13-Year-Old Girl apologizes for being "ugly & a loser", Commits Suicide After Years of Being Bullied

The same kids that did this to her now need counseling? Hell no. They are proud of what they did and are looking forward to doing the same thing to others.

Kids all across the country commit suicide after being bullied. It has nothing to do with the state. A kid just a few months ago in Ohio committed suicide after being beat up in school.

School: Cincinnati boy who killed himself never said he was bullied

i was talking about steinle and then this. every human life is precious and priceless in any state.

Kids all across the country commit suicide after being bullied. It has nothing to do with the state. A kid just a few months ago in Ohio committed suicide after being beat up in school.

School: Cincinnati boy who killed himself never said he was bullied

i was talking about steinle and then this. every human life is precious and priceless in any state.

...and you are still off base. Shit like this happens in every state.
The story doesn't go into much detail on the nature of the bullying, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it included social media.

That shit gets really rough, and it was tough enough being a kid before social media.
Kids being prescribed what the classical liberals fail to admit because dumbasses can't figure out how to connect the dots, but you can bet these kids / the kid were on a cocktail of meds which causes SUICIDAL tendencies/ thoughts.

These school want to instantly put kids on behavioral meds when they can't sit still ten minutes.
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Kid being prescribed what the classical liberals fail to admit because dumbasses can't figure out how to connect the dots, but you can bet these kids / the kid were on a cocktail of meds which causes SUICIDAL tendencies/ thoughts.

These school want to instantly put kids on behavioral meds when they can't sit still ten minutes.
Not only that but the children are not getting the proper nutrition and I would venture to guess that many have intestinal damage. I know some people get tired of hearing it but this is how it works. In the flesh things manifest that are also happening in the spirit. This note I made explains in short a portion of what we are seeing happening all around both spiritually and carnally. Pale means sickly green, lacking in sustenance/nutrition. The food/sustenance is strip of its nutritional value whether spiritually or for the flesh and death follows (Cargil strips and parts out even the animal feed that used to be nutritious until they took over most of the mills). With all of the pollutants in the water and the food it is also causing internal damage and that goes the same for things added to spiritual food that are not really food at all but trash. Even much of the music doesn't even lift the spirit now and the media crap being pushed throughout is worthless too as much of it is just agenda pushing for the money marketeers.

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She named the bullies in her note, if she told the school the names and nothing was done the school dropped the ball.
I was bullied at school and at home. A child is lacking in many areas if they commit suicide over being bullied. Schools and the government cannot make up for what is missing at this point in many of these children's lives.
She named the bullies in her note, if she told the school the names and nothing was done the school dropped the ball.
I was bullied at school and at home. A child is lacking in many areas if they commit suicide over being bullied. Schools and the government cannot make up for what is missing at this point in many of these children's lives.

If she told the school who it was the school has an obligation to intervene. At our children's school bullying is taken very serious and can result in detention up to expulsion.
She named the bullies in her note, if she told the school the names and nothing was done the school dropped the ball.
I was bullied at school and at home. A child is lacking in many areas if they commit suicide over being bullied. Schools and the government cannot make up for what is missing at this point in many of these children's lives.

If she told the school who it was the school has an obligation to intervene. At our children's school bullying is taken very serious and can result in detention up to expulsion.
Both points are valid...yes something should be done.......but my god to kill yourself over some dumbass' words speaks to a deep emptiness..........
She named the bullies in her note, if she told the school the names and nothing was done the school dropped the ball.
I was bullied at school and at home. A child is lacking in many areas if they commit suicide over being bullied. Schools and the government cannot make up for what is missing at this point in many of these children's lives.

If she told the school who it was the school has an obligation to intervene. At our children's school bullying is taken very serious and can result in detention up to expulsion.
Both points are valid...yes something should be done.......but my god to kill yourself over some dumbass' words speaks to a deep emptiness..........

She was a child, peer pressure is unbelievable in schools. There is no reason any child should be bullied, none and if a school knows it's going on and does nothing that school is just as much at fault.

You have adults and you have children...the adults need to be there for the child
She named the bullies in her note, if she told the school the names and nothing was done the school dropped the ball.
I was bullied at school and at home. A child is lacking in many areas if they commit suicide over being bullied. Schools and the government cannot make up for what is missing at this point in many of these children's lives.

If she told the school who it was the school has an obligation to intervene. At our children's school bullying is taken very serious and can result in detention up to expulsion.
Even so stopping a few bullies at school would not fix the whole that would put a child/person in a position to be so distraught that they would take their own life. My children were bullied at school. It was so bad after one girl put straight pins in the end of her shoes and kick son in the shins several times the principal called me in to tell me how she told the son he was free to fight back "punch them in the nose". She also explained that some of those problem children were such a problem their parents were not dealing with them either. I thought your children went to private school?
She named the bullies in her note, if she told the school the names and nothing was done the school dropped the ball.
I was bullied at school and at home. A child is lacking in many areas if they commit suicide over being bullied. Schools and the government cannot make up for what is missing at this point in many of these children's lives.

Snowflakes raising snowflakes, wait until it gets full blown like these assholes who want to make a society where there is no competition for kids and " everyone" wins a metal. These pathetic bastards won't know how to accept reality of life.
She named the bullies in her note, if she told the school the names and nothing was done the school dropped the ball.
I was bullied at school and at home. A child is lacking in many areas if they commit suicide over being bullied. Schools and the government cannot make up for what is missing at this point in many of these children's lives.

If she told the school who it was the school has an obligation to intervene. At our children's school bullying is taken very serious and can result in detention up to expulsion.
Both points are valid...yes something should be done.......but my god to kill yourself over some dumbass' words speaks to a deep emptiness..........

She was a child, peer pressure is unbelievable in schools. There is no reason any child should be bullied, none and if a school knows it's going on and does nothing that school is just as much at fault.

You have adults and you have children...the adults need to be there for the child
I have my own kids who went thru this......well aware of what happens...point remains
She named the bullies in her note, if she told the school the names and nothing was done the school dropped the ball.
I was bullied at school and at home. A child is lacking in many areas if they commit suicide over being bullied. Schools and the government cannot make up for what is missing at this point in many of these children's lives.

If she told the school who it was the school has an obligation to intervene. At our children's school bullying is taken very serious and can result in detention up to expulsion.
Even so stopping a few bullies at school would not fix the whole that would put a child/person in a position to be so distraught that they would take their own life. My children were bullied at school. It was so bad after one girl put straight pins in the end of her shoes and kick son in the shins several times the principal called me in to tell me how she told the son he was free to fight back "punch them in the nose". She also explained that some of those problem children were such a problem their parents were not dealing with them either. I thought your children went to private school?

They do go to private school. What does that have to do with anything? Asshole children come from all walks of life.

Bullying is met head on at their school and repercussions can be swift and severe.
She named the bullies in her note, if she told the school the names and nothing was done the school dropped the ball.
I was bullied at school and at home. A child is lacking in many areas if they commit suicide over being bullied. Schools and the government cannot make up for what is missing at this point in many of these children's lives.

If she told the school who it was the school has an obligation to intervene. At our children's school bullying is taken very serious and can result in detention up to expulsion.
Both points are valid...yes something should be done.......but my god to kill yourself over some dumbass' words speaks to a deep emptiness..........

She was a child, peer pressure is unbelievable in schools. There is no reason any child should be bullied, none and if a school knows it's going on and does nothing that school is just as much at fault.

You have adults and you have children...the adults need to be there for the child
I have my own kids who went thru this......well aware of what happens...point remains

You didn't step in to protect them?

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