14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

This plan is DOA folks. We can close this thread now

Lindsey Graham: House Health Care Bill Is 'Mortally Wounded' | The Huffington Post

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) offered a grim outlook on the prospects of the House’s proposed legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

“It is mortally wounded, I don’t know if it’s died yet,” he told NBC’s “Today” Wednesday when asked whether the bill that House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) presented this month is “dead on arrival.”

That’s because the Senate won’t vote for the bill, known as the American Health Care Act, Graham explained. Both he and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) refuse to vote for the bill, he said. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) also publicly opposed it.

and furthermore:

Trump's media allies urge him to dump House Obamacare repeal plan

"Donald Trump staked out the high moral ground by calling for a feasible system of universal health care to replace Obamacare. He shouldn't retreat from that no matter how much the establishment GOP dislikes it," Christopher Ruddy, Trump's friend and CEO of right-leaning news site Newsmax, wrote on Tuesday.

Even Breitbart is telling him to cut and run

Right-wing site Breitbart, which often covers Trump positively, also fired a salvo this week, publishing audio from October in which Ryan said he would no longer defend Trump. In its report, Breitbart wrote that "the new audio file raises questions as to how loyal Ryan is to Trump politically — and is asking the new president to use precious political capital to push through legislation that seems arithmetically destined for congressional failure."
Trump will be OH 4 2 then with this and his wall collapse.

Imo this will be bad for the country. Say what you will about Trump, but I think there was a mandate to change Obamacare to something that really did offer quality affordable care for working class families, and Price's approach to Medicaid had some novel features, but the gop chose to cut taxes on upper earners rather than actually try to help working Americans get coverage. Possibly the dems have an issue for House races in 15-18 mos.
HaHa!!!! Forget ridiculous campaign promises to the dupes. Go after ridiculous hospital and doctor costs, tort reform, make the exchanges nationwide and the competition more healthy, and stop the GOP from sabotaging ACA. FIX IT. We'll be doing that forever. It was never O-Care anyway. HE wasn't for the mandate...

How come Messiah Obama and his Disciples Reid and Pelosi never did that with their manna from heaven ACA that they wrote and rammed thru Congress? Don't blame the Republicans, they were left out and didn't vote for it. If you think those issues exist in healthcare, put the blame on those that wrote and passed the bill. Why didn't they fix those things? Here's a clue.....they are corporatists that let the insurance and pharma companies write the bill. Your pissing and moaning at the wrong people and you're too stoopid to realize it. Dupe.
And even then it barely passed. Fix it and stop being obstructionist a-holes...

Couldn't agree more. The Dems in Congress need to get on board with fixing it and quite being obstructionist assholes. I'm glad you're finally coming out of your stupor.
It may come down to repealing the ACA, or as much as possible with 51 votes and let the States handle their own healthcare. Or, let the ACA collapse, i.e. the "no action" option and see what happens.
Republicans will not be able to repeal the ACA with 51 votes. It requires 60 votes for cloture. That means they would have to get 6 democrat votes and that's not going to happen. The current bill when it goes to the Senate can only amend parts of the ACA which effect the budget so most of the ACA requirements will still be there.

When you combine the new bill with the remains of the ACA, you have legislation that will increase the number of uninsured and increase premiums, a true clusterfuck. The removal of the mandatory requirements and the huge increase in premiums for older people will reduce the number insured driving premiums higher, exactly the same thing the Republicans claimed would happen with Obamacare.

The ACA was never very good legislation. Republicans have managed to create even worst legislation.
Need we say any more?
YES, yes you do.....like why didn't you mention that many of those who will 'lose' their health care are those who were FORCED under monetary penalty by the Obama administration to buy ACA coverage.

Nice try...but as usual, in an attempt to smear the GOP snowflakes leave out part of the story / engage in 'fake news'. :p
It you have a car with not engine do you really lose anything if you abandon it? That is exactly what losing Obaminationcare bronze and silver coverage is!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

Yeah, 14 million young healthy people will no longer carry health insurance because they wont be under threat of imprisonment and fines for not carrying excessive amounts of insurance that they do not need.

