17 Republican Governors Approve More Refugees for their states

Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
My RINO governor also said that. I don't think he's going to keep his job long.
What you guys need to do is find the most rabid, anti-refugee nutcase in each state and primary them RINO fuckers!!!
I would like to see more details on this and the devil is always in the details.
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
The last thing this country needs is more "refugees" from shit holes in the Middle East or Central America.
You and your ancestors are refugees here why the greed? There is room and we need workers according to the Economy.
"Greed?" That's your dumbass argument? The economy doesn't have opinions, moron. We don't need any more people.

Tell me, why would anyone want more refugees from shit hole countries? How do we benefit? If we don't benefit, why do it? It makes as much sense to ask why you don't beat yourself on the head with a hammer.
I would like to see more details on this and the devil is always in the details.
The MONEY is in the details.

I also hear MONEY is the root of all evil.


And that is why I want to see the details!

Do not want to make such assumptions without any evidence and since it is only one source reporting this, it may not be anything out of the ordinary.

Why I want more details and see what it all involves..
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
The last thing this country needs is more "refugees" from shit holes in the Middle East or Central America.
You and your ancestors are refugees here why the greed? There is room and we need workers according to the Economy.
"Greed?" That's your dumbass argument? The economy doesn't have opinions, moron. We don't need any more people.

Tell me, why would anyone want more refugees from shit hole countries? How do we benefit? If we don't benefit, why do it? It makes as much sense to ask why you don't beat yourself on the head with a hammer.
We do benefit from refugees, some states need them because they need the work force, there are areas where they cant hire people because either americans dont want to do the job or because they fail drug tests.
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
The last thing this country needs is more "refugees" from shit holes in the Middle East or Central America.

The only shit holes I see lately seem to be people's minds. Closed tighter than a steel trap.

Refugees benefit us. The Refugee Resettlement Program has been very successful in many communities.

Refugees are Revitalizing Some Great American Cities Facing Decline - Niskanen Center
Refugees bolster flagging populations, expand tax bases, and launch scores of small businesses, transforming once desolate areas into thriving neighborhoods. Resettling families displaced by war is compassionate, but it’s also a smart way to give America’s cities a renewed jolt of energy.

Audrey Singer, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, argues that cities need two things to stay strong: economic activity and population. Refugees provide both. Many of America’s large and mid-sized cities have taken notice. Eighteen cities in the Rust Belt alone have established programs to attract, integrate, and empower refugees.

In the late 1990s, an influx of Bosnian refugees to St. Louis led neighborhoods that been heading toward “ghost-town status” into something much more. The area was, “teeming with new residents and new economic activity.” “Industrious Bosnians”ended up transforming a crime-ridden area into a “decent quarter.”

Of course, integrating refugees isn’t always easy. According to Anna Crosslin, the head of St. Louis’ biggest refugee resettlement agency, some city residents were hostile to the idea of 9,000 Bosnian refugees moving in. “But after a decade or two,” Crosslin says, “that sentiment is basically gone.” She added that letting in thousands of Bosnians was “one of the best things that has ever happened to the city.”

There are other success stories. In Oklahoma City, 7,000 Vietnamese refugees families “helped reshape a dying part” of the city and stabilized a declining neighborhood. In Utica, New York, refugee families now make up 25 percent of the population. “[T]he refugees have renovated and revitalized whole neighborhoods,” says Anthony Picente, Jr., the county’s executive officer.

In Buffalo, refugees have changed “the overall vibe of the area and make it a more desirable place to live,” according to Denise Beehag, director of a local refugee resettlement agency. “They were pretty much the only group that was moving into the west side of Buffalo and taking over those vacant houses and vacant businesses,” she said.

Cities in Midwest, Rust Belt Say They Need Immigrants
An array of Republican and Democratic officials from across the Rust Belt and Midwest are united in concern about President Donald Trump’s clampdown on refugees and certain immigrants for one overriding reason: Their communities need more people.

The refugees making a success of life in the French countryside

Despite Italy’s economic turnaround over the past few years, hundreds of once prosperous Italian villages have become ghost towns as young residents emigrate in search of greater economic opportunity in larger cosmopolitan cities and abroad. In 2016, nearly 2,500 rural Italian towns faced severe demographic decline and even extinction, according to Legambiente, an Italian environmental association. A handful of cities in the southern regions, however, have managed to slow and even reverse their moribund trajectory.

The secret? Locals attribute renewed vitality to the migrants encouraged to settle within their communities. More than just placating demographic woes, the overwhelmingly young migrant population fills vocational and livelihoods gaps that ageing Italian residents—unwilling or unable to leave—cannot. Migrants have managed to both fill and spur the creation of jobs, as well as bolster economic growth.
Good. I hate mowing my lawn and scrubbing my floors. Illegals are the best and cheapest.
The List: 17 GOP Governors Approve More Refugees for their States

Refugee-importing GOP governors are screwing America harder right now than Soleimani and Iran ever have.
I expect this cuckservative governor we have to do the same. He is typical Trump,what he campaigned on and how he is governing are COMPLETELY different. Had a chance to replace Isakson our clown RINO of a senator with a REAL conservative and he nominates a woman RINO pos....he hasn't made a decision yet but his little stunt with the woman he picked to replace Isakson has pissed off a LOT of us who voted for him.
Good for them, our refugee resettlement program has been a good one.
Sure its been great if the goal is the ethnic replacement of the majority in this country...its going swell. In a war its just more enemies though and that's where we are headed.

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