161,000 Americans have died from Covid under Joe Biden

Thanks for the update on Trumps Covid-19 numbers, Hoss. You know it took the Great Obama several months to turn the Bush Recession Economy around too. Too bad dumbshit Don didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation and decided to play politics. It costs hundreds of thousand of lives and his chances at a second term.

And ... this ... is why there is no serious discussion on the matter. Leftists blaming Trump for a virus that was created in China and spread to the world by their policies. And all you see is free government cheese
I have yet to see any free cheese where did you get yours?

Poor Kaz, wants a serious discussion in thread about how many Joe has killed with Covid since becoming President.

We just want to know what Trump should have done and didnt do.

No one will answer.

This information was known by the administration in early March of 2020. Not only did they not implement or encourage a robust NPI program but continuously ridiculed them. Something the current Administration doesn't do.

Conclusion The NPIs deployed in China appear to be effectively containing the COVID-19 outbreak, but the efficacy of the different interventions varied, with the early case detection and contact reduction being the most effective. Moreover, deploying the NPIs early is also important to prevent further spread. Early and integrated NPI strategies should be prepared, adopted and adjusted to minimize health, social and economic impacts in affected regions around the World.

Well honestly a year ago it was, but good old joe has taken the Covid-19 bull by the horns and continues the battle. not only mother nature's virus but also the despicable and out of touch Neo-GOP.
Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 10.45.25 AM.png

Trump Praises Xi for Handling of Coronavirus Outbreak

Some chronic malcontents apparently want the President to praise Xi Jinping for his handling of the coronavirus, and insist that there are very few with it, everybody's getting better, and to lash out at medical experts like Fauci and Birx.

Just recall how spiffy it was going last year:

Screen Shot 2019-10-26 at 12.19.11 PM.png

“Looks like by April, you know, in theory,
when it gets a little warmer,
it miraculously goes away!”


First you didn’t take it seriously and called the numbers fake. And now you’re blaming Biden for coming in to clean up Trump’s mess.
What "mess?" Delivering a vaccine in record time when every Democrat including Biden said it was impossible?

What mess? Oh I don’t know, maybe the numbers of covid deaths. Remember when you said that Trump can legitimately be attacked for them? Probably not.
Thanks for the update on Trumps Covid-19 numbers, Hoss. You know it took the Great Obama several months to turn the Bush Recession Economy around too. Too bad dumbshit Don didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation and decided to play politics. It costs hundreds of thousand of lives and his chances at a second term.
Oreo never turned anything around. And it was a DEMOCRAT plan that caused the Recession. Look up Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. Lending to deadbeat POOR caused the Banks to fold. The Democrat Socialist idea was "Everyone deserves a Home". That commie was proven wrong. Lets see. Did Oreo Obama stop the WAR? Nope. He STARTED 2 MORE Wars.

Hogwash. The non traditional lenders took advantage of the lax laws to push no down payment, no credit checks, ARMs to anyone who wanted them. Those were the mortgages that failed. The CRA didn't force a non creditworthy loans on banks.
I will ask again...

Please explain what Biden is doing regarding COVID that Trump did not do?
If your hyper-partisanship compels you to pretend that the former guy was providing as effective leadership in confronting the pandemic, you would do better to enumerate the former guy's mastery of the challenge rather than try to demean why the nation is recovering and Americans recognize and approve of the change.
So I ask again....What is Biden doing that Trump didnt do?

Wearing a blue tie. To Democrats, that's everything

But for some reason, everytiime I ask the question of what is Biden doing in regard to Covid that Trump did not do, I get no real answer.

Yes, I've also asked that question many times and gotten zero answer from useless jackasses like schmidlap and BlindBoob

First you didn’t take it seriously and called the numbers fake. And now you’re blaming Biden for coming in to clean up Trump’s mess.
What "mess?" Delivering a vaccine in record time when every Democrat including Biden said it was impossible?

