15 degrees in Alaska tonight!!! In August!!!

The climate crusaders don't understand what the rest of the world understands: that reality is 95% perception.

People see 15 degrees in August and say to themselves, "WTF? Once again, the warmist people keep getting it wrong!". This is exactly why nobody is talking about climate legislation in this country. Only the OCD climate nutters get all angst about this shit.......which is why the "retards" keep winning. Which is the only thing that matters. The climate k00sk spend their lives falling all over themselves posting up bomb lobbing predictions that never pan out. People are tired of this hyper-hysteria......thus, nobody cares about the science anymore.

When will they care?

When we have front page news that the lakes have melted in Alaska in mid-January and we are seeing 70 degree temperatures for 3 weeks straight.......waterskiing on Alaskan lakes in January. Then people will pay attention.....not a moment sooner. The grim reality for the k00ks.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
Fish die as Alaska temperatures continue to break records
By Yereth Rosen
Fri, Aug 2 2013
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) - Alaska's summer heat wave has been pleasant for humans but punitive for some of its fish. Overheated water has been blamed for large die-offs of hatchery trout and salmon stocks in at least two parts of the state as hot, dry weather has set in, according to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Hundreds of grayling and rainbow trout died in June after being placed in a Fairbanks lake, the department reported. A similar incident occurred in mid-July at the Crystal Lake Hatchery south of Petersburg in southeast Alaska. An estimated 1,100 hatchery king salmon died while returning to a lake to spawn, local public radio station KFSK reported. Fish and Game sport fish biologist Doug Fleming told the radio station that air temperatures were in the 80s at the time.

Record-breaking heat has also created elevated wildfire risks in Alaska, even in the normally rain-soaked Tongass National Forest in the state's southeastern panhandle. Wildfires have charred more than a million acres across Alaska, according to state and federal wildfire managers, more than the five-year season-total annual average of 952,113 acres. Some 75 active fires were still burning on Friday, with much of the fire season still to come. One blaze that has consumed 85,000 acres near Fairbanks has drawn congressional scrutiny. Numerous heat records have fallen this year around the state throughout the summer. Fairbanks on Thursday set a new record for the total number of summer days with temperatures at 80 degrees or above in that city - 31 straight to beat the previous mark of 30 days set in 2004, the National Weather Service said. Anchorage on Wednesday set a new benchmark for consecutive days with temperatures at 70 degrees or above, with a 14-day run that bested the previous record, set in 2004, by one day. Daily record temperatures have been set over the past week in Anchorage, Valdez, McGrath and King Salmon. Numerous other communities saw record highs earlier in the summer.

So no new record highs, just new records of consecutive days above a certain temperature in cities.

Wouldn't that just be the UHI effect?

Jeez, ass-ism, if you're clueless and blind, and you so obviously are, and you don't know squat about it, why do you post? Why do you imagine your lazy uninformed speculations are worth anyone's time. Here's the reality of what was happening in Alaska earlier this summer....

Alaska sweating through brutal blast of heat
NBC News
By Sophia Rosenbaum, NBC News
25 Jun 2013
Famed for its biting cold, Alaska is now sweating through a brutal heat wave that has gone from an oddball curiosity to a worrisome danger. Temperatures in the 90s -- an extreme rarity -- were preceded by a record-breaking cold snap. That caused rapid snow melts in parts of the state and localized flooding. Now, the above-normal heat has led to parts of Alaska to be placed under a red-flag warning for wildfires. The National Weather Service issued the warning, in effect until Wednesday, because of the dry, windy conditions that could cause wildfires.

The blast of heat started last week with temperatures in the mid-to-high 80s for most of Alaska. South-central Alaska had four all-time highs on June 17, with temperatures in Talkeetna reaching 94 degrees. In Fairbanks, the “near-record temperatures” are expected Wednesday and Thursday to clock in at 91 degrees. Temperatures above 90 are extremely rare in Alaska. Fairbanks has only experienced 90 or above 14 times since in 109 years. A large northward bulge in the jet stream is to blame, consensus shows. Some scientists tie the jet stream's odd behavior on climate change.

So a heat wave that followed a record breaking cold snap is proof of what again?
The climate crusaders don't understand what the rest of the world understands: that reality is 95% perception.

People see 15 degrees in August and say to themselves, "WTF? Once again, the warmist people keep getting it wrong!". This is exactly why nobody is talking about climate legislation in this country. Only the OCD climate nutters get all angst about this shit.......which is why the "retards" keep winning. Which is the only thing that matters. The climate k00sk spend their lives falling all over themselves posting up bomb lobbing predictions that never pan out. People are tired of this hyper-hysteria......thus, nobody cares about the science anymore.