In other news, millions of Americans who had to pay excessive taxes for 'cadelac insurance plans' will be no longer targeted for that special tax. Dimmocrats call it a "windfall for the most wealthy of Americans" in news at 11.
I don't think that's what the CBO found. Those young folks didn't buy insurance, unless they were fools.
The question is whether those people who lose coverage, working families, will see increased ability to access healthcare because they keep their subsidy and can buy HC directly w/o insurance. And that we cannot know, because we don't know what the bill will eventually be that is sent to Trump.
How can you buy health care without insurance?
Well, at least in theory, if you get a tax credit of Xamount of dollars, you could pay the doc out of pocket, and get the money back when you don't have to pay Uncle Sam as much come tax time. But I have no idea if the gop will go that route. We'd still have the problem if some guy catches cancer or something that no one outside the top .1% can pay out of pocket for.

Which is everyone who gets cancer, or a heart attack.

My friend spent two months in hospital undergoing 4 rounds of aggressive chemotherapy. Who can afford that without insurance?
This plan is DOA folks. We can close this thread now

Lindsey Graham: House Health Care Bill Is 'Mortally Wounded' | The Huffington Post

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) offered a grim outlook on the prospects of the House’s proposed legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

“It is mortally wounded, I don’t know if it’s died yet,” he told NBC’s “Today” Wednesday when asked whether the bill that House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) presented this month is “dead on arrival.”

That’s because the Senate won’t vote for the bill, known as the American Health Care Act, Graham explained. Both he and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) refuse to vote for the bill, he said. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) also publicly opposed it.

and furthermore:

Trump's media allies urge him to dump House Obamacare repeal plan

"Donald Trump staked out the high moral ground by calling for a feasible system of universal health care to replace Obamacare. He shouldn't retreat from that no matter how much the establishment GOP dislikes it," Christopher Ruddy, Trump's friend and CEO of right-leaning news site Newsmax, wrote on Tuesday.

Even Breitbart is telling him to cut and run

Right-wing site Breitbart, which often covers Trump positively, also fired a salvo this week, publishing audio from October in which Ryan said he would no longer defend Trump. In its report, Breitbart wrote that "the new audio file raises questions as to how loyal Ryan is to Trump politically — and is asking the new president to use precious political capital to push through legislation that seems arithmetically destined for congressional failure."
Trump will be OH 4 2 then with this and his wall collapse.

Imo this will be bad for the country. Say what you will about Trump, but I think there was a mandate to change Obamacare to something that really did offer quality affordable care for working class families, and Price's approach to Medicaid had some novel features, but the gop chose to cut taxes on upper earners rather than actually try to help working Americans get coverage. Possibly the dems have an issue for House races in 15-18 mos.
I think we tend to forget the real reason healthcare insurance is so expensive. Study after study shows that insurance premiums have been rising and will continue to rise because, more sick people have insurance and not just insurance but comprehensive insurance that includes preventive care and treatments for all healthcare problems. One of the biggest jumps in healthcare costs has been in the treatment of chronic diseases such as asthma, COPD, and cancer. In spite of high deductibles, people are using their health insurance as never before.
It you have a car with not engine do you really lose anything if you abandon it? That is exactly what losing Obaminationcare bronze and silver coverage is!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Apparently, you have never received a $200,000 hospital bill. If you had, you would understand the value of high deductible insurance.
Need we say any more?
YES, yes you do.....like why didn't you mention that many of those who will 'lose' their health care are those who were FORCED under monetary penalty by the Obama administration to buy ACA coverage.

Nice try...but as usual, in an attempt to smear the GOP snowflakes leave out part of the story / engage in 'fake news'. :p
When you say many of those... just how many do you mean/ 100,000? 1,000,000?
When you say many of those... just how many do you mean/ 100,000? 1,000,000?

Hold on...let me break out my crystal ball....


''How the F* Should I know?'

