in cases of rape or health risks for mother.

Chile's Senate rejected three bills last year that would have eased the absolute ban on abortions.

One of the bills would have permitted abortion when two doctors said it was needed because of risks to a mother's life or other medical reasons, such as a fetus with low chances of survival.

Another of the measures rejected would have allowed abortion in the event of rape.

Read more: Pregnant child, 11, sparks abortion debate in Chile | News.com.au

Abortion is not even allowed in cases of rape. Its a total blanket ban, which is completely wrong.

My view - a child should not be having a child. She is 11 years old, she has been raped and abused by someone who should have been caring for her, she should have a termination in order to protect her health, and her life.


This is one end of the sectrum. The vast majority of conservatives, at least in the US, would support abortion under this circumstance. See what many liberal like you try to do is state this the the majority view for the pro-life community, yet it's not. It's the extremist view. It's the equivalent of the extreme left pro-choicer support who support allowing a late term abortion baby survivor being murdered even after the baby is born alive!
Doctors say the girl, who is 14 weeks pregnant, is at high risk if the pregnancy continues. In other words, she could die, because her body is not developed enough to carry a fetus to term. But abortions in her home country of Chile are not permitted for medical reasons.

Clearly this is a medical reason. We have a small child, who became pregnant after she was raped by her mothers partner, and the law doesn't allow her to have a termination, despite the fact the risk to both fetus and child/mother are high:

THE case of a pregnant 11-year old girl who was raped in Chile by her mother's partner has set off a national debate about abortion.

State TV reported that the girl known only as "Belen'' is 14 weeks pregnant. Police arrested her mother's partner who confessed to abusing the fifth grader. Doctors say her life and that of the fetus are at high risk. But ending the pregnancy is not an option.

Chile allowed abortions for medical reasons until they were outlawed in 1973 by General Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship. The current government of conservative President Sebastian Pinera has opposed any loosening of the prohibition.

Many Chileans were venting outrage on social media on Friday. Some have started an online campaign to demand legalisation of abortion in cases of rape or health risks for mother.

Chile's Senate rejected three bills last year that would have eased the absolute ban on abortions.

One of the bills would have permitted abortion when two doctors said it was needed because of risks to a mother's life or other medical reasons, such as a fetus with low chances of survival.

Another of the measures rejected would have allowed abortion in the event of rape.

Read more: Pregnant child, 11, sparks abortion debate in Chile | News.com.au

Abortion is not even allowed in cases of rape. Its a total blanket ban, which is completely wrong.

My view - a child should not be having a child. She is 11 years old, she has been raped and abused by someone who should have been caring for her, she should have a termination in order to protect her health, and her life.


This is one end of the sectrum. The vast majority of conservatives, at least in the US, would support abortion under this circumstance. See what many liberal like you try to do is state this the the majority view for the pro-life community, yet it's not. It's the extremist view. It's the equivalent of the extreme left pro-choicer support who support allowing a late term abortion baby survivor being murdered even after the baby is born alive!

There are people on this board who talk like they think the 11-year-old should not get an abortion even if the doctors claim the pregnancy is high risk. And people on this board who would have voted for a man who said that when a child is impregnated by a rapist that was God giving her a "gift".

I think the vast majority of conservatives would allow the child to get an abortion, but the vocal extremists are too high profile and are making it easy for the left to portray the bulk of the right as extreme.

The vocal extremists include people who think it wasn't "real rape" because the child got pregnant. People who think it wasn't "real rape" because the child may not have fought when the adult impregnated her. And people who outright say that it is God's will that the rape victim carry the pregnancy to term. They're on this board. And they're facilitating unhelpful legislation in statehouses. And they're making moderate voices lose elections.
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