What mess? Oh I don’t know, maybe the numbers of covid deaths. Remember when you said that Trump can legitimately be attacked for them? Probably not.
The fact that they would even TRY a thread like this shows how completely dishonest they are.
Thanks for the update on Trumps Covid-19 numbers, Hoss. You know it took the Great Obama several months to turn the Bush Recession Economy around too. Too bad dumbshit Don didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation and decided to play politics. It costs hundreds of thousand of lives and his chances at a second term.

And ... this ... is why there is no serious discussion on the matter. Leftists blaming Trump for a virus that was created in China and spread to the world by their policies. And all you see is free government cheese
I have yet to see any free cheese where did you get yours?

Poor Kaz, wants a serious discussion in thread about how many Joe has killed with Covid since becoming President.

We just want to know what Trump should have done and didnt do.

No one will answer.

This information was known by the administration in early March of 2020. Not only did they not implement or encourage a robust NPI program but continuously ridiculed them. Something the current Administration doesn't do.

Conclusion The NPIs deployed in China appear to be effectively containing the COVID-19 outbreak, but the efficacy of the different interventions varied, with the early case detection and contact reduction being the most effective. Moreover, deploying the NPIs early is also important to prevent further spread. Early and integrated NPI strategies should be prepared, adopted and adjusted to minimize health, social and economic impacts in affected regions around the World.

Thats the best you got?

In January 2020, the Trump administration knew there was a situation at hand and banned travel from China. Trump was referred to as a xenophobe.

So exactly what is Biden doing that Trump didnt do?

Here is an analogy......a man sees a wall that needs to be painted. He orders paint right away. He dies before the paint is delivered. So a new man paints the wall.

Does that mean the man who ordered the paint did nothing? And the new man is the hero?
Americans' strong support for the President's leadership in regard to the pandemic is in stark contrast to the former guy's widely-recognized failure as shown by every public survey I can find

Yes, Democrats are sick fucks who politicized a pandemic. Remember how in the old days like WWII Democrats were actually on our side?

Democrats rallied behind President Bush in 2001 when we were attacked. The emerging Fascist Right politically assaulted President Obama during the Attack on our Embassy in Cairo and while our men were under attack in Benghazi. Then they used that as a spring board for the most egregious political witch hunt since McCarthy.

Professor Blindboob, rewriting history 101.

Democrats did the war hand in hand with W, then fucked him and the country and rewrote history, like you're doing in your typical fascist left propaganda.

Your rewrite of Egypt and Libya is to the point of delusional. Propaganda is you
Thanks for the update on Trumps Covid-19 numbers, Hoss. You know it took the Great Obama several months to turn the Bush Recession Economy around too. Too bad dumbshit Don didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation and decided to play politics. It costs hundreds of thousand of lives and his chances at a second term.

And ... this ... is why there is no serious discussion on the matter. Leftists blaming Trump for a virus that was created in China and spread to the world by their policies. And all you see is free government cheese
I have yet to see any free cheese where did you get yours?

People look at you all the time like you're stupid, don't they? I wonder why they do that. Any ideas?
...and he has NO PLAN for dealing with it. He's actively spreading the disease in his border concentration camps.

Biden is on track to kill over 800,000 of us this year alone, while he drools and plays Mario Kart.

Thank God president Trump got the vaccine to market before this buffoon took over (something Biden said was impossible, btw). That alone saved hundreds of thousands of lives, people who would have died while Joe Biden stared vacantly into space.


Another 400k and he'll be right there with your GAWOD!

Then he'll have your support for sure.
Nothing like killing Americans to get a Trumpist horney as a two-peckered goat!

You're a sick fuck. Get help
I'm not the one celebrating 160k deaths.
Go look in the mirror if you want to see a sick fuck.

You won't even acknowledge the deaths under Biden. You're a science-denier extraordinaire.
Thanks for the update on Trumps Covid-19 numbers, Hoss. You know it took the Great Obama several months to turn the Bush Recession Economy around too. Too bad dumbshit Don didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation and decided to play politics. It costs hundreds of thousand of lives and his chances at a second term.

