13 month old boy shot and killed in Milwaukee

Brain....magazine capacity had nothing to do with this....it was violent criminals that did this....did you see the video I posted....the one with the magazine changes....even if they used revolvers they could have done the same damage.....use your brain, Brain....

Dozens of shots Bill. Use your brain.

Indeed, dozens of shots. But for your complaint about this being due to high cap. magazines to be valid, you would have to show that the boy was struck by the 12th bullet or more. In other words, if the boy was struck by the 4th bullet out of the gun, your complaint has no merit.

This is about violent criminals. Put them away and don't let them back out.
Your stupid argument is addressed at the 9:35 mark...the runner starts at 25 feet....and still has 16 feet left after the magazine is changed...

on the woman...the less distance...but close is only good for grenades...or when the good guy has a gun and can simply shoot from 25 feet and kill the monster.....and notice.....if the good guy who was the runner had a gun....she wouldn't have gotten off more than one or two rounds before she was shot and injured or killed....or had to duck to avoid being shot and injured...again...proving your theory is stupid.....
Ahhhh, geee look at this. Thank heavens he didn't have a hi capacity knife. He might have stabbed even more!

China Knife Attack: Stabbing Spree Reportedly Leaves 7 Dead

China Knife Attack Stabbing Spree Reportedly Leaves 7 Dead

I haven't heard of anyone getting hit by a stray in a knifing.

Then you don't read too well. But the point was that people who wish to do harm are going to. Your silly desires to limit magazine capacity don't hinder them at all. All your controls would do is hinder the law abiding. Had you a brain, you could figure that one out.

Nobody needs a hi cap magazine for defense. Only people using them are criminals. Why don't you want to hinder them?

Well gosh, you mean these criminals are not paying heed to the laws already in place that prevent them from acquiring firearms? And you expect they will pay heed to laws that limits the size of a clip or magazine?

Use your brain...

Well laws have pretty much eliminate machine guns from being used in crimes. Use your brain.

Totally untrue. Machineguns were legal for everyone to buy prior to the NFA of 1934. That law was passed to prevent outlaws like Bonnie and Clyde from using them in the commission of a crime. Law didn't work. In fact illegal MG's are used more often today thanks to their use in the TV show Miami Vice back in the 1980's. Prior to that show their use was very rare. Now they are frequently seen in the commission of crimes.
Nobody needs a hi cap magazine for defense.

I could have sworn it was called the Bill of Rights and not the Bill of Needs.

Only people using them are criminals.

My Glock magazines hold 17 bullets each. I've never been arrested in my life.

Why don't you want to hinder them?

Why do you lie about stuff?
Here you go Brain...this thread was inspired by your dumb idea...

There is an ongoing discussion about magazine limits....and how they would either allow an attacker to be tackled, or allow innocent people to escape....

The following video was found thru thetruthaboutguns...and it goes thru the shooting of standard magazines, 15 rounds, then 10 rounds in a magazine and 6 rounds in a magazine....all to show how long it would take to shoot 30 rounds of both pistol and AR-15 ammunition with multiple magazine changes....

Keep in mind....the Sandy Hook killer was on scene for 15 minutes and killed himself before the police entered the building...in that time he murdered 26 human beings....

This video shows that magazine limits would do nothing to stop it....in fact, near the end, they use 6 shot revolvers to shoot 30 rounds simply dropping the empty pistol and pulling a new one.....this is at the 11:20 mark....and really shows how limiting magazines is stupid...since 5 revolvers achieve the same thing....

Gun Control Boone County In. Sheriff Ken Campbell on Absurdity of banning high capacity magazines - YouTube

This is the original story where I found this video...

Is Buying Guns a Sickness - The Truth About Guns

And most mass shooters have a barrel sitting in from of them where they can easily grab the magazines? This video is very dumb. I won't get into the fact he's just shooting at targets in front of him....

Wow Brain....you know...they have things called magazine pouches....didn't you notice them grabbing the magazines from their pouches....?
Dozens of shots fired. This is what you get with hi capacity magazines. Bad guys killing the innocent.

Family mourns for 13-month-old boy killed by shots at Milwaukee house

So without a high capacity magazine it wouldn't have happened?

Enough less shots may have been fired so this child wasn't shot yes.

"May have" is the operative phrase, isn't it. In other words, you have no idea whatsoever.
Brain....magazine capacity had nothing to do with this....it was violent criminals that did this....did you see the video I posted....the one with the magazine changes....even if they used revolvers they could have done the same damage.....use your brain, Brain....

It is all gun owners who do this. A gun comes out; people just have to have it. A new gun comes out and the old must have guns lose value and eventually migrate down to the criminals. No matter how responsible you think you are with your guns, eventually they are going to end up on the streets most of the time at some point, particularly hand guns. We simply must have registration and tracking and liability for gun owners who do not comply even if it is ten years later when the gun is used in a crime. Except perhaps for hunting rifles/shotguns in the hands of hunters, guns are destined for illicit use.

