14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

where did the money come from for the subsidies?
Where does the money come from when people get needlessly sick because the did not have preventive care, and are no longer productive and paying taxes, but instead on disability? You selfish, short sighted dumb fucks need a reality check.
Are you even trying to offer anything that makes sense or just spewing unhelpful blather? Yes people should take responsibility for their health but in our for profit health care system and income / wealth disparity environment, not everyone can pay for all of their own medical costs. Please give me a sight that you are at least bright enough to comprehend that much. PLEASE!!

Speaking of comprehension problems, my issue is that some folks get free healthcare while others work for it, pay for it, and can't use it since the deductibles are so high. There is a reality check that you need to admit, that the medical system has limited resources, and those that work for and pay for their healthcare should get priority over those who get it free. I want everyone to pay their own way, but failing that, deductibles shouldn't restrict paying customers.
If your issue is those who pay their way vs. those who can't, then address the income/wealth disparity issue . I' m sure that you wont because no conservatives will.
Prioritizing those who can pay over who can't is inhumane and selfish, and ignores that realities of our economy.

If your issue is the high deductibles, address the issue of insurance for obscene profits at the expense of the insured .

Both the DNC and RNC platforms support the institution of the Federal Reserve. In essence, that is socialism for the wealthy elites, this is why there is so much wealth and income inequality.

It is because the folks that run both parties, the folks that run the intelligence establishment, the Deep State, the media, Hollywood, all of it, IOW, the establishment that controls your very thoughts, have you and those who you see as your opponents (IOW manufactured opposition) BOTH agree against doing what needs to be done to decrease the income disparity. Why? Because the one percent run the show clearly, they own you, and those whose ideas you subscribe to. How could you think any differently? How could your opponents?

This is why that income disparity you are concerned with won't go away as long as you and all the folks that think like you continue supporting the same candidates and beating your heads against the same wall.


where did the money come from for the subsidies?
Where does the money come from when people get needlessly sick because the did not have preventive care, and are no longer productive and paying taxes, but instead on disability? You selfish, short sighted dumb fucks need a reality check.
Are you even trying to offer anything that makes sense or just spewing unhelpful blather? Yes people should take responsibility for their health but in our for profit health care system and income / wealth disparity environment, not everyone can pay for all of their own medical costs. Please give me a sight that you are at least bright enough to comprehend that much. PLEASE!!

Speaking of comprehension problems, my issue is that some folks get free healthcare while others work for it, pay for it, and can't use it since the deductibles are so high. There is a reality check that you need to admit, that the medical system has limited resources, and those that work for and pay for their healthcare should get priority over those who get it free. I want everyone to pay their own way, but failing that, deductibles shouldn't restrict paying customers.
If your issue is those who pay their way vs. those who can't, then address the income/wealth disparity issue . I' m sure that you wont because no conservatives will.
Prioritizing those who can pay over who can't is inhumane and selfish, and ignores that realities of our economy.

If your issue is the high deductibles, address the issue of insurance for obscene profits at the expense of the insured .

My main issue is working and paying for healthcare and not being able to use it due to high deductibles. Obscene profits are bullshit, another solution is to turn healthcare into a utility-like system where profits are managed, such that the companies are guaranteed 4%, no more and no less, and then the premium costs are managed by the States.
Where does the money come from when people get needlessly sick because the did not have preventive care, and are no longer productive and paying taxes, but instead on disability? You selfish, short sighted dumb fucks need a reality check.
Are you even trying to offer anything that makes sense or just spewing unhelpful blather? Yes people should take responsibility for their health but in our for profit health care system and income / wealth disparity environment, not everyone can pay for all of their own medical costs. Please give me a sight that you are at least bright enough to comprehend that much. PLEASE!!