Much like YOU, the Liberal media has no desire to make the point that many Americans who will 'lose' health care NEVER WANTED IT to begin with and sure as hell don't want to research / report the total number who were FORCED to buy health care because of the ACA mandate. You / They just want to throw out the BS '14 Million' number.

If you want to be honest:

- MOST of what Barry said and promised about the ACA was BS.

- Most of what snowflakes will say about the ACA now is BS because they want to preserve Barry's disastrous 'legacy' and pin the pain Barry and Democrats caused by passing this disaster on the GOP

- Most / Much of what Ryan is saying right now about the GOP plan is BS, but they are trying to make the best they can.

- The GOP was handed a shit sandwich by Obama and the Democrats, a horrible program that is collapsing under its own weight / lies / short-comings. It is causing a lot of pain as it collapses.

- No matter what the GOP comes up with, the Democrats will hate and ridicule it, trying to shift all the blame of their failed F*ed up Obama Legacy legislation onto the GOP

- No plan that is created will appease everyone. Not everyone will agree with it or like it. Period
When you say many of those... just how many do you mean/ 100,000? 1,000,000?

Hold on...let me break out my crystal ball....


''How the F* Should I know?'

Much like YOU, the Liberal media has no desire to make the point that many Americans who will 'lose' health care NEVER WANTED IT to begin with and sure as hell don't want to research / report the total number who were FORCED to buy health care because of the ACA mandate. You / They just want to throw out the BS '14 Million' number.

If you want to be honest:

- MOST of what Barry said and promised about the ACA was BS.

- Most of what snowflakes will say about the ACA now is BS because they want to preserve Barry's disastrous 'legacy' and pin the pain Barry and Democrats caused by passing this disaster on the GOP

- Most / Much of what Ryan is saying right now about the GOP plan is BS, but they are trying to make the best they can.

- The GOP was handed a shit sandwich by Obama and the Democrats, a horrible program that is collapsing under its own weight / lies / short-comings. It is causing a lot of pain as it collapses.

- No matter what the GOP comes up with, the Democrats will hate and ridicule it, trying to shift all the blame of their failed F*ed up Obama Legacy legislation onto the GOP

- No plan that is created will appease everyone. Not everyone will agree with it or like it. Period
You tell us that only 12 million people are insured through the ACA, yet 14 million were forced to buy insurance they didn't want.
Thats just what makes you such an idiot, sweetie
When you say many of those... just how many do you mean/ 100,000? 1,000,000?

Hold on...let me break out my crystal ball....


''How the F* Should I know?'

Much like YOU, the Liberal media has no desire to make the point that many Americans who will 'lose' health care NEVER WANTED IT to begin with and sure as hell don't want to research / report the total number who were FORCED to buy health care because of the ACA mandate. You / They just want to throw out the BS '14 Million' number.

If you want to be honest:

- MOST of what Barry said and promised about the ACA was BS.

- Most of what snowflakes will say about the ACA now is BS because they want to preserve Barry's disastrous 'legacy' and pin the pain Barry and Democrats caused by passing this disaster on the GOP

- Most / Much of what Ryan is saying right now about the GOP plan is BS, but they are trying to make the best they can.

- The GOP was handed a shit sandwich by Obama and the Democrats, a horrible program that is collapsing under its own weight / lies / short-comings. It is causing a lot of pain as it collapses.

- No matter what the GOP comes up with, the Democrats will hate and ridicule it, trying to shift all the blame of their failed F*ed up Obama Legacy legislation onto the GOP

- No plan that is created will appease everyone. Not everyone will agree with it or like it. Period
You tell us that only 12 million people are insured through the ACA, yet....
Brum, you are such a liar you put most Democrats, to include Rachel Maddow to shame.

FAKE NEWS BRUM, please point out in my words that YOU shared above where I say '12 million people are insured'.

The words '12 million people' only appears ONCE in the posts above, and they aren't anywhere in what I posted. YOU said it, not me.

You are a LIAR. If you can't make your post / point without Lying you have no point.


When you say many of those... just how many do you mean/ 100,000? 1,000,000?

