14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

Wrong as always, then again you can not cite from the actual bill why it is..

You also missed posting how many government/tax payer hospitals are out there, to promote your far left religious dogma!
If this plan is so good, why won't the republican congress or senate approve it

I think they're reading it and trying to sort it out. And i'll take that over Pelosi's 'We have to pass it in order to read it' disaster. They're taking time to fully understand it. I'm good with that.

Plus this portion is part one of a three part process!
Bovine excrement. A mythical three part process. Only a really stupid or delusional person believes that.

Yes I see the far left does not care about reality!

Republicans look poised for three-part plan to repeal and replace Obamacare
The gop needs 60 votes in the Senate to enact the third rail legislation that can be fillibutstered
Last edited:
I agree with you.

But that is what I am trying to tell you. As it stands now, that is what caused this problem, we don't have a "free market." We haven't had one since be for the turn of the 20th century. Ever since the government mandated that nobody could treat you or "cure" you unless the government licensed them, and no product could claim to treat you unless it was approved by the government, costs have spiraled. THAT is what I am getting at.

The cause of sky rocketing healthcare costs has BEEN the government. We don't have a "free market." Your treatment options are limited, and you don't even realize it. Because you are a wealthy individual, YOU have options. The poor however, have none. If there were no government controls, the poor would have options.
What are the option for the poor who have no money?

Read the bill and find out!

Silly far left drone!
Read it or not, the bill is a loser sweetie

Maybe? But at least they're reading it this time. A huge step up from Pelosi's disaster.
Everyone who wanted to could read the ACA prior to its enactment. Sorry to disappoint. It just proves that if a lie is repeated enough times, you will believe it

They did resist it, they got defunded by the DNC for speaking out against and lost elections. That is why many against voted for it after the elections!

See how the far left will deny real history?
If this plan is so good, why won't the republican congress or senate approve it

I think they're reading it and trying to sort it out. And i'll take that over Pelosi's 'We have to pass it in order to read it' disaster. They're taking time to fully understand it. I'm good with that.

Plus this portion is part one of a three part process!
Bovine excrement. A mythical three part process. Only a really stupid or delusional person believes that.

Yes I see the far left does not care about reality!

Republicans look poised for three-part plan to repeal and replace Obamacare
We have already been told handjo that there is no 3 part plan

See you can not read an article that spells it out!

Typical far left drone!
The real question is "How many poor people will no longer be able to get health insurance under the Trumpcare proposals?"

That is entirely different from "14 million wont be carrying health insurance".
and you have to ask, how many of those 14 million only have the insurance now because someone else is paying for it under obamacare?
And you have to ask what is the cost to the taxpayers when millions of people are much sicker than they should have ever gotten because they did not have early on preventive care, and are now on disability instead of being productive and paying taxes. Funny how I keep asking that question and can't get a rational answer. Shit!! I can't get any answer!!
See post #466 for the answer
I saw it. Not even close to an answer. Thank you for proving my point.
And apparently the AARP.

Though Trumpcare seems an excellent attempt to get rid of the AARP's members.
Obamacare favored the poor and low income workers. Trumpcare favors the the wealthy and higher income workers.
Only when the nation agrees that access to healthcare should not be determined by one's wealth will the fight end. It's going to happen eventually. It's just a question of when.
where did the money come from for the subsidies?
Where does the money come from when people get needlessly sick because the did not have preventive care, and are no longer productive and paying taxes, but instead on disability? You selfish, short sighted dumb fucks need a reality check.
Are you even trying to offer anything that makes sense or just spewing unhelpful blather? Yes people should take responsibility for their health but in our for profit health care system and income / wealth disparity environment, not everyone can pay for all of their own medical costs. Please give me a sight that you are at least bright enough to comprehend that much. PLEASE!!

