13 month old boy shot and killed in Milwaukee

Well Brain, they did use the barrel...which means when they do use magazine pouches the magazines will be closer and more easily accessible....just like mine were yesterday when I went to a shooting class...as well as the other 7 people in class...we changed magazines on the run.....and put in head shots at 20 feet.....or so....and body shots were even easier....with magazine changes on the run.....

You are saying it's easier to grab from a bunch of pouches on a person than from a barrel sitting in front of you? You are joking?

Nope...no joke....they have to feel for the magazines on the barrel...on the pouches in on your belt, you can access them by feel....makes things much faster....even while moving....you should try it....then you would know what you are talking about...here...watch this guy....and any killer can watch these videos on how to do quick magazine changes and practice them at home....no range time needed.....

Brain....magazine capacity had nothing to do with this....it was violent criminals that did this....did you see the video I posted....the one with the magazine changes....even if they used revolvers they could have done the same damage.....use your brain, Brain....

Dozens of shots Bill. Use your brain.

Indeed, dozens of shots. But for your complaint about this being due to high cap. magazines to be valid, you would have to show that the boy was struck by the 12th bullet or more. In other words, if the boy was struck by the 4th bullet out of the gun, your complaint has no merit.

This is about violent criminals. Put them away and don't let them back out.

Well does the kid have a higher chance of being hit if 36 shots are fired or 20? Do the math.

Considering that the article had the cops talking about "shooters" (plural) and "more than one gun", the idea that the only way 36 shots could be fired is using high cap magazines is unsubstantiated.

I don't have a single handgun that uses high capacity magazines. But I do not think banning them will have any effect on such incidents.
See how much faster that change was...he didn't have to look to find the magazine....now if you are planning mass murder...and you practice with a belt full of magazines....your theory will get people killed....
See how much faster that change was...he didn't have to look to find the magazine....now if you are planning mass murder...and you practice with a belt full of magazines....your theory will get people killed....

I have listed off several actual events where lives would have been saved. Sorry but you can't kill the theory. Just look at the Giffords shooting. Had he fired less before being stopped lives would have been saved.
Wow, watched your video Brain.....now imagine a whole belt filled with your magical 10 round magazines...he misses the one, and goes onto the next....like we were trained to do last night.....and still took no time at all.....and this guy isn't even training to kill people in a gun free zone....
Well Brain, they did use the barrel...which means when they do use magazine pouches the magazines will be closer and more easily accessible....just like mine were yesterday when I went to a shooting class...as well as the other 7 people in class...we changed magazines on the run.....and put in head shots at 20 feet.....or so....and body shots were even easier....with magazine changes on the run.....

You are saying it's easier to grab from a bunch of pouches on a person than from a barrel sitting in front of you? You are joking?

Nope...no joke....they have to feel for the magazines on the barrel...on the pouches in on your belt, you can access them by feel....makes things much faster....even while moving....you should try it....then you would know what you are talking about...here...watch this guy....and any killer can watch these videos on how to do quick magazine changes and practice them at home....no range time needed.....

I do shoot and have seen plenty of failed reloads. You are lying if you claim you haven't also.
Brain....one event...a political assassination fired from within a crowd....and you think you prove all the other mass shootings never happened.....please....go take some pistol classes...learn the skill so you can actually talk with some knowlege of the topic....
Wow, watched your video Brain.....now imagine a whole belt filled with your magical 10 round magazines...he misses the one, and goes onto the next....like we were trained to do last night.....and still took no time at all.....and this guy isn't even training to kill people in a gun free zone....

How many mass shooters you think do much real training? Most of them are crazy and buy some guns then go shoot people. Not that much training.
Well Brain, they did use the barrel...which means when they do use magazine pouches the magazines will be closer and more easily accessible....just like mine were yesterday when I went to a shooting class...as well as the other 7 people in class...we changed magazines on the run.....and put in head shots at 20 feet.....or so....and body shots were even easier....with magazine changes on the run.....

You are saying it's easier to grab from a bunch of pouches on a person than from a barrel sitting in front of you? You are joking?

Nope...no joke....they have to feel for the magazines on the barrel...on the pouches in on your belt, you can access them by feel....makes things much faster....even while moving....you should try it....then you would know what you are talking about...here...watch this guy....and any killer can watch these videos on how to do quick magazine changes and practice them at home....no range time needed.....

