14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

If you want more money go get better skills and education. See there? I addressed the wage gap issue.

Everything is prioritized by who can pay.

How come we had low deductibles before obiecare? The Insurance companies were making the same profit then as well.

Yeah, that makes a giant leap in assumptions, doesn't it?

Just make yourself more marketable, right?

Do you know anything about economics, supply and demand?

If there is too much labor and not enough demand, there is nothing labor can do, it doesn't matter silly. Nice try. There are no simple answers when the elites have used government to enrich themselves at the expense of the middle class and the poor.
If thee demand is too low then why are you pushing for higher minimum wages? How is that going to increase the demand?
People having money to spend DUHHHHHHHH....

. . . and where does that money come from?
A living wage, duh. Can you read?

. . . . and the money for a "living wage" comes from where?
Sure, we would all love to give the poor everything they desire, free health care, free college educations, a guaranteed living stipend, a place to live and clothing, etc. But who pays?
Don't you know that would destroy whatever is left of the value of the currency? Are you really so ignorant that you don't understand how economics work?
The value of the US petrodollar is secure as long as the OPEC countries continue to demand USD in payment for their oil.

And THAT is precisely the problem that is holding all of humanity back.

Zero Point energy, Water as fuel technologies, Cold Fusion, piezoelectric effects, anti-gravity, nano-tech, solid state generators, nuclear remediation technology, etc. The list of suppressed tech. by the Deep State and break away civilization is staggering. Scientists are assassinated now almost as routinely as journalists and politicians.

"Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by power obtainable at any point in the universe. It is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature."

- Nikola Tesla, Inventor Alternating Current Motor

"We would have universal abundance."

- Adam Trombly, New Energy Inventor

"If these new energy technologies were to be set free world-wide, the change would be profound; it would effect everybody: it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that has happened in the history of the world."

- Brian O’Leary, Physics Professor, NASA Astronaut

"This information coming out would completely change geo-political power more than anything in human history."

- Steven Greer, Disclosure and Orion Projects

The Luciferians and materialists, those who worship power and material comfort will kill in order to keep things as they are.
But eventually the Geni will escape the bottle.

He always does.

Hopefully we will be ready for it.


I'm not so sure, nor am I sure it will be a good thing.

I do rail against the "elites" a lot, but then, I do know a lot of things are purposely hidden. I study as much esoterica as I can get my hands on, but there is so much that I don't know. Without a full accounting of the facts, one cannot make a logical and rational deduction about what would be best, or what may indeed happen in the future.

Perhaps civilization is kept from these things for a reason. Is the allegory and parable of the Garden of Eden there for a purpose?

What did eventually cause the undoing of humanity in the first age? I don't really know, I don't have a clue.

I am reasonably certain we have traveled off the planet thousands of years ago, and we have also exploded nuclear devices on earth tens of thousands of years ago, there is ample evidence for this.

Why did it all end? Why did we start over and who swept the record clean? Are they who swept the evidence away still watching, and who are they?

I'm sure that it is possible that those in charge not only know the answers to this, but have figured this into the planning. Who can say why they do what they do? :dunno:

One thing I do know for sure is this. . . .

The reality that everyone is presented with, is merely an illusion. Some things are real, but so much of reality is false. I really can't say why either.
Yes, but you have no right to go see someone to cure you that claims to be a doctor that hasn't gotten a degree from an "accredited licensed medical school."

We don't have, nor will we have a free market as long as there is licensing of doctors, as long as the FDA can put it's seal of approval on what is a cure and what isn't a cure, and as long as "accredited" medical schools are the ones that are given government approval.
What we have now is cronyism.

Folks get arrested and thrown in jail for selling cancer "cures" w/o FDA approval. It is insane the shit the allopathic chemical industry will go through to maintain it's monopoly on health care.

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

We need an end to the AMA!

And apparently the AARP.

Though Trumpcare seems an excellent attempt to get rid of the AARP's members.

Obamacare favored the poor and low income workers. Trumpcare favors the the wealthy and higher income workers.
Only when the nation agrees that access to healthcare should not be determined by one's wealth will the fight end. It's going to happen eventually. It's just a question of when.

where did the money come from for the subsidies?