Speaking of comprehension problems, my issue is that some folks get free healthcare while others work for it, pay for it, and can't use it since the deductibles are so high. There is a reality check that you need to admit, that the medical system has limited resources, and those that work for and pay for their healthcare should get priority over those who get it free. I want everyone to pay their own way, but failing that, deductibles shouldn't restrict paying customers.
If your issue is those who pay their way vs. those who can't, then address the income/wealth disparity issue . I' m sure that you wont because no conservatives will.
Prioritizing those who can pay over who can't is inhumane and selfish, and ignores that realities of our economy.

If your issue is the high deductibles, address the issue of insurance for obscene profits at the expense of the insured .
If you want more money go get better skills and education. See there? I addressed the wage gap issue.

Everything is prioritized by who can pay.

How come we had low deductibles before obiecare? The Insurance companies were making the same profit then as well.

Yeah, that makes a giant leap in assumptions, doesn't it?

Just make yourself more marketable, right?

Do you know anything about economics, supply and demand?

If there is too much labor and not enough demand, there is nothing labor can do, it doesn't matter silly. Nice try. There are no simple answers when the elites have used government to enrich themselves at the expense of the middle class and the poor.
I see your an Einstein to think obamacare was government insurance. All private insurance and you think your rates are high now you just wait or maybe you can get one of those HSA compatible plans with a deductible of $10 or $20 thousand. Oh I hope they pass this bill just to laugh at all you under achiever's.
My deductible went from 1500 to 5000 after obiecare. Why would it go to 10k after this train wreck stops crashing?

It's crazy how hard you people on the free end of things keep calling us under achievers. If it wasn't for my money you would be dead.

Don't think so under achiever,, you apparently haven't been listening to what the pugs are saying about how they will lower health insurance premium's. HSA's with higher deductible's than today. No if it wasn't for my money you'd be dead.
Excuse me if I don't take a dems word for what something is going to cost me. I'm still waiting for that $2,500 a year obie owes me. I figure you jerk off owe me about 15 grand already.

Nobody owes you shit
Not even healthcare? I thought everyone is owed healthcare was your rallying cry.
every other civilized country has it ,,What's keeping us ,,,besides republicans?
Are you even trying to offer anything that makes sense or just spewing unhelpful blather? Yes people should take responsibility for their health but in our for profit health care system and income / wealth disparity environment, not everyone can pay for all of their own medical costs. Please give me a sight that you are at least bright enough to comprehend that much. PLEASE!!

Speaking of comprehension problems, my issue is that some folks get free healthcare while others work for it, pay for it, and can't use it since the deductibles are so high. There is a reality check that you need to admit, that the medical system has limited resources, and those that work for and pay for their healthcare should get priority over those who get it free. I want everyone to pay their own way, but failing that, deductibles shouldn't restrict paying customers.
If your issue is those who pay their way vs. those who can't, then address the income/wealth disparity issue . I' m sure that you wont because no conservatives will.
Prioritizing those who can pay over who can't is inhumane and selfish, and ignores that realities of our economy.

If your issue is the high deductibles, address the issue of insurance for obscene profits at the expense of the insured .
If you want more money go get better skills and education. See there? I addressed the wage gap issue.

Everything is prioritized by who can pay.

How come we had low deductibles before obiecare? The Insurance companies were making the same profit then as well.

Yeah, that makes a giant leap in assumptions, doesn't it?

Just make yourself more marketable, right?

Do you know anything about economics, supply and demand?

If there is too much labor and not enough demand, there is nothing labor can do, it doesn't matter silly. Nice try. There are no simple answers when the elites have used government to enrich themselves at the expense of the middle class and the poor.
If thee demand is too low then why are you pushing for higher minimum wages? How is that going to increase the demand?
HaHa!!!! Forget ridiculous campaign promises to the dupes. Go after ridiculous hospital and doctor costs, tort reform, make the exchanges nationwide and the competition more healthy, and stop the GOP from sabotaging ACA. FIX IT. We'll be doing that forever. It was never O-Care anyway. HE wasn't for the mandate...