When will they care?

When we have front page news that the lakes have melted in Alaska in mid-January and we are seeing 70 degree temperatures for 3 weeks straight.......waterskiing on Alaskan lakes in January. Then people will pay attention.....not a moment sooner. The grim reality for the k00ks.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

In other words, there are those who start to solve problems in time to avoid catastrophes, and there are those who do nothing until nothing can be done to avoid catastrophes. I agree.

That’s the very definition of conservative and liberal.
So no new record highs, just new records of consecutive days above a certain temperature in cities.

Wouldn't that just be the UHI effect?

Jeez, ass-ism, if you're clueless and blind, and you so obviously are, and you don't know squat about it, why do you post? Why do you imagine your lazy uninformed speculations are worth anyone's time. Here's the reality of what was happening in Alaska earlier this summer....

Alaska sweating through brutal blast of heat
NBC News
By Sophia Rosenbaum, NBC News
25 Jun 2013
Famed for its biting cold, Alaska is now sweating through a brutal heat wave that has gone from an oddball curiosity to a worrisome danger. Temperatures in the 90s -- an extreme rarity -- were preceded by a record-breaking cold snap. That caused rapid snow melts in parts of the state and localized flooding. Now, the above-normal heat has led to parts of Alaska to be placed under a red-flag warning for wildfires. The National Weather Service issued the warning, in effect until Wednesday, because of the dry, windy conditions that could cause wildfires.

The blast of heat started last week with temperatures in the mid-to-high 80s for most of Alaska. South-central Alaska had four all-time highs on June 17, with temperatures in Talkeetna reaching 94 degrees. In Fairbanks, the “near-record temperatures” are expected Wednesday and Thursday to clock in at 91 degrees. Temperatures above 90 are extremely rare in Alaska. Fairbanks has only experienced 90 or above 14 times since in 109 years. A large northward bulge in the jet stream is to blame, consensus shows. Some scientists tie the jet stream's odd behavior on climate change.

So a heat wave that followed a record breaking cold snap is proof of what again?

It is "proof" that the OP from the kookster is a pile of steaming BS. Did you imagine, like a good little denier cultist, that his report of some colder temperatures now in Alaska after a summer of record breaking heat there was "proof" of something, like maybe 'global warming is over'? Climate scientists have been predicting weird unusual weather as a result of global warming and specifically the melting of the Arctic ice cap and here we are experiencing some very weird weather, not just in Alaska, but all around the world.
I'm not sure how many of you "kooks" debating the issue actually live in Alaska. I do live here. The only factual statement that can be made about our weather is, it changes. Overall, our climate has changed little except for normal cyclic variations. I find it absolutely hilarious that anyone would have such a high opinion of themselves that they actually think they have some kind of effect on global climate. But then, you probably also think that your "god" made you to look just like him/her/it, don't you.
I'm not sure how many of you "kooks" debating the issue actually live in Alaska. I do live here. The only factual statement that can be made about our weather is, it changes. Overall, our climate has changed little except for normal cyclic variations. I find it absolutely hilarious that anyone would have such a high opinion of themselves that they actually think they have some kind of effect on global climate. But then, you probably also think that your "god" made you to look just like him/her/it, don't you.

Us civilized people have learned that there are many fields in which we have to rely on people who dedicate their lives to a field, for understanding that is beyond our capability. The fact that your claim to climate science comes from your experience as an Alaskan farmer is telling. That's like me declaring myself able to pilot a plane because I once had a bird for a pet.
I'm not sure how many of you "kooks" debating the issue actually live in Alaska. I do live here. The only factual statement that can be made about our weather is, it changes. Overall, our climate has changed little except for normal cyclic variations. I find it absolutely hilarious that anyone would have such a high opinion of themselves that they actually think they have some kind of effect on global climate. But then, you probably also think that your "god" made you to look just like him/her/it, don't you.

Us civilized people have learned that there are many fields in which we have to rely on people who dedicate their lives to a field, for understanding that is beyond our capability. The fact that your claim to climate science comes from your experience as an Alaskan farmer is telling. That's like me declaring myself able to pilot a plane because I once had a bird for a pet.

