14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

The CBO didn't get obamacare right.....they can only work with the numbers congress gives them...so why does anyone take them seriously...? We know why he democrats like them.....they ignored obamacare and lied about it......and then trashed the Republican plan...why wouldn't they like the CBO..it enforces the magical thinking of the democrats and D.C. politicians who want to grow government....
The CBO didn't get obamacare right.....they can only work with the numbers congress gives them...so why does anyone take them seriously...? We know why he democrats like them.....they ignored obamacare and lied about it......and then trashed the Republican plan...why wouldn't they like the CBO..it enforces the magical thinking of the democrats and D.C. politicians who want to grow government....
Your feeble attempt to blame the CBO is a waste of time, this legislation is only going to the junk heap
The CBO didn't get obamacare right.....they can only work with the numbers congress gives them...so why does anyone take them seriously...? We know why he democrats like them.....they ignored obamacare and lied about it......and then trashed the Republican plan...why wouldn't they like the CBO..it enforces the magical thinking of the democrats and D.C. politicians who want to grow government....
Your feeble attempt to blame the CBO is a waste of time, this legislation is only going to the junk heap

Tell that to President hilary....Trump is working on it...and he is in his element....we'll see what comes out of his negotiations with all the factions involved......and watching the process shows what actual work on healthcare looks like....unlike the way obamacare was passed...
The CBO didn't get obamacare right.....they can only work with the numbers congress gives them...so why does anyone take them seriously...? We know why he democrats like them.....they ignored obamacare and lied about it......and then trashed the Republican plan...why wouldn't they like the CBO..it enforces the magical thinking of the democrats and D.C. politicians who want to grow government....
Your feeble attempt to blame the CBO is a waste of time, this legislation is only going to the junk heap

Tell that to President hilary....Trump is working on it...and he is in his element....we'll see what comes out of his negotiations with all the factions involved......and watching the process shows what actual work on healthcare looks like....unlike the way obamacare was passed...
The ACA took many months of preparation, this piece of dreck was put together in a few weeks
Everyone who wanted to could read the ACA prior to its enactment.
Sure, we would all love to give the poor everything they desire, free health care, free college educations, a guaranteed living stipend, a place to live and clothing, etc. But who pays?
Don't you know that would destroy whatever is left of the value of the currency? Are you really so ignorant that you don't understand how economics work?
The value of the US petrodollar is secure as long as the OPEC countries continue to demand USD in payment for their oil.

And THAT is precisely the problem that is holding all of humanity back.

Zero Point energy, Water as fuel technologies, Cold Fusion, piezoelectric effects, anti-gravity, nano-tech, solid state generators, nuclear remediation technology, etc. The list of suppressed tech. by the Deep State and break away civilization is staggering. Scientists are assassinated now almost as routinely as journalists and politicians.

"Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by power obtainable at any point in the universe. It is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature."

- Nikola Tesla, Inventor Alternating Current Motor

"We would have universal abundance."

- Adam Trombly, New Energy Inventor

"If these new energy technologies were to be set free world-wide, the change would be profound; it would effect everybody: it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that has happened in the history of the world."

- Brian O’Leary, Physics Professor, NASA Astronaut

"This information coming out would completely change geo-political power more than anything in human history."

- Steven Greer, Disclosure and Orion Projects

The Luciferians and materialists, those who worship power and material comfort will kill in order to keep things as they are.
But eventually the Geni will escape the bottle.

He always does.

Hopefully we will be ready for it.
How in the hell do we know if the free market won't work? We haven't had that in a long time. For decades the government has been imposing stupid regulations that have screwed up the free market so we have no idea how good health care can be without government interference, do we?

A stupid bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, will not provide good health care for you. If you think so then you are very naive. The best hope you have for good health care is for the frigging government to let free enterprise provide the best product for you at the lowest possible price. It works for everything else and it will work for health care. We don't need the stupid government telling us how to run our lives. Helath Cate is too important to have the inefficient and corrupt government involved, don't you think?

I can fire a doctor that doesn't do a good job. I can change insurance companies if my provider doesn't provide a good product. However, with government interference my choices evaporate pretty damn quickly, doesn't it?

