14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

As it is the Republican plan IS a huge failure

Wrong as always, then again you can not cite from the actual bill why it is..

You also missed posting how many government/tax payer hospitals are out there, to promote your far left religious dogma!
If this plan is so good, why won't the republican congress or senate approve it

See how the far left drones will not post any facts or parts of the bill to prove their religious dogma?

How many government/tax payer hospitals are there in the US?
what is a government/taxpayer hospital?

Exactly! So how do I pay for those who do not have insurance? Do the privately run hospitals run to the government and ask tax payers to pay for them?

Silly far left drone!
The hospital increase their fees and charges and you pay them through higher premiums
Hey, at least they're reading this Legislation before voting on it. That's a huge step up from Pelosi's nightmare. We should all be happy about that.
what nightmare?

Says the far left drone blinded by "We have to pass it to find out what is in it"..
Why dont you grow a a pair and post the entirety of her comments. Or do you still prefer to cherry pick a few words to make your bullshyte look better

24 million people to lose health care and its no big deal to you, hand Jo. Massive tax breaks for the rich and the poor and elderly pay much more. Wow I didn't realize how great it is

The thing that you Moon Bats have great difficulty understanding is that in America not having health insurance does not mean that you don't have health care.

For instance, here in Florida prior to Obamacare we had a state program to provide health care for children of poor families. None of them had insurance but they had health care. Prior to to this stupid Obamacare the citizens of Florida could get care at free state and county run clinics.

It is not my responsibility to pay your bills. That is your responsibility. If you don't have health insurance that is your problem, not mine. I may chose to help you if I think you deserve it but I sure as hell don't want the government forcing me to help you if I don't to do it. You do understand the concept of liberty, don't you? How can I have liberty when the government takes my money and gives it to you? Isn't that slavery?

Wrong as always, then again you can not cite from the actual bill why it is..

You also missed posting how many government/tax payer hospitals are out there, to promote your far left religious dogma!
If this plan is so good, why won't the republican congress or senate approve it

See how the far left drones will not post any facts or parts of the bill to prove their religious dogma?

How many government/tax payer hospitals are there in the US?
what is a government/taxpayer hospital?

Exactly! So how do I pay for those who do not have insurance? Do the privately run hospitals run to the government and ask tax payers to pay for them?

Silly far left drone!
The hospital increase their fees and charges and you pay them through higher premiums

Obamacare did that at a ridiculous rate, yet you support it without question or hesitation!

24 million people to lose health care and its no big deal to you, hand Jo. Massive tax breaks for the rich and the poor and elderly pay much more. Wow I didn't realize how great it is

The thing that you Moon Bats have great difficulty understanding is that in America not having health insurance does not mean that you don't have health care.

For instance, here in Florida prior to Obamacare we had a state program to provide health care for children of poor families. None of them had insurance but they had health care. Prior to to this stupid Obamacare the citizens of Florida could get care at free state and county run clinics.

It is not my responsibility to pay your bills. That is your responsibility. If you don't have health insurance that is your problem, not mine. I may chose to help you if I think you deserve it but I sure as hell don't want the government forcing me to help you if I don't to do it. You do understand the concept of liberty, don't you? How can I have liberty when the government takes my money and gives it to you? Isn't that slavery?

handdd jobbb
If this plan is so good, why won't the republican congress or senate approve it

See how the far left drones will not post any facts or parts of the bill to prove their religious dogma?

How many government/tax payer hospitals are there in the US?
what is a government/taxpayer hospital?

Exactly! So how do I pay for those who do not have insurance? Do the privately run hospitals run to the government and ask tax payers to pay for them?

Silly far left drone!
The hospital increase their fees and charges and you pay them through higher premiums

Obamacare did that at a ridiculous rate, yet you support it without question or hesitation!
Hospital set rates, not Obamacare
Hey, at least they're reading this Legislation before voting on it. That's a huge step up from Pelosi's nightmare. We should all be happy about that.
what nightmare?

Says the far left drone blinded by "We have to pass it to find out what is in it"..
Why dont you grow a a pair and post the entirety of her comments. Or do you still prefer to cherry pick a few words to make your bullshyte look better

And the far left drone proves my point for me!

When you going to quote the parts of the actual bill you disagree with?

Silly far left drone!
See how the far left drones will not post any facts or parts of the bill to prove their religious dogma?

How many government/tax payer hospitals are there in the US?
what is a government/taxpayer hospital?

Exactly! So how do I pay for those who do not have insurance? Do the privately run hospitals run to the government and ask tax payers to pay for them?

Silly far left drone!
The hospital increase their fees and charges and you pay them through higher premiums

Obamacare did that at a ridiculous rate, yet you support it without question or hesitation!
Hospital set rates, not Obamacare


Another far left drone that does not understand that which they support!

Proof the far left should never be in charge of anything!

I don't agree. The main purpose of Obama's fascistcare was to provide a guaranteed income stream to well connected looters. Why do you think Blue Cross and Kaiser pushed so hard to get it through?

To me the Obamacare subsidies were a backdoor way for slave reparations. A way to give Blacks the same entitlement to health insurance as the mostly more White paying customers earned and the Whites paid for it.
what's funny is you and I have a deductible we must pay for before we even get to use our insurance. The subsidies paid out to the poor offer them no out of pocket expenses. What the fk is wrong with that? so we pay ours and theirs, that's what. when the fk are americans who actually care about the country start telling these freeloaders that enough is enough? I'm just saying, put their sorry asses to work for pete sake.

Obamacare was all about making us paying customers pay for the health care bills for those welfare queens that usually vote Democrat. Despicable, isn't it?

Yes, but you have no right to go see someone to cure you that claims to be a doctor that hasn't gotten a degree from an "accredited licensed medical school."

We don't have, nor will we have a free market as long as there is licensing of doctors, as long as the FDA can put it's seal of approval on what is a cure and what isn't a cure, and as long as "accredited" medical schools are the ones that are given government approval.
What we have now is cronyism.

Folks get arrested and thrown in jail for selling cancer "cures" w/o FDA approval. It is insane the shit the allopathic chemical industry will go through to maintain it's monopoly on health care.

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

I trust the the free market to provide me with the best products at the lowest possible price a lot more than I trust some corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, don't you? Do you really trust the filthy ass government? If you do then you are very naive if not downright stupid.

No government bureaucrat is ever going to have my best interest at heart. Their only incentive is to keep their job, not provide good services. That is why even though I have earned it I do not get free medical care thought the VA. Health care is too important to trust to a government shithead. If you don't believe me just ask the veterans that have died waiting for government treatment. Oh wait, you can't ask them. They are dead.

I trust somebody trying to compete in a free market with competition to provide the best services a lot more than somebody like Maxine Waters, don't you?

Can you imagine what it would be like for the government to control restaurants like they control health care? The would mandate you to eat out. They would set the price of the food. They would set the menu. They would tell you how much you could eat. They would tax you for it. They would require that you paid more for the meal so that the welfare queens and illegal aliens could eat free. It would be a disaster just like it is with the filthy ass government mandating the same things with health care.

I agree with you.

But that is what I am trying to tell you. As it stands now, that is what caused this problem, we don't have a "free market." We haven't had one since be for the turn of the 20th century. Ever since the government mandated that nobody could treat you or "cure" you unless the government licensed them, and no product could claim to treat you unless it was approved by the government, costs have spiraled. THAT is what I am getting at.

The cause of sky rocketing healthcare costs has BEEN the government. We don't have a "free market." Your treatment options are limited, and you don't even realize it. Because you are a wealthy individual, YOU have options. The poor however, have none. If there were no government controls, the poor would have options.
Hey, at least they're reading this Legislation before voting on it. That's a huge step up from Pelosi's nightmare. We should all be happy about that.
what nightmare?

Says the far left drone blinded by "We have to pass it to find out what is in it"..
Why dont you grow a a pair and post the entirety of her comments. Or do you still prefer to cherry pick a few words to make your bullshyte look better

And the far left drone proves my point for me!

When you going to quote the parts of the actual bill you disagree with?

Silly far left drone!
When are you going to read the bill, for once?
what is a government/taxpayer hospital?

Exactly! So how do I pay for those who do not have insurance? Do the privately run hospitals run to the government and ask tax payers to pay for them?

Silly far left drone!
The hospital increase their fees and charges and you pay them through higher premiums

Obamacare did that at a ridiculous rate, yet you support it without question or hesitation!
Hospital set rates, not Obamacare


Another far left drone that does not understand that which they support!

Proof the far left should never be in charge of anything!
How many ID's is that for you today?
Hey, at least they're reading this Legislation before voting on it. That's a huge step up from Pelosi's nightmare. We should all be happy about that.
what nightmare?

Says the far left drone blinded by "We have to pass it to find out what is in it"..
Why dont you grow a a pair and post the entirety of her comments. Or do you still prefer to cherry pick a few words to make your bullshyte look better

And the far left drone proves my point for me!

When you going to quote the parts of the actual bill you disagree with?

Silly far left drone!
When are you going to read the bill, for once?

Have read it and pointed many things out from the actual bill back in 2010..

Where were you?

So when you going to post the parts of the new bill that you disagree with?

Yes, but you have no right to go see someone to cure you that claims to be a doctor that hasn't gotten a degree from an "accredited licensed medical school."

We don't have, nor will we have a free market as long as there is licensing of doctors, as long as the FDA can put it's seal of approval on what is a cure and what isn't a cure, and as long as "accredited" medical schools are the ones that are given government approval.
What we have now is cronyism.

Folks get arrested and thrown in jail for selling cancer "cures" w/o FDA approval. It is insane the shit the allopathic chemical industry will go through to maintain it's monopoly on health care.

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

I trust the the free market to provide me with the best products at the lowest possible price a lot more than I trust some corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, don't you? Do you really trust the filthy ass government? If you do then you are very naive if not downright stupid.

No government bureaucrat is ever going to have my best interest at heart. Their only incentive is to keep their job, not provide good services. That is why even though I have earned it I do not get free medical care thought the VA. Health care is too important to trust to a government shithead. If you don't believe me just ask the veterans that have died waiting for government treatment. Oh wait, you can't ask them. They are dead.

I trust somebody trying to compete in a free market with competition to provide the best services a lot more than somebody like Maxine Waters, don't you?

Can you imagine what it would be like for the government to control restaurants like they control health care? The would mandate you to eat out. They would set the price of the food. They would set the menu. They would tell you how much you could eat. They would tax you for it. They would require that you paid more for the meal so that the welfare queens and illegal aliens could eat free. It would be a disaster just like it is with the filthy ass government mandating the same things with health care.

I agree with you.

But that is what I am trying to tell you. As it stands now, that is what caused this problem, we don't have a "free market." We haven't had one since be for the turn of the 20th century. Ever since the government mandated that nobody could treat you or "cure" you unless the government licensed them, and no product could claim to treat you unless it was approved by the government, costs have spiraled. THAT is what I am getting at.

The cause of sky rocketing healthcare costs has BEEN the government. We don't have a "free market." Your treatment options are limited, and you don't even realize it. Because you are a wealthy individual, YOU have options. The poor however, have none. If there were no government controls, the poor would have options.

What are the option for the poor who have no money?
Exactly! So how do I pay for those who do not have insurance? Do the privately run hospitals run to the government and ask tax payers to pay for them?

Silly far left drone!
The hospital increase their fees and charges and you pay them through higher premiums

Obamacare did that at a ridiculous rate, yet you support it without question or hesitation!
Hospital set rates, not Obamacare


Another far left drone that does not understand that which they support!

Proof the far left should never be in charge of anything!
How many ID's is that for you today?

About to ask you the same question there far left drone!

Seriously all you far left drones should just have one ID since you have no independence of thought!

Yes, but you have no right to go see someone to cure you that claims to be a doctor that hasn't gotten a degree from an "accredited licensed medical school."

We don't have, nor will we have a free market as long as there is licensing of doctors, as long as the FDA can put it's seal of approval on what is a cure and what isn't a cure, and as long as "accredited" medical schools are the ones that are given government approval.
What we have now is cronyism.

Folks get arrested and thrown in jail for selling cancer "cures" w/o FDA approval. It is insane the shit the allopathic chemical industry will go through to maintain it's monopoly on health care.

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

I trust the the free market to provide me with the best products at the lowest possible price a lot more than I trust some corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, don't you? Do you really trust the filthy ass government? If you do then you are very naive if not downright stupid.

No government bureaucrat is ever going to have my best interest at heart. Their only incentive is to keep their job, not provide good services. That is why even though I have earned it I do not get free medical care thought the VA. Health care is too important to trust to a government shithead. If you don't believe me just ask the veterans that have died waiting for government treatment. Oh wait, you can't ask them. They are dead.

I trust somebody trying to compete in a free market with competition to provide the best services a lot more than somebody like Maxine Waters, don't you?

Can you imagine what it would be like for the government to control restaurants like they control health care? The would mandate you to eat out. They would set the price of the food. They would set the menu. They would tell you how much you could eat. They would tax you for it. They would require that you paid more for the meal so that the welfare queens and illegal aliens could eat free. It would be a disaster just like it is with the filthy ass government mandating the same things with health care.

I agree with you.

But that is what I am trying to tell you. As it stands now, that is what caused this problem, we don't have a "free market." We haven't had one since be for the turn of the 20th century. Ever since the government mandated that nobody could treat you or "cure" you unless the government licensed them, and no product could claim to treat you unless it was approved by the government, costs have spiraled. THAT is what I am getting at.

The cause of sky rocketing healthcare costs has BEEN the government. We don't have a "free market." Your treatment options are limited, and you don't even realize it. Because you are a wealthy individual, YOU have options. The poor however, have none. If there were no government controls, the poor would have options.

What are the option for the poor who have no money?

Read the bill and find out!

Silly far left drone!
I'm leaning toward just repeal ACA, block grant Medicaid to the States, if you want healthcare you pay for it. If you don't have healthcare insurance and get sick go to a witchdoctor. Healthcare is a personal responsibility, not a nanny-state "right".
That would work just fine if the insurers were not greedy bastards that would be happy to let people die rather than cut into their bottom line. I suppose that you don't think food or shelter is a right either. I 'm going to guess that you are also a anti abortion right to lifer also. Health care, food and shelter are essential to life. Be honest!

What are the option for the poor who have no money?

That is their problem not mine.

I need to worry about taking care of my family. They need to take care of their family.

If this Democrat base would stop voting for Liberals that screw up the economy their would be a much more robust economy with minimal unemployment. Then if you are poor it is your own doing. Don't come to me to bail you out of your lack of responsibility.

Instead they vote for idiots like Obama that increases poverty, decreases family income and has dismal economic growth.

You don't to complain about being poor if you are the cause of the poverty.
what nightmare?

Says the far left drone blinded by "We have to pass it to find out what is in it"..
Why dont you grow a a pair and post the entirety of her comments. Or do you still prefer to cherry pick a few words to make your bullshyte look better

And the far left drone proves my point for me!

When you going to quote the parts of the actual bill you disagree with?

Silly far left drone!
When are you going to read the bill, for once?

Have read it and pointed many things out from the actual bill back in 2010..

Where were you?

So when you going to post the parts of the new bill that you disagree with?

Hey, you didn't listen to Pelosi. You actually read it. Gotta give you big props for that. Good on ya. :thup:
not with tax payer money...oops
Correct, and no one uses tax payers money for abortions. If you can document otherwise, lets hear it
does planned parent hood use federal dollars for their services? yes or no? If it's yes, then they are using tax dollars and why the money is being pulled dumbster dave.
They do not use federal dollars for abortions.
then why do they need federal dollars at all?
They offer a whole lot of good programs for women who do not have access to doctors.

Everybody's insured now thanks to Obamacare...so why do they not have access to doctors? Why do they still need fed funding, while other large organization providing more diverse women's services for free get 0 fed funding? PP is a sacred cow to the left, if they really cared about women's health they'd offer funding to clinics hat actually provide more than 3 services to the poor. Services like pre and post natal care, actual mammograms and cervical screenings, non and even non medical aid like baby clothes/accessories, formula, etc...you know all the patients PP turns away BC they aren't an actual complete women's health organization...yet gobble up a large majority of the funding.

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