And ... this ... is why there is no serious discussion on the matter. Leftists blaming Trump for a virus that was created in China and spread to the world by their policies. And all you see is free government cheese
I have yet to see any free cheese where did you get yours?

Poor Kaz, wants a serious discussion in thread about how many Joe has killed with Covid since becoming President.

Here's a pity rimshot for you

Americans' strong support for the President's leadership in regard to the pandemic is in stark contrast to the former guy's widely-recognized failure as shown by every public survey I can find

Yes, Democrats are sick fucks who politicized a pandemic. Remember how in the old days like WWII Democrats were actually on our side?

Democrats rallied behind President Bush in 2001 when we were attacked. The emerging Fascist Right politically assaulted President Obama during the Attack on our Embassy in Cairo and while our men were under attack in Benghazi. Then they used that as a spring board for the most egregious political witch hunt since McCarthy.
The Russia Hoax?

It was no hoax. Trumpybear willingly accepted the aid Russia provided his campaign with. He's just that kind of scumbag. It's what he does.
Mueller Report: "no collusion."

Yes, then BlindBoob jumped up and down screaming we got him! We got the bastard!

These people really aren't processing in reality
Americans' strong support for the President's leadership in regard to the pandemic is in stark contrast to the former guy's widely-recognized failure as shown by every public survey I can find

Yes, Democrats are sick fucks who politicized a pandemic. Remember how in the old days like WWII Democrats were actually on our side?

Democrats rallied behind President Bush in 2001 when we were attacked. The emerging Fascist Right politically assaulted President Obama during the Attack on our Embassy in Cairo and while our men were under attack in Benghazi. Then they used that as a spring board for the most egregious political witch hunt since McCarthy.
yeah they rallied around Bush until they weren't anymore. that's fking hilarious.

Wong again. They supported the attack on al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. He didn't start losing support until he started morphing the mission into the invasion and occupation of Iraq!
Americans' strong support for the President's leadership in regard to the pandemic is in stark contrast to the former guy's widely-recognized failure as shown by every public survey I can find

Yes, Democrats are sick fucks who politicized a pandemic. Remember how in the old days like WWII Democrats were actually on our side?

Democrats rallied behind President Bush in 2001 when we were attacked. The emerging Fascist Right politically assaulted President Obama during the Attack on our Embassy in Cairo and while our men were under attack in Benghazi. Then they used that as a spring board for the most egregious political witch hunt since McCarthy.
yeah they rallied around Bush until they weren't anymore. that's fking hilarious.

Wong again. They supported the attack on al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. He didn't start losing support until he started morphing the mission into the invasion and occupation of Iraq!
We occupied Iraq?

Where is all of that oil? Shouldn't we have it if we occupied Iraq?
Americans' strong support for the President's leadership in regard to the pandemic is in stark contrast to the former guy's widely-recognized failure as shown by every public survey I can find

Yes, Democrats are sick fucks who politicized a pandemic. Remember how in the old days like WWII Democrats were actually on our side?

Democrats rallied behind President Bush in 2001 when we were attacked. The emerging Fascist Right politically assaulted President Obama during the Attack on our Embassy in Cairo and while our men were under attack in Benghazi. Then they used that as a spring board for the most egregious political witch hunt since McCarthy.
The Russia Hoax?

It was no hoax. Trumpybear willingly accepted the aid Russia provided his campaign with. He's just that kind of scumbag. It's what he does.
Mueller Report: "no collusion."

Yes, then BlindBoob jumped up and down screaming we got him! We got the bastard!

These people really aren't processing in reality

The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016.