How come Messiah Obama and his Disciples Reid and Pelosi never did that with their manna from heaven ACA that they wrote and rammed thru Congress? Don't blame the Republicans, they were left out and didn't vote for it. If you think those issues exist in healthcare, put the blame on those that wrote and passed the bill. Why didn't they fix those things? Here's a clue.....they are corporatists that let the insurance and pharma companies write the bill. Your pissing and moaning at the wrong people and you're too stoopid to realize it. Dupe.
And even then it barely passed. Fix it and stop being obstructionist a-holes...
My deductible went from 1500 to 5000 after obiecare. Why would it go to 10k after this train wreck stops crashing?

It's crazy how hard you people on the free end of things keep calling us under achievers. If it wasn't for my money you would be dead.

Don't think so under achiever,, you apparently haven't been listening to what the pugs are saying about how they will lower health insurance premium's. HSA's with higher deductible's than today. No if it wasn't for my money you'd be dead.
Excuse me if I don't take a dems word for what something is going to cost me. I'm still waiting for that $2,500 a year obie owes me. I figure you jerk off owe me about 15 grand already.

Nobody owes you shit
Not even healthcare? I thought everyone is owed healthcare was your rallying cry.
every other civilized country has it ,,What's keeping us ,,,besides republicans?
Nothing. Total scuzzballs and sily dupes...
That 2500 comes when it's implemented and competition takes hold. DUH.
Are you even trying to offer anything that makes sense or just spewing unhelpful blather? Yes people should take responsibility for their health but in our for profit health care system and income / wealth disparity environment, not everyone can pay for all of their own medical costs. Please give me a sight that you are at least bright enough to comprehend that much. PLEASE!!

Speaking of comprehension problems, my issue is that some folks get free healthcare while others work for it, pay for it, and can't use it since the deductibles are so high. There is a reality check that you need to admit, that the medical system has limited resources, and those that work for and pay for their healthcare should get priority over those who get it free. I want everyone to pay their own way, but failing that, deductibles shouldn't restrict paying customers.
If your issue is those who pay their way vs. those who can't, then address the income/wealth disparity issue . I' m sure that you wont because no conservatives will.
Prioritizing those who can pay over who can't is inhumane and selfish, and ignores that realities of our economy.

If your issue is the high deductibles, address the issue of insurance for obscene profits at the expense of the insured .
If you want more money go get better skills and education. See there? I addressed the wage gap issue.

Everything is prioritized by who can pay.

How come we had low deductibles before obiecare? The Insurance companies were making the same profit then as well.

Yeah, that makes a giant leap in assumptions, doesn't it?

Just make yourself more marketable, right?

Do you know anything about economics, supply and demand?

If there is too much labor and not enough demand, there is nothing labor can do, it doesn't matter silly. Nice try. There are no simple answers when the elites have used government to enrich themselves at the expense of the middle class and the poor.
If thee demand is too low then why are you pushing for higher minimum wages? How is that going to increase the demand?
People having money to spend DUHHHHHHHH....
HaHa!!!! Forget ridiculous campaign promises to the dupes. Go after ridiculous hospital and doctor costs, tort reform, make the exchanges nationwide and the competition more healthy, and stop the GOP from sabotaging ACA. FIX IT. We'll be doing that forever. It was never O-Care anyway. HE wasn't for the mandate...

How come Messiah Obama and his Disciples Reid and Pelosi never did that with their manna from heaven ACA that they wrote and rammed thru Congress? Don't blame the Republicans, they were left out and didn't vote for it. If you think those issues exist in healthcare, put the blame on those that wrote and passed the bill. Why didn't they fix those things? Here's a clue.....they are corporatists that let the insurance and pharma companies write the bill. Your pissing and moaning at the wrong people and you're too stoopid to realize it. Dupe.
And even then it barely passed. Fix it and stop being obstructionist a-holes...

They don't know how to do anything else.
Where does the money come from when people get needlessly sick because the did not have preventive care, and are no longer productive and paying taxes, but instead on disability? You selfish, short sighted dumb fucks need a reality check.
Are you even trying to offer anything that makes sense or just spewing unhelpful blather? Yes people should take responsibility for their health but in our for profit health care system and income / wealth disparity environment, not everyone can pay for all of their own medical costs. Please give me a sight that you are at least bright enough to comprehend that much. PLEASE!!

