$13,000 Fine On Doctors For Using Drug Supported By President Trump

Doctors Threatened with $13,000 Fine for Prescribing Hydroxychloroquine for Coronavirus Treatment

The world is mad.

Doctors in Brisbane, Australia were warned not to prescribe the life-saving drug hydroxychloroquine to patients after President Trump lauded its effects in treating coronavirus victims.

Several studies have shown hydroxycholoquine and antibiotics are a successful treatment in treating the coronavirus.

So it’s not just US Democrats and their media who are insane — TDS has spread across the Pacific to Australia.

Doctors who prescribe an anti-malarial drug being trumpeted as a potential COVID-19 treatment face a $13,000 fine.

Keep in mind this is already an accredited drug approved for use by doctors on patients. So why are bureaucrats injecting themselves into the medical equation by telling them bureaucracy supersedes medical expertise, assessment / diagnosis, and treatment to save lives?

How many of these bureaucrats, if diagnosed with pending death due to a never-seen-before poison, would refuse to take a dose of a medication that is a cure for something else ands shows it could save their lives yet has not undergone full trials to confirm that?

Yeah....I am guessing NONE of them would deprive themselves of the opportunity to live yet have no problem depriving others / doctors of the chance to save others' lives...

Why would Australia care about what Donald Trump says or thinks? They have their own rules. The FDA gave approval to use these drugs for treatment in the US. Australia's Health Board has not. I went looking for an actual explanation since the OP only uses illegitimate sources to back up their claims. BTW, is that $13,000 before or after the exchange rate?
Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) coronavirus (COVID-19) statements on 7 April 2020
Australia hasn't been the same ever since we traded a bunch oy NY sissy boys for Crocodile Dundee.

huh? What NY sissy boys, and Hoges is still as Aussie as Gum leaves and Thunderboxes!!!

Lighten up and don't be offended by my little joke. I was just talking about the people who took those effed up NYC liberal attitudes down there and got people to actually listen to them.

Phew; I thought you meant One Direction or something. You do know what a thunderbox is, no? And the use of gum leaves??

View attachment 323774
I'll leave the gum leaves' use to your imagination.

No, no, no. In my mind, and I'm no authority, Australia is basically a great country with a pretty bad ass side to them (I say that in a good way). They're good people who you always want on your side. There just happens to be this idiotic liberalism-socialism-communism spreading around the world and I guess you guys aren't immune. This political plague is ruining the free world and needs to be eliminated. As far as thunderbox goes, That's what they used to call my high school girl friend but I'm pretty sure I don't know the term the way you're referring to it.
US version of Thunderboxes??

View attachment 323785



United States
History: 2009-Present
Status: Active
Style: Tribute/Heavy Metal/Hard Rock

Hmmmm....no; not quite what I had in mind.

View attachment 323786


That was great, informative and pretty much on the money. Actually, those girls in your picture are pretty nice compared to mine. She was a Sumo wrestler who also played volleyball.
You, Sir, are a REAL man!!


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