As set forth in detail in this report, the Special Counsel’s investigation established that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election principally through two operations. First, a Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Second, a Russian intelligence service conducted computer-intrusion operations against entities, employees, and volunteers working on the Clinton Campaign and then released stolen documents. The investigation also identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign. Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.
Thanks for the update on Trumps Covid-19 numbers, Hoss. You know it took the Great Obama several months to turn the Bush Recession Economy around too. Too bad dumbshit Don didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation and decided to play politics. It costs hundreds of thousand of lives and his chances at a second term.

And ... this ... is why there is no serious discussion on the matter. Leftists blaming Trump for a virus that was created in China and spread to the world by their policies. And all you see is free government cheese
I have yet to see any free cheese where did you get yours?

People look at you all the time like you're stupid, don't they? I wonder why they do that. Any ideas?
You are the rat that says there is free cheese.
Americans' strong support for the President's leadership in regard to the pandemic is in stark contrast to the former guy's widely-recognized failure as shown by every public survey I can find

Yes, Democrats are sick fucks who politicized a pandemic. Remember how in the old days like WWII Democrats were actually on our side?

Democrats rallied behind President Bush in 2001 when we were attacked. The emerging Fascist Right politically assaulted President Obama during the Attack on our Embassy in Cairo and while our men were under attack in Benghazi. Then they used that as a spring board for the most egregious political witch hunt since McCarthy.
yeah they rallied around Bush until they weren't anymore. that's fking hilarious.

Wong again. They supported the attack on al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. He didn't start losing support until he started morphing the mission into the invasion and occupation of Iraq!
We occupied Iraq?

Where is all of that oil? Shouldn't we have it if we occupied Iraq?

Spoken like a true Trumpsta! Don;t you remember the good times the Iraqis had when they force Bush to set a Withdrawal date. It was a shoe throwing good time for all.

UNITED NATIONS, Dec 22, 2008 The UN Security Council unanimously voted on Monday to recognize the expiration of the mandate of the U.S.-led multinational force in Iraq (MNF-I) by the end of the year.
The 15-member body adopted a U.S.-British resolution " recognizing the expiration of the mandate of the multinational force at the end of December 31 2008," as requested by the Iraqi government.

"This termination marks a turning point for Iraq and the end of an important era for the UN and, above all, the contributing countries to the MNF-I," Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told the council.

Zebari said that Iraq and the United States have negotiated " new security arrangements to direct the future bilateral partnership" between the two countries, including an agreement on the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq and a strategic framework agreement for U.S.-Iraq friendship and cooperation, which have been approved by the Iraqi government and parliament.

Americans' strong support for the President's leadership in regard to the pandemic is in stark contrast to the former guy's widely-recognized failure as shown by every public survey I can find

Yes, Democrats are sick fucks who politicized a pandemic. Remember how in the old days like WWII Democrats were actually on our side?

Democrats rallied behind President Bush in 2001 when we were attacked. The emerging Fascist Right politically assaulted President Obama during the Attack on our Embassy in Cairo and while our men were under attack in Benghazi. Then they used that as a spring board for the most egregious political witch hunt since McCarthy.
yeah they rallied around Bush until they weren't anymore. that's fking hilarious.

Wong again. They supported the attack on al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. He didn't start losing support until he started morphing the mission into the invasion and occupation of Iraq!
We occupied Iraq?

Where is all of that oil? Shouldn't we have it if we occupied Iraq?

Spoken like a true Trumpsta! Don;t you remember the good times the Iraqis had when they force Bush to set a Withdrawal date. It was a shoe throwing good time for all.

UNITED NATIONS, Dec 22, 2008 The UN Security Council unanimously voted on Monday to recognize the expiration of the mandate of the U.S.-led multinational force in Iraq (MNF-I) by the end of the year.
The 15-member body adopted a U.S.-British resolution " recognizing the expiration of the mandate of the multinational force at the end of December 31 2008," as requested by the Iraqi government.

"This termination marks a turning point for Iraq and the end of an important era for the UN and, above all, the contributing countries to the MNF-I," Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told the council.