Speaking of comprehension problems, my issue is that some folks get free healthcare while others work for it, pay for it, and can't use it since the deductibles are so high. There is a reality check that you need to admit, that the medical system has limited resources, and those that work for and pay for their healthcare should get priority over those who get it free. I want everyone to pay their own way, but failing that, deductibles shouldn't restrict paying customers.
If your issue is those who pay their way vs. those who can't, then address the income/wealth disparity issue . I' m sure that you wont because no conservatives will.
Prioritizing those who can pay over who can't is inhumane and selfish, and ignores that realities of our economy.

If your issue is the high deductibles, address the issue of insurance for obscene profits at the expense of the insured .

Both the DNC and RNC platforms support the institution of the Federal Reserve. In essence, that is socialism for the wealthy elites, this is why there is so much wealth and income inequality.

It is because the folks that run both parties, the folks that run the intelligence establishment, the Deep State, the media, Hollywood, all of it, IOW, the establishment that controls your very thoughts, have you and those who you see as your opponents (IOW manufactured opposition) BOTH agree against doing what needs to be done to decrease the income disparity. Why? Because the one percent run the show clearly, they own you, and those whose ideas you subscribe to. How could you think any differently? How could your opponents?

This is why that income disparity you are concerned with won't go away as long as you and all the folks that think like you continue supporting the same candidates and beating your heads against the same wall.


BS, bought off and brainwashed GOPers block the good guy Dems DUHHHH. Our gov't is GREAT at obstruction. All GOPers care about is low taxes and regs on the their greedy rich masters.
Speaking of comprehension problems, my issue is that some folks get free healthcare while others work for it, pay for it, and can't use it since the deductibles are so high. There is a reality check that you need to admit, that the medical system has limited resources, and those that work for and pay for their healthcare should get priority over those who get it free. I want everyone to pay their own way, but failing that, deductibles shouldn't restrict paying customers.
If your issue is those who pay their way vs. those who can't, then address the income/wealth disparity issue . I' m sure that you wont because no conservatives will.
Prioritizing those who can pay over who can't is inhumane and selfish, and ignores that realities of our economy.

If your issue is the high deductibles, address the issue of insurance for obscene profits at the expense of the insured .
If you want more money go get better skills and education. See there? I addressed the wage gap issue.

Everything is prioritized by who can pay.

How come we had low deductibles before obiecare? The Insurance companies were making the same profit then as well.

Yeah, that makes a giant leap in assumptions, doesn't it?

Just make yourself more marketable, right?

Do you know anything about economics, supply and demand?

If there is too much labor and not enough demand, there is nothing labor can do, it doesn't matter silly. Nice try. There are no simple answers when the elites have used government to enrich themselves at the expense of the middle class and the poor.
If thee demand is too low then why are you pushing for higher minimum wages? How is that going to increase the demand?
People having money to spend DUHHHHHHHH....
How are they going to have money to spend after you cost them their job by pricing them out of it?
Don't think so under achiever,, you apparently haven't been listening to what the pugs are saying about how they will lower health insurance premium's. HSA's with higher deductible's than today. No if it wasn't for my money you'd be dead.
Excuse me if I don't take a dems word for what something is going to cost me. I'm still waiting for that $2,500 a year obie owes me. I figure you jerk off owe me about 15 grand already.

Nobody owes you shit
Not even healthcare? I thought everyone is owed healthcare was your rallying cry.
every other civilized country has it ,,What's keeping us ,,,besides republicans?
Nothing. Total scuzzballs and sily dupes...
That 2500 comes when it's implemented and competition takes hold. DUH.
So I can expect $2500 in what? The year 2500?
HaHa!!!! Forget ridiculous campaign promises to the dupes. Go after ridiculous hospital and doctor costs, tort reform, make the exchanges nationwide and the competition more healthy, and stop the GOP from sabotaging ACA. FIX IT. We'll be doing that forever. It was never O-Care anyway. HE wasn't for the mandate...

