14 year old learns the color of his skin is more important than the content of his character

Here's the thing. If a teacher found this device, and didn't reprort it, and then it was a bomb, lots of kids would have died.

It is stupid and idiotic to take take the kid's side on this.

If he's smart enough to build a clock that looks like a bomb, he is smart enough to know what would happen.

The net result is bad. People will now be afraid to report a suspicious device or package.

More people will die.
The object is a rather large electronic circuit board which could be applicable to any of thousands of uses but because of its size would be utterly impractical in any explosives application. It's simply too big.

What if the teacher had found a cheap pocket watch on the kid. Do you think that would be cause for similar concern?
"I Thought I Was Going To Be Another Victim Of Injustice"
"I felt like I was a criminal, I felt like I was a terrorist," Ahmed Mohamed told Hayes. "Like all the names I've been called." In middle school, the MacArthur High School freshman said he was called "a terrorist, a bomb maker, just because of my religion and my race."
"I feel really well after. Before, I thought I wasn’t going to get any support because I’m a Muslim boy," he said. "I thought I was going to be another victim of injustice."

Teen Ahmed Mohamed brings clock to school, gets arrested - CNN.com
"I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her," Ahmed told reporters Wednesday. "It was really sad that she took the wrong impression of it."
Here's the thing. If a teacher found this device, and didn't reprort it, and then it was a bomb, lots of kids would have died.

It is stupid and idiotic to take take the kid's side on this.

If he's smart enough to build a clock that looks like a bomb, he is smart enough to know what would happen.

The net result is bad. People will now be afraid to report a suspicious device or package.

More people will die.
The object is a rather large electronic circuit board which could be applicable to any of thousands of uses but because of its size would be utterly impractical in any explosives application. It's simply too big.

What if the teacher had found a cheap pocket watch on the kid. Do you think that would be cause for similar concern?

Cell phones detonate bombs now.....Beware of the Cell Phone!!
Here's the thing. If a teacher found this device, and didn't reprort it, and then it was a bomb, lots of kids would have died.

It is stupid and idiotic to take take the kid's side on this.

If he's smart enough to build a clock that looks like a bomb, he is smart enough to know what would happen.

The net result is bad. People will now be afraid to report a suspicious device or package.

More people will die.
The object is a rather large electronic circuit board which could be applicable to any of thousands of uses but because of its size would be utterly impractical in any explosives application. It's simply too big.

What if the teacher had found a cheap pocket watch on the kid. Do you think that would be cause for similar concern?
But that is the thing. That is one big circuit board. Too big for a simple clock. And from the picture there are two circuit boards and three ribbon cables. When the police questioned him supposedly the only thing he would say about it was it was a clock.

My guess would be circuit boards from a VCR but why the 9 volt backup? And I have never heard a VCR beep. It could just be the insides of a multi-fuction clock but that display looks like it is from something else. There is a real question of what that thing is. And why is he trying to impress his english teacher with it? What does it do besides tell time? Does it tell time?
What sophistry. This incident is not a racist one - it is the insane PC Zero Tolerance Crap combined with ignorant School Bureaucrats and Unionized Teachers.

Big Government is the problem, not racism.
What sophistry. This incident is not a racist one - it is the insane PC Zero Tolerance Crap combined with ignorant School Bureaucrats and Unionized Teachers.

Big Government is the problem, not racism.

That's true, we've had cases of kids sent home because they pointed a finger like a gun.
"I Thought I Was Going To Be Another Victim Of Injustice"
"I felt like I was a criminal, I felt like I was a terrorist," Ahmed Mohamed told Hayes. "Like all the names I've been called." In middle school, the MacArthur High School freshman said he was called "a terrorist, a bomb maker, just because of my religion and my race."
"I feel really well after. Before, I thought I wasn’t going to get any support because I’m a Muslim boy," he said. "I thought I was going to be another victim of injustice."

Teen Ahmed Mohamed brings clock to school, gets arrested - CNN.com
"I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her," Ahmed told reporters Wednesday. "It was really sad that she took the wrong impression of it."
What sophistry. This incident is not a racist one - it is the insane PC Zero Tolerance Crap combined with ignorant School Bureaucrats and Unionized Teachers.

Big Government is the problem, not racism.

BINGO!!!!!! The left and their PC and "tolerance"....then they are stunned when something like this happens
What sophistry. This incident is not a racist one - it is the insane PC Zero Tolerance Crap combined with ignorant School Bureaucrats and Unionized Teachers.