You "civilized" people have learned to mimic the paid shills who vomit the so-called data and "facts" that they are paid to provide in order to support government intrusion into the most minute details of everyday life. Oh, and if you really want people who have dedicated their lives to something, check out the farmers, fishers, and others who live close to the land and actually live with the cycles that this planet goes through, not your ivory tower priests and priestesses of your new religion, climate-change.
I'm not sure how many of you "kooks" debating the issue actually live in Alaska. I do live here. The only factual statement that can be made about our weather is, it changes. Overall, our climate has changed little except for normal cyclic variations. I find it absolutely hilarious that anyone would have such a high opinion of themselves that they actually think they have some kind of effect on global climate. But then, you probably also think that your "god" made you to look just like him/her/it, don't you.

Us civilized people have learned that there are many fields in which we have to rely on people who dedicate their lives to a field, for understanding that is beyond our capability. The fact that your claim to climate science comes from your experience as an Alaskan farmer is telling. That's like me declaring myself able to pilot a plane because I once had a bird for a pet.

You "civilized" people have learned to mimic the paid shills who vomit the so-called data and "facts" that they are paid to provide in order to support government intrusion into the most minute details of everyday life. Oh, and if you really want people who have dedicated their lives to something, check out the farmers, fishers, and others who live close to the land and actually live with the cycles that this planet goes through, not your ivory tower priests and priestesses of your new religion, climate-change.
The usual paranoid conspiracy theory excuse for dismissing the mountains of scientific research and evidence......plus some really idiotic blather. Sorry, Gallingretard, I'll believe the testimony of the vast majority of the world's climate scientists who look at the whole picture over the politically determined half-assed opinions of ignorant, narrow minded farmers like yourself who can't see past the end of the next furrow.
I'm not sure how many of you "kooks" debating the issue actually live in Alaska. I do live here. The only factual statement that can be made about our weather is, it changes. Overall, our climate has changed little except for normal cyclic variations. I find it absolutely hilarious that anyone would have such a high opinion of themselves that they actually think they have some kind of effect on global climate. But then, you probably also think that your "god" made you to look just like him/her/it, don't you.

Us civilized people have learned that there are many fields in which we have to rely on people who dedicate their lives to a field, for understanding that is beyond our capability. The fact that your claim to climate science comes from your experience as an Alaskan farmer is telling. That's like me declaring myself able to pilot a plane because I once had a bird for a pet.

You "civilized" people have learned to mimic the paid shills who vomit the so-called data and "facts" that they are paid to provide in order to support government intrusion into the most minute details of everyday life. Oh, and if you really want people who have dedicated their lives to something, check out the farmers, fishers, and others who live close to the land and actually live with the cycles that this planet goes through, not your ivory tower priests and priestesses of your new religion, climate-change.

We all have to decide whether to be influenced by those who dedicate their lives to mastering a field, or those who don't, but are compelled to act like it, and hope that if they blabber loud enough, somebody will not notice their ignorance.

The second kind make the most dedicated conspiracy theorists, as that can be part of their disguise as knowing something.

Your problem here is that you can't get away with what works at the feed store and local bars.

Except maybe the part of making an ass of yourself.
well lets see what happens when its 15 degrees in Canada come November.

So you still can't quite grasp the difference between 'weather' and 'climate'.

BTW, do you really consider it surprising that it might be cold in Canada in the winter?

A few record highs on some days this year is climate?


The fact of AGW is a scientific given. The more GHG molecules there are in the atmosphere, the less of earth's radiation escapes the system. When out is less than in, the only response possible is warming until balance is restored.

What's not known yet is how our landmass, water mass, ice mass, and atmosphere dynamically react to the warming imperative.

It seems impossible for that transitory process to not involve the components of and contributors to climate and therefore weather.
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Record cold temps in Alaska tonight are leaving the locals saying, "WTF is going on here?"

Deep Cold: Interior and Northern Alaska Weather & Climate: Record Cold in the Northern Interior

I'll tell them whats going on. The k00ks are losing.....again!!!!

I damn near split my sides laughing when I saw this posted up on the top of DRUDGE tonight.:banana::eusa_dance::banana:

Let us guess: just because it’s ‘cold’ in Alaska during the summer you believe that’s ‘proof’ there’s no GCC.

Because if ‘global warming’ were real, it would be ‘warmer’ everywhere, not colder.

Too funny.

Every time there's a heat wave, all you AGW nutburgers come out of the woodwork to shout "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

Why do you object to others using your own means of determining the facts?
So you still can't quite grasp the difference between 'weather' and 'climate'.

BTW, do you really consider it surprising that it might be cold in Canada in the winter?

A few record highs on some days this year is climate?


The fact of AGW is a scientific given. The more GHG molecules there are in the atmosphere, the less of earth's radiation escapes the system. When out is less than in, the only response possible is warming until balance is restored.