How come Messiah Obama and his Disciples Reid and Pelosi never did that with their manna from heaven ACA that they wrote and rammed thru Congress? Don't blame the Republicans, they were left out and didn't vote for it. If you think those issues exist in healthcare, put the blame on those that wrote and passed the bill. Why didn't they fix those things? Here's a clue.....they are corporatists that let the insurance and pharma companies write the bill. Your pissing and moaning at the wrong people and you're too stoopid to realize it. Dupe.
And even then it barely passed. Fix it and stop being obstructionist a-holes...

They don't know how to do anything else.
They also know how to be duped...lol
If your issue is those who pay their way vs. those who can't, then address the income/wealth disparity issue . I' m sure that you wont because no conservatives will.
Prioritizing those who can pay over who can't is inhumane and selfish, and ignores that realities of our economy.

If your issue is the high deductibles, address the issue of insurance for obscene profits at the expense of the insured .
If you want more money go get better skills and education. See there? I addressed the wage gap issue.

Everything is prioritized by who can pay.

How come we had low deductibles before obiecare? The Insurance companies were making the same profit then as well.

Yeah, that makes a giant leap in assumptions, doesn't it?

Just make yourself more marketable, right?

Do you know anything about economics, supply and demand?

If there is too much labor and not enough demand, there is nothing labor can do, it doesn't matter silly. Nice try. There are no simple answers when the elites have used government to enrich themselves at the expense of the middle class and the poor.
If thee demand is too low then why are you pushing for higher minimum wages? How is that going to increase the demand?
People having money to spend DUHHHHHHHH....
How are they going to have money to spend after you cost them their job by pricing them out of it?
You are such a brainwashed wimp, dupe. Our country needs DEMAND. Reaganism has been squashing the nonrich and the country for 35 years.
Excuse me if I don't take a dems word for what something is going to cost me. I'm still waiting for that $2,500 a year obie owes me. I figure you jerk off owe me about 15 grand already.

Nobody owes you shit
Not even healthcare? I thought everyone is owed healthcare was your rallying cry.
every other civilized country has it ,,What's keeping us ,,,besides republicans?
Nothing. Total scuzzballs and sily dupes...
That 2500 comes when it's implemented and competition takes hold. DUH.
So I can expect $2500 in what? The year 2500?
Without GOP/insurer sabotage about 2020. That's the difference in the cost rise curve. There's already a big difference in blue states...strange, eh? OF COURSE it happens when competition and regulation have time to work, silly dupe.
Nobody owes you shit
Not even healthcare? I thought everyone is owed healthcare was your rallying cry.
every other civilized country has it ,,What's keeping us ,,,besides republicans?
Nothing. Total scuzzballs and sily dupes...
That 2500 comes when it's implemented and competition takes hold. DUH.
So I can expect $2500 in what? The year 2500?
Without GOP/insurer sabotage about 2020. That's the difference in the cost rise curve. There's already a big difference in blue states...strange, eh? OF COURSE it happens when competition and regulation have time to work, silly dupe.

Sure, that's why more companies pull completely out every year.
Yes, you should say more. Who are the 14 million? Are they people who would CHOOSE to not buy health insurance? Why do you object to them having a choice?
Are you even trying to offer anything that makes sense or just spewing unhelpful blather? Yes people should take responsibility for their health but in our for profit health care system and income / wealth disparity environment, not everyone can pay for all of their own medical costs. Please give me a sight that you are at least bright enough to comprehend that much. PLEASE!!

Speaking of comprehension problems, my issue is that some folks get free healthcare while others work for it, pay for it, and can't use it since the deductibles are so high. There is a reality check that you need to admit, that the medical system has limited resources, and those that work for and pay for their healthcare should get priority over those who get it free. I want everyone to pay their own way, but failing that, deductibles shouldn't restrict paying customers.
If your issue is those who pay their way vs. those who can't, then address the income/wealth disparity issue . I' m sure that you wont because no conservatives will.
Prioritizing those who can pay over who can't is inhumane and selfish, and ignores that realities of our economy.