Zebari said that Iraq and the United States have negotiated " new security arrangements to direct the future bilateral partnership" between the two countries, including an agreement on the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq and a strategic framework agreement for U.S.-Iraq friendship and cooperation, which have been approved by the Iraqi government and parliament.

LOL. Thats what you have to support your position?

Give it a rest.
Thanks for the update on Trumps Covid-19 numbers, Hoss. You know it took the Great Obama several months to turn the Bush Recession Economy around too. Too bad dumbshit Don didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation and decided to play politics. It costs hundreds of thousand of lives and his chances at a second term.

And ... this ... is why there is no serious discussion on the matter. Leftists blaming Trump for a virus that was created in China and spread to the world by their policies. And all you see is free government cheese
I have yet to see any free cheese where did you get yours?

Poor Kaz, wants a serious discussion in thread about how many Joe has killed with Covid since becoming President.

We just want to know what Trump should have done and didnt do.

No one will answer.

This information was known by the administration in early March of 2020. Not only did they not implement or encourage a robust NPI program but continuously ridiculed them. Something the current Administration doesn't do.

Conclusion The NPIs deployed in China appear to be effectively containing the COVID-19 outbreak, but the efficacy of the different interventions varied, with the early case detection and contact reduction being the most effective. Moreover, deploying the NPIs early is also important to prevent further spread. Early and integrated NPI strategies should be prepared, adopted and adjusted to minimize health, social and economic impacts in affected regions around the World.

Thats the best you got?

In January 2020, the Trump administration knew there was a situation at hand and banned travel from China. Trump was referred to as a xenophobe.

So exactly what is Biden doing that Trump didnt do?

Here is an analogy......a man sees a wall that needs to be painted. He orders paint right away. He dies before the paint is delivered. So a new man paints the wall.

Does that mean the man who ordered the paint did nothing? And the new man is the hero?

First of all you asked what he didn't do that he should have done and didn't.

I brought up the UK report because that very report was used by the Right to criticized the Chinese response by pointing out how many could have been saved if they had acted earlier. Trumpybear tweeted reference to that story and that report but failed to take the action here that they were criticizing China for.
Thanks for the update on Trumps Covid-19 numbers, Hoss. You know it took the Great Obama several months to turn the Bush Recession Economy around too. Too bad dumbshit Don didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation and decided to play politics. It costs hundreds of thousand of lives and his chances at a second term.

And ... this ... is why there is no serious discussion on the matter. Leftists blaming Trump for a virus that was created in China and spread to the world by their policies. And all you see is free government cheese
I have yet to see any free cheese where did you get yours?

Poor Kaz, wants a serious discussion in thread about how many Joe has killed with Covid since becoming President.

We just want to know what Trump should have done and didnt do.

No one will answer.

This information was known by the administration in early March of 2020. Not only did they not implement or encourage a robust NPI program but continuously ridiculed them. Something the current Administration doesn't do.

Conclusion The NPIs deployed in China appear to be effectively containing the COVID-19 outbreak, but the efficacy of the different interventions varied, with the early case detection and contact reduction being the most effective. Moreover, deploying the NPIs early is also important to prevent further spread. Early and integrated NPI strategies should be prepared, adopted and adjusted to minimize health, social and economic impacts in affected regions around the World.

Thats the best you got?

In January 2020, the Trump administration knew there was a situation at hand and banned travel from China. Trump was referred to as a xenophobe.

So exactly what is Biden doing that Trump didnt do?

Here is an analogy......a man sees a wall that needs to be painted. He orders paint right away. He dies before the paint is delivered. So a new man paints the wall.

Does that mean the man who ordered the paint did nothing? And the new man is the hero?

First of all you asked what he didn't do that he should have done and didn't.

I brought up the UK report because that very report was used by the Right to criticized the Chinese response by pointing out how many could have been saved if they had acted earlier. Trumpybear tweeted reference to that story and that report but failed to take the action here that they were criticizing China for.
I asked what Biden has done that he didnt do.

But lets forget about that detail.

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