Speaking of comprehension problems, my issue is that some folks get free healthcare while others work for it, pay for it, and can't use it since the deductibles are so high. There is a reality check that you need to admit, that the medical system has limited resources, and those that work for and pay for their healthcare should get priority over those who get it free. I want everyone to pay their own way, but failing that, deductibles shouldn't restrict paying customers.
What are the option for the poor who have no money?

Read the bill and find out!

Silly far left drone!
Read it or not, the bill is a loser sweetie

Maybe? But at least they're reading it this time. A huge step up from Pelosi's disaster.
Everyone who wanted to could read the ACA prior to its enactment. Sorry to disappoint. It just proves that if a lie is repeated enough times, you will believe it

They did resist it, they got defunded by the DNC for speaking out against and lost elections. That is why many against voted for it after the elections!

See how the far left will deny real history?

True, she ordered them to vote for it without reading it. And if they refused, they were punished. So i think this process is more thorough and honest. Folks are actually reading and understanding it. So i'm optimistic they'll come up with something acceptable.

Where does the money come from when people get needlessly sick because the did not have preventive care, and are no longer productive and paying taxes, but instead on disability? You selfish, short sighted dumb fucks need a reality check.

I don't know and I don't care. It is my responsibility to pay my bills and it is your responsibility to pay your bills.

Since I am a generous person I may chose to help you out if I think you are deserving but I sure as hell don't want the filthy ass corrupt oppressive government taking my money and giving it to somebody else. Do you? Do you want the government to take your money and give it to somebody else? If so why don't you just give them your money and leave me out?
Read the bill and find out!

Silly far left drone!
Read it or not, the bill is a loser sweetie

Maybe? But at least they're reading it this time. A huge step up from Pelosi's disaster.
Everyone who wanted to could read the ACA prior to its enactment. Sorry to disappoint. It just proves that if a lie is repeated enough times, you will believe it

They did resist it, they got defunded by the DNC for speaking out against and lost elections. That is why many against voted for it after the elections!

See how the far left will deny real history?

True, she ordered them to vote for it without reading it. And if they refused, they were punished. So i think this process is more thorough and honest. Folks are actually reading and understanding it. So i'm optimistic. They'll come up with something acceptable.

This also happen in the 70's and Carter. The far left Kennedy told Carter to sign a bad healthcare bill. Carter did not and the far left took him down..
I'm leaning toward just repeal ACA, block grant Medicaid to the States, if you want healthcare you pay for it. If you don't have healthcare insurance and get sick go to a witchdoctor. Healthcare is a personal responsibility, not a nanny-state "right".

That is essentially the fair way to do it.

But you do know that the federal government and the foundational educational establishment has made witch-doctors and natural "cures" against the law, right? Hell, I've seen police in S.W.A.T. gear raid natural grocery stores b/c folks believe in the health benefits of drinking raw milk.

If the federal government is THAT afraid of a product, either they are trying to hide something, or their enforcement folks are really bored.
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.
Which people? The healthy young ones getting medicare? The ones that lost good insurance plans when obiecare forced them off of those plans? They'll just go back to what they liked.

The liberal panic should probably read more like "14 million people will not get massively tax payer subsidized government forced shitty insurance".

I see your an Einstein to think obamacare was government insurance. All private insurance and you think your rates are high now you just wait or maybe you can get one of those HSA compatible plans with a deductible of $10 or $20 thousand. Oh I hope they pass this bill just to laugh at all you under achiever's.
My deductible went from 1500 to 5000 after obiecare. Why would it go to 10k after this train wreck stops crashing?

It's crazy how hard you people on the free end of things keep calling us under achievers. If it wasn't for my money you would be dead.

Don't think so under achiever,, you apparently haven't been listening to what the pugs are saying about how they will lower health insurance premium's. HSA's with higher deductible's than today. No if it wasn't for my money you'd be dead.
HaHa!!!! Forget ridiculous campaign promises to the dupes. Go after ridiculous hospital and doctor costs, tort reform, make the exchanges nationwide and the competition more healthy, and stop the GOP from sabotaging ACA. FIX IT. We'll be doing that forever. It was never O-Care anyway. HE wasn't for the mandate...