Absolute nonsense. I have 3 guns that belonged to my grandfather. 2 of them are handguns. 1 is an old S&W hammerless revolver in .38 S&W. My grandfather bought it new in 1935. It has been in the hands of my family for almost 80 years. None of these guns have ended up anywhere but with my family. Your claims are bogus.
I haven't heard of anyone getting hit by a stray in a knifing.

Then you don't read too well. But the point was that people who wish to do harm are going to. Your silly desires to limit magazine capacity don't hinder them at all. All your controls would do is hinder the law abiding. Had you a brain, you could figure that one out.

Nobody needs a hi cap magazine for defense. Only people using them are criminals. Why don't you want to hinder them?

Well gosh, you mean these criminals are not paying heed to the laws already in place that prevent them from acquiring firearms? And you expect they will pay heed to laws that limits the size of a clip or magazine?

Use your brain...

Well laws have pretty much eliminate machine guns from being used in crimes. Use your brain.

Totally untrue. Machineguns were legal for everyone to buy prior to the NFA of 1934. That law was passed to prevent outlaws like Bonnie and Clyde from using them in the commission of a crime. Law didn't work. In fact illegal MG's are used more often today thanks to their use in the TV show Miami Vice back in the 1980's. Prior to that show their use was very rare. Now they are frequently seen in the commission of crimes.

Ahhhh, geee look at this. Thank heavens he didn't have a hi capacity knife. He might have stabbed even more!

China Knife Attack: Stabbing Spree Reportedly Leaves 7 Dead

China Knife Attack Stabbing Spree Reportedly Leaves 7 Dead

I haven't heard of anyone getting hit by a stray in a knifing.

Then you don't read too well. But the point was that people who wish to do harm are going to. Your silly desires to limit magazine capacity don't hinder them at all. All your controls would do is hinder the law abiding. Had you a brain, you could figure that one out.

Nobody needs a hi cap magazine for defense. Only people using them are criminals. Why don't you want to hinder them?

Bullshit. I did. Saved my ass so you are flat assed wrong. As usual.

Sure you did. And you must be a really bad shot.

Nope, I'm a very good shot. I was using an AK when we were attacked by bandits in Morocco back in the 1970's. We were able to scare them away without actually shooting any of them which was critical to our continued ability to do our work. You are simply stupid and wrong. You have no facts to back up your ignorant opinion, just silly emotions. Typical of your kind. Mental midgets.
Brain....magazine capacity had nothing to do with this....it was violent criminals that did this....did you see the video I posted....the one with the magazine changes....even if they used revolvers they could have done the same damage.....use your brain, Brain....

Dozens of shots Bill. Use your brain.

Indeed, dozens of shots. But for your complaint about this being due to high cap. magazines to be valid, you would have to show that the boy was struck by the 12th bullet or more. In other words, if the boy was struck by the 4th bullet out of the gun, your complaint has no merit.

This is about violent criminals. Put them away and don't let them back out.

Well does the kid have a higher chance of being hit if 36 shots are fired or 20? Do the math.
I haven't heard of anyone getting hit by a stray in a knifing.

Then you don't read too well. But the point was that people who wish to do harm are going to. Your silly desires to limit magazine capacity don't hinder them at all. All your controls would do is hinder the law abiding. Had you a brain, you could figure that one out.

Nobody needs a hi cap magazine for defense. Only people using them are criminals. Why don't you want to hinder them?

Bullshit. I did. Saved my ass so you are flat assed wrong. As usual.

Sure you did. And you must be a really bad shot.

Nope, I'm a very good shot. I was using an AK when we were attacked by bandits in Morocco back in the 1970's. We were able to scare them away without actually shooting any of them which was critical to our continued ability to do our work. You are simply stupid and wrong. You have no facts to back up your ignorant opinion, just silly emotions. Typical of your kind. Mental midgets.

Bandits in Morocco? Yes that is happening every day here.
Brain....magazine capacity had nothing to do with this....it was violent criminals that did this....did you see the video I posted....the one with the magazine changes....even if they used revolvers they could have done the same damage.....use your brain, Brain....

It is all gun owners who do this. A gun comes out; people just have to have it. A new gun comes out and the old must have guns lose value and eventually migrate down to the criminals. No matter how responsible you think you are with your guns, eventually they are going to end up on the streets most of the time at some point, particularly hand guns. We simply must have registration and tracking and liability for gun owners who do not comply even if it is ten years later when the gun is used in a crime. Except perhaps for hunting rifles/shotguns in the hands of hunters, guns are destined for illicit use.

That is the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard. Shitty guns indeed don't go up in value. However all the other ones do. My Colt Pythons are worth double now what they were when I bought them new back in the '60's. And that is adjusted for inflation.

You don't have a clue about what you are saying.
Here you go Brain...this thread was inspired by your dumb idea...

There is an ongoing discussion about magazine limits....and how they would either allow an attacker to be tackled, or allow innocent people to escape....

The following video was found thru thetruthaboutguns...and it goes thru the shooting of standard magazines, 15 rounds, then 10 rounds in a magazine and 6 rounds in a magazine....all to show how long it would take to shoot 30 rounds of both pistol and AR-15 ammunition with multiple magazine changes....