Big Government is the problem, not racism.

That's true, we've had cases of kids sent home because they pointed a finger like a gun.

It's insane. Kids are suspended for the type of play that generations before them engaged in. Public school is child abuse.
What sophistry. This incident is not a racist one - it is the insane PC Zero Tolerance Crap combined with ignorant School Bureaucrats and Unionized Teachers.

Big Government is the problem, not racism.

That's true, we've had cases of kids sent home because they pointed a finger like a gun.

It's insane. Kids are suspended for the type of play that generations before them engaged in. Public school is child abuse.

Of course Obungles and now I see Hillary feel the need to be involved, they should call that clock an IED (Improvised Exploitation Device)
"I Thought I Was Going To Be Another Victim Of Injustice"
"I felt like I was a criminal, I felt like I was a terrorist," Ahmed Mohamed told Hayes. "Like all the names I've been called." In middle school, the MacArthur High School freshman said he was called "a terrorist, a bomb maker, just because of my religion and my race."
"I feel really well after. Before, I thought I wasn’t going to get any support because I’m a Muslim boy," he said. "I thought I was going to be another victim of injustice."

Teen Ahmed Mohamed brings clock to school, gets arrested - CNN.com
"I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her," Ahmed told reporters Wednesday. "It was really sad that she took the wrong impression of it."
What sophistry. This incident is not a racist one - it is the insane PC Zero Tolerance Crap combined with ignorant School Bureaucrats and Unionized Teachers.

Big Government is the problem, not racism.

BINGO!!!!!! The left and their PC and "tolerance"....then they are stunned when something like this happens
I think you missed my point. If you are feeling like you a being called a bomb-making terrorist you don't make someone a clock to prove them wrong. Especially not one that looks like this. (My estimate of what it would have looked like coming out of the backpack. I did not add the electrical plug hanging out but that might have been in the case at the time anyway. Pencil case from Amazon for $12.)

"I Thought I Was Going To Be Another Victim Of Injustice"
"I felt like I was a criminal, I felt like I was a terrorist," Ahmed Mohamed told Hayes. "Like all the names I've been called." In middle school, the MacArthur High School freshman said he was called "a terrorist, a bomb maker, just because of my religion and my race."
"I feel really well after. Before, I thought I wasn’t going to get any support because I’m a Muslim boy," he said. "I thought I was going to be another victim of injustice."

Teen Ahmed Mohamed brings clock to school, gets arrested - CNN.com
"I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her," Ahmed told reporters Wednesday. "It was really sad that she took the wrong impression of it."
What sophistry. This incident is not a racist one - it is the insane PC Zero Tolerance Crap combined with ignorant School Bureaucrats and Unionized Teachers.

Big Government is the problem, not racism.

BINGO!!!!!! The left and their PC and "tolerance"....then they are stunned when something like this happens
I think you missed my point. If you are feeling like you a being called a bomb-making terrorist you don't make someone a clock to prove them wrong. Especially not one that looks like this. (My estimate of what it would have looked like coming out of the backpack. I did not add the electrical plug hanging out but that might have been in the case at the time anyway. Pencil case from Amazon for $12.)

View attachment 50354

I responded to Boedicca. I think the whole thing is overblown but again this is what happens when PC goes amok
"I Thought I Was Going To Be Another Victim Of Injustice"
"I felt like I was a criminal, I felt like I was a terrorist," Ahmed Mohamed told Hayes. "Like all the names I've been called." In middle school, the MacArthur High School freshman said he was called "a terrorist, a bomb maker, just because of my religion and my race."
"I feel really well after. Before, I thought I wasn’t going to get any support because I’m a Muslim boy," he said. "I thought I was going to be another victim of injustice."

Teen Ahmed Mohamed brings clock to school, gets arrested - CNN.com
"I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her," Ahmed told reporters Wednesday. "It was really sad that she took the wrong impression of it."
What sophistry. This incident is not a racist one - it is the insane PC Zero Tolerance Crap combined with ignorant School Bureaucrats and Unionized Teachers.

Big Government is the problem, not racism.

BINGO!!!!!! The left and their PC and "tolerance"....then they are stunned when something like this happens
I think you missed my point. If you are feeling like you a being called a bomb-making terrorist you don't make someone a clock to prove them wrong. Especially not one that looks like this. (My estimate of what it would have looked like coming out of the backpack. I did not add the electrical plug hanging out but that might have been in the case at the time anyway. Pencil case from Amazon for $12.)