It comes from the same source as 50% of our healthcare dollars, government and thus taxpayers. That percentage will continue to rise in the 21st century for several reasons.

First, the value of human life is increasing, some say exponentially. For example, thousands of US soldiers died in in a single battle in WWII and it was reported on page 2 of most major newspapers. In Iraq, 3 soldiers die in an isolated attack and it in the headlines for days, the subject of discussion for weeks on TV, cable and Internet. Two years ago a child died of measles and it was reported nationwide and became a hot button issue for increasing awareness of the need for inoculations. A little less than hundred years ago, 500,000 Americans died in the Influenza Epidemic of 1918 and the primary reporting was done in the obituaries. Today a single preventable death of a child raises alarm throughout the nation. A hundred years, it was of little concern outside of the family.

Secondly, the cost of healthcare in the 21st century is going to continue to rise particular those life saving miracles of medical science.

The increasing value being placed on human life and increasing cost of saving lives will continue to increase the demand for universal healthcare. I believe before the end of this century, healthcare will be considered a universal human right.

Take your religious beliefs to the religion section.

Your faith has no place in a policy discussion.
Yeah, that makes a giant leap in assumptions, doesn't it?

Just make yourself more marketable, right?

Do you know anything about economics, supply and demand?

If there is too much labor and not enough demand, there is nothing labor can do, it doesn't matter silly. Nice try. There are no simple answers when the elites have used government to enrich themselves at the expense of the middle class and the poor.
If thee demand is too low then why are you pushing for higher minimum wages? How is that going to increase the demand?
People having money to spend DUHHHHHHHH....

. . . and where does that money come from?
A living wage, duh. Can you read?

. . . . and the money for a "living wage" comes from where?
From all the other people ALSO getting more pay. Except the rich for a change.
We need an end to the AMA!

And apparently the AARP.

Though Trumpcare seems an excellent attempt to get rid of the AARP's members.
Obamacare favored the poor and low income workers. Trumpcare favors the the wealthy and higher income workers.
Only when the nation agrees that access to healthcare should not be determined by one's wealth will the fight end. It's going to happen eventually. It's just a question of when.
where did the money come from for the subsidies?
It comes from the same source as 50% of our healthcare dollars, government and thus taxpayers. That percentage will continue to rise in the 21st century for several reasons.

First, the value of human life is increasing, some say exponentially. For example, thousands of US soldiers died in in a single battle in WWII and it was reported on page 2 of most major newspapers. In Iraq, 3 soldiers die in an isolated attack and it in the headlines for days, the subject of discussion for weeks on TV, cable and Internet. Two years ago a child died of measles and it was reported nationwide and became a hot button issue for increasing awareness of the need for inoculations. A little less than hundred years ago, 500,000 Americans died in the Influenza Epidemic of 1918 and the primary reporting was done in the obituaries. Today a single preventable death of a child raises alarm throughout the nation. A hundred years, it was of little concern outside of the family.

Secondly, the cost of healthcare in the 21st century is going to continue to rise particular those life saving miracles of medical science.

The increasing value being placed on human life and increasing cost of saving lives will continue to increase the demand for universal healthcare. I believe before the end of this century, healthcare will be considered a universal human right.
Take your religious beliefs to the religion section.

Your faith has no place in a policy discussion.
It already is a human right in all modern countries BUT here.
And apparently the AARP.

Though Trumpcare seems an excellent attempt to get rid of the AARP's members.
Obamacare favored the poor and low income workers. Trumpcare favors the the wealthy and higher income workers.
Only when the nation agrees that access to healthcare should not be determined by one's wealth will the fight end. It's going to happen eventually. It's just a question of when.
where did the money come from for the subsidies?
It comes from the same source as 50% of our healthcare dollars, government and thus taxpayers. That percentage will continue to rise in the 21st century for several reasons.

First, the value of human life is increasing, some say exponentially. For example, thousands of US soldiers died in in a single battle in WWII and it was reported on page 2 of most major newspapers. In Iraq, 3 soldiers die in an isolated attack and it in the headlines for days, the subject of discussion for weeks on TV, cable and Internet. Two years ago a child died of measles and it was reported nationwide and became a hot button issue for increasing awareness of the need for inoculations. A little less than hundred years ago, 500,000 Americans died in the Influenza Epidemic of 1918 and the primary reporting was done in the obituaries. Today a single preventable death of a child raises alarm throughout the nation. A hundred years, it was of little concern outside of the family.