How come Messiah Obama and his Disciples Reid and Pelosi never did that with their manna from heaven ACA that they wrote and rammed thru Congress? Don't blame the Republicans, they were left out and didn't vote for it. If you think those issues exist in healthcare, put the blame on those that wrote and passed the bill. Why didn't they fix those things? Here's a clue.....they are corporatists that let the insurance and pharma companies write the bill. Your pissing and moaning at the wrong people and you're too stoopid to realize it. Dupe.

Yes, but you have no right to go see someone to cure you that claims to be a doctor that hasn't gotten a degree from an "accredited licensed medical school."

We don't have, nor will we have a free market as long as there is licensing of doctors, as long as the FDA can put it's seal of approval on what is a cure and what isn't a cure, and as long as "accredited" medical schools are the ones that are given government approval.
What we have now is cronyism.

Folks get arrested and thrown in jail for selling cancer "cures" w/o FDA approval. It is insane the shit the allopathic chemical industry will go through to maintain it's monopoly on health care.

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

I trust the the free market to provide me with the best products at the lowest possible price a lot more than I trust some corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, don't you? Do you really trust the filthy ass government? If you do then you are very naive if not downright stupid.

No government bureaucrat is ever going to have my best interest at heart. Their only incentive is to keep their job, not provide good services. That is why even though I have earned it I do not get free medical care thought the VA. Health care is too important to trust to a government shithead. If you don't believe me just ask the veterans that have died waiting for government treatment. Oh wait, you can't ask them. They are dead.

I trust somebody trying to compete in a free market with competition to provide the best services a lot more than somebody like Maxine Waters, don't you?

Can you imagine what it would be like for the government to control restaurants like they control health care? The would mandate you to eat out. They would set the price of the food. They would set the menu. They would tell you how much you could eat. They would tax you for it. They would require that you paid more for the meal so that the welfare queens and illegal aliens could eat free. It would be a disaster just like it is with the filthy ass government mandating the same things with health care.

I agree with you.

But that is what I am trying to tell you. As it stands now, that is what caused this problem, we don't have a "free market." We haven't had one since be for the turn of the 20th century. Ever since the government mandated that nobody could treat you or "cure" you unless the government licensed them, and no product could claim to treat you unless it was approved by the government, costs have spiraled. THAT is what I am getting at.

The cause of sky rocketing healthcare costs has BEEN the government. We don't have a "free market." Your treatment options are limited, and you don't even realize it. Because you are a wealthy individual, YOU have options. The poor however, have none. If there were no government controls, the poor would have options.

What are the option for the poor who have no money?

It's called charity. You look for it, you ask for it, and if it doesn't come, you suffer.

That is the nature of being poor. After suffering several major health tragedies, I should know, I am. I don't expect anything, but to die of either health related reasons, or starvation at any point in time in the future. THAT is the nature of being poor. You don't expect anything of anyone that you haven't earned. That is the nature of fate and the very definition of how charity works brother.

Healthcare is not a right, it never has been. It has traditionally been the province of religious institutions to offer care. Why do you think so many hospitals were named after saints? That is because the Catholic Church, up until the insurance industry got into bed with government during the Nixon administration, was the one that took care of the poor.

So did local communities. In fact, when ever someone in my rural district comes down with cancer or a chronic illness, the whole town knows, jars appear on the counter with their picture asking for donations.

And to top that all off, if it weren't for this collusion between the government, the insurance industry, big pharma, and the foundations supporting medical schools causing market in-elasticity in medical costs, the price of medical care would not be so out of reach for even the middle class.