If your issue is the high deductibles, address the issue of insurance for obscene profits at the expense of the insured .
If you want more money go get better skills and education. See there? I addressed the wage gap issue.

Everything is prioritized by who can pay.

How come we had low deductibles before obiecare? The Insurance companies were making the same profit then as well.

Yeah, that makes a giant leap in assumptions, doesn't it?

Just make yourself more marketable, right?

Do you know anything about economics, supply and demand?

If there is too much labor and not enough demand, there is nothing labor can do, it doesn't matter silly. Nice try. There are no simple answers when the elites have used government to enrich themselves at the expense of the middle class and the poor.
If thee demand is too low then why are you pushing for higher minimum wages? How is that going to increase the demand?

You'll never catch me lobbying for higher minimum wage. We should do away with all wage laws and laws that tell us that folks older than puberty can't work.

If admiral Farragut could command at age nine, why can't those who are ready enter the work force?

Oh yeah, that's right, b/c it would be a nightmare for politicians that can't already create an economy to take care of the adults they have. So what's the solution? Mandate that everyone has to be held back and imprisoned in schools, and have their abilities handicapped by learning useless crap inapplicable to market realities until the market can handle them.

Dumb them down and indoctrinate the population until they are useless drones, incapable of critical thought, dependent on the state. Then stick them on mental health drugs b/c they can't adjust, and put them all on welfare. Thus, the government has no unemployment problems.

No sir, I am not for a minimum wage. Let the market free, and let entrepreneurs do their work. Get rid of all of these regulations.
Speaking of comprehension problems, my issue is that some folks get free healthcare while others work for it, pay for it, and can't use it since the deductibles are so high. There is a reality check that you need to admit, that the medical system has limited resources, and those that work for and pay for their healthcare should get priority over those who get it free. I want everyone to pay their own way, but failing that, deductibles shouldn't restrict paying customers.
If your issue is those who pay their way vs. those who can't, then address the income/wealth disparity issue . I' m sure that you wont because no conservatives will.
Prioritizing those who can pay over who can't is inhumane and selfish, and ignores that realities of our economy.

If your issue is the high deductibles, address the issue of insurance for obscene profits at the expense of the insured .
If you want more money go get better skills and education. See there? I addressed the wage gap issue.

Everything is prioritized by who can pay.

How come we had low deductibles before obiecare? The Insurance companies were making the same profit then as well.

Yeah, that makes a giant leap in assumptions, doesn't it?

Just make yourself more marketable, right?

Do you know anything about economics, supply and demand?

If there is too much labor and not enough demand, there is nothing labor can do, it doesn't matter silly. Nice try. There are no simple answers when the elites have used government to enrich themselves at the expense of the middle class and the poor.
If thee demand is too low then why are you pushing for higher minimum wages? How is that going to increase the demand?
People having money to spend DUHHHHHHHH....

. . . and where does that money come from?
If your issue is those who pay their way vs. those who can't, then address the income/wealth disparity issue . I' m sure that you wont because no conservatives will.
Prioritizing those who can pay over who can't is inhumane and selfish, and ignores that realities of our economy.

If your issue is the high deductibles, address the issue of insurance for obscene profits at the expense of the insured .
If you want more money go get better skills and education. See there? I addressed the wage gap issue.

Everything is prioritized by who can pay.

How come we had low deductibles before obiecare? The Insurance companies were making the same profit then as well.

Yeah, that makes a giant leap in assumptions, doesn't it?

Just make yourself more marketable, right?

Do you know anything about economics, supply and demand?

If there is too much labor and not enough demand, there is nothing labor can do, it doesn't matter silly. Nice try. There are no simple answers when the elites have used government to enrich themselves at the expense of the middle class and the poor.
If thee demand is too low then why are you pushing for higher minimum wages? How is that going to increase the demand?
People having money to spend DUHHHHHHHH....

. . . and where does that money come from?
A living wage, duh. Can you read?

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