Both Obamacare and Ryancare keeps the government from you having access to the best health that would be available. When the three Rayancare phases are completed we will see if it is better than Obamacare. I suspect it will be. Anything will be better than Obamacare.

Yes, but you have no right to go see someone to cure you that claims to be a doctor that hasn't gotten a degree from an "accredited licensed medical school."

We don't have, nor will we have a free market as long as there is licensing of doctors, as long as the FDA can put it's seal of approval on what is a cure and what isn't a cure, and as long as "accredited" medical schools are the ones that are given government approval.
What we have now is cronyism.

Folks get arrested and thrown in jail for selling cancer "cures" w/o FDA approval. It is insane the shit the allopathic chemical industry will go through to maintain it's monopoly on health care.

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

We need an end to the AMA!

And apparently the AARP.

Though Trumpcare seems an excellent attempt to get rid of the AARP's members.

Obamacare favored the poor and low income workers. Trumpcare favors the the wealthy and higher income workers.
Only when the nation agrees that access to healthcare should not be determined by one's wealth will the fight end. It's going to happen eventually. It's just a question of when.

where did the money come from for the subsidies?

It comes from the same source as 50% of our healthcare dollars, government and thus taxpayers. That percentage will continue to rise in the 21st century for several reasons.

First, the value of human life is increasing, some say exponentially. For example, thousands of US soldiers died in in a single battle in WWII and it was reported on page 2 of most major newspapers. In Iraq, 3 soldiers die in an isolated attack and it in the headlines for days, the subject of discussion for weeks on TV, cable and Internet. Two years ago a child died of measles and it was reported nationwide and became a hot button issue for increasing awareness of the need for inoculations. A little less than hundred years ago, 500,000 Americans died in the Influenza Epidemic of 1918 and the primary reporting was done in the obituaries. Today a single preventable death of a child raises alarm throughout the nation. A hundred years, it was of little concern outside of the family.

Secondly, the cost of healthcare in the 21st century is going to continue to rise particular those life saving miracles of medical science.

The increasing value being placed on human life and increasing cost of saving lives will continue to increase the demand for universal healthcare. I believe before the end of this century, healthcare will be considered a universal human right.
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An internal WH analysis shows that 26 million would lose their insurance under the Republican plan. That is worse than the CBO numbers. This shows the Republicans are lying through their teeth. This analysis should have been made public rather than through a leak. This shows politics as usual reigns.
An internal WH analysis shows that 26 million would lose their insurance under the Republican plan. That is worse than the CBO numbers. This shows the Republicans are lying through their teeth. This analysis should have been made public rather than through a leak. This shows politics as usual reigns.

Sounds like somebody is reporting more fake news.

If Ryancare produces a freer more affordable market in healthcare opting out of Obamacare doesn't mean they will lose anything worthwhile.
An internal WH analysis shows that 26 million would lose their insurance under the Republican plan. That is worse than the CBO numbers. This shows the Republicans are lying through their teeth. This analysis should have been made public rather than through a leak. This shows politics as usual reigns.

That actually would be an improvement over Obamacare.

Key Facts about the Uninsured Population

Key Facts about the Uninsured Population

Decreasing the number of uninsured is a key goal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which extends Medicaid coverage to many low-income individuals in states that have expanded and provides Marketplace subsidies for individuals below 400% of poverty. The ACA’s major coverage provisions went into effect in January 2014 and have led to significant coverage gains. As of the end of 2015, the number of uninsured nonelderly Americans stood at 28.5 million, a decrease of nearly 13 million since 2013. This fact sheet describes how coverage has changed under the ACA, examines the characteristics of the uninsured population, and summarizes the access and financial implications of not having coverage.
The CBO didn't get obamacare right.....they can only work with the numbers congress gives them...so why does anyone take them seriously...? We know why he democrats like them.....they ignored obamacare and lied about it......and then trashed the Republican plan...why wouldn't they like the CBO..it enforces the magical thinking of the democrats and D.C. politicians who want to grow government....
People take the CBO seriously because they are non-partial and work for congress. The CBO's predictions on Obamacare were not as accurate as we might have liked, but they were more accurate than the uninformed guesses of a lot of people at the time, and more accurate than the informed guesses of many other organizations. A report by the Commonwealth Fund comparing the CBO's 2010 predictions to how the ACA played out over the next five years found the agency was "reasonably accurate," with estimates "closer to realized experience than those of many other prominent forecasters."
[Q. I believe before the end of this century, healthcare will be considered a universal human right.