Secondly, the cost of healthcare in the 21st century is going to continue to rise particular those life saving miracles of medical science.

The increasing value being placed on human life and increasing cost of saving lives will continue to increase the demand for universal healthcare. I believe before the end of this century, healthcare will be considered a universal human right.
Take your religious beliefs to the religion section.

Your faith has no place in a policy discussion.
It already is a human right in all modern countries BUT here.
No doctor care is a right and only that! Health insurance is a game
Obamacare favored the poor and low income workers. Trumpcare favors the the wealthy and higher income workers.
Only when the nation agrees that access to healthcare should not be determined by one's wealth will the fight end. It's going to happen eventually. It's just a question of when.
where did the money come from for the subsidies?
It comes from the same source as 50% of our healthcare dollars, government and thus taxpayers. That percentage will continue to rise in the 21st century for several reasons.

First, the value of human life is increasing, some say exponentially. For example, thousands of US soldiers died in in a single battle in WWII and it was reported on page 2 of most major newspapers. In Iraq, 3 soldiers die in an isolated attack and it in the headlines for days, the subject of discussion for weeks on TV, cable and Internet. Two years ago a child died of measles and it was reported nationwide and became a hot button issue for increasing awareness of the need for inoculations. A little less than hundred years ago, 500,000 Americans died in the Influenza Epidemic of 1918 and the primary reporting was done in the obituaries. Today a single preventable death of a child raises alarm throughout the nation. A hundred years, it was of little concern outside of the family.

Secondly, the cost of healthcare in the 21st century is going to continue to rise particular those life saving miracles of medical science.

The increasing value being placed on human life and increasing cost of saving lives will continue to increase the demand for universal healthcare. I believe before the end of this century, healthcare will be considered a universal human right.
Take your religious beliefs to the religion section.

Your faith has no place in a policy discussion.
It already is a human right in all modern countries BUT here.
No doctor care is a right and only that! Health insurance is a game
Dupe loser, join civilization.
where did the money come from for the subsidies?
It comes from the same source as 50% of our healthcare dollars, government and thus taxpayers. That percentage will continue to rise in the 21st century for several reasons.

First, the value of human life is increasing, some say exponentially. For example, thousands of US soldiers died in in a single battle in WWII and it was reported on page 2 of most major newspapers. In Iraq, 3 soldiers die in an isolated attack and it in the headlines for days, the subject of discussion for weeks on TV, cable and Internet. Two years ago a child died of measles and it was reported nationwide and became a hot button issue for increasing awareness of the need for inoculations. A little less than hundred years ago, 500,000 Americans died in the Influenza Epidemic of 1918 and the primary reporting was done in the obituaries. Today a single preventable death of a child raises alarm throughout the nation. A hundred years, it was of little concern outside of the family.

Secondly, the cost of healthcare in the 21st century is going to continue to rise particular those life saving miracles of medical science.

The increasing value being placed on human life and increasing cost of saving lives will continue to increase the demand for universal healthcare. I believe before the end of this century, healthcare will be considered a universal human right.
Take your religious beliefs to the religion section.

Your faith has no place in a policy discussion.
It already is a human right in all modern countries BUT here.
No doctor care is a right and only that! Health insurance is a game
Dupe loser, join civilization.
I know you're not in mine
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

The same CBO that claimed the ACA would reduce health care costs and affordability?
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

The same CBO that claimed the ACA would reduce health care costs and affordability?
I've not seen as much libturd fail in my life
It comes from the same source as 50% of our healthcare dollars, government and thus taxpayers. That percentage will continue to rise in the 21st century for several reasons.

First, the value of human life is increasing, some say exponentially. For example, thousands of US soldiers died in in a single battle in WWII and it was reported on page 2 of most major newspapers. In Iraq, 3 soldiers die in an isolated attack and it in the headlines for days, the subject of discussion for weeks on TV, cable and Internet. Two years ago a child died of measles and it was reported nationwide and became a hot button issue for increasing awareness of the need for inoculations. A little less than hundred years ago, 500,000 Americans died in the Influenza Epidemic of 1918 and the primary reporting was done in the obituaries. Today a single preventable death of a child raises alarm throughout the nation. A hundred years, it was of little concern outside of the family.