What's not known yet is how our landmass, water mass, ice mass, and atmosphere dynamically react to the warming imperative.

It seems impossible for that transitory process to not involve the components of and contributors of climate and therefore weather.

The more people I have seen that say things such as "the fact of AGW is a scientific given," the more I have come to realize that they never actually took a look at the processes used to glean these trends. Since the raw data from historic GHCN temperature readings are now gone, the fix is in.

Since you claim that "the only response possible is warming," why have there not been record highs every day? Why has the warming paused while the GHG concentrations have shot up continuously?
Jeez, ass-ism, if you're clueless and blind, and you so obviously are, and you don't know squat about it, why do you post? Why do you imagine your lazy uninformed speculations are worth anyone's time. Here's the reality of what was happening in Alaska earlier this summer....

Alaska sweating through brutal blast of heat
NBC News
By Sophia Rosenbaum, NBC News
25 Jun 2013
Famed for its biting cold, Alaska is now sweating through a brutal heat wave that has gone from an oddball curiosity to a worrisome danger. Temperatures in the 90s -- an extreme rarity -- were preceded by a record-breaking cold snap. That caused rapid snow melts in parts of the state and localized flooding. Now, the above-normal heat has led to parts of Alaska to be placed under a red-flag warning for wildfires. The National Weather Service issued the warning, in effect until Wednesday, because of the dry, windy conditions that could cause wildfires.

The blast of heat started last week with temperatures in the mid-to-high 80s for most of Alaska. South-central Alaska had four all-time highs on June 17, with temperatures in Talkeetna reaching 94 degrees. In Fairbanks, the “near-record temperatures” are expected Wednesday and Thursday to clock in at 91 degrees. Temperatures above 90 are extremely rare in Alaska. Fairbanks has only experienced 90 or above 14 times since in 109 years. A large northward bulge in the jet stream is to blame, consensus shows. Some scientists tie the jet stream's odd behavior on climate change.

So a heat wave that followed a record breaking cold snap is proof of what again?

It is "proof" that the OP from the kookster is a pile of steaming BS. Did you imagine, like a good little denier cultist, that his report of some colder temperatures now in Alaska after a summer of record breaking heat there was "proof" of something, like maybe 'global warming is over'? Climate scientists have been predicting weird unusual weather as a result of global warming and specifically the melting of the Arctic ice cap and here we are experiencing some very weird weather, not just in Alaska, but all around the world.

Mental cases like RT cant connect the dots. Its a thinking processing issue.

15 degrees in August in Alaska doesn't prove shit. Neither does the hot summer. THATS the whole fucking point.

Reality is 95% perception......clearly a fact.

Why do you think climate change legislation is in the shitter in America? Because nobody cares about the "consensus" science except the OCD social invalids like RT et. al. who eat, sleep and breath this shit. Nobody else does. So.......they see 15 degrees in August and some green asshole shows up at their door to sign a petition and people split their sides laughing. NOBODY is calling their representative demanding carbon restrictions except the handful of nutters like people on this board.

Think about it......on this board.......how many people check into the ENVIRONMENT forum consistently? Half a dozen? Maybe? Nobody cares about this nonsense.

Climate science in 2013 is nothing but a fucking internet hobby. Show me one link that proves otherwise!! Good luck.........:2up::eusa_dance::2up:

When the "consensus" science doesn't move the goalposts an inch on energy production, its a fucking hobby s0ns!!!!!!

Bottom line >>>>>>>>>>>>

Those with connect the dots abilities are >>>>>

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well lets see what happens when its 15 degrees in Canada come November.

So you still can't quite grasp the difference between 'weather' and 'climate'.

BTW, do you really consider it surprising that it might be cold in Canada in the winter?

A few record highs on some days this year is climate?


That's not what I said. To demonstrate how bogus the kookster's OP was, I cited the facts about how Alaska was having a really hot, record breaking hot summer just a little earlier this year.

Although there are still many natural factors at work in the Arctic that can make the weather either hotter or colder for a time, the reality is that both the unusually hot weather earlier in June and July and the unusually cold weather up there in some places in late August, that kookles cited, are symptomatic of the overall long term pattern of climate changes taking place in the Arctic due to the rapidly rising temperatures and the melting icecap. The jet stream is moving in unusual ways because of the already slightly changed climate up north, helping to create some of the wacky unusual weather we've experienced here in America these last two years (and longer). The Arctic is warming at twice the rate of the temperate zones.

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