View attachment 50354

I responded to Boedicca. I think the whole thing is overblown but again this is what happens when PC goes amok
It is not overblown in the least. The kid tried to intimidate his english teacher with a hoax bomb. Now Obama is having him over for tea. If this does not sum up U.S. foreign policy in a nutshell I do not know what does.
"I Thought I Was Going To Be Another Victim Of Injustice"
"I felt like I was a criminal, I felt like I was a terrorist," Ahmed Mohamed told Hayes. "Like all the names I've been called." In middle school, the MacArthur High School freshman said he was called "a terrorist, a bomb maker, just because of my religion and my race."
"I feel really well after. Before, I thought I wasn’t going to get any support because I’m a Muslim boy," he said. "I thought I was going to be another victim of injustice."

Teen Ahmed Mohamed brings clock to school, gets arrested - CNN.com
"I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her," Ahmed told reporters Wednesday. "It was really sad that she took the wrong impression of it."
What sophistry. This incident is not a racist one - it is the insane PC Zero Tolerance Crap combined with ignorant School Bureaucrats and Unionized Teachers.

Big Government is the problem, not racism.

BINGO!!!!!! The left and their PC and "tolerance"....then they are stunned when something like this happens
I think you missed my point. If you are feeling like you a being called a bomb-making terrorist you don't make someone a clock to prove them wrong. Especially not one that looks like this. (My estimate of what it would have looked like coming out of the backpack. I did not add the electrical plug hanging out but that might have been in the case at the time anyway. Pencil case from Amazon for $12.)

View attachment 50354

I responded to Boedicca. I think the whole thing is overblown but again this is what happens when PC goes amok
It is not overblown in the least. The kid tried to intimidate his english teacher with a hoax bomb. Now Obama is having him over for tea. If this does not sum up U.S. foreign policy in a nutshell I do not know what does.

Yeah...but it's Obungles, you expected different from the fucking disaster?
"I Thought I Was Going To Be Another Victim Of Injustice"
"I felt like I was a criminal, I felt like I was a terrorist," Ahmed Mohamed told Hayes. "Like all the names I've been called." In middle school, the MacArthur High School freshman said he was called "a terrorist, a bomb maker, just because of my religion and my race."
"I feel really well after. Before, I thought I wasn’t going to get any support because I’m a Muslim boy," he said. "I thought I was going to be another victim of injustice."

Teen Ahmed Mohamed brings clock to school, gets arrested - CNN.com
"I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her," Ahmed told reporters Wednesday. "It was really sad that she took the wrong impression of it."
What sophistry. This incident is not a racist one - it is the insane PC Zero Tolerance Crap combined with ignorant School Bureaucrats and Unionized Teachers.

Big Government is the problem, not racism.

BINGO!!!!!! The left and their PC and "tolerance"....then they are stunned when something like this happens
I think you missed my point. If you are feeling like you a being called a bomb-making terrorist you don't make someone a clock to prove them wrong. Especially not one that looks like this. (My estimate of what it would have looked like coming out of the backpack. I did not add the electrical plug hanging out but that might have been in the case at the time anyway. Pencil case from Amazon for $12.)

View attachment 50354

I responded to Boedicca. I think the whole thing is overblown but again this is what happens when PC goes amok
It is not overblown in the least. The kid tried to intimidate his english teacher with a hoax bomb. Now Obama is having him over for tea. If this does not sum up U.S. foreign policy in a nutshell I do not know what does.

Yeah...but it's Obungles, you expected different from the fucking disaster?
Well, I, ... I mean, I would have thought, er, well. No, guess not.
"I Thought I Was Going To Be Another Victim Of Injustice"
"I felt like I was a criminal, I felt like I was a terrorist," Ahmed Mohamed told Hayes. "Like all the names I've been called." In middle school, the MacArthur High School freshman said he was called "a terrorist, a bomb maker, just because of my religion and my race."
"I feel really well after. Before, I thought I wasn’t going to get any support because I’m a Muslim boy," he said. "I thought I was going to be another victim of injustice."

Teen Ahmed Mohamed brings clock to school, gets arrested - CNN.com
"I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her," Ahmed told reporters Wednesday. "It was really sad that she took the wrong impression of it."
What sophistry. This incident is not a racist one - it is the insane PC Zero Tolerance Crap combined with ignorant School Bureaucrats and Unionized Teachers.