Hold on...let me break out my crystal ball....


''How the F* Should I know?'

Much like YOU, the Liberal media has no desire to make the point that many Americans who will 'lose' health care NEVER WANTED IT to begin with and sure as hell don't want to research / report the total number who were FORCED to buy health care because of the ACA mandate. You / They just want to throw out the BS '14 Million' number.

If you want to be honest:

- MOST of what Barry said and promised about the ACA was BS.

- Most of what snowflakes will say about the ACA now is BS because they want to preserve Barry's disastrous 'legacy' and pin the pain Barry and Democrats caused by passing this disaster on the GOP

- Most / Much of what Ryan is saying right now about the GOP plan is BS, but they are trying to make the best they can.

- The GOP was handed a shit sandwich by Obama and the Democrats, a horrible program that is collapsing under its own weight / lies / short-comings. It is causing a lot of pain as it collapses.

- No matter what the GOP comes up with, the Democrats will hate and ridicule it, trying to shift all the blame of their failed F*ed up Obama Legacy legislation onto the GOP

- No plan that is created will appease everyone. Not everyone will agree with it or like it. Period
You tell us that only 12 million people are insured through the ACA, yet....
Brum, you are such a liar you put most Democrats, to include Rachel Maddow to shame.

FAKE NEWS BRUM, please point out in my words that YOU shared above where I say '12 million people are insured'.

The words '12 million people' only appears ONCE in the posts above, and they aren't anywhere in what I posted. YOU said it, not me.

You are a LIAR. If you can't make your post / point without Lying you have no point.


When you say many of those... just how many do you mean/ 100,000? 1,000,000?

Hold on...let me break out my crystal ball....


''How the F* Should I know?'

Much like YOU, the Liberal media has no desire to make the point that many Americans who will 'lose' health care NEVER WANTED IT to begin with and sure as hell don't want to research / report the total number who were FORCED to buy health care because of the ACA mandate. You / They just want to throw out the BS '14 Million' number.

If you want to be honest:

- MOST of what Barry said and promised about the ACA was BS.

- Most of what snowflakes will say about the ACA now is BS because they want to preserve Barry's disastrous 'legacy' and pin the pain Barry and Democrats caused by passing this disaster on the GOP

- Most / Much of what Ryan is saying right now about the GOP plan is BS, but they are trying to make the best they can.

- The GOP was handed a shit sandwich by Obama and the Democrats, a horrible program that is collapsing under its own weight / lies / short-comings. It is causing a lot of pain as it collapses.

- No matter what the GOP comes up with, the Democrats will hate and ridicule it, trying to shift all the blame of their failed F*ed up Obama Legacy legislation onto the GOP

- No plan that is created will appease everyone. Not everyone will agree with it or like it. Period
You tell us that only 12 million people are insured through the ACA, yet....
Brum, you are such a liar you put most Democrats, to include Rachel Maddow to shame.

FAKE NEWS BRUM, please point out in my words that YOU shared above where I say '12 million people are insured'.

The words '12 million people' only appears ONCE in the posts above, and they aren't anywhere in what I posted. YOU said it, not me.

You are a LIAR. If you can't make your post / point without Lying you have no point.


Most of the right wingers use 12 million as their estimate of the number of people insured under the ACA, and even if it 15 million, you tell us that 14 million never wanted it. Hows that for your complete ignorance
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

The same CBO that claimed the ACA would reduce health care costs and affordability?
They didn't. The CBO doesn't do savings until they're proved...but it's easy to figure subsidies up to $12k/year is better than 4k in tax credits at most. No wonder so many will CHOOSE lol to not get insurance ...
you mean like the 20 million from obummer care?
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

The same CBO that claimed the ACA would reduce health care costs and affordability?
They didn't. The CBO doesn't do savings until they're proved...but it's easy to figure subsidies up to $12k/year is better than 4k in tax credits at most. No wonder so many will CHOOSE lol to not get insurance ...
you mean like the 20 million from obummer care?
What 20 million? Doing what?

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