Most folks just don't understand crony capitalism, nor how both parties have caused elites on Wall-street and in D.C. to rob the middle class and poor of their wealth and destroy the free market. They actually have them convinced, that they can continue to use these nefarious methods, and then, later when they have no purchasing power left, and no decent jobs left, throw them insignificant bones like controlling their life with government medical insurance, government provided food, and a minimum wage.

Hell, why not throw the whole damn population into one massive prison right now, like North Korea and save us all the time.

Oh yeah, I know why, b/c the really stupid ones might just catch on. . . . .

North Korea has free Health Care. North Korea has free food. North Korea has free housing. North Korea has guaranteed minimum pay.

But then. . . . everyone but the select are poor then, aren't they?

Liberty and Prosperity or Security and Poverty . . . . . which will it be?
Obamacare favored the poor and low income workers. Trumpcare favors the the wealthy and higher income workers.
Only when the nation agrees that access to healthcare should not be determined by one's wealth will the fight end. It's going to happen eventually. It's just a question of when.
where did the money come from for the subsidies?
Where does the money come from when people get needlessly sick because the did not have preventive care, and are no longer productive and paying taxes, but instead on disability? You selfish, short sighted dumb fucks need a reality check.
Are you even trying to offer anything that makes sense or just spewing unhelpful blather? Yes people should take responsibility for their health but in our for profit health care system and income / wealth disparity environment, not everyone can pay for all of their own medical costs. Please give me a sight that you are at least bright enough to comprehend that much. PLEASE!!

Speaking of comprehension problems, my issue is that some folks get free healthcare while others work for it, pay for it, and can't use it since the deductibles are so high. There is a reality check that you need to admit, that the medical system has limited resources, and those that work for and pay for their healthcare should get priority over those who get it free. I want everyone to pay their own way, but failing that, deductibles shouldn't restrict paying customers.
If your issue is those who pay their way vs. those who can't, then address the income/wealth disparity issue . I' m sure that you wont because no conservatives will.
Prioritizing those who can pay over who can't is inhumane and selfish, and ignores that realities of our economy.

If your issue is the high deductibles, address the issue of insurance for obscene profits at the expense of the insured .
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.
Which people? The healthy young ones getting medicare? The ones that lost good insurance plans when obiecare forced them off of those plans? They'll just go back to what they liked.

The liberal panic should probably read more like "14 million people will not get massively tax payer subsidized government forced shitty insurance".

I see your an Einstein to think obamacare was government insurance. All private insurance and you think your rates are high now you just wait or maybe you can get one of those HSA compatible plans with a deductible of $10 or $20 thousand. Oh I hope they pass this bill just to laugh at all you under achiever's.
My deductible went from 1500 to 5000 after obiecare. Why would it go to 10k after this train wreck stops crashing?

It's crazy how hard you people on the free end of things keep calling us under achievers. If it wasn't for my money you would be dead.

Don't think so under achiever,, you apparently haven't been listening to what the pugs are saying about how they will lower health insurance premium's. HSA's with higher deductible's than today. No if it wasn't for my money you'd be dead.
Excuse me if I don't take a dems word for what something is going to cost me. I'm still waiting for that $2,500 a year obie owes me. I figure you jerk off owe me about 15 grand already.
Need we say any more?
No, you need to say much less. :D

the sad part is that 14 million might lose healthcare and 28 million liberals have lost their minds since Trump kicked Hillary's butt.

IMPEACHARA to the rescue
WATCH: A Drug To Cure 'Trump Induced Anxiety Disorder' Is What We ...
2 days ago - In a brilliant parody ad for a drug called Impeachara®, the drug promises a cure for “Trump Induced Anxiety Disorder” (T.I.A.D). Symptoms of ...
Does this mpeachara come 30/06 or .45?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.
Which people? The healthy young ones getting medicare? The ones that lost good insurance plans when obiecare forced them off of those plans? They'll just go back to what they liked.

The liberal panic should probably read more like "14 million people will not get massively tax payer subsidized government forced shitty insurance".

I see your an Einstein to think obamacare was government insurance. All private insurance and you think your rates are high now you just wait or maybe you can get one of those HSA compatible plans with a deductible of $10 or $20 thousand. Oh I hope they pass this bill just to laugh at all you under achiever's.
My deductible went from 1500 to 5000 after obiecare. Why would it go to 10k after this train wreck stops crashing?

It's crazy how hard you people on the free end of things keep calling us under achievers. If it wasn't for my money you would be dead.

Don't think so under achiever,, you apparently haven't been listening to what the pugs are saying about how they will lower health insurance premium's. HSA's with higher deductible's than today. No if it wasn't for my money you'd be dead.
Excuse me if I don't take a dems word for what something is going to cost me. I'm still waiting for that $2,500 a year obie owes me. I figure you jerk off owe me about 15 grand already.

Nobody owes you shit
Need we say any more?
No, you need to say much less. :D

the sad part is that 14 million might lose healthcare and 28 million liberals have lost their minds since Trump kicked Hillary's butt.

IMPEACHARA to the rescue
WATCH: A Drug To Cure 'Trump Induced Anxiety Disorder' Is What We ...
2 days ago - In a brilliant parody ad for a drug called Impeachara®, the drug promises a cure for “Trump Induced Anxiety Disorder” (T.I.A.D). Symptoms of ...
Does this mpeachara come 30/06 or .45?
you have to admit its a roar
where did the money come from for the subsidies?
Where does the money come from when people get needlessly sick because the did not have preventive care, and are no longer productive and paying taxes, but instead on disability? You selfish, short sighted dumb fucks need a reality check.
Are you even trying to offer anything that makes sense or just spewing unhelpful blather? Yes people should take responsibility for their health but in our for profit health care system and income / wealth disparity environment, not everyone can pay for all of their own medical costs. Please give me a sight that you are at least bright enough to comprehend that much. PLEASE!!

Speaking of comprehension problems, my issue is that some folks get free healthcare while others work for it, pay for it, and can't use it since the deductibles are so high. There is a reality check that you need to admit, that the medical system has limited resources, and those that work for and pay for their healthcare should get priority over those who get it free. I want everyone to pay their own way, but failing that, deductibles shouldn't restrict paying customers.
If your issue is those who pay their way vs. those who can't, then address the income/wealth disparity issue . I' m sure that you wont because no conservatives will.
Prioritizing those who can pay over who can't is inhumane and selfish, and ignores that realities of our economy.

If your issue is the high deductibles, address the issue of insurance for obscene profits at the expense of the insured .
If you want more money go get better skills and education. See there? I addressed the wage gap issue.

Everything is prioritized by who can pay.

How come we had low deductibles before obiecare? The Insurance companies were making the same profit then as well.
Which people? The healthy young ones getting medicare? The ones that lost good insurance plans when obiecare forced them off of those plans? They'll just go back to what they liked.

The liberal panic should probably read more like "14 million people will not get massively tax payer subsidized government forced shitty insurance".

I see your an Einstein to think obamacare was government insurance. All private insurance and you think your rates are high now you just wait or maybe you can get one of those HSA compatible plans with a deductible of $10 or $20 thousand. Oh I hope they pass this bill just to laugh at all you under achiever's.
My deductible went from 1500 to 5000 after obiecare. Why would it go to 10k after this train wreck stops crashing?

It's crazy how hard you people on the free end of things keep calling us under achievers. If it wasn't for my money you would be dead.

Don't think so under achiever,, you apparently haven't been listening to what the pugs are saying about how they will lower health insurance premium's. HSA's with higher deductible's than today. No if it wasn't for my money you'd be dead.
Excuse me if I don't take a dems word for what something is going to cost me. I'm still waiting for that $2,500 a year obie owes me. I figure you jerk off owe me about 15 grand already.

Nobody owes you shit
Not even healthcare? I thought everyone is owed healthcare was your rallying cry.

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