I do shoot and have seen plenty of failed reloads. You are lying if you claim you haven't also.

And they simply redo the reload...in under a second......no time to charge...unless you simply want to be shot from up close.....or....you could shoot the guy from a distance before he fires more than a round or two.....actually saving more lives....for real....
Wow, watched your video Brain.....now imagine a whole belt filled with your magical 10 round magazines...he misses the one, and goes onto the next....like we were trained to do last night.....and still took no time at all.....and this guy isn't even training to kill people in a gun free zone....

How many mass shooters you think do much real training? Most of them are crazy and buy some guns then go shoot people. Not that much training.

Sorry...these guys are planning now, months in advance...they are trying to top each other.....they are planning on killing the one guy on these campuses who have guns...the police liaison officer first...so no one else will have a gun to stop them....
Brain....one event...a political assassination fired from within a crowd....and you think you prove all the other mass shootings never happened.....please....go take some pistol classes...learn the skill so you can actually talk with some knowlege of the topic....

An actual even Bill. And I have given you several others. Sorry it's not people at the range with barrels in front of then trying to prove how stupid they are.
See how much faster that change was...he didn't have to look to find the magazine....now if you are planning mass murder...and you practice with a belt full of magazines....your theory will get people killed....

I have listed off several actual events where lives would have been saved. Sorry but you can't kill the theory. Just look at the Giffords shooting. Had he fired less before being stopped lives would have been saved.

One event....I have more where the shooter took their time and changed magazines and killed more people....these guys are not in a hurry....when the victims are unarmed they have nothing to worry about, so they take their time...that is what actual witnesses say about these guys....
Wow, watched your video Brain.....now imagine a whole belt filled with your magical 10 round magazines...he misses the one, and goes onto the next....like we were trained to do last night.....and still took no time at all.....and this guy isn't even training to kill people in a gun free zone....

How many mass shooters you think do much real training? Most of them are crazy and buy some guns then go shoot people. Not that much training.

Sorry...these guys are planning now, months in advance...they are trying to top each other.....they are planning on killing the one guy on these campuses who have guns...the police liaison officer first...so no one else will have a gun to stop them....

Sure Bill the crazy do lots of planning.
Hey...at least no racist cops were able to prevent this by profiling and stopping the shooter earlier in the day!
Brain....Columbine...10 round magazines, Santa Barbara 10 round magazines...Sandy Hook, shot the principal when she charged him, and did multiple magazine changes...killed 26 people.....the Kenyan Mall, the attack in Mumbai....we see this around the world.....
See how much faster that change was...he didn't have to look to find the magazine....now if you are planning mass murder...and you practice with a belt full of magazines....your theory will get people killed....

I have listed off several actual events where lives would have been saved. Sorry but you can't kill the theory. Just look at the Giffords shooting. Had he fired less before being stopped lives would have been saved.

One event....I have more where the shooter took their time and changed magazines and killed more people....these guys are not in a hurry....when the victims are unarmed they have nothing to worry about, so they take their time...that is what actual witnesses say about these guys....

And what about that example in the bar where the concealed carry guy shoots him after reload? See capacity limits help the armed and unarmed.
Brain....Columbine...10 round magazines, Santa Barbara 10 round magazines...Sandy Hook, shot the principal when she charged him, and did multiple magazine changes...killed 26 people.....the Kenyan Mall, the attack in Mumbai....we see this around the world.....

And you can say that nobody escaped Columbine during a reload? Santa Barbara? We know some did at Sandy Hook.
See how much faster that change was...he didn't have to look to find the magazine....now if you are planning mass murder...and you practice with a belt full of magazines....your theory will get people killed....

I have listed off several actual events where lives would have been saved. Sorry but you can't kill the theory. Just look at the Giffords shooting. Had he fired less before being stopped lives would have been saved.

One event....I have more where the shooter took their time and changed magazines and killed more people....these guys are not in a hurry....when the victims are unarmed they have nothing to worry about, so they take their time...that is what actual witnesses say about these guys....

And what about that example in the bar where the concealed carry guy shoots him after reload? See capacity limits help the armed and unarmed.

sorry Brain....he shot back....he didn't rush him....not enough time....can I see that story?

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