Who is going to pay the bills for this "right"?
Obviously the taxpayer. We may be spending a slightly larger portion of the GDP on healthcare. Currently that figure is 17.8%. Worst case estimates of Medicare For All put that figure at 21% but some studies show a decrease of 1%.
The CBO didn't get obamacare right.....they can only work with the numbers congress gives them...so why does anyone take them seriously...? We know why he democrats like them.....they ignored obamacare and lied about it......and then trashed the Republican plan...why wouldn't they like the CBO..it enforces the magical thinking of the democrats and D.C. politicians who want to grow government....
People take the CBO seriously because they are non-partial and work for congress. The CBO's predictions on Obamacare were not as accurate as we might have liked, but they were more accurate than the uninformed guesses of a lot of people at the time, and more accurate than the informed guesses of many other organizations. A report by the Commonwealth Fund comparing the CBO's 2010 predictions to how the ACA played out over the next five years found the agency was "reasonably accurate," with estimates "closer to realized experience than those of many other prominent forecasters."

Yeah...here is what they said...

What CBO Said About Obamacare in 2009 is Why You Can't TRUST Them Now

PolitiFact reported back in 2009:

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) studied the health care bill proposed by Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and concluded that if passed, most people would see a very modest decrease in premiums by 2016 (compared to what they would pay under the current system). How modest? Best-case scenario – for those in group plans with large companies – about 3 percent better. For a small percentage of people (less than 8 percent of the insured) who would buy insurance on the individual market, and who wouldn’t be eligible for federal subsidies, they might actually pay 10 to 13 percent more, though with new federal minimum standards, they’d also be getting more insurance coverage as well.

The second way to look at cost is its effect on the national deficit. And here again, the CBO has weighed in on the Reid plan. The CBO concluded that while the plan would be very expensive, the bill is also more than paid for with new taxes and plans to reduce health care spending over time. The net effect, according to the CBO, is that over 10 years, the plan would end up reducing the national deficit by $130 billion.

While the report flippantly noted that some would pay “10 to 13 percent more,” we know that in many cases, it’s far worse than that.

As we all know, the CBO’s predictions about Obamacare didn’t turn out to be true.

In Nov. 2016, Fortune reported:

But wait, there’s more. In Thoughts from the Frontline, I’ve written about the significant increases in the cost of insurance premiums under the Affordable Care Act. The rising premiums aren’t figured into the CBO budget forecast.

Many of you might think that’s not a budget issue because individuals pay the premiums. But keep in mind, we are subsidizing, either partially or completely, 25 million people under the Affordable Care Act. And rising premiums for those people will indeed mean an increase in the deficit. Within a few years that could add $200 billion to the deficit unless we figure out how to control healthcare costs.

Yeah, it doesn’t look like the CBO is the most reliable source here …
The CBO didn't get obamacare right.....they can only work with the numbers congress gives them...so why does anyone take them seriously...? We know why he democrats like them.....they ignored obamacare and lied about it......and then trashed the Republican plan...why wouldn't they like the CBO..it enforces the magical thinking of the democrats and D.C. politicians who want to grow government....
Your feeble attempt to blame the CBO is a waste of time, this legislation is only going to the junk heap
Quite possibly, but I don't expect that. Republicans will get some kind of a bill passed. It may remain just a budgetary bill which just makes limited changes to Obamacare or it could be a real repeal and and replace.

The primary reason for inaccuracies in Obamacare CBO projection is events that occurred after the projection which can not be foreseen such as changes to legislation after the estimate, changes in implementation by the administration, and changes ordered by the courts, all of which happen with Obamacare.

It is far too early to tell what impact the the new bill will have because it will probably be changed in number of ways. Remember Obamacare is not being repealed. Only budgetary items are being changed by this bill. If Democrats get on board, then were be many changes. If not, there will still be changes but they will be primarily budgetary in nature. Lastly, we really don't know how Trump will implement the bill, nor what the courts will do with it.