Big Government is the problem, not racism.

BINGO!!!!!! The left and their PC and "tolerance"....then they are stunned when something like this happens
I think you missed my point. If you are feeling like you a being called a bomb-making terrorist you don't make someone a clock to prove them wrong. Especially not one that looks like this. (My estimate of what it would have looked like coming out of the backpack. I did not add the electrical plug hanging out but that might have been in the case at the time anyway. Pencil case from Amazon for $12.)

View attachment 50354

I responded to Boedicca. I think the whole thing is overblown but again this is what happens when PC goes amok
It is not overblown in the least. The kid tried to intimidate his english teacher with a hoax bomb. Now Obama is having him over for tea. If this does not sum up U.S. foreign policy in a nutshell I do not know what does.

That is a lie. The kid brought it to show his science teacher and did not call it a bomb. He claimed from the beginning that it was a clock.
"I Thought I Was Going To Be Another Victim Of Injustice"
"I felt like I was a criminal, I felt like I was a terrorist," Ahmed Mohamed told Hayes. "Like all the names I've been called." In middle school, the MacArthur High School freshman said he was called "a terrorist, a bomb maker, just because of my religion and my race."
"I feel really well after. Before, I thought I wasn’t going to get any support because I’m a Muslim boy," he said. "I thought I was going to be another victim of injustice."

Teen Ahmed Mohamed brings clock to school, gets arrested - CNN.com
"I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her," Ahmed told reporters Wednesday. "It was really sad that she took the wrong impression of it."
What sophistry. This incident is not a racist one - it is the insane PC Zero Tolerance Crap combined with ignorant School Bureaucrats and Unionized Teachers.

Big Government is the problem, not racism.

BINGO!!!!!! The left and their PC and "tolerance"....then they are stunned when something like this happens
I think you missed my point. If you are feeling like you a being called a bomb-making terrorist you don't make someone a clock to prove them wrong. Especially not one that looks like this. (My estimate of what it would have looked like coming out of the backpack. I did not add the electrical plug hanging out but that might have been in the case at the time anyway. Pencil case from Amazon for $12.)

View attachment 50354

I responded to Boedicca. I think the whole thing is overblown but again this is what happens when PC goes amok
It is not overblown in the least. The kid tried to intimidate his english teacher with a hoax bomb. Now Obama is having him over for tea. If this does not sum up U.S. foreign policy in a nutshell I do not know what does.

That is a lie. The kid brought it to show his science teacher and did not call it a bomb. He claimed from the beginning that it was a clock.
Here's the thing. If a teacher found this device, and didn't reprort it, and then it was a bomb, lots of kids would have died.
The same thing may be said about any number of items aside from the circuit board shown in the photograph -- which has absolutely no similarity to an explosive device. Even if it occurred to the teacher and the police that the circuit board might be a timing device the size of that board is at least ten times larger and more populated with components than a simple timing circuit would be.

It is stupid and idiotic to take take the kid's side on this.
Standing in opposition to an embarrassing display of offensively aggressive ignorance and absurd over-reaction is not taking the kid's side. It is protesting an example of senselessly paranoid over-reaction to an essentially dumb presumption.

If he's smart enough to build a clock that looks like a bomb, he is smart enough to know what would happen.
Are you saying the circuit board shown in the topic photo looks like a bomb to you?

The net result is bad. People will now be afraid to report a suspicious device or package.
If you believe this example to be a criterion for suspicion there is no limit to the objects which might be mistaken for bombs or parts of bombs. E.g., if you would stand outside any store that sells lawn-care supplies you will see several people leaving with 50 pound sacks of ammonium nitrate, which is a very effective fertilizer -- as well as the primary component of the same explosive compound Timothy McVeigh used in the infamous Oklahoma City bombing.

More people will die.
Ignorant, paranoid over-reaction will not prevent that. Competent, well-informed awareness will.
None of this matters, don't you get it. Only the science teacher is going to know it's not a bomb. He fucked up because he let the kid keep it. He should have taken it.

And how do you know what the science teacher, or any other teacher, might know or not know about electronic circuits? Aren't you taking a lot for granted?
This kid is a trouble maker, but I'm guessing some adult put him up to it.

He had a homemade clock that looked like a bomb.

He knew exactly what he was doing.

The science teacher told him not to show to anyone, but let him keep it.

I blame the science teacher.

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