Keep in mind....the Sandy Hook killer was on scene for 15 minutes and killed himself before the police entered the building...in that time he murdered 26 human beings....

This video shows that magazine limits would do nothing to stop it....in fact, near the end, they use 6 shot revolvers to shoot 30 rounds simply dropping the empty pistol and pulling a new one.....this is at the 11:20 mark....and really shows how limiting magazines is stupid...since 5 revolvers achieve the same thing....

Gun Control Boone County In. Sheriff Ken Campbell on Absurdity of banning high capacity magazines - YouTube

This is the original story where I found this video...

Is Buying Guns a Sickness - The Truth About Guns

And most mass shooters have a barrel sitting in from of them where they can easily grab the magazines? This video is very dumb. I won't get into the fact he's just shooting at targets in front of him....

Wow Brain....you know...they have things called magazine pouches....didn't you notice them grabbing the magazines from their pouches....?

I see people with magazines sitting nice and orderly in front of them on a barrel. Idiotic anyone would take this video seriously...
Well Brain, they did use the barrel...which means when they do use magazine pouches the magazines will be closer and more easily accessible....just like mine were yesterday when I went to a shooting class...as well as the other 7 people in class...we changed magazines on the run.....and put in head shots at 20 feet.....or so....and body shots were even easier....with magazine changes on the run.....
Brain...Milwaukee is the 25th most violent city in the U.S. and it has been controlled by democrats for decades....it is their policies that have caused the violence....

anyone with a gun can fire off 10 round magazines and change them when no one is shooting back...your theory is ...:bsflag:

Yes bill it was probably a guy with a revolver who sat there and reloaded several times to get dozens of shots off. Right.

How many shooters were there? If they have not recovered any guns, how do you know it was high capacity magazines and not simply reloaded guns? The police said it was likely more than one gun.
Then you don't read too well. But the point was that people who wish to do harm are going to. Your silly desires to limit magazine capacity don't hinder them at all. All your controls would do is hinder the law abiding. Had you a brain, you could figure that one out.

Nobody needs a hi cap magazine for defense. Only people using them are criminals. Why don't you want to hinder them?

Bullshit. I did. Saved my ass so you are flat assed wrong. As usual.

Sure you did. And you must be a really bad shot.

Nope, I'm a very good shot. I was using an AK when we were attacked by bandits in Morocco back in the 1970's. We were able to scare them away without actually shooting any of them which was critical to our continued ability to do our work. You are simply stupid and wrong. You have no facts to back up your ignorant opinion, just silly emotions. Typical of your kind. Mental midgets.

Bandits in Morocco? Yes that is happening every day here.

That's not the point. You said high cap mags are never needed. I just demonstrated a case where they were. You're wrong. Wrong Wrong Wrong. How does it feel to be an imbecile?
I haven't heard of anyone getting hit by a stray in a knifing.

Then you don't read too well. But the point was that people who wish to do harm are going to. Your silly desires to limit magazine capacity don't hinder them at all. All your controls would do is hinder the law abiding. Had you a brain, you could figure that one out.

Nobody needs a hi cap magazine for defense. Only people using them are criminals. Why don't you want to hinder them?

Well gosh, you mean these criminals are not paying heed to the laws already in place that prevent them from acquiring firearms? And you expect they will pay heed to laws that limits the size of a clip or magazine?

Use your brain...

Well laws have pretty much eliminate machine guns from being used in crimes. Use your brain.

Totally untrue. Machineguns were legal for everyone to buy prior to the NFA of 1934. That law was passed to prevent outlaws like Bonnie and Clyde from using them in the commission of a crime. Law didn't work. In fact illegal MG's are used more often today thanks to their use in the TV show Miami Vice back in the 1980's. Prior to that show their use was very rare. Now they are frequently seen in the commission of crimes.

The drug cartels use military rifles with select fire capabiltiy......didn't stop them....they get them from china, russia, and other parts of the world...
Well Brain, they did use the barrel...which means when they do use magazine pouches the magazines will be closer and more easily accessible....just like mine were yesterday when I went to a shooting class...as well as the other 7 people in class...we changed magazines on the run.....and put in head shots at 20 feet.....or so....and body shots were even easier....with magazine changes on the run.....

You are saying it's easier to grab from a bunch of pouches on a person than from a barrel sitting in front of you? You are joking?
Nobody needs a hi cap magazine for defense. Only people using them are criminals. Why don't you want to hinder them?

Bullshit. I did. Saved my ass so you are flat assed wrong. As usual.

Sure you did. And you must be a really bad shot.

Nope, I'm a very good shot. I was using an AK when we were attacked by bandits in Morocco back in the 1970's. We were able to scare them away without actually shooting any of them which was critical to our continued ability to do our work. You are simply stupid and wrong. You have no facts to back up your ignorant opinion, just silly emotions. Typical of your kind. Mental midgets.

Bandits in Morocco? Yes that is happening every day here.

That's not the point. You said high cap mags are never needed. I just demonstrated a case where they were. You're wrong. Wrong Wrong Wrong. How does it feel to be an imbecile?

We are talking about this country. I guess the military needs them too right?

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