However, we that said, a lot of people are going to loose their healthcare coverage, some willing and other not. There will absolutely be a rise in premiums because any major changes such as this scares the hell out of the insurance companies and it throws their sales, claims, and reserve projections to the wind so they will go conservative and overprice their policies. Since the much ballyhooded increase in competition will not be there for years if ever, we will be lucky if the average increase in premiums is as low as the CBO projection of 15%.
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The CBO didn't get obamacare right.....they can only work with the numbers congress gives them...so why does anyone take them seriously...? We know why he democrats like them.....they ignored obamacare and lied about it......and then trashed the Republican plan...why wouldn't they like the CBO..it enforces the magical thinking of the democrats and D.C. politicians who want to grow government....
People take the CBO seriously because they are non-partial and work for congress. The CBO's predictions on Obamacare were not as accurate as we might have liked, but they were more accurate than the uninformed guesses of a lot of people at the time, and more accurate than the informed guesses of many other organizations. A report by the Commonwealth Fund comparing the CBO's 2010 predictions to how the ACA played out over the next five years found the agency was "reasonably accurate," with estimates "closer to realized experience than those of many other prominent forecasters."

Yeah...here is what they said...

What CBO Said About Obamacare in 2009 is Why You Can't TRUST Them Now

PolitiFact reported back in 2009:

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) studied the health care bill proposed by Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and concluded that if passed, most people would see a very modest decrease in premiums by 2016 (compared to what they would pay under the current system). How modest? Best-case scenario – for those in group plans with large companies – about 3 percent better. For a small percentage of people (less than 8 percent of the insured) who would buy insurance on the individual market, and who wouldn’t be eligible for federal subsidies, they might actually pay 10 to 13 percent more, though with new federal minimum standards, they’d also be getting more insurance coverage as well.

The second way to look at cost is its effect on the national deficit. And here again, the CBO has weighed in on the Reid plan. The CBO concluded that while the plan would be very expensive, the bill is also more than paid for with new taxes and plans to reduce health care spending over time. The net effect, according to the CBO, is that over 10 years, the plan would end up reducing the national deficit by $130 billion.

While the report flippantly noted that some would pay “10 to 13 percent more,” we know that in many cases, it’s far worse than that.

As we all know, the CBO’s predictions about Obamacare didn’t turn out to be true.

In Nov. 2016, Fortune reported:

But wait, there’s more. In Thoughts from the Frontline, I’ve written about the significant increases in the cost of insurance premiums under the Affordable Care Act. The rising premiums aren’t figured into the CBO budget forecast.

Many of you might think that’s not a budget issue because individuals pay the premiums. But keep in mind, we are subsidizing, either partially or completely, 25 million people under the Affordable Care Act. And rising premiums for those people will indeed mean an increase in the deficit. Within a few years that could add $200 billion to the deficit unless we figure out how to control healthcare costs.

Yeah, it doesn’t look like the CBO is the most reliable source here …
The CBO projection of 2009 was not the finalize bill. Check the 2010 CBO projection.
If you want more money go get better skills and education. See there? I addressed the wage gap issue.

Everything is prioritized by who can pay.

How come we had low deductibles before obiecare? The Insurance companies were making the same profit then as well.

Yeah, that makes a giant leap in assumptions, doesn't it?

Just make yourself more marketable, right?

Do you know anything about economics, supply and demand?

If there is too much labor and not enough demand, there is nothing labor can do, it doesn't matter silly. Nice try. There are no simple answers when the elites have used government to enrich themselves at the expense of the middle class and the poor.
If thee demand is too low then why are you pushing for higher minimum wages? How is that going to increase the demand?
People having money to spend DUHHHHHHHH....
How are they going to have money to spend after you cost them their job by pricing them out of it?
You are such a brainwashed wimp, dupe. Our country needs DEMAND. Reaganism has been squashing the nonrich and the country for 35 years.
How do you create demand by pricing people out of jobs? You're just spouting off more half baked lefty rally chants.

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