Secondly, the cost of healthcare in the 21st century is going to continue to rise particular those life saving miracles of medical science.

The increasing value being placed on human life and increasing cost of saving lives will continue to increase the demand for universal healthcare. I believe before the end of this century, healthcare will be considered a universal human right.
Take your religious beliefs to the religion section.

Your faith has no place in a policy discussion.
It already is a human right in all modern countries BUT here.
No doctor care is a right and only that! Health insurance is a game
Dupe loser, join civilization.
I know you're not in mine
Wild West for dupes...useful fools. Can't have health care, eh?
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

The same CBO that claimed the ACA would reduce health care costs and affordability?
They didn't. The CBO doesn't do savings until they're proved...but it's easy to figure subsidies up to $12k/year is better than 4k in tax credits at most. No wonder so many will CHOOSE lol to not get insurance ...
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

The same CBO that claimed the ACA would reduce health care costs and affordability?
They didn't. The CBO doesn't do savings until they're proved...but it's easy to figure subsidies up to $12k/year is better than 4k in tax credits at most. No wonder so many will CHOOSE lol to not get insurance ...

They did predict health care costs and affordability you lying sack of shit.

The first is how much people would pay in health insurance premiums. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) studied the health care bill proposed by Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and concluded that if passed, most people would see a very modest decrease in premiums by 2016 (compared to what they would pay under the current system). How modest? Best-case scenario - for those in group plans with large companies - about 3 percent better. For a small percentage of people (less than 8 percent of the insured) who would buy insurance on the individual market, and who wouldn't be eligible for federal subsidies, they might actually pay 10 to 13 percent more, though with new federal minimum standards, they'd also be getting more insurance coverage as well.
Obama said health care reform will reduce the cost of health care
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

The same CBO that claimed the ACA would reduce health care costs and affordability?
They didn't. The CBO doesn't do savings until they're proved...but it's easy to figure subsidies up to $12k/year is better than 4k in tax credits at most. No wonder so many will CHOOSE lol to not get insurance ...

They did predict health care costs and affordability you lying sack of shit.

The first is how much people would pay in health insurance premiums. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) studied the health care bill proposed by Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and concluded that if passed, most people would see a very modest decrease in premiums by 2016 (compared to what they would pay under the current system). How modest? Best-case scenario - for those in group plans with large companies - about 3 percent better. For a small percentage of people (less than 8 percent of the insured) who would buy insurance on the individual market, and who wouldn't be eligible for federal subsidies, they might actually pay 10 to 13 percent more, though with new federal minimum standards, they'd also be getting more insurance coverage as well.
Obama said health care reform will reduce the cost of health care
And that happened, MORON.. The CBO ALSO had lots of bad predictions, not as bad as this LOL but...They also didn't imagine GOP/crony insurer OBSTRUCTION, dupe.
Need we say any more?

Yes. The same people who claimed that costs would be lower and families would save $2,500 a year with Obamacare are now making more unbelievable predictions.

We have over 20 million illegal aliens who were all able to get Obamacare.

Many people who used to have healthcare insurance lost it because they could no longer afford it. Many who continued to purchase insurance at much higher rates with higher deductibles don't benefit from it. Expenses are all out of pocket for healthcare on top of ridiculous premiums. And many couldn't keep their plans or doctors.

In recent years, many insurance companies have dropped out of Obamacare so people already lost their plans.

Didn't hear a single lib whine about how people couldn't afford insurance and had to pay fines to the IRS or those who broke their budget paying for an expensive plan plus paying out of pocket for every doctor visit. And all expenses are more now. The rise in healthcare costs wasn't all normal inflation. Obamacare catered to Big Pharms and they took advantage.
The Dems deliver a pig of a law that falls apart under its own fat.

The Republicans somehow finds a way to make it worse.

Neither party should be criticizing the other for this fucking travesty.
The democratic plan insured 20 million people, 70% of those will not have coverage. This is a republican travesty
The democratic plan insured 20 million people, 70% of those will not have coverage. This is a republican travest
Oye vay... The democratic plan added 20 million more people
the government was on the hook for....that wasn't the plan!

This was supposed to be a way for the government
to relieve itself from the costs of medically covering
so many people...it backfired

The problem is with pharmaceutical companies, health insurers
and medical costs....a hospital shouldn't be charging anyone
$10 for an aspirin or billing insurers the maximum amount
they'll cover for procedures, and health insurance companies
should have to provide adequate coverage for medical procedures.

When the CEO of a health provider is making
$66 million dollars, there's a fucking problem!
When pharmaceutical companies profit billions,
and people can't even afford medications they need,
there's a fucking problem

When people like you think it's ok for people like me
to be forced to buy inadequate insurance I can barely afford
(and doesn't even make financial sense, considering
the type of coverage in the cheapest plan
and having to satisfy a deductable)

So, people worse off than me, illegals and immigrants,
can have 100% medical coverage....
You and those like you, have fucking problems!
And apparently the AARP.

Though Trumpcare seems an excellent attempt to get rid of the AARP's members.
Obamacare favored the poor and low income workers. Trumpcare favors the the wealthy and higher income workers.
Only when the nation agrees that access to healthcare should not be determined by one's wealth will the fight end. It's going to happen eventually. It's just a question of when.
where did the money come from for the subsidies?
It comes from the same source as 50% of our healthcare dollars, government and thus taxpayers. That percentage will continue to rise in the 21st century for several reasons.

First, the value of human life is increasing, some say exponentially. For example, thousands of US soldiers died in in a single battle in WWII and it was reported on page 2 of most major newspapers. In Iraq, 3 soldiers die in an isolated attack and it in the headlines for days, the subject of discussion for weeks on TV, cable and Internet. Two years ago a child died of measles and it was reported nationwide and became a hot button issue for increasing awareness of the need for inoculations. A little less than hundred years ago, 500,000 Americans died in the Influenza Epidemic of 1918 and the primary reporting was done in the obituaries. Today a single preventable death of a child raises alarm throughout the nation. A hundred years, it was of little concern outside of the family.

Secondly, the cost of healthcare in the 21st century is going to continue to rise particular those life saving miracles of medical science.

The increasing value being placed on human life and increasing cost of saving lives will continue to increase the demand for universal healthcare. I believe before the end of this century, healthcare will be considered a universal human right.
Take your religious beliefs to the religion section.

Your faith has no place in a policy discussion.
It already is a human right in all modern countries BUT here.
It may come down to repealing the ACA, or as much as possible with 51 votes and let the States handle their own healthcare. Or, let the ACA collapse, i.e. the "no action" option and see what happens.
This plan is DOA folks. We can close this thread now

Lindsey Graham: House Health Care Bill Is 'Mortally Wounded' | The Huffington Post

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) offered a grim outlook on the prospects of the House’s proposed legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

“It is mortally wounded, I don’t know if it’s died yet,” he told NBC’s “Today” Wednesday when asked whether the bill that House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) presented this month is “dead on arrival.”

That’s because the Senate won’t vote for the bill, known as the American Health Care Act, Graham explained. Both he and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) refuse to vote for the bill, he said. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) also publicly opposed it.

and furthermore:

Trump's media allies urge him to dump House Obamacare repeal plan

"Donald Trump staked out the high moral ground by calling for a feasible system of universal health care to replace Obamacare. He shouldn't retreat from that no matter how much the establishment GOP dislikes it," Christopher Ruddy, Trump's friend and CEO of right-leaning news site Newsmax, wrote on Tuesday.

Even Breitbart is telling him to cut and run

Right-wing site Breitbart, which often covers Trump positively, also fired a salvo this week, publishing audio from October in which Ryan said he would no longer defend Trump. In its report, Breitbart wrote that "the new audio file raises questions as to how loyal Ryan is to Trump politically — and is asking the new president to use precious political capital to push through legislation that seems arithmetically destined for congressional failure."
The conservatives are winning on healthcare. They prefer to let the ACA die and take their chances with that outcome. Ryan still has cards to play, a few tweaks and the healthcare Bill may survive. The ACA deductibles are enough for me to want it gone.

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