14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

" They do not use federal dollars for abortions. "

Let me ask you a question: how many abortions would PP be doing if they were not receiving any federal tax dollars? In truth, I don't know either but I'm thinking it would be quite a bit fewer than they do now. Ergo, they ARE spending some of the federal taxdollars they get to fund abortions. It is naive as hell to say well that money goes elsewhere to use on other things but the abortions are funded with money that comes from somewhere else. What's the difference between which pot of money it comes from? It's accounting flim-flammery that is dishonest as hell.
The CBO number is very misleading. If the Mandate is ended, there will obviously be less people insured. They'll have a choice again. Just end the Mandate and move on from there.
it's why it's all libshit talking points on the networks. WE DON'T FALL for THAT ANYMORE!!!!!

They won't necessarily be 'losing' their coverage. They'll be allowed to make a choice again. The Mandate is Un-American. It needs to go. Any plan that doesn't include ending it, will be considered a huge Republican failure by me.
As it is the Republican plan IS a huge failure

Wrong as always, then again you can not cite from the actual bill why it is..

You also missed posting how many government/tax payer hospitals are out there, to promote your far left religious dogma!
If this plan is so good, why won't the republican congress or senate approve it
End the Mandate. If that happens, there will be less Americans insured. But it'll be by choice. If the Mandate isn't removed, i'll consider this replacement a huge Republican failure.
Brilliant! Just freakin brilliant!!

I've always said the Mandate was Un-American. If removed, there will be less insured. But it'll be a choice. The CBO number is a bit misleading on that issue.
It won't be a choice for the ones who can't afford insurance when rates skyrocket because then, the insures will only be carrying the sick. It won't be voluntary for those who are turned away for pre existing conditions, and make know mistake about it- the system will not allow for such coverage without a mandate-despite what the lying sack of shits are saying. What is un-American is turning your back on the most vulnerable among us.
:bsflag:just talking points from the left I call :bsflag:
Refute it then or STFU!
Hey let's be real, if they at least read the Legislation before voting on it, it's a huge improvement over Pelosi's 'We need to pass it in order to read it' debacle.
Yes, but you have no right to go see someone to cure you that claims to be a doctor that hasn't gotten a degree from an "accredited licensed medical school."

We don't have, nor will we have a free market as long as there is licensing of doctors, as long as the FDA can put it's seal of approval on what is a cure and what isn't a cure, and as long as "accredited" medical schools are the ones that are given government approval.
What we have now is cronyism.

Folks get arrested and thrown in jail for selling cancer "cures" w/o FDA approval. It is insane the shit the allopathic chemical industry will go through to maintain it's monopoly on health care.

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

We need an end to the AMA!

And apparently the AARP.

Though Trumpcare seems an excellent attempt to get rid of the AARP's members.

Obamacare favored the poor and low income workers. Trumpcare favors the the wealthy and higher income workers.
Only when the nation agrees that access to healthcare should not be determined by one's wealth will the fight end. It's going to happen eventually. It's just a question of when.

where did the money come from for the subsidies?

Where does the money come from when people get needlessly sick because the did not have preventive care, and are no longer productive and paying taxes, but instead on disability? You selfish, short sighted dumb fucks need a reality check.

The CBO number is very misleading. If the Mandate is ended, there will obviously be less people insured. They'll have a choice again. Just end the Mandate and move on from there.
it's why it's all libshit talking points on the networks. WE DON'T FALL for THAT ANYMORE!!!!!

They won't necessarily be 'losing' their coverage. They'll be allowed to make a choice again. The Mandate is Un-American. It needs to go. Any plan that doesn't include ending it, will be considered a huge Republican failure by me.
As it is the Republican plan IS a huge failure

Wrong as always, then again you can not cite from the actual bill why it is..

You also missed posting how many government/tax payer hospitals are out there, to promote your far left religious dogma!
If this plan is so good, why won't the republican congress or senate approve it

See how the far left drones will not post any facts or parts of the bill to prove their religious dogma?

How many government/tax payer hospitals are there in the US?
Hey let's be real, if they at least read the Legislation before voting on it, it's a huge improvement over Pelosi's 'We need to pass it in order to read it' debacle.
She never said that, Einstein. Or at the least post the entirety of her remarks. Thats just why your kind are azzholes
The CBO number is very misleading. If the Mandate is ended, there will obviously be less people insured. They'll have a choice again. Just end the Mandate and move on from there.
it's why it's all libshit talking points on the networks. WE DON'T FALL for THAT ANYMORE!!!!!

They won't necessarily be 'losing' their coverage. They'll be allowed to make a choice again. The Mandate is Un-American. It needs to go. Any plan that doesn't include ending it, will be considered a huge Republican failure by me.
As it is the Republican plan IS a huge failure

Wrong as always, then again you can not cite from the actual bill why it is..

You also missed posting how many government/tax payer hospitals are out there, to promote your far left religious dogma!
If this plan is so good, why won't the republican congress or senate approve it

I think they're reading it and trying to sort it out. And i'll take that over Pelosi's 'We have to pass it in order to read it' disaster. They're taking time to fully understand it. I'm good with that.
The CBO number is very misleading. If the Mandate is ended, there will obviously be less people insured. They'll have a choice again. Just end the Mandate and move on from there.
it's why it's all libshit talking points on the networks. WE DON'T FALL for THAT ANYMORE!!!!!

They won't necessarily be 'losing' their coverage. They'll be allowed to make a choice again. The Mandate is Un-American. It needs to go. Any plan that doesn't include ending it, will be considered a huge Republican failure by me.
As it is the Republican plan IS a huge failure
Bigly. They may try to amend it, however. I was surprised to see that it gave so much to the fiscal conservative/ cut the rich folks' taxes. I thought the gop saw the writing on the wall that even Missouri and Arkansas didn't want to give up Medicaid dollars ... even if they were ok with throwing the 5 person families making 50K even more to the wolves.
Ryan told us this was the best we were going to get. Take it or leave it.
Hope so. Losing Trump Mconnell and Ryan would be like hitting a trifecta (-:
it's why it's all libshit talking points on the networks. WE DON'T FALL for THAT ANYMORE!!!!!

They won't necessarily be 'losing' their coverage. They'll be allowed to make a choice again. The Mandate is Un-American. It needs to go. Any plan that doesn't include ending it, will be considered a huge Republican failure by me.
As it is the Republican plan IS a huge failure

Wrong as always, then again you can not cite from the actual bill why it is..

You also missed posting how many government/tax payer hospitals are out there, to promote your far left religious dogma!
If this plan is so good, why won't the republican congress or senate approve it

See how the far left drones will not post any facts or parts of the bill to prove their religious dogma?

How many government/tax payer hospitals are there in the US?
what is a government/taxpayer hospital?
Hey, at least they're reading this Legislation before voting on it. That's a huge step up from Pelosi's nightmare. We should all be happy about that.
it's why it's all libshit talking points on the networks. WE DON'T FALL for THAT ANYMORE!!!!!

They won't necessarily be 'losing' their coverage. They'll be allowed to make a choice again. The Mandate is Un-American. It needs to go. Any plan that doesn't include ending it, will be considered a huge Republican failure by me.
As it is the Republican plan IS a huge failure

Wrong as always, then again you can not cite from the actual bill why it is..

You also missed posting how many government/tax payer hospitals are out there, to promote your far left religious dogma!
If this plan is so good, why won't the republican congress or senate approve it

I think they're reading it and trying to sort it out. And i'll take that over Pelosi's 'We have to pass it in order to read it' disaster. They're taking time to fully understand it. I'm good with that.

Plus this portion is part one of a three part process!
They won't necessarily be 'losing' their coverage. They'll be allowed to make a choice again. The Mandate is Un-American. It needs to go. Any plan that doesn't include ending it, will be considered a huge Republican failure by me.
As it is the Republican plan IS a huge failure

Wrong as always, then again you can not cite from the actual bill why it is..

You also missed posting how many government/tax payer hospitals are out there, to promote your far left religious dogma!
If this plan is so good, why won't the republican congress or senate approve it

See how the far left drones will not post any facts or parts of the bill to prove their religious dogma?

How many government/tax payer hospitals are there in the US?
what is a government/taxpayer hospital?

Exactly! So how do I pay for those who do not have insurance? Do the privately run hospitals run to the government and ask tax payers to pay for them?

Silly far left drone!
Hey, at least they're reading this Legislation before voting on it. That's a huge step up from Pelosi's nightmare. We should all be happy about that.
what nightmare?

Uh huh, 'We have to pass it before we know what's in it.' Yeah, i think this Republican approach is a huge improvement. They're at least taking the time to read and understand it. I give em props for that.
The real question is "How many poor people will no longer be able to get health insurance under the Trumpcare proposals?"

That is entirely different from "14 million wont be carrying health insurance".
and you have to ask, how many of those 14 million only have the insurance now because someone else is paying for it under obamacare?
And you have to ask what is the cost to the taxpayers when millions of people are much sicker than they should have ever gotten because they did not have early on preventive care, and are now on disability instead of being productive and paying taxes. Funny how I keep asking that question and can't get a rational answer. Shit!